Please check if your issue has already been reported first!

When reporting a bug, please follow the template provided, otherwise the report will be declined. The information requested is vital to allow us to correctly reproduce and then fix what you are reporting.




  • lostkq
    lostkq Member Posts: 162
    • PC
    • Florida, America
    • Around 9:34 (But it happens constantly.)

    Sorry if theres anything above it, but i played a kyf against my friend after this <3

  • ImLeslieKetamine
    ImLeslieKetamine Member Posts: 119


    NA (Illinois)

    As for a timezone, it's been happening pretty much everyday ever since the map changes.

    What will happen is that everything will be completely fine, and then suddenly the survivors will endlessly run in a straight line and ignore all my hits on them for around ten or so seconds before I am disconnected. I am given the points I had earned up to that point, but get hit with a DC penalty.

    I am up to a six hour penalty now, and have no idea what could be causing this.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127


    Western Australia

    8:40 PM

    Admittedly my own internet is unreliable, but it hasn't disconnected me out of the match before.

  • wussyboi2000
    wussyboi2000 Member Posts: 73


    São Paulo / Brazil

    2:27 PM / 4 June 2020

    This time it crashed and said "No Network Connection" instead of the usual "Disconnection From Host". My internet was fine.


  • PatBrutal
    PatBrutal Member Posts: 565
    edited June 2020

    Thanks a lot for you help everyone, I have forwarded all your information to the team in charge. I will poke you if they need something specific.


  • wussyboi2000
    wussyboi2000 Member Posts: 73


    São Paulo / Brazil

    5:20 PM / 4 June 2020

    Again, same day. Went to pick up an object from the ground, got stuck and "Disconnection From Host" + DC penalty


  • lostkq
    lostkq Member Posts: 162

    Holy ######### ######### bro this ######### is so ######### annoying i get banned DAY AFTER ######### DAY BECAUSE OF THIS ######### I HAVE A 48 HR BAN DUE TO THIS GARBAGE ######### GAME

    PC United states, Florida

    Happened today at 6/5/2020 12:58

    This error has Been happening to me since dc bans became a thing and ive not been able to play more then 4 games a day due to this , i get banned constantly therefore increasing the time every time i play, its so ######### annoying bro i consistantly get 24 hr bans and now i have a 2 day ban. ######### is this ######### man.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    PC - Brazil/São Paulo

    Had this issue in the beginning of the afternoon, but I have it all the time, I'm now banned for two days due to this bug.

  • Jewman
    Jewman Member Posts: 1

    I keep getting this Quit game error, it forces me to quit the game, which gives me the penalty timer. Which i had up to 30minutes last week. I dont DC from the games, this freaking bug keeps forcing me to do so. SOOOO frustrating! I have validated my steam files just like it says too, and my steam files are good. this bug occurs about every 2 hours of non stop game play. Its hard to want to play the game or even play the game when I keep getting this error even more so when my brother is able to get on, oh, now i have to wait 30 minutes. t h a n k s D B D. Attached is a picture of the error i get.

  • Soullessplayer
    Soullessplayer Member Posts: 5

    Plataforma: Pc


    Região São Paulo,brasil

    Em varias partidas, eu vou fazer uma ação meus amigos falam que eu estou correndo infinitamente, dai aparece a mensagem de que eu fui "desconectado host".

    peguei ban de 30minutos por te sido desconectado 3 vezes no dia.

  • ImLeslieKetamine
    ImLeslieKetamine Member Posts: 119

    Hello, just adding onto my report. This exact same thing has been happening to me ever since the map changes.

  • phineaw
    phineaw Member Posts: 2


    The game breaks every time the match starts. The monitor turns black, the computer is very noisy, the only way out is to turn off the computer. Please help solve this problem.

  • RandDBD
    RandDBD Member Posts: 93

    Your platform

    PS4, wired Ethernet connection

    Which region are you from

    North America, Mexico

    The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue)

    6:00 pm Mexico City time, GMT - 5

    It also happened at 12pm and 2pm

    Video proof

    I'm at 6 hours ban. I have uninstalled the game from my PS4, will reinstall as soon as I see the devs offered a definitive solution.

