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Feedback and Suggestions

Should Spine Chill be nerfed?



  • Member Posts: 3,703


    And quite possibly the quickest 'No' I have ever posted.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    No. It has counter play and it's the ONLY counter for stealthy killers such as gf, Wraith and piggy. It's also an amazing counter to spirit who doesn't actually have too many amazing counters.

  • Member Posts: 1,414

    I kid you not, in this very thread are an ever growing list of counter arguments that no one seems to read. I'll add to it now.

    Just because you personally think it's useless does not make it true. It has already been extensively discussed as to why Spinechill is so powerful.

    Dbd's balancing has changed over the years, yes. But decision to have perks that act as counters is outdated when compared to how the game is now. The fact that the game was once balanced like this, (during which it was basically a different game altogether), does not make Spinechill balanced now.

    Again, your personal opinion does not make the perk good or bad.

    There is no single killer perk that comes close to Spinechill in terms of utility, as I have already said. Your comparison is false

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited June 2020

    Spine Chill is fine to me, because it is mostly good against stealth killers while in stealth. That’s it.

    During chases this perk is not that useful unless you’ve already gained distance (which only then the only info you get is that they might still be following you) because if you’re in a tile you don’t know which way the killer is coming from you still need to look either behind you or from other angles.

    It’s a balanced perk. Just as other killer perks where a survivor wouldn’t anticipate a killer are also balanced.

  • Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2020


    I think Spine Chill is fine:

    1. not everybody run spine chill
    2. it tells you that the killer look at you, but you don’t know where he is (that’s what Premonition does)
    3. just a little vaulting boost
    4. it‘s much weaker than all the killer wallhacks
    5. killer have a lot of perks with more than one benefit for example bbq: aura + bloodpoints, noed & devour: onehit + faster movementspeed, bloodwarden: exitblock + aura

    There are a lot of unbalanced things in the game and you talk about spine chill... funny. What’s with all this op killer addons like iris, mirror myers, wallhack wraith or the perk stridor, there is no counter in game only if you run iron will + no mither^^

  • Member Posts: 1,414
    1. Not everyone. But anyone who wants to perform as best as possible will. Invalid argument.
    2. That fact that it isn't premonition also isn't an argument.
    3. Combine it with Resilience and an experienced survivor. See how "little" that boost is.
    4. Another mute argument where you compare things not even remotely related. Every single killer perk that has aura reading as some sort of requirement. BBQ requires a hook, Bitter Murmur requires the survivors be near a gen when it pops unless it's the last gen, NOED and Devour aren't even remotely comparable since they can be permanently disabled for the entire game and don't offer information. BW is one use and the aura reading is easily avoided by just not going near the exit gates once it's triggered and waiting out the timer.
    5. Spinechill is unbalanced. Has no one read my reasons as to why? All of the arguments to the contrary that I've seen are the exact same. And each time I give my counter arguments, but I just keep seeing people reusing the same ones as before.
  • Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2020

    Your idea was „buffing“ premonition by nerfing spine chill, that doesn’t make sense.

    If a survivor use spine chill and goes against a stealthkiller he has a benefit of this situation and if he run OoO against stealthkiller he has a problem. If a survivor use selfcare or inner strength and go against a plague he lost a perk...

    That‘s the risk of choosing a killer or a perksetting and makes the matches more exciting.

    It seems you just want the easiest way to get 4K without any risk.

    And btw, why you ignore my opinion about wallhack-addons? If the killer drops lerrys, the game or laboratories than it’s a easy win for killer without a counter... is that balanced?

  • Member Posts: 40

    I agree with some changes to this perk, specially by making a point that it turns premonition very useless, and a worse choice compared to SC.

    I would suggest the following changes to SC:

    1st: Reduce the distance from 36 to 28 meters, and remove the speed gain only to vault actions.

    2nd: Turn the perk to be activated and grant its current effects only when the survivor is injuried.

