Does Grade Affect Rank and Should it?

I am partially new to the game I've played since january of this year not counting when I played years ago and stopped and never had much questions on the game until now
I am iridescent 2 with 3 pips with killer but all my matches have been survivors who don't have a singular clue what they are doing and it ends up being a massacre but when Im survivor iridescent 3 with 0 pips all my killers have been the most well playing people known to man even flicking with blight and everything and I just want to know if Grade has any effect on that or my matches have just been confuddled and it wasn't the survivors it was me or ranked has no connection with grade
and if it doesn't I think it should as grade can play a large part in how skillful a player is and most players who would want to hangout in lower casual grades won't have to deal with people who don't get off the game like me and want to go against more easier killers
or add an option to play outside of ranked when matchmaking is fixed
No this is not an ego boost I actually prefer my grade to be lower if it does affect matchmaking as I am scared of good survivors with those accursed flashlights and infinite loops and crouch techs ;-;
give me your opinions! and answers
Your grade has nothing to do with who you are being matched with/against.
Matchmaking is based on a hidden rank (also called MMR), which is not set back each month. It’s only affected by kills/escapes (hatch escapes and DCs don’t count here).
also, based on Lobby queue times the matchmaking isnt even that strict as shorter queue times are always favored - just Look at your typical ‚high skill‘ streamers and you will notice their opponents are actually performing mostly like lower/average skilled players0