Should Spine Chill be nerfed?



  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    Honestly it should stay the way it is cause it’s one of our only counters to things, metal of man is not that good anymore, head on needs a couple seconds to activate, adrenaline only works at the end of the game and it doesn’t matter if you have noed just make sure to only smack them after the last gen is done, honestly the reason so many people dislike Spine Chill is due to it being our best perk right now, but hey as usual our best perks become crap not too long later so killers you’ll get what you want yet again

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    Also the whole “it should only work when you’re in a killers terror radius is unfair, due to the amount of perks that reduce terror radius, and killers that have no radius when they have an add on or just due to their ability and this idea would give campers the edge cause they wouldn’t be able to be detected with insidious, cause they’d be undetectable which would be unfair to us in order to let us know if we should go for the survivors who are being camped or not, I say leave spinechill as is if nothings gonna be done to balance it out, I go against spinechill all the time and I never complain about it cause it doesn’t help them if you kill them right off the bat

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Just destroyed a Ghostface using spine chill.

    Every time I walked away from a generator the others would also benefit from knowing he was coming.

    I think there are far more OP perks with survivor that need to be looked at before Spine Chill however

  • Your_Worst_NIGHTMARE
    Your_Worst_NIGHTMARE Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2020

    Some ppl here mistake the request as a nerf, while what SC needs is actually a rework. Just change the way it activates, from "Killer looking directly in your direction and standing within a range of 36 meters or less", to something else.

  • DBD777
    DBD777 Member Posts: 1

    Killer literally complain about every survivor perk as if they don’t get OP perks 24/7 and that’s still not enough, just because they have spine chill doesn’t stop you from looking around areas it’s not that hard to get a kill come on now

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236

    I use Spine Chill as an "early warning system" for Ghostface.

    If you're gonna nerf Spine Chill, then fix GF reveal mechanic first. AND MAKE SURE IT ACTUALLY WORKS 100%.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    watch one day people will seriously consider nerfing perfectly fine perks like Iron Will, POP goes the weasel, BBQ and Chilli, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time. When I see that happen I will remember it started now

  • rororoxor
    rororoxor Member Posts: 182
    edited August 2020

    I'm glad someone else thinks this way.

    I also think it's super weird that it has a higher range than most terror radii, and gives better information as well. I think just the range needs to be nerfed, instead of 36 make it more manageable like 24. The fact that it requires such significant outplay on the mere thought that survivors have it makes it too strong against stealth killers.

    Post edited by rororoxor on
  • rororoxor
    rororoxor Member Posts: 182

    I'm also not a fan of the concept of a perk hard countering certain killers, even if it's less effective against others. I think it should have a more balanced effect against all killers, instead of countering a select few.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,358

    No, because in it's current state it is well-balanced perk that can efficiently do what it was intentionally designed for. Ultimately, a non-issue when it comes to perks that need to be reworked.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427


  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    No it does not need a nerf. If your largest argument for a nerf is that a perk forces a killer to change his movement because of a nerf, we need to nerf all the OP perks like:

    Calm Spirit (because Killer might set off a crow in the distance which the survivor might see and know the killer is approaching)

    Premenition (Spine Chill light)

    Technician (Need to get even closer to check the gen is not worked on or get direct line of sight to the gen)

    Dance With Me (Scratch marks are gone, better check every corner around this window, survivor could be hiding here somewhere)

    Diversion (Loud notification over there, better check it I guess since I have no one to chase right now and don't know where any survivor is)

    Poised (More perks messing with scratch marks and distrupting my tracking if it pops in chase)

    Distortion (I should have seen 3 survivors in the distance, hmm better check nearby if someone is hiding within 40m or go over to a corner in the map where I suspect a survivor is in a locker)

    Other absurd perks with simular situations.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    If they nerf whispers sure

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    Theres many other perks that make killers adapt (ds, unbreakable, prove thyself breakout and even dead hard) but thats just the game.

