8.6.0 PTB Feedback

8.6.0 PTB Feedback

Unnecessary Removal of Techs happened again

I love the PTB for the most part, but I cannot excuse the fact both Oni's ability to 180 and Skull Merchant's INCREDIBLY SPECIFIC insta-scan techs were patched out for reasons I have no idea of. Ever since the removal of Blight's hug tech, BHVR has slowly cracked down on all these minor techniques that serve to provide killers with more things to do with their powers, and a higher skill ceiling to achieve. Removing these only makes the game simpler, makes killers more repetitive which in a game all about repetition is an awful thing.

For us veterans/experienced players, having more things to do with a power is insanely welcome, especially if it allows something previously impossible to be achieved through practice and skill. I only ask the kind people at BHVR to revert these patches and stop removing every little bit of tech that comes into the game. UNLESS its game-breaking of course like Dracula's instant shapeshifting was. Things like Oni's 180, any hug tech, Demogorgon flying through the air, are incredibly easy to avoid with the TINIEST bit of awareness on what the opponent is doing. Which casual players seem to really lack and thus results in excessive complaints about said situations.

I speak about this because I'm tired about my favorite game removing all the little gimmicks and knick-knacks that keep it refreshing and keep me having more things to learn every time I launch it. Unintentional/fun little quirks to their power can turn a really basic killer into a really interesting one for people like me. And slowly these quirks are just being removed. So please, consider what I'm saying. Please bring some of these techs back, please let us seasoned players have fun. One idea I have is updating the learn to play section to include every killer, and what to watch out for going against them. Just please, I'm tired of the game becoming simpler, boss.


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