Why LGBT is so important?
Nobody mentioned "terrorist", what are you talking about?
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The first black military unit was forced conscription, it wasn't a good thing. Also which guy who wrote the declaration? there were quite a few who all worked together to write it?
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If you change the textbooks and wait for the people to live through it to die people will promote fascism like it's a good idea. Communism has been tried and failed and people still promote it
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@MongolPSR said it. Several posts ago.
🤦 The first recruited regiment made of volunteers. I thought that was implied but I see you want to be a stickler instead of debating all my points.
You know damn well Thomas Jefferson is considered the main author. Was he a terrorist in your eyes? He was certainly rebelling against an organized government? Look up the definition of terrorism and get back to me if you are not sure.
I'll spell out my point again though, statues being torn down are not just against Confederates at this point. They cut down a memorial flag pole dedicated to 9/11 for crying out loud.
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As one of the oldest countries in the world, I sometimes wished we were taught a "condensed version" of our history. Now I see that it's important not to gloss over the details.
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One month ago, on a sunny day when i started this discussion on this forum... i never tought what i start....😮
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If you were to describe your relationship as homosexual it's an apt description just because your still attracted to women do you act on those feelings or do you stay with your partner in a monogamous relationship. You being in an open relationship is a different story
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People in certain countries are still promoting fascism nowadays like it's a good idea, so I don't think the statues are the real issue here. Dunno why you brought up communism when we're talking about fascism, but OK.
You know damn well Thomas Jefferson is considered the main author. Was he a terrorist in your eyes? He was certainly rebelling against an organized government? Look up the definition of terrorism and get back to me if you are not sure.
I'm assuming you don't think the treasonous Confederacy was right to commit treason and go to war against the United States of America for the right to own slaves, so what's the point of this?
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You were applying the descriptor to me as an individual, not the relationship. Why can't you just admit that you were wrong?
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Because it's an accurate description and the next quote I'm done with this thread
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We also covered cold war and our great space victory against those terrible Russians (Joke).
Im not trying to be a stickler, I also haven't heard of these certain cases your talking about, not for lack of trying but for the simple fact is I dont want to read news headlines all day long and am very burned out on American politics.
Do I think thomas jefferson was a terrorist, I mean yes, technically the revolutionary war was an act of terror against british coloners who wanted to stay British versus those tired of what they deemed British tyranny. In spirit however no, he was a great man who did great things. He was also a man who did terrible things and that included slave ownership, by comparision he was a better slave owner than others but that's not saying much. He also didn't free his slave who he was ######### behind his wife's back after she had his child.
the 9/11 thing thats sad, but im not going to lose sleep over a memorial dedicated to something that happened 19 years ago and our country payed them back with a war that killed many times more innocent people than those terrorists ever did.
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Don't see why it matters, but I'm not mad its in here nor am I opposing the choice that the Dev's made by including it.
If it makes the LGBTQIA+ community happy then I'm happy for them. 💜
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It's not an accurate description of me, which is what you said here:
I'm going to assume you recognize you were wrong before.
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I brought in communism because it's also a bad idea like fascism that people are promoting as a good idea
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"When the man opened the box he knew not what was inside. though the very next day world war 5 started." - Harlan Ellison
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Adding homosexuality to a game is a good way to get it removed in certain countries. There are a few who condemn that. I'm not against it but it wouldn't fly in some countries, reducing a lot of players not being able to enjoy the game because of their government.
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I've yet to hear anyone actually promoting communism, though. People promoting things that certain groups call "communism" but aren't? Sure. Actual communism? Nope.
Now fascism, on the other hand... Well, let's just say I've never seen so many flags with a certain symbol on them outside of WWII documentaries.
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that's a problem with the government and not the game. if people are sad they cant play their game because it has gays in it then they need to fight their government on the issue and not the devs
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Yeah, it sucks that certain countries and people want the devs to be censored in their artistic freedom, but what can you do? Kowtow to the pro-censorship crowd?
