Is it fair to 99 the exit gate?



  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Fair or not is up for debate but my issue with it is that it makes the EGC completely pointless, which is survivors are on a time limit to LEAVE. I think the EGC should just start the moment the final gen is finished, they can enhance the amount of time it takes for the EGC to end the game if they think 2min isn't fair but I think it should start as soon as the gens are done.

  • jordawolf
    jordawolf Member Posts: 2

    I mean I'm a killer mand survivor main and I never had a problem with people 99% a gate in my opinion you guys need to get better and less predictable so they don't even get the chance to open the gates in the first place.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited August 2020

    It's fair for the survivors to use what they have. That is to say, it would be unfair to punish the survivors for working with the rules of the game has set.

    It is unfair but it's an unfairness in design and not on the players. The end game collapse PRESENTS itself as some big count down where thee survivors are under pressure to get out but the devs buggered it up and basically defanged into 'T-Bag at the gate timer' weither you actually tbag at the gate is optional. It's what it's become.

    It has all these bells and whistles graphically with this looming count down BUT...survivors dictate when the count down starts and the count down only starts when the safest zone in the game is opened up. It had the potential to be a great end game mechanic where survivors have to actually act with urgency and don't have absolute control of time, letting the killer go on the offensive-as they should since there is no gens left- without having to worry about defending gens.

    There's a big joke about "the end game" such as "end game totems" or really the concept. There is no end game. The EGC could of given both sides an ACTUAL end game period where the tone of the game shifts. Where survivors no longer dictate the clock of the game-the biggest power and the most stressful to be under...which is why killers regularly complain about gen popping as unfun and stressful- but nope...

    It only activates when the safest zone you can damage boosts into is open. Even more so, since maps are smaller-which is a good thing but just another example of how EGC does literally nothing but limit how long you can linger at the gate despite all its bells and whistles pretending it some big, threatening doom clock- and survivors dictate when that zone can be opened.

    and the cherry on top. They can 99%

    poor design ontop of poor design. Wasted chance after wasted chance.

    When the EGC was new it was fun because it added actual end game urgency. I didn't care if I lose the survivors because a survivor in a chase with me, running from an raging oni and barly scraping a miss one shot as the end game bell dinged into the exit gate was AWESOME. It felt actually stressful and cinematic. I fel like an actual slasher killer who had time on my side for that brief moment in the game.

    and then survivors realized how utterly toothless EGC was and just 99% the gates. I don't blame them. Opening the gate instead of prepping it puts all survivors on the back foot and can cause a altrusim cascade of death.

    Right now thanks to this not only has blood warden been pretty much destroyed. It's more or less left NOED as the only true end game perk and mechanic. I mean...remember too...I's so mediocre I don't think it ever stopped someone getting away unless they were the last person and I got lucky.

    Unless you count 3 gening as end game but 3 gening pretty much truly equates to-did the survivors mess up and give you perfect 3 gen defensive or is one gen far enough to gen rush even if you pop it-

    And opening the gate yourself is a concession unless you have noed. Opening the gate yoursell after you down someone to hook them for blood warden is basically just a big, long winded "hey I got bloodwarden" dance to survivors.

  • extonjonas
    extonjonas Member Posts: 41

    99 A hook was not fair because it had no counter. 99 a gen is unfair because there is almost never a reason to do it(maybe for an adrenaline play) which means if you are you are just holding the game hostage in a sense but there is a reason to 99 a gate. Its so you can get a teammate out. That part of a survivors objective. And unlike gens, killers can power up an exit gate and start the collapse whenever they want. If it is truly annoying you. You dont have to deal with it, you can fire up the endgame and put the pressure on

  • extonjonas
    extonjonas Member Posts: 41

    i could get behind the exit gates slowly losing power. But maybe 1% every 5 seconds. Illers do still have the option to trigger the end game so they can always do that.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    Doesn't Blood Warden light up when a gate is opened? I seem to recall that was used to know when it was open pre-EGC.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Most of the time the gate should just be fully opened. But you can 99% gates as much as you want.

  • csax
    csax Member Posts: 9

    nobody cares about blood warden anymore. haven't seen it in at least a hundred games and this is from purple ranks all the way to green (Sometimes I decay when off at school). They only do it to get saves without pressure.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    And why exactly do people not care about Bloodwarden? Why exactly did people start 99ing the exit gates? It certainly had nothing to do with pressure, EGC takes absolutely ages. There's no pressure there.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    Then open the gate yourself if you see it's 99ed!

  • faff
    faff Member Posts: 68

    why not start EGC when the exit gate latch is touched instead of when it's opened? lengthen it by the amount of time needed to open a gate.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    It's fine. Leave it alone.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    When I use bloodwarden I usually try to force the survivors to open them to void suspicion.

    When it comes to early egc when the gens are done would probably be a bad idea due to it being a nightmare to balance. Noed and pigs traps would be a nightmare to deal with if it immediately started.

    But a regression of the exit gates is a good idea, at least give the killer a choice to open or regress it himself. The reason is that currently there are no pros and cons for 99% a gate, just pros. Survivors are under little pressure at this point of the game and a regression would add some tense moments for the survivors and they would have to weight their options.