    3rd: Turn the perk to be activated only when inside the killer's terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 40

    that guy Freankprince obviously dont know a thing about balance. he doenst consider the other circunstances of the game itself, like its 4vs1, there are maps way too big that doenst benefit some killers, quite has the opposite effect. He probably uses instadowns builds, along some other smallbrain builds with killers. and then he gets to red ranks, selfthink as a pro, and comes here to trash-talk. Lame, just ignore him.

  • Member Posts: 40

    I agree with some changes to this perk, specially by making a point that it turns premonition very useless, and a worse choice compared to SC.

    I would suggest the following changes to SC:

    1st: Reduce the distance from 36 to 28 meters, and remove the speed gain only to vault actions.

    2nd: Turn the perk to be activated and grant its current effects only when the survivor is injuried.

    3rd: Turn the perk to be activated only when inside the killer's terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 40

    that guy Freankprince obviously dont know a thing about balance. he doenst consider the other circunstances of the game itself, like its 4vs1, there are maps way too big that doenst benefit some killers, quite has the opposite effect. He probably uses instadowns builds, along some other smallbrain builds with killers. and then he gets to red ranks, selfthink as a pro, and comes here to trash-talk. Lame, just ignore him.

  • Member Posts: 40

    I agree with some changes to this perk, specially by making a point that it turns premonition very useless, and a worse choice compared to SC.

    I would suggest the following changes to SC:

    1st: Reduce the distance from 36 to 28 meters, and remove the speed gain only to vault actions.

    2nd: Turn the perk to be activated and grant its current effects only when the survivor is injuried.

    3rd: Turn the perk to be activated only when inside the killer's terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 40

    that guy Freankprince obviously dont know a thing about balance. he doenst consider the other circunstances of the game itself, like its 4vs1, there are maps way too big that doenst benefit some killers, quite has the opposite effect. He probably uses instadowns builds, along some other smallbrain builds with killers. and then he gets to red ranks, selfthink as a pro, and comes here to trash-talk. Lame, just ignore him.

  • Member Posts: 807
  • Member Posts: 2,171

    No. Spine Chill is strong, but it doesn't need a nerf.

    It's one of the like 10 perks in the entire game that actually helps you in a number of situations without needing the stars to properly align first. I don't see how that's a bad thing.


    How about instead of asking "should Spine Chill be nerfed" we ask "should Premonition be buffed" and "should Stealth Killers be buffed".

    Same general idea for NOED, DS, and what ever else it's popular to gripe about.

    We have a ton of stuff in this game that sits in the dumpster and never sees the light of day besides random perk wheels, meme builds, and adept trophy attempts.

    Maybe instead of arguing that we should throw some strong and versatile thing into that ever expanding mass of mostly worthless trash, we suggest buffs for some the garbage stuff?

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    I would argue that the learning curve justifies its value. If something is really powerful in the hands of someone who has practiced, why not let it be really powerful? I am not a fan of "Tiger-proofing" stuff in this way.

    As far as Spine Chill's value on indoor maps -- maybe I'm just not good enough at using it on those maps. I'm all ears for tips, though. I just really don't do well on super-claustrophobic maps.

  • Member Posts: 732
    edited June 2020

    I've read this whole thing (yeah even those guys arguing about ranks for some reason) and my answer is still a no.

    You can moonwalk/whatever if you don't want it to be triggered. Which yeah means that the killer has to change their entire way of playing blah blah. You can also not do that and focus on finding the survivors quickly if you know they're there for whatever reason (Discordance, BBQ, etc). "But the killer loses time they could spend chasing!!!" Yeah so what? Perks are supposed to be useful and have some impact on the game. Spine Chill's impact is that: it gives a small heads-up to the survivor so that they can look around and try to hide/get away from that place/whatever. Most killers will find you anyway, unless they're mediocre. Don't forget that killers can also run information-giving (?) perks like Whispers that will assure them the survivor is still there and that they should look more thoroughly.

    Also, survivors have to adjust the way they play based on the killer they're facing, the add-ons and the perks that the killer is running. If a killer is running BBQ for example you waste a bunch of time hiding from it. You can't play against a Doctor the same way you play against Plague, nor against Nurse. You need to do different things for every killer and that is fine. Survivors only have their perks to rely on, so if you have to change your playstyle a bit because of whatever perks they're running, then that's fine too.

