to all people saying "nurse basekit is fine"



  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    "Look Nurse is OP, nobody can loop this killer"

    Me:"You shouldnt loop Nurse, you should play stealthy"

    "What is stealth?"

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    Imagine you put a killer with 5k+ hours experience into a lobby against some random solo survivors who are mediocre at best while using the strongest killer in the game. Yeah, really good example.

    Just watch Marth88s depip squad dominating nurses.

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354
    edited July 2019

    My suggestion for the diagnosis of Iatrophobia (applies to all hospital-based staff)?

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    Broken killer

  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    Once again you are not acknowledging that the best player SHOULD win. Most Nurse's are not as good as Zubat, so he SHOULD dominate with her. No one is arguing that Nurse isn't the best Killer, because she is. But it isn't so wide a margin that you are making it out to be.

    You act like the Nurse is as easy to play with as Wraith... She isn't. She's hard as hell to master. Once you master her you deserve to be rewarded by beating the crap out of players that are worse than you.

    Nurse is high skill, high reward. If you put in the effort to be highly skilled with her then you deserve to be highly rewarded, which most highly skilled Nurses are. And most low skilled ones AREN'T rewarded.

    And if your teams keep getting 4kd by her then I would be willing to bet a large amount of money that you or your team is trying to treat her like every other Killer and you just can't do that. You HAVE to play differently against her or you die. Which is the way it SHOULD be.

    You run Spine chill, Distortion, Urban Evasion, Quick and quiet. You LOS whenever possible, you don't go back to a gen she knows someone is near. You have to PREDICT and get out of an area BEFORE she gets to it. You HAVE to play stealthy. I mean REALLY stealthy. That is her weakness. But no survivor wants to play that way. They think it's boring (even though it's a huge mechanic of the game), or that it's unfair that a Killer makes them alter their play style.

    So what happens? Most survivors DON'T. They run out in the open, they don't LOS, they try and loop, they use windows. They cockily keep working on a gen when she's obviously heading that way. And they pay the price for it.

    Also in before "if hiding from nurse is her counter then they'll just run tracking perks" except no try hard nurse is going to give up Ruin/BBQ//DH/NC/CI/Rancor to do that. Until it becomes meta,a dn then guess what? Now the SURVIVORS have made NURSE change her build.

    Keep doing the same thing against nurse and crying about the same result. And i'll wait for the "insanity" meme to drop 1,000 times over again.

    rewatches Math88's depip squad and laughs even harder at this pointless thread


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    You can't balance the game around cherry picks, I could pick a time where I 4K without add-ons with Leather Face.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2019

    Nurse runs whispers. You die in 6 seconds when your character makes a sound, because you have no good perks.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    So 1 game with good nurse against bad survivors who clumped up in one corner of the map with 1 dc on map with very few LOS blockers proves that nurse is broken ?

    Good then were are much needed Leatherface nerfs since there are games like that also. You said that game is supposed to be balanced around best players and this game definitely didn't showcase the best of what survivors can do. Ofc good nurses will dominate bad survivors which these were so I see no problem here.

    Give us a games where there is 4 man SWF with best perks who know how to gen rush and mindgame nurse otherwise it's not best of both sides facing each other to at least have slight amount of credibility.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Following your logic if someone recorded a clip destroying with say the Doctor I could then say the doctor is OP as well.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Piggy OP. (I didn’t have add-ons) this was before rank reset(the last one).

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    Dude he can only provide so much example in one post. Stop making illogical arguments.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Myers OP.

  • That sucks bud, it's just another nurse nerf. Nurse rework = Nurse is 115%. Nurse now has a power gauge before she can use the power. Nurse also has only 1 blink, but the blink will remain the same other than a penalty for missing and an increased fatigue to make up for it's chase potential. The power gauge takes 60 seconds to refill given how powerful the blink is. Missing with nurse's blink will now cause a full gauge depletion, and the killer will be stunned for 4 seconds to make up for their mistake. Hitting with a blink will apply the deep wound status effect, and the killer can not down a survivor with the blink and must chase with 115%. We did not want to give her the advantage of being able to go from gen to gen without a limit, and given that we did not change the power to make Nurse stay Nurse, we believe it is a justified change to ensure the fun of both the killer and survivor. This change will also reward Nurses who are most experienced, (lolno) while also keeping her balanced and fun to play against.

    What do you want Nurse to do? Get smashed by seal team? I mean, they are the best players and the game should be balanced around best players, right? Next up on the list, Spirit...

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    @Jago I saw his profile before and im pretty sure he only had around 2k hours

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Yeah I don't know precisely, the number is just big, 10k was just to illustrate. Add his previous banned account to the numbers !

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @ScottJund shall I fetch another screenshot?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    She has counter play, it's just difficult, and you'll need to think like a Nurse player.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Blood Lodge isn't really a fair map because it's so open.

    Show me several games of a god Nurse beating god survivors. And I insist on multiple matches because one must account for as many variables as possible.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Can’t we stop with the (quite possibly false) labeling?

  • ThirdSealOPplzNerf
    ThirdSealOPplzNerf Member Posts: 360

    To all people who complain about assymetrically balanced killers with very high skill caps. If someone masters nurse and gets a 4k they deserve it and that how assymetrical games are suppose to play like.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    Sometimes you have to do the unexpected to mind game the Nurse. Listen, these tips aren't going to work 100% of the time, but it's at least something to help you.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Using the highest form of play to bolster your argument isn't going to achieve much.

    Te'll me when midranks start performing like this, and then we can talk.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    this looks reasonable player between new players but i agree

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442
    edited July 2019

    in asia mid rankers perform like this and some people have even better accuracy with better jukers, cause they not much playing this game since not even close to progression as competetive game

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    someday you might fix your mind when you gud enough and thinking nurse is most easiest op character in competetive game history

    even sfv abigail had some balance but fixed in 6months because of top tier and hated

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Mmmm, doesn't really maatter to me, I won't touch her until they remove her breathing ASMR.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    End game nerds were not enough... they need to revert the crouch changes... piggy broken because of this /\

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Why stop their? Make ambush take 13 seconds to activate and remove un-crouching without ambushing

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    And then the survivors will say "BuT NoT eVeRYoNe PlaYs ThAt WaY" ...... well not too many players can do what zubat did in this vid.... I'm one of them...... there are a ton more players that can't do what zubat does...

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