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The Confederacy was in the wrong, but I'm not going to condemn all of its historical figures for defending siding with their State in the context of the 19th century
If you are unwilling to stay up to date on current affairs best not speak about them then.
I can't take you seriously though if you are calling the original revolutionary proponents terrorists. They didn't target civilians for political gain, they tried through legal and then forceful means to form their own government. I'll wait for you to show me am example of Jefferson burning down a loyalist house. Again, terrorist doesn't mean someone searching for change, it's about how they got there.
I don't even want to get the wars in the middle east debate going here, it's already far enough off topic. But I'm sad you bought into the propaganda saying the US targets civilians. I guess we should have let the Taliban and Saddam stay in power, they would have at least defended the lgtq community (very heavy sarcasm)
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@MongolPSR It's not as easy as that. Would yoy want to be imprisoned for life with hard labor or even killed for making a statement against a government who doesn't allow that type of democracy? Some will even snatch up your children and force them into the same punishment.
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The Confederacy was in the wrong, but I'm not going to condemn all of its historical figures for defending siding with their State in the context of the 19th century
I am, because they were in the wrong. They were traitors defending slavery, not patriots fighting against an oppressive government like the so-called "Tank Man". Traitors don't get statues, they get humiliated in the history books.
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If people were always afraid to speak up to their oppressive governments, we'd all be living under fascist regimes.
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Like my country. Rise up. if its important to you, you fight for that change. if its not than you have to deal with not getting what you wanted. your ultimatley whining about your ability to play a game because your country doesnt like people who are different then them. I'm sorry but nobody should have to cater to what I would consider countries that are the lowest common denominator in moral fiber.
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@Orion If I was living in a country that didn't allow this and another country got that added to a game that I adore then the game got banned because of it, I'd be furious. People have to look at other's situations on matters like this before they ask for something that can affect other's. I really love this game and have been enjoying it for years.
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I'd be furious too. With the government, not LGBT or the devs.
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@MongolPSR I can't speak for others but getting life over something that I honestly can't change due to thier laws and beliefs is a fool's errand. That is all I have to say on the matter.
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History is written by the victors, that doesn't make their cause just. So every farm kid in the south who was raised to love their individual state and just wanted to be a part of the action was a horrible racist terrorist. You shouldn't make generalizations based simply on who won and lost a war in the 1800s.
Again, I don't expect an outsider to understand the complex relationships between the Federal government and state ones.
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It's not.
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100% agree. Even BO3 and BO4 had to get the gore removed to be released in China. Even WOW had to remove a ton of skull assets. Yeah, it sucks but they get to enjoy the game still.
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History is written by the victors, that doesn't make their cause just.
You already agreed the Confederacy's cause wasn't just, so I don't see the significance of this statement.
So every farm kid in the south who was raised to love their individual state and just wanted to be a part of the action was a horrible racist terrorist. You shouldn't make generalizations based simply on who won and lost a war in the 1800s.
Those are your words, so why are you claiming I said them?
Again, I don't expect an outsider to understand the complex relationships between the Federal government and state ones.
I understand just fine that the USA was essentially set up as 50 individual countries with a common set of laws. A very similar model was used for the EU and Switzerland, it's not as strange or unique as you seem to believe.
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Just adding, city in Massachusetts just started recognizing polyamorous domestic partnerships. As long as it's consensual between adults they couldn't see a reason to not.
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hey! good for them, that's cool.
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Wish I could open that link, but way too many websites in the USA are still pretending they didn't have more than enough warning about GDPR.
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You said losers get humiliated in the history books. So if Germany won in WW2 would their cause be just?
My point about the farm kid is just because someone fights for a side doesn't mean they agree with 100% of their goals. I never said it was a quote from you. It was the logical conclusion of your argument.
