Unnecessary Removal of Techs happened again

I love the PTB for the most part, but I cannot excuse the fact both Oni's ability to 180 and Skull Merchant's INCREDIBLY SPECIFIC insta-scan techs were patched out for reasons I have no idea of. Ever since the removal of Blight's hug tech, BHVR has slowly cracked down on all these minor techniques that serve to provide killers with more things to do with their powers, and a higher skill ceiling to achieve. Removing these only makes the game simpler, makes killers more repetitive which in a game all about repetition is an awful thing.
For us veterans/experienced players, having more things to do with a power is insanely welcome, especially if it allows something previously impossible to be achieved through practice and skill. I only ask the kind people at BHVR to revert these patches and stop removing every little bit of tech that comes into the game. UNLESS its game-breaking of course like Dracula's instant shapeshifting was. Things like Oni's 180, any hug tech, Demogorgon flying through the air, are incredibly easy to avoid with the TINIEST bit of awareness on what the opponent is doing. Which casual players seem to really lack and thus results in excessive complaints about said situations.
I speak about this because I'm tired about my favorite game removing all the little gimmicks and knick-knacks that keep it refreshing and keep me having more things to learn every time I launch it. Unintentional/fun little quirks to their power can turn a really basic killer into a really interesting one for people like me. And slowly these quirks are just being removed. So please, consider what I'm saying. Please bring some of these techs back, please let us seasoned players have fun. One idea I have is updating the learn to play section to include every killer, and what to watch out for going against them. Just please, I'm tired of the game becoming simpler, boss.
I don't play Oni but I fear that they'll do the same with Pyramid Head. Flicking with his power is what I find the most fun of him and I really don't like this trend of removing skill depth.
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I wonder when they start fixing negative bugs instead of ignoring or making them feature (Knight). Chests screwing Sadako and Xeno is not an issue, but oh no killer can flick…
Funny is excuse used that only PC players can do the flick on Oni doesn't really work, when there used to be time even console could flick.
I am definetly dropping Oni with this nerf and Skully was already in dumbster anyway.1 -
I'm fine with flicks to a point, but realistically a full 180 flick is insane. That being said, I am not really an opponent of Oni's flicks, since as you say, it's skill expression.
But calling insta-scan anything but a bug is insane. I don't care how bad a killer is; allowing an actual bug to make their power unavoidable is silly. A power with no counterplay is bad, regardless of what that power is.2 -
Its always unnecessary if killers cant do their unintended gameplay anymore. Sigh.
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I should've been clearer about the insta-scan bug. It still followed the same rules as normal drone lines where it would only work if they were moving and not crouching, but now ONLY if they were in the southern area of the drone which differs from every single map. Theres more to it but it was so specific that it wasn't even worth patching imo.
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RIP cosmonaut space Billy boi o7
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Removing onis arguably most skill based mechanics is a huge step in a bad direction i understand its not intentional but if wesker hug techs are allowed they i truly believe this should be as well
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flicking 180 is not a "tech", its a low skill cheese tactic you depend on when you aren't good at Oni. he's not supposed to turn that sharply given the speed of his power. you just exploited the poor coding and now it's coming back to haunt you
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skill expression
BOOOOO, did it scare you?
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Oni is considered by many knowledgeable players to be a very well designed killer. Why remove something that makes oni unique? In the case of blight's hug tech removal at least his bump logic is fun and a unqiue power. With flicking being nerfed like this he just becomes another boring killer to face and play, killing the pick rate.
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Hi, 6k hour players here. Both the Skull Merchant tech and less so Oni's 180 flick make the game worse. If you can injure/down someone when you lose the mind game the power is poorly designed.
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There's news.
The 180s on Oni are staying, removing them was an unintended thing.
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I'm always down for Killer nerfs.
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Him saying it a low skill thing is crazy. I am a P100 Deathslinger main and I worry that they will patch every crack and hole, making him less impressive to go against…
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Hi, 3k hour player here. Oni without flick would be incredibly boring for both sides.
If you got downed by it, you are the one who lost mind game…0 -
Rip space Billy and space demo
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Oh yes, buying a pc requires so much skill (which is the only thing you have to do to be able to 180 flick as oni)
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found a controller player
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Yes you did