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    Object is big boi spinechill, premo is also good for pinging location

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Yes and adrenaline. Adrenaline if you get unhooked after the gates are powered you should not be allowed to use adrenaline.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    So moonwalk to every gen? Seems like a realistic tactic

    do people really believe this nonsense?

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    Spinechill shouldn't override Undetectable

    it's literally called undetectable

    yet a perk detects it

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    You can stalk someone who is sprinting so...... yes. Just because they know you're coming doesn't mean you can't find and stalk them

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I feel Spine Chill fine so that be a no.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I made a post the other day about how good perks aren't crutch and therefore don't need to be nerfed. Someone asked, "people call spine chill crutch?"

  • Nineball
    Nineball Member Posts: 28

    People complain about Spine Chill? I mean, it can be annoying if you're trying to catch someone off a gen and they just SB away top speed at the first flash, but there's ways around that. It's just another perk killers need to consider if they're having issues catching a survivor out of position. Personally I try to exploit that knowledge when I play as killer and I deduce they're probably running spine chill.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    Is the sky blue?

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320

    As someone who can't use any survivor without it, I'd be ok with the distance being shorter.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640
    edited August 2020

    Spine Chill shouldn't ignore undetectable. That's my biggest issue with it.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    That a good question to bring up. What about stealth killers, who are meant to deny information? Should it work on them, when their kit is design to sneak up and surprise survivors by catching them unaware or is it fine as is vs stealth killers. Should it not work vs stealth killers using their power or remain as it is and works equally vs all killers? For without spine chill, a stealth killer would force a survivor to look around and relay more on their eyes and always have to be on guard, to avoid someone sneaking up on them and gen grabbing them. Yet with spine chill, a survivor can be more relax and doesn't have to be on guard, even if it's a stealth killer. Yet it can be counter by moonwalking, which one might deem as a counter to it but if one is slightly off, it will still trigger spine chill and could make all the effort worthless. Than it is also possible, spine chill might lead to a survivor getting off a gen and might just save a gen, due to the survivor going nope i'm outta here, due to thinking you are closer than you really are. Really is a interesting question. For there is alot one could bring up in terms of that.

  • katsumodo47
    katsumodo47 Member Posts: 54

    It shouldn't work against stealth , should just go work against non stealthy killers

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Killers refusing to adapt...why am I not surprised one bit to see this?

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    I just expect one or two surviver to run it. Was playing pig yesterday and Gen grabbed 2 survs in the same match. Yes I had to crabwalk, but that's how it is right now, so that's how I deal with it, don't like it, but if I ignore it, it's on me.

    Been a Long time since I Gen grabbed someone, I was a little happy

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Totally shouldn't get nerfed, spine chill is absolutely fine and doesn't take any skill. We got bigger issue's in this game than Spine chill. (Spirit, DS, Matchmaking, bugs, etc...). Nerfing Spine Chill right now would be about the same as buffing NOED.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
    edited August 2020

    Since this thread was pulled back up from its grave I might as well summarize all the points made thus far. Keep in mind that these arguments are assuming that both survivors and killer play as optimally as possible.

    Arguments For nerfing spine chill

    • The 36 meter range and easy activation requirement allows survivors to know that the killer is approaching them before they even hear a terror radius, giving them extremely powerful information at all times and heavily countering stealth-based killers

    Apart from being a massive game play benefit, this part of SC absolutely destroys the already dwindling horror atmosphere of the game. I'd argue that large portion of this horror in this "horror" game is trying to keep track of where the killer is. And SC completely removes that by giving you constant information on if they're approaching you.

    Although it doesn't show the direction the killer is coming from, survivors can simply reposition themselves once they see the perk trigger to be in the safest possible spot when the killer shows up.

    • It gives no context clues that a survivor is using it

    This is easily one of the worse parts about going against SC. For those who don't know, a context clue is a situation in the game that experienced players can use to figure out the strategy and perks of their opponents.

    For example, if you're healing in a corner of the map and the killer ambushes you from an angle you couldn't see, you can guess that they probably have Nurses Calling. The same is not the case for SC. If you check a generator as a killer and see that its been worked on but don't see the survivor, you have no idea if they're still hiding nearby or long gone because they knew you were coming seconds in advance.

