Any plans to remove the locker + DS tech?

For supposedly being an "anti-tunnel" perk, it sure is easy to force the killer to eat the stun.
They haven't even fixed the window tech yet, and that's a minor issue, so I highly doubt it.
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Oh yeah. Almost forgot that phasing through the killer's torso to vault a window was a thing.
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"i want to tunnel without getting punished in any ways at all so please make the perk useless"
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why can't you just stop tunneling and go after someone else? seriously, it's not so hard. if you tunnel someone and they enter a locker, just leave them and patrol gens. or waste your time complaining and waiting in front of the locker, or eat the DS if you want that one survivor that bad
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Thats the issue? Really? i could argue ds is being a problem or not but this...
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"I want my free head start without the killer countering me"
See? I can make condescending quotes too.
Seriously though. It doesn't matter if you're tunneling or not, (not that it matters since tunneling is a valid strategy), it is ludicrous that you can force the killer either eat the stun or waste an entire minute of their time just to punish a mistake.
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DS is already a badly designed perk that rewards mistakes.
Being able to force the killer to eat the stun or waste their time just makes it worse.
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of course you can tunnel if you want but then you should stop complaining about perks that counter tunneling. if those perks are so big issue then stop tunneling lol i seriously don't understand, i never have issue with these perks as killer because i simply don't ######### tunnel.
no one is "forced" to eat the DS, it's their own choice to tunnel and eat DS or waste time. nobody on earth forces them to do that.
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DS doesn't even counter tunneling. If anything, it encourages the killer to eat the stuns early on so they don't become a free escape during the end game.
And please don't give me that laughable excuse about "not being forced to eat the stun". That's like saying you're not forced to save a team mate and get exposed by MYC. It's your direct objective, and the perk punishes you for deciding to complete it efficiently.
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If you mean hopping into a locker with DS, then I have a secret counter:
dont open the locker and go after someone else
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Whoa whoa whoa no logic is allowed here!!!
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Assuming you come back to the hook and tunnel that poor guy just got unhooked otherwise there's no problem with DS, even useless on survivors if the killer don't tunnel, why not go for the rescuer instead.
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please :D tunneling isn't even effective. especially with these perks existing. like i said, it's your own choice to waste your time if you want to tunnel that bad. just start playing normally and stop complaining already. i can start complaining about counterable killer perks too, if i choose to genrush (completing my objective effectively) i get punished by NOED, so if you think DS is "unfair" so is NOED and many other killer perks. DS and NOED are both counterable but people still complain because they're so stubborn to tunnel (killrush) or genrush
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IMO the worst part of DS is not that is a counter for tunneling. It's the fact that is a free escape in the endgame. This perk and BT should not work after all gens are powered.. Its like a noed but for survivors. If the devs take that possibility away i think everyone would be ok with noed to be gone.
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Iron will rewards you for taking a hit as well... so i guess you understand how stupid it sounds " rewards mistakes". And there are plenty of such perks.
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why should you tunnel in endgame? if you played well, everyone alive should be dead on hook or at least struggle. just patrol area near the hook and exit gates, if they try to save, stop them. if they take a hit and unhook just hook them instead of tunneling. endgame makes no real difference
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You way of responding doesn't make any sense its like saying "apply pressure" when you get gen rushed. I gived you facts and arguments of why DS and BT is broken in endgame and you just respond with "if you played well everyone should be dead" and "if they try to save stop them" lol. Like if it was possible with directional unhooks... and theres nothing you can do againts a DS and a BT in endgame, its literally a free escape same lvl of ######### like noed.
If you are not trolling, I think a new meme has born here 🤣
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I second that
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I don't think many killers are annoyed with DS as a whole. It's when it gets abused that it becomes a problem.
You could have every intention to go after the rescuer but the rescuee is bodyblocking you due to bt, you lose the rescuer and are left with the survivor hiding in a locker.
Another scenario is that a survivor with DS goes for the unhook, you grab him...he ds's and goes for the unhook. Then the previous scenario plays out again.
Imo ds shouldn't activate if grabbed.
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i can't take you seriously. i told you ways to counter these perks. they're fine. if you choose to target and tunnel one person, then dont complain when you get counterplayed lol
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taking a hit isn't a mistake tho, it's just how how the game works
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Lol you are the one that cant be taken seriously, i would take you seriously if you give me real arguments and no biased ones. And i never complaint about DS preventing tunneling. You dont even read... I said that DS is broken in endgame and can be abused like many other here agree. Thats its the only real bad thing about DS and BT that in my opinion should not work in EGC or after gens are powered. Its a free escape like a free kill from noed.