    What is Spine Chill even good for? The speed boost isn't that huge, and it requires the killer to be looking at you, so you're at risk most of the time it's working. It can be good during chase when you combine it with Resilience, which only works if the survivor is injured btw, so that's a combination of /two/ perks that can be easily countered by any good insta-down killer. It's kinda useless against TR killers (casting the speed bost aside) because they have their TR for you to know that they're coming for you, you don't need Spine Chill for that. And yes, it is strong against stealthy killers, but it's not like it completely stops them. They can still approach you, you still have to find out where tf they're coming from (Pig and Ghost Face can be tough to spot on many maps, I sometimes have to look around like crazy to find out WHERE in hell they're looking at me from exactly). Most of them can still do their thing and find you minus perhaps Ghost Face who will have it a bit more difficult than the rest? Idk because I don't play him but anyway. At the end of the day Spine Chill will only be truly useful against stealthy killers and may /occasionally/ save you with its speed boost. There are 4 stealth killers in the game (5 if you count Deathslinger's bullshit M&A terror radius), and none of them is even in the meta right now as far as I know. So at best you will face these guys 1 in every 4 matches?

    Idk I typed so much I already got confused by my own post but my point here is that the fact that a perk counters some killers... a bit? doesn't mean it's OP. If anything it's one of the few perks that encourages the original intent of hide and seek this game used to have, instead of endless pallet looping. And overall I feel that the game has much more worse problems than Spine Chill. Those stealthy killers you mention could even get some buffs instead, specially Myers.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Now that I have made my serious input, I'll say that if it comes with a nerf to BBQ and to Deathslinger's bullshit TR I will accept whichever Spine Chill nerf you all want no questions asked.

  • Member Posts: 606

    SC tells you the killer is looking your direction and 32m away or closer...nothing else. If you incorrectly predict which direction the killer is approaching from (if they’re even going after you, could be another person), you can find yourself outpositioned and hit.

  • Member Posts: 22,842

    Spine chill is fine and shouldn't be nerfed. It has countwrplay if you fear a survivor is running it, and 36m advance warning isn't typically enough to make it very far without leaving scratches and therefore showing exactly where you are.

    Let's not nerf one of the only non-meta survivor perks that's good, please. I don't want to see MORE people complain about seeing nothing but meta meta meta.

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    I don't believe so, if I think they have it because they zoom away quicker than normal I just crabwalk or moonwalk back. If anything, maybe deactivate it while being stalked since the killer is forced to look at you.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    And I said sweaty meta perks. DH, BT, DS and the like. You know. The perks killers are constantly complaining about.

  • Member Posts: 629

    No, it’s one of the perks that are outside the current meta that I like using.

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  • Member Posts: 786

    HAHAHA I’m dying imagining complaining about spine chill gosh what has this game come to .

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    As people have said already, look away from the generator you're approaching. Former Legion mains from initial release should know the strategy well enough as it's the same as chasing Survivors in a way that keeps you out of chase.

    Walk like a crab and sideways shuffle ^_^

  • Member Posts: 745

    So having a counter without using a perk or addon proves your point, that the perk is too strong?

    I completely disagree and think that Spine Chill is in a good spot. It has counters and provides you with good information. I'm kinda shook that no one is making a thread of how Kindred is too strong. I run it with Open Handed and Holy. I love it.

  • Member Posts: 70

    Imagine wanting to nerf Spine Chill...

  • Member Posts: 745

    So let's talk abou the pros and conts of Spine Chill.

    + Tells you that the killer is looking into your direction

    + Tells you that the killer is possibly coming to your gen, if he is looking into that direction for longer than 2 seconds

    + Increasing action speeds (the vaulting buff is pretty useful)

    + Increases the chance for a skillcheck

    - Doesn't tell you from which direction the killer is coming

    - Decreases the skillcheck field

    - Can make you too stealthy = You're maybe wasting too much time (For example when someone is getting chases nearby and the killer is just looking bcs he is breaking a palett or whatever)

    What can the killer to do counter it?