    And since the vault speed increase is so minor there's no way to tell if a survivor is running the perk besides guessing. So you just have to assume that everyone has it, which further adds to the power of the perk.

    • It boosts action speed allowing it to be combo'ed with Resilience for 15% extra action speed in addition to already supplying survivors with information, giving it even more use

    Some clarification here. I'm not saying that the 15% extra speed is worth nerfing. But that the speed along with the insane information that SC already provides makes 2 already great perks even more powerful because of the synergy they provide with each other.

    There's no reason that a perk that's supposed to give information should also make you a bit better at everything else. No other information perk also increases your action speed, so the most powerful information perk in the game also shouldn't.

    Arguments against nerfing spine chill

    • It can be countered by crab/moonwalking

    This is a half truth since there's no definite way to know that a survivor is running the perk as I already said that the perk gives no context clues, therefore you can't really counter a perk that you aren't even sure is being run. But for the sake of argument lets say that all 4 survivors in a game are running it.

    Good luck trying to keep up your map pressure by crab walking to every gen. Apart from just bumping into stuff, you lose a huge amount of your peripheral vision since you have to look away from where you are going. This doesn't even apply to Billy, Nurse, Myers, Ghostface, Deathslinger and Huntress since their power is directly related to looking at survivors. So they can't counter it even if they wanted to.

    So if you're playing a killer that isn't outright incapable of not looking where you are going, the supposed "counter" to SC will not help you counter it.

    • It is better to buff other survivor perks than nerf a good one

    This is the most valid counter argument I could find and the one that I most agree with. Almost every single survivor perk in the game is bad, if not outright terrible, and the majority of them could really do with some tweaking. If I was given the option of buffing most of them or nerfing SC I'd happily choose the former. But assuming that the rest of survivors perks get fixed SC needs to be fixed to.

    If only the devs actually knew how to do that.

    • It is not as powerful as meta perks and so shouldn't be nerfed

    The people who make this argument are usually not aware of the full potential of SC and falsely assume that it isn't run among the generic group of meta perks (which it absolutely is). But even so, like the above argument, if the other survivor perks are going to be fixed then SC needs to follow suit. Being able to always know if the killer is headed towards you isn't that much weaker than picking yourself up when downed or dodging a hit that would have otherwise downed you.

    Not to mention that if the current meta perks are nerfed but SC isn't, it's going to see a spike in usage.

    • No

    This is the most upvoted comment on this thread. This is what people agree with. Hey, to all the giga-brained people out there who are comfortably sitting in their armchairs as they type: Have you been made aware that in order to have a discussion you may need to type more than a single word? Maybe even, a whole sentence? Or, god forbid, make a point to support your argument?

    Because I have no problem with people giving reasons on why they disagree with me. There's plenty of other stuff in this broken mess of a game that requires attention over SC. But they kinda need to state an argument for it that's longer than a single word.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    All valid. Especially the "no" if your gonna come into a debate and only type that don't even bother it makes you look immature and like you can't hold a decent conversation or have a even valid counter arguement.

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716
    edited August 2020

    Quick answer. No!

    Stop trying to Nerf a perk because it's doing what it's supposed to do. The perk has been the same for how long and people like the op are complaining now why?

    They literally nerf OoO to benefit all Stealth killers and you're tripping over Spine Chill? Pls stop. Stop trying to make Stealth Killers way to over the top then what they're supposed to be.

    Plus I'm a Myers & Ghostface main.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
    edited August 2020

    The fact that the perk is doing what it's supposed to doesn't make it any less broken.

    A quality of life change to make matches for stealth killers a bit less suicidal isn't a valid reason for nerfing one of the other powerful information perks. If anything you just indirectly made a case for it.

    I'm not sure how you got that Stealth Killers are "over the top", whatever that means, from the post since I made a point of saying how weak they become when SC is used against them.

