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Did they change their mind on giving out event exclusives?



  • Member Posts: 1,962
  • Member Posts: 554

    Fantastic PR btw, I just have to point this out: Support will restore event items that hardly outdated legacies, like the first anniversary event (In which you released those 'exclusive cosmetics' anyway), they believe that the black market for those cosmetics were hurting the game economically so they release them to everyone, and STILL people who lost their legacy DON'T GET IT and the black market for hacked legacy profiles is still flourishing.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    At this point, Idk if i should bother grinding events

  • Member Posts: 822

    Those cosmetics are two+ years old and there's lots of new players, why is there so much complaining

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    bhvr: legacy players are more important to us than you

    also bhvr: oh yea cant give u lost legacy back LOL

  • Member Posts: 507

    Lol dude, I was there for the BBQ event, I know the ######### I'm talking about. It wasn't hard, it was laughably easy and honestly a bit boring after a while. The only reason I missed the first Lunar Event is because I wasn't playing at the time. How long have you been playing oh great one?

    Also how have they not earned it? The qualifications for earning them were literally doing special hooks and gens, gtfoutta here. They've been doing gens and hooks all this freaking time, or they will be, they'll have more than earned it by that qualification.

    You crybabies are acting like you had to make a blood ######### sacrifice to earn these things, no, no you did not. You did normal gameplay and hell you even earned EXTRA BP if you brought the offerings. OMG all you people whining about what do we get as compensation, you already got it, for being there. You also had gens count if you like brought the offering, even if you didn't work on the gen itself. Omg, amazing, innovative. OMG, wow. Who, who would've thought.

    If events were better or had you have to go out of your way to do things other than your objective to get them, and then also do the objective itself. I'd say you have a point. (And no, grabbing a special lantern that makes you glow doesn't count. You grab the lantern, you do the gens, you get out you get to keep it. Big whooppity do basil.) Honestly the only event so far that's come close to being slightly innovative was the first Hallowed Blight. You had to do an objective other than your objective if you wanted to get the special stuff, though you could suicide on hook after you milked all the plants and just get slightly less juice, or do the game as normal and get it all, either way it actually added something to the game. Not a lot, it was like cleansing squishier totems, but still. Killer's sadly still had to do special hooks. So not much innovation on their part.

    BTW Fortnite battlepasses and events usually have WAY more to ######### do than DBD ever has, like...the equivalency isn't even ######### there (they had ######### Marshmello, they had a robot/giant monster battle, you actually have to go to places and do things other than your normal objective, which BTW is also killing people lol, in order to progress in the battlepass, or just play the game for many many hours. Like, dude. DBD wishes they could have events like freaking Fortnite my dude.). And you know what I'd say, you know what, hell yeah they can have the free skins. I don't freaking care, they are cosmetics in a videogame meant to bring joy and entertainment to the masses. Not a ######### contest to show who's the best ######### whale.

  • Member Posts: 507

    Oh no, other people will get to use the recolor only I was originally allowed to use. Q.Q

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    No one “paid” for Summer BBQ skins. It’s simply an entitlement issue... “waaaah, I EARNED my digital skins that provide no meaningful value to my life but NO ONE else should have them!”

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Well duh, they just got released. Use that Big Brain you claim to have to understand that people will most likely use newly released cosmetics. After the first couple days it changes.

    Also, now the people that had “earned” their Summer BBQ but lost them due to glitches have it available now. Shouldn’t you be glad for them?

  • Member Posts: 46

    First thing:

    It's good thing that everyone gets the award,I do.

    but JUST don't treat the old players like sh*t while saying "It's not a matter of prioritizing newer players over older players", it is, we all know you want new blood in dbd and give two sh*ts about what old players think.

    Why bother making a event since the skins are added to everyone's account anyway?

    I remember back when they decide to make all exclusive skins available to all players, they tried to make Howling Ground/BBQ Event skins available to all players too, them many players post they should not doing so, because it's a slap in the face to all players who actually attended and played the event, and then the dev re post news about taking the advice of community and not giving out these skins, until today...

    They bite their own tongue...and make the excause to enlight all the after event players.


    Quote: from game of thrones:

    Qyburn (to Pycelle)This pains me, my lord. Whatever your faults, you do not deserve to die alone in such a cold, dark place. But sometimes before we can usher in the new, the old must be put to rest. The longer you wait, the worse it'll be for you.

    Keep bite tongue and trash the old.

    Just give out the legacy to everyone already, at this point, even they post this so called news about not giving out the legacy, maybe 1 years later they will just post a new news about giving out legacy outfits and 4th aniversary events skins!

    why not give out in-game store outfits to everyone since some players paid for it but some players who doesn't have the money for it still wanna having it?

    (Second bad news this month after the story of TLOU 2)


  • Member Posts: 1,620

    You also forget that the devs have stated that there is no other way to grant these event skins to players who lost them through glitches (there was no way to identify those specific players). The easiest way was to unlock Summer BBQ/Lunar New Year for everyone to ensure that those people that earned them could have them again.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Then it's not "variety."