    Moonwalk or come from a different direction so the survivor could possibly run into the killer. There are perks that provides you with the same information (= tells you where the survivor is) like Rancor, Infections Fright, Hex: Retribution, Spies From The Shadows and Whispers of course. Those are actually good or kinda okay'ish perks to run as a killer. And you don't even need those because Spine Chill is not that strong imo. It is useful but it doesn't completely counter killers/stealth killers like OoO did before or Kindred kinda does. You can play around that perks and it is one perkslot without maybe perks like Unbreakable, Adrenalin, DS etc. I think Spine Chill just counters a sniping huntress (just in range), JokeFace and Spirits Phase Walk. Spine Chill really just hurts Ghost Face but even then you can play around it (Depending on map).

    I think that is why people don't see why you whish for nerfs instead of maybe asking for buffs for perks that could give killers the same information or a counter.

  • Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2020

    My point was that it's not as powerful as you're making it out to be, and you really are just bitching and asserting your opinion as fact. Spinechill can't help you against a good killer. Maybe you should get better if you are playing killer. I've gone against spine chill gamers as killer and there hasn't been much problem. I lose some, win some, I'm not the best. Would never say I was. You, however, are being a hypocrite here pretending your opinion matters more than it does.

    EDIT: Forgot to add, if you're really having a problem, use Whispers or Stridor for the killer equivalent. If you want to moan on about Spinechill, let's talk about those as well.

  • Member Posts: 681

    Spine chill is fine. I even like it at tier 1.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    The devs like cooldowns nowadays... give it a 60 second cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 102

    LMAO!!! ALL of this opinionated! I can easily throw the "just because you believe that doesn't make it true" argument at you all day. Until you can provide me with factual data that proves spinechill is op, all I have is you stuck in your opinion and throwing every counter argument you can.

    After reading through this thread and all of your responses I get the feeling that you main a stealth killer, had a bad run of getting schooled by spinechill players, and it can't be your fault bc "you're so dope at this game so it's gotta be the perk is op!", hence the post.

    You can't bend this game to your will because it doesn't belong to only you. You're in the minority on this one, deal with it.

  • Member Posts: 3,477

    Perhaps let stealth killers be excluded from SC. Would be more fun for everyone, perhaps survivors who wants easy games and no jumpscares would complain, but they will always complain anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited June 2020

    "Guys I have to turn my camera backwards, Spine Chill OP"

    It really isn't that hard to face the opposite way for a solid 6-8 seconds. I do it all the time when I know they have Spine Chill, and it works just fine.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited June 2020

    BBQ only "forces" Survivors' position, not their movement. The only Survivor perk that affects where the Survivor can and cannot look is Object of Obsession, and that perk can be opted out of (i.e. not equipped). Killers cannot opt out of being revealed by Spine Chill.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    I have to agree with Space 2 reasons!

    1. It takes away the element of surprise from stealth killer's and having to moonwalk constantly to avoid the perk is just stupid
    2. Vault build! The devs implemented the slow vault for a reason, and the fact that Spine Chill is 1 of the 2 or 3 perks to help bypass that, something needs be addressed about it which is why I think it needs to be put on a cooldown

  • Member Posts: 158

    This is such a silly thing for killers to have to do lol. Spine chill is OP af. I know, i use it literally every game along with borrowed time. You're damn right it helps with stealthy killers!

    Should it be nerfed? Yeah but it's one of a few op survivor perks. What needs to happen is they need to buff other useless perks at the same time as nerfing the OP ones you see every game (BT, DS, DH, SC, off the top of my head) create more viable variety