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Have you ever heard about NordVPN? ask me about it and I'll give you a free 15% discount on your first Purchase!
WOW what a great deal!
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You said losers get humiliated in the history books. So if Germany won in WW2 would their cause be just?
No, it wouldn't be. That's why we have the benefit of hindsight. It's OK to admit that, in hindsight, you ######### up. There's no shame in it, just shows growth.
My point about the farm kid is just because someone fights for a side doesn't mean they agree with 100% of their goals. I never said it was a quote from you. It was the logical conclusion of your argument.
Sorry, but slavery should always be a deal-breaker, just like fascism, if you've one shred of human decency. I don't care that they deeply agreed with the Confederacy's stance on how high men's shorts could be, slavery is bad, period.
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Nothing makes me want something less than seeing a massive media campaign for it.
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No ######### slavery is bad. But it's clear you don't know how to contextualize history so I guess we are done here.
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Could I interest you in Raycons? or what about the best mobile game to date in RAID:Shadow legends!!!
(Jokes aside I do actually like Raycons XD, they are my workout earbuds and they work perfect for that.)
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Not sure if helpful but here's link from UK Independent. Or can search Somerville Massachusetts Polyamorous Relationships to see if any of your local news sources covered it if you want to read more.
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Didn't want to get involved, but I don't think that someone not being from the U.S. can hinder their understanding between the Federal and State issues... that's like saying someone who isn't Black can't understand black issues because they themselves are not Black. Its just not true.
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Orion slaughtered everyone in this thread.
I will never get over the idea of a game company "using LGBT to make money" lol. I also love "They only care about the LGBT cause in June" haha.
I am going to assume a lot of you are 7th graders because the stuff you're saying is so feeble and transparent. "Make it organic!" So dumb. It's a video game, for the love of god.
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I've been reading your posts and it's almost all nonsense but this is where I need to step in and ask questions.
Question 1: what the hell are you talking about? I get that you are probably used to some extreme right-wing echo chambers, but this is the real world and in the real world many of us can see and understand that you are literally talking out of your @$$.
Question 2: Do you stop and actually think or are you fine being told what to think? Maybe actually look into and read things from people outside of your conspiracy cocoon.
Question 3: Compare the left to the right in governmental policies alone and stances. You are wrong. If you compare them socially then both have changed. Either way though you are wrong.
Question 4: How do "illegals" vote? Also you talking about them bussing around illegal immigrants for illegal votes to different locations sounds like a plot for that one movie. Or was it a TV show episode? You know, that one that was funny because it was so outrageous and couldn't happen in real life.
Question 5:Is it hard being this ignorant and biased? Serious question. Asking for a friend.
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Like the Doomslayer, he just wont stop till they are all slayed.
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I know how to contextualize, yes. Did you miss the "in hindsight" part of my comment?
I didn't even know what Raycons were until now.
Thank you. That's quite interesting.
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Wow. I was gone for a short while and this thread got into another mess because of one ignorant individual. That kind of ignorance can be very dangerous.. good thing there are at least rational being here
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Thanks for reminding me about Doom Eternal.
I need to put that game on my wishlist so I know when it's on sale and I can afford it...Scratch that, I just remembered why it wasn't on my wishlist to begin with: third party account. Companies can ######### right the hell off with that #########.
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I totally thought you meant Raybans until you said earbuds. 😂
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Operator 60 is lesbian and she asks 2B for dating advice.
A lot of the Operators are into women.
There are side-quests that have you get Plug In Chips for some of the Resistance Androids but the Android and Plug In chips belong to the YoRHa Company and you're asked either to destroy the chips and the android or turn them in to the quest giver.
When you turn them in to the Quest Giver, he wants to re-active a male android and start a family with him.
They are both male.
Dragon Age 3, Cassandra is a badass, she's also lesbian but she only mentions it about once.
Dorian is gay, his story is great, his father tried to change him for Forbidden Blood Magic and he ran away.