  • wussyboi2000
    wussyboi2000 Member Posts: 73


    São Paulo / Brazil

    8:50 PM / 6 June 2020

    Started healing, crashed and got the "Disconnection From Host" bug + DC penalty

  • ScarletAzriel
    ScarletAzriel Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2020


    North America (Eastern Canada Region Specifically)

    Disconnecting from both killer and survivor games throughout the past two weeks or so. DC occurred twice in a row tonight (June 6th around 11pm-12am) in two different killer games. Games work perfectly fine, no lap or fps drop, then suddenly game stops and it sends me to main screen saying "No network connection", I still have wifi when it happens proven by being in a ps4 party chat with another player and the voice chat not disconnecting or buffering, as well as ps4 still being connected to wifi when i leave DBD to check after a disconnect occurs.

    After the error occurs i can enter the main menu again right away and I am receiving the DC penalty.

    I attempted to reinstall the game and play another killer game but yet again the same thing happened.

    Hopefully there is a fix to this soon as im trying to finish this rift (I made it to 50 and bought it) but i wont be able to finish if i cant play the game due to disconnections and the time penalty

  • ClammerKings
    ClammerKings Member Posts: 1


    Oceania (NZ)

    Disconnecting when in lobby, in que and in game, happened 6+ times in 3 hour span resulting

    in a ban.... thanks servers.

  • XFreeBG
    XFreeBG Member Posts: 4



    it has disconected me around 20 times in the last month and the time of the day doesn't matter. It happens in every time of the day

    i dont have the logs cuz im preinstalling the game when i right that.

  • wussyboi2000
    wussyboi2000 Member Posts: 73


    São Paulo / Brazil

    0:00 AM / 8 June 2020

    I was on hook and the game crashed. "Disconnection From Host" + DC penalty

  • desimone93
    desimone93 Member Posts: 2

    Xbox One X

    North America, United States

    Twice between 11:40pm and 11:58pm on June 7th.

    This has been happening for over a week now and I've had bans unfairly added since getting disconnected from the host.

  • wussyboi2000
    wussyboi2000 Member Posts: 73


    São Paulo / Brazil

    7:55 PM / 8 June 2020

    "Disconnection From Host" + DC penalty

  • SantiagoNkm
    SantiagoNkm Member Posts: 1


    Formosa, Argentina

    Tuesday, June 9, 2020: 12:00 AM (GMT-3)

    This bug has been happening every single day, and just now I got a 1 hour penalty and I'm afraid to play again and get a higher penalty. Please fix this asap

    LECHUZ_A Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2020


    Corrientes, Argentina

    Tuesday, June 9, 2020, around 11:30 (GMT-3)

    This bug is happening a lot, this is the 6th time and I have to wait 7 hours to play again, playing as killer the game stops but you can still hear the things and then the loading screan appears, please fix asap.

    Post edited by LECHUZ_A on
  • ShawarmaSeller
    ShawarmaSeller Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2020


    Ukraine, Donetsk region (Kramatorsk city)

    Start often happen this week, the last one DC 10/06/2020 23:30-23:40

    I usually play this game on my holidays, starting almost from its release. And I have never had such problems before. Now, starting from the previous week, I was thrown out of stability every 5-6 matches and receive a penalty. I got the last penalty for an hour. (have something like 5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes before)

    Also i want to add, that somehow it always save my progression. i mean i receive my BP and sometimes even rank up from these disconnected matches

    Update: another one today 17:40.

    Post edited by ShawarmaSeller on
    LECHUZ_A Member Posts: 13


    Corrientes, Argentina

    Wednesday, June 10, 2020, around 10:45 (GMT-3)

    This bug is happening a lot, I alredy reported one yesterday and now it happened again but with a 24 hour penalty.

  • wussyboi2000
    wussyboi2000 Member Posts: 73


    São Paulo / Brazil

    2:47 PM / 10 June 2020

    I was doing a gen and crashed and got "Disconnection From Host" + DC penalty

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    I'm not sure, but maybe the problem is related to steam. I was playing CS:GO and randomly disconnected from the match, even though I had perfect internet, just like it happens in DBD. The good thing is that I get the chance to reconnect in CS:GO, in DBD I get straight up banned...

  • MrPotato
    MrPotato Member Posts: 71



    It can occur at any time it seems, this one happened at 5:24

    This has been happening for a few weeks now and I can't take it anymore, 30 minutes is far too long for something I didn't even do and I bet if I play again it will be a day or something.