  • Member Posts: 177

    “Oh boy it’s daily rant about how survivors are overpowered!” Spine chill only gives you a yellow bar when you’re looking at them and even then it’s not much and the only good combo it has is with resilience or lithe, due to the fact one is for gens while the other is escaping, does it synergize well yes does it need to be nerfed well no, due to the fact you guys can one see if someone with spinechill is working on a gen with someone due to discordance, or doesn’t matter with anything if you have noed and also doesn’t matter if they have it if you have devour cause if you’re monitoring your totems all you have to do is constantly check that one or just run devour on trapper like me and forget about it, spinechill only gives a small 6% boost to anything but has a 10% rate for more skill checks while success zones are reduced by 10% honestly if you want them to nerf spinechill then they have to nerf something that gives you guys the advantage as well like whispers for example which basically screams here I am or infectious fright or bitter murmur, rancor etc point being there’s a lot of op perks but honestly neither side really has it easier unless you’re bubba then basically a gg cause nothing matters when you play him you cloud equip 0 perks and still win as him due to the fact he’s a 9 year old could win with him, main thing I’m trying to say is if someone’s running spinechill just run noed or one of the many op perks you have and say f it

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    Don't nerf Spine Chill, buff Premonition.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    There is a difference between OP and strong, OP is overpowered, which it isn't that means that there are no counters whatsoever, strong it is but it doesn't need a nerf, maybe just like you said buff useless perks like premonition and such.

    P.S: nice name, lord and saviour

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    I don't even need to look at the screen with Spine Chill equipped.

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  • Member Posts: 158

    I don't think any perk should be so strong that you're at a disadvantaged for not bringing, that's what OP means to me. But then again you're at a major disadvantage not playing in SFW so idk. Really truly the whole role needs a kind of revamp which to match with what the game is now vs what it was when it started. I don't think will happen but who knows, at the very least they should take a loot at all the perks. Promotion is a perfect example of a worthless perk but most of the others are only marginally better and then there's a certain group that feel like must haves.

    Also Jim Pickens for DBD 2020 <3

  • Member Posts: 188

    please no.....Survivors dont really have many perks that are strong, spine chill is really niche anyways. If you have ears and self awareness you dont need the perk, this perk is fine, the perk does not need to be gutted.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    If Jim Pickens gets added into dbd, now he would need a nerf since he can use and do everything.

    Just like how a streamer says "swf needs a nerf but buff solo and killer" Idk how that would be easy to accomplish, but I really don't think spine chill is that good, it is always good to know if a killer is looking at you but now that I've been playing more wraith, I really believe it shouldn't work with undetectable since it really doesn't make sense to know if a killer is looking at you when stealthy killers are "undetectable" for some reason I don't mind spine chill when I play ghostface, Myers, deathslinger and pig but when I'm using wraith it feels like too much.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    What no? That's what good perks are suppose to do. Give you an interresting benifit that forces the opposing side to change their playstyle to work around it.

    Noticing someone has spine chill and being able to catch them ofguard by crabwalking makes you feel like a 378IQ player

    There should be more perks like spinechill that give the player a benifit but can be outplayed if the opposing player catches on to it.

    If you could play the exact same way regardless of perks then the game becomes a snooze fest really quickly

  • Member Posts: 732

    I swear people keep insisting that "Spine Chill is OP because the killer has to change their playstyle to counter it" like it's a bad thing. That is literally the point of perks. Giving the people who run them some sort of advantage, and the people who face them a disadvantage that forces them to play in different ways.

    And this applies to killer perks too, needless to say. I could name countless killer perks that force a different playstyle from survivors. Infectious Fright forces survivors to stay away from whoever is in chase. BBQ forces survivors to hide in some way each time a teammate is about to get hooked. Discordance makes it so that 2 survivors working on the same gen at the same time becomes risky. Any decent Hex perk forces survivors to spend time (sometimes A LOT of time) looking for its Hex totem. Lightborn pretty much disables flashlights.

    I could go on and on but I think my point is clear. And don't get me wrong: it's fine that these perks work like this. They are what makes the game a bit more diverse and interesting ---and thus makes it more fun. The idea that a perk changing the opposing side's playstyle is a bad thing is... quite harmful, in my opinion. Perks SHOULD have an impact on the game.

  • Member Posts: 158

    Yeah it's weird because a lot of other perks like dark sense don't work with undetectable. One of the many reasons i think it's god tier. As a killer tho i never really pay much attention

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