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Then if i purposely eat pallet to trigger spirits fury(which is bad play i guess from your point of view) then from your vision that perk rewards bad play as well and should be removed?
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Getting downed on purpose to stun killer with ds( in case killer picks survivor up ) is a tactic too.
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you mean killers is doing his job by chasing survivors and get punished for that? or survivors gets downed (making mistake)and punishes killer for that? Well in that case killer is making mistake by picking up possible ds object before 60 seconds passed away.
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And if you hook the one person and walk away they get saved then you get the rescuer and put them on the hook and the injured survivor with ds comes back unhooks you down them (which you should be rewarded for since the survivor did what would be considered dumb) but no wam ds and now you lost both survivors. Did i tunnel? No was it abused? Yes
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Actually, it was a bad advice, so no logic was involved. If you see a surv hopping into a locker, you should take it, because otherwise it's a wasted time and even bigger lose of momentum. I would even advice to make that surv a priority target from now on because it's guaranteed no DS. Except when there is another surv in about 5 seconds of chase time from you, what usually never a case anyway.
The higher ranks go the less it's killers choice to go for unhooked survivors. It's usually because there is nobody else to go after or because surv on purpose forces killers attention on them, so basically killer have to take that DS from them (if slug is not an option, what locker tech does) and try to capitalize on that (tunnel down the person DSed).
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DS should only activate if the survivor gets unhooked in the killer´s terror radius - then it is a true anti tunnel scenario
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Just eat the DS, then it's one perk they don't have.
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Not only do survivor mains expect Killers to get 12 hooks, but they also expect us to down people 16 times. 😂
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then you simply made a mistake. at that point don't let them unhook, just down them before they unhook
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DS should still work if the Survivor gets pulled out a Locker, reason, because they were tunnelled.
If you're chasing them and DS is active, what's the difference between downing them and picking them up or pulling them out of a Locker?
Honestly, nothing.
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Wraith, Pig, Ghostface & Insidious Bubba say hi.
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Okay i smack them boom borrowed time. Next?
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BT says hello back!
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That's a very, very rare scenario. to think that you instantly hook the unhooker and the unhooked comes back immediately with BT activated. but, there's still a counter: wait a bit before you hook, or push the unhooked survivor away, or smack them before you hook the unhooker. boom, no more BT
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Should i have to though when im not tunneling? Ds is a anti tunnel perk right? So why shouldnt it deactivate if you unhook another survivor. Work on a gen. Or heal a survivor its obvious your not being tunneled then. (Btw survivor main moreso then killer)
(Actually just became rank 3 last game).
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The one thing that amazes me about the forums here, are all the killers that are constantly running in to DS. I see it often but I've never had a problem with it. I think one time because of my own stupidity someone used it and got out. Even as someone who plays more killer, I don't think the perk does enough to address tunneling. If I really want to kill someone and I suspect they have DS, I just wait the 60 seconds and leave them on the ground. Almost every time someone comes to try to save them and so I now have two survivors wasting time not doing generators. I only do that if I really want to eliminate someone for whatever reason but otherwise I don't run into it.
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In my opinion head on is much more of a toxic perk. For one ds can only be done once per game. Head on can be done multiple times a game. And when someone has head on and you see them jump into a locker, if you cant get there in the short amount of time it takes for head on to activate then there is nothing you can do except (1) take the stun or (2) wait until the crows show up.
I just dont understand why taking ds stuns from a locker is complained about so much on here since with head on (a popular perk among red ranks) you'll be taking stuns from lockers all game.
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Don't change that DS thingy please. My killer needs it to change the obsession so I get my fourth BBQ stack and don't loose my tokens on Save the best for last without bringing in a perk myself ;-)
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But those Killers aren't giving off a Terror Radius...
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"Killers" some of us play both sides and i know personally from using ds how busted it is sometimes i have a 4man swf all bt and all ds safe hooks for days. I was just playing today and got to rank 3 actually.
(This picture i took yesterday im not home to get a new one).
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I'm in red rank on PS4 and never have a problem with it. And by saying Killers, I was specifying the people that play killer not necessarily people that only play killer. This feedback is coming from the perspective of a killer, thus my comment is about Killers. Why would I say people that play only killer and also people that play killer and Survivor? Lol I rarely run into BT but that's because I'm almost never in radius to trigger it.
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Bt isnt a problem unless survivors get their way again and make it so if the killer is within a certain radius it activates making even stealth killers effected by it which is unheeded if the killer has no tr make sure its safe to unhook or bt shouldnt be able to save you. DS works on any killer.
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And BT doesn't activate against stealth killers, so I don't get what point you're attempting to make?