    LECHUZ_A Member Posts: 13


    Corrientes, Argentina

    Thursday, June 11, 2020, around 11:50 (GMT-3)

    It happened again, my penalty for last time (24 hours) was removed, and in the 3rd match of the day it happened with a 48 hour penalty, its getting pretty annoying but it looks like you fix it fasts.

  • cedarrsage
    cedarrsage Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2020


    Washington D.C. area

    12:41, but this has been happening all morning.

    Date: 11 June 2020

    My ban times are only climbing. I can't play killer, can't play survivor, and my internet connection is good.

    Post edited by cedarrsage on
  • Flippyo2
    Flippyo2 Member Posts: 1


    San Diego, CA

    Date: 11JUN2020

    Time: 2115

    Got the error that my session timed out in the middle of a game. Got the 5 minute penalty for 'disconnecting'.

    LECHUZ_A Member Posts: 13


    Corrientes, Argentina

    Friday, June 13 2020, around 13:00 (GMT-3)

    Again, 72 hour penalty because the game disconnected me, the last penalty wasnt remove so I had to wait 2 days to play again just to get disconnected again. The panalty should be removed if the game disconnect you, or remove that the penalty is bigger the more times you "Disconnect", but right now I only want my penalty to be removed.

  • wussyboi2000
    wussyboi2000 Member Posts: 73


    São Paulo / Brazil

    11:40 PM / 13 June 2020

    I got the "Disconnection From Host" bug but I did NOT get a DC penalty this time! That's good, at least.

  • FelipeM182
    FelipeM182 Member Posts: 3

    Plataforma: Pc

    Time: Saturday, june 13, 11:26

    Região Rio Grande do Sul,Brazil

    My game randomly crash when i pick up some survivor on the ground or when i will put a survivor on the hook.

    I still win blood point, but lost rank and i receive the time ban.

    This its happen at least one to two times per day, it's becoming annoying

  • ShawarmaSeller
    ShawarmaSeller Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2020


    Ukraine, Donetsk region (Kramatorsk city)

    3 days were without crashes. and now again.

    5 seconds after the start of the trial. 17:15. Penzlty for a hour

    20:25. 6 hour penalty

    Post edited by ShawarmaSeller on
  • wussyboi2000
    wussyboi2000 Member Posts: 73


    São Paulo / Brazil

    4:20 AM / 15 June 2020

    "Disconnection From Host" bug while I was on hook + DC penalty

  • WalleBE
    WalleBE Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2020


    Cologne, Germany

    15 / 06 / 2020 about 11:30 am.

    It already happened many many times and it is always the same. At a random point in the game the game freezes and I can not even look around. The game sound stays the same. For example if the game freezes while I am chased by the Killer I can still hear the normal sound of the Killers heartbeat. After a couple seconds i am in the end screen (where you can see your stats and how much BP you made) and it says "You were disconnected from the host" and it shows to me that the Killer disconnected, but I know that I got disconnected because it once happened when I was playing with my friend and he did not disconnect and the Killer did not disconnect either. They were playing the game and in the end it showed that I disconnected. But the weirdest thing to me is that I still get the BP I earned throughout the game and get to keep my Item. I reinstalled the game two times but it did not change. And my internet is not the problem because dbd is the only game this occurs and my Discord call does not get disconnected. I currently have my second 24h ban.

    Edit: 17 / 06 / 2020 about 9:40 am.

    Same thing just that it happned on my first Game and I now have a 48h ban. I still get my BP as if the Killer disconnects but yet I still get a ban as if I disconnect.

    Last time I was too dumb to find my log data because I searched in Roaming but now I have it.

    Post edited by WalleBE on
  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169
    edited June 2020

    I don't know if you guys still read this thread but I got some info on the issue.