    My big brain tells me that giving everyone the same cosmetics, everyone will start looking the same. You want exclusives and timed cosmetics in order for them to look different. A Fox Headed Huntress was rare to see, a Golden Jacket David from time to time was nice to see.

    Now they're everywhere, this isn't "Variety."

    My big brain tells me that you think conforming = variety.

    It isn't.

  • Member Posts: 77

    imagine working for cosmetics that eventually turn into default outfits lol. they just have the rarity "EVENT" and "ULTRA RARE" slapped on them. it's exactly like a common cosmetic. i just hope BHVR makes better exclusives for the future so people can stand out more with cosmetics. it would show their long term support to the game. if legacy was such an issue, BHVR should do a second wave but make it incredibly hard to get. to the point of people only being able to obtain legacy 3 if they are lucky. most people would probably only be able to obtain one.

    before any of you rant about how long the bloodweb was and all that, im well aware. read what i have to say again.

  • Member Posts: 1,861
  • Member Posts: 2

    So, you guys were going to give the skins of 2018 along with the rest of the exclusives right? But you decided it was better not to give these skins, because it would be very unfair to those who were there to get them. And now you gave it to everyone, isn't it unfair to you anymore?

  • Member Posts: 1,861

    It’s called not carrying about what your veterans think because they probably have already spent enough money

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    It was rare because a lot of people lost their cosmetics due to glitches, hence the reason for the devs deciding to release these to everyone so those that rightfully earned their could get them back (since it was impossible to identify them otherwise).

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Replacing event with legacy and it all adds up. Yet somehow leaving the people behind who lost their legacy is ok.

    I don't understand you.

  • Member Posts: 34

    I've made 3 posts about David's jacket. I hope they keep this in if it is a bug. I thought it was stupid how they let other event exclusive items left in the game and not that jacket.

  • Member Posts: 2,328
  • Member Posts: 196

    Sorry but what kind of dumb explanation is that?

    This is the same thing you told us last time. Then you said you fixed it. Guess you didn't.

    So because some got screwed over, you decided to screw everyone over? Interesting decision.

    Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the same problem that you have with Legacy? That people lost it and you can't restore it? Why don't you give Legacy to everyone then? Because let me quote you hear "leaving those people behind is not an option".

  • Member Posts: 526

    Thank you BHVR!!!

  • Member Posts: 673

    Did this guy just said who tf cares what og players think? You talking like veterans are killing this game.

    Back then so much things were wrong in this game but the core players stayed through this all the time. the core members that are the "old players" you called. We supported the game through any sht that happened. We are talking about thousands that never left and without them the game wouldnt be that popular as it is now. veterans streamt the game and never stopped, making cosplays, videos and montages.

    Many veterans helped the developer team making right decisions when it came to changing sth. Bc many veterans are very experienced and loyal players. And you talk like: Put them in the trashcan? If we can rid of any player then it's you. If we would be that nonsense.

    Sure dbd needs new players. But its core playerbase are these veterans. And the topic here is, as you might missed, that they're deleting any exclusive except legacy for reasons legacy falls under.

    And seriously it's enough now. Personally I always supported that Legacy should be exclusive but with the latest change to the lunar cosmetics it changed. The reasons why they published them? Fits perfect why they should also make Legacy public. Theres literally no reason anymore and sayin "it was made before a rework" Yea. Many things got major changed or reworked and many things back then were hard af.

    And if their politics are: "We don't want exclusives" Then Legacy isn't an exception at all anymore. Any reasons my they made any exclusive public fits perfect to Legacy.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Considering I've seen people saying you didnt even know you were getting legacy until it changed, wasnt THAT a participation trophy? You played before X change, and got something for hitting a marl that was in no way impossible.

    Same exact thing as event cosmetics. Just a different scale/time frame.

    Also, if you did lose legacy, why would you not be in favor of just releasing all exclusives to everyone? You would get legacy back.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Then give it to any account before the cutoff date. Even THAT would be better than refusing to release it as a whole, only to alienate the players who earned and LOST it due to behaviours own issues.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    So this entire comment isnt the exact same situation as legacy? Please elaborate how.

    -earned in a system before it was changed

    -earned but lost

    -couldnt be returned to some players

    -kept exclusive to not alienate old players

    -given for free to everyone because some couldnt get theirs recovered and were alienated

    Just. Like. Legacy.

    And now that yoube went and done it with event cosmetics, you've opened the door to floods of comments just like this. Because your own logic has put you in a hole. Should have just kept event items that were earned exclusive. People will be asking for legacy daily now, and with perfect logic and understanding from Behaviour as to why/how it should happen.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    Thats the entire point of people wearing Legacy lol. They couldve just added a different variant if 'missing out' was a factor in cosmetics then we'd all have legacy by now.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    If you think a 2000 hour huntress wont outperform a 2 hour huntress I think you're the one on a different planet.

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