    The fact that you main certain characters isn't an argument. It should be a way to support your argument after having made one.

    But hey, you actually had some points to make after saying No. So props to you for that!

    Have the forums degraded so much that saying more than a single word is worthy of praise?

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I mean if you can't it's on you not me and well I never said to moonwalk to every gen did I? It seems that you can't play around spine chill or know that certain killers can play around it like wraith, let me guess as well bbq is op to you?

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
    edited August 2020

    I've already gone over moonwalking doesn't actually help counter SC in my comment above.

    Why do you assume that wanting a perk nerfed means you want another, actually balanced perk, to also be nerfed? You're making accusations with no reasoning behind them.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    I Mean for Ghostface and michael though you have to look at them eventually which Those 2 are supposed to punish you for you not paying attention to your surroundings. Spinechill ruins the entire point.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I never said that bbq should be nerfed, usually the people that complain about a perk a lot are the people who just want to win with no problems or without trying, so going by that I just felt like he was one of those people that say that bbq is op, I'm probably wrong but that is what I felt.

    Yeah, I get that Myers and ghostface get countered heavily by it, especially ghosty because people can break him out easily, I do agree that undetectable shouldn't be detected by SC, the name says it undetectable.

    But you can play around it though it is harder since first you have to determine if they do have it or not then it's when you have to play around it.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    I'd not mind seeing Spine Chill getting a second or two of delay before the perk activates if the killer's looking at them. Like, the killer needs to actively looking at them for 1-2 seconds before it lights up. And to compensate, the perk remains active for 1-2 seconds after the killer stops looking at them.

  • ble3kaudio
    ble3kaudio Member Posts: 100


  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    No. It gives no directional info and still requires eyes.

    Also it can be fooled by moonwalking. A technique I frequently use on Pig and Wraith. Myers and GF are a bit different and at least Myers should get his detection perk immunity on EWI he had before.

    GF is much stronger than him and does not require this buff.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Since when is Spine Chill meta? I see more DS, DH, IW, BT, Unbreakable and Adre in all my matches than SC.

    Spine Chill is a good perk, but not OP or requires a nerf. That the killer has to look away to counter it is no big deal. Unbreakable, DS and Adre have a much stronger effects on a match than SC.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Ah yes nerf non meta perks so I continue running my meta heavy build and have no variety.

    You see the problem with that. Then you go and complain about meta perks it's a circle of nerf nerf and then complain.

  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    In all honesty, as both a killer and survivor main, SC isn’t that much of a nuisance. As a survivor, I don’t rely on it letting me know about the killer as I actually use my eyes and ears(I also run SC just to avoid getting dedicated through windows). As a killer, it doesn’t really matter because of the killers that I main(Demo and PH). I believe that SC doesn’t need a bonk with a nuclear bomb, but more like a slight bonk where it has a delay on activating and deactivating

  • NoVaa
    NoVaa Member Posts: 15

    Hello you can put the possibility to play keyboard mouse on dead by daylight for ps4 please thank you

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    i've been in plenty of matches where all 4 were running SC, and even if I was 'stealth' killer they'd be 50 yards away before i came up to the gen.

    it's about as much gameplay as breaking pallets all game on Ormond

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    For me playing survivor 90% of the time I think Spine Chill should not work against GF and Wraith. It takes the scaryness out of the game when you get warned and these killers are not very good so that should not happen.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    And why don't I have these problems? Even with a full SC group.

    If they happen to be all Blendettes I use Autoheaven. Best map for pallet Freddy. I get destroyed by Object of Obsession more often than by some guys with SC.

    It has been the same for 4 years (only buffing tier 1 and 2 to 36m because everything else is useless) and I never heard complaining.

    Why does Everything need hard downsides? Many people complain of Survivors only running BT, DS, DH Unbreakable, Adre or IW. Why wanting to nerf a decent but not OP perk? Have you (or anyone else who wants a nerf) ever thought how strong stealth killers would be if they would get Myers old detection immunity? Then people would complain that stealth is OP plz nerf.