    I was playing SWF with another friend, and when I DCed, another random also Dced at the same time I did, around 3:20 PM in Brazil, PC

  • gjcmu2018
    gjcmu2018 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2020


    NA (Washington State)

    Multiple times between 19:00-24:00 on 06/15/2020 and 00:15 on 06/16/202

    Disconnects at random times for no known reason

  • ShawarmaSeller
    ShawarmaSeller Member Posts: 5


    Ukraine, Donetsk region (Kramatorsk city)

    19:00 - 20:00

    Also i just found out that DC most of the time appears after i start some specific action like ability of legion, grab survivors, close hatches. I dont want to sound rude, but please, can someone at least answer something or tell what can be the problem here (even if it appears really messing from my provider, it would be better than just silence). Because i am not sure does someone even read these reports from players. Sorry for my English. I am just upset that cant even properly play new patch

  • Hunterj080
    Hunterj080 Member Posts: 3


    North America 

    Just got a 6 hr ban have have been kicked out multiple times in multiple games. I will be performing an action or walking and my game will jitter for a sec and kick me out. Opposed to other games where if I lag out everyone will just run in place for a second and I get booted. I’m not sure what causes me to get kicked out but a little revision to the Penalty would help since there’s no way for me to play if this bug happens to me and it’s very unfun to have to sit and wait on a penalty that’s not my fault. Never got disconnected before dedicated servers either.

  • leno
    leno Member Posts: 53

    Ps4 Europe GMT +2

    Last evening/night (june 16-17) multiple disconnects, very frequent after midnight. Game claims occasionally no internet connection but it's fine on my end.

  • Redgomor1
    Redgomor1 Member Posts: 1

    Playing on the Switch, from Germany.

    For 1-2 Weeks now I get random freezes in Game. Doesnt matter which time of the day and which killer survivor I play.

    2-3 matches fine, next Match starts, I do something, Game freezes.

    First Game after penalty, Game starts, I move around, random freezes. Screen turns Black, loading screen, and then Main screen with "no network" which is not true because my Internet Works and is really fast.

    First I thought it's a one time Thing.

    But it happend so Often now that I have a 48 hour penalty now on my first Account.

    I made a second Account because i wanted to play so Bad but theres a 24 hour ban now too.

    I resetted my Switch, installed Game again, New Update, nothing Works.

    Yesterday I Was able to play 2 games after a 24h ban until I got another freeze and disconnect,now banned for 48 hours.

    It's just frustrating because i love this Game and it's Not fun anymore. :(

    LECHUZ_A Member Posts: 13


    Corrientes, Argentina

    Wednesday, June 16, 2020, around 14:00 (GMT-3)

    While playing a match, the game froze and it want back to the main screen and it showed me "You need network connection to access this content" (or something like that) but the internet is fine, 48 penalty.

  • Gholiveira
    Gholiveira Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2020
    • Your platform: PC
    • Which region are you from: Sao Paulo, Brazil
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): June 17th, 3:41 PM (Brasília Time)
    • Logs (apply to PC only): Attached

  • Gholiveira
    Gholiveira Member Posts: 14

    Trying to attach the log again.

  • RandDBD
    RandDBD Member Posts: 93

    Made a second account.

    What I have noticed is that there's always a Dwight nearby or the killer is Trapper.

    After changing to wifi, the disconnects don't happen THAT often, but I just got one, albeit after 10 games, but I have noticed that people playing with Pyramid Head are getting DCs.

    I don't understand. While this is happening, you should be able to know that it wasn't a normal rage quit or Internet outtage because we still get points. Make the penalty System recognize this

  • RandDBD
    RandDBD Member Posts: 93

    Forget about this, got another DC. 15 Mins. I was just running around.

    PS4, Mexico City, 6:48pm GMT-5

  • Sleep_Merc
    Sleep_Merc Member Posts: 14

    PS4 NA east coast this happened June 17th evening. I was kicked out of both killer and survivor matches. Now I cant even play survivor because it won't form a party. My penalty is now over 15 minutes because of this and I lost hundreds of thousands of bp and experience plus not completing tome challenges or getting credit for things I've done.

  • Sleep_Merc
    Sleep_Merc Member Posts: 14

    Ps4 NA east coast. It takes a long time to get into the main menu as well since silent hill update

  • ShawarmaSeller
    ShawarmaSeller Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2020


    Ukraine, Donetsk region (Kramatorsk city)

    Yesterday the whole day was without DC, i was hoping BHVR fixed everything, and now again 6 hour penalty

    And yet, i am not asking to remove my penalty. I want to know what is going on and to be sure thats problem from my side, because for now there is no evidence of unstable internet connection.

    I am afraid that player LECHUZ_A from Argentina will soon be banned forever for these random DC.

    Reinstall game. reload my connection with Ethernet cable, The same result. 1:20

    Post edited by ShawarmaSeller on
This discussion has been closed.