    Also it only takes 20 seconds to open a gate, with a regression penalty it would only probably take 3 to 5 seconds to open after regression. So survivors can't make a beeline to the exit gates after a save mindlessly, they will have to think and plan more which imo is a good thing.

    On the other hand there should be an exit switch on either side of the exit gates so that the trapper can't trap an exit as easily for an easy gg.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    The Killer benefits just as much as the survivors. Usually the killer hasn't hooked someone right next to the door. If they're smart they're waiting for the survivors to bum rush, the killer can likely get a trade and start the whole process over or get a few kills out of it.

    Let's not pretend that everything is worst case scenario, yeah? Makes life a little easier. And please cut up your run on sentences. Makes life a little easier.

  • LynQ08
    LynQ08 Member Posts: 3

    It should lose progress like the generators do

  • altruistickiller
    altruistickiller Member Posts: 1

    EGC is simply meant to bring the game to a close, it isn't meant to be used to the Killer's advantage. The survivors are able to earn Altruism points for a reason, and 99ing exit gates is a wonderful strategy to earn more. The chances of a killer winning a game past the 5 gens being completed is immediately halved once the final one is done - if anything, survivors 99ing gates gives the killer MORE of a chance to deathhook survivors. This question is like asking if camping during EGC is fair. as a survivor main i definitely think camping in the EGC is fair, and should really be the only acceptable time camping is done. If it really is that much of a problem, I'm sure the devs will create a perk similar to Hex: Ruin where exit gates lose progression if they aren't opened fully.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Okay, this is such a dumb thing to say. There are unfair things all sides do. Survivors should be allowed to 99 and gen rush as long as killers can camp and slug. They're the 2 staple scummy strategies on both sides. The fact is, in many situations these strategies can work wonderfully. So taking away a scummy strategy that works well from one side isn't quite fair if the other is left untouched.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Pretty sure ruin regresses the exit gate. I saw it spark once when ruin lasted that long.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    edited August 2020

    Don't assume what I understand or not. Survivors don't 99 for that purpose alone. They do in order to have more time to perform rescues as well, which in that case actually works in favor of the killer too, because it encourages altruism. In regards to Bloodwarden, the situation is no different than it was from pre-EGC, except survivors actually risk getting trapped and dying to the timer when it's timed right.

  • Nikatara69
    Nikatara69 Member Posts: 273

    Is it fair to use the Blood warden??? Don't be silly, is nothing wrong with exit gates, and we got the counter, use to it wasn't. And is it fair that killer can open gates and camp them with NOED??? Lol

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    The issue is once again trying to turn a game mechanic into a tool for The Killer. EGC is not intended to favor anyone. It's to bring the match to a culmination, it's a mechanism to prevent survivors from holding the match hostage. The Killer is free to initiate the collapse.

  • patches1314
    patches1314 Member Posts: 4

    If it allright to face camp it's allright to 99 gate nuff said

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    This^ EGC isnt supposed to give you free kills.

    Killers wanting to somehow nerf the gates lol yall never stop finding new things to complain about.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    EGC was to help with the issue of survivors hiding and crouching, doing totems, saving hooks... when they game should end. Not force survivors to leave so you can have an easier time camping someone to death. You literally have the option to open them yourself so i dont understand how it isnt fair?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    99ing predates the EGC and has had additional significance attached via mistranslation of tactics, not gameplay. If Bloodwarden didn't exist, neither would 99ing. People were already in the habit and panicked when a timer suddenly appeared, but the timer itself never really comes into account when the gates are opened early.

  • Hex_BoopTheSnoot
    Hex_BoopTheSnoot Member Posts: 151

    OMG I have made several posts about this on Reddit and they all have gotten shot down. I am so happy to see other people with the same opinion as me.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Totally understand that. That's why I'm saying if you (as killer) don't want the survivors to have that extra time, go open the gate. Then the EGC will stop. I've seen plenty of killers do that. They'll down someone, go open the gate, then hook. It works especially good with Blood Warden.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    NO NO NO. Here's the thing. You already get exit gates too close together AND the EGC to begin with. That is enough for the killers. You don't need more. If you can't it done with those changes, get better at playing killer or pick a different killer or go play survivor.

    Dang, these baby killers that want everything in the game changed so that they can get 4Ks with a perkless Clown or something. It needs to stop. If BHVR keeps listening to this kind of nonsense there won't be survivors left for these baby killers to play against. It takes 4 times as many players to play survivor as it does killer. Stop trying to nerf the game instead of getting better. If you have a bunch of bad matches as a killer, the common denominator is YOU. Go play a whole day as survivor and you'll see that it's not gen rush, it's not 99% doors, it's not any of these continuous excuses for your bad performance . . . it's you needing to get better.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    If they change the doors like the hooks got changed then doors have to spawn on both side of the map instead of next door period

  • Username52
    Username52 Member Posts: 10

    It practically defeats the purpose of endgame collapse, remember that thing they introduced? So how is it fair? Just let the survivors take their time, not under pressure?

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Ngl, generally I would find a post like yours to be counterproductive. However, in this case you've described accurately what transpires from some of the suggestions in this thread.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Exactly. It would reward good door pressure and will also force survivors to open the door immediately. Think it would also inadvertently buff Blood Warden.

    Ino opening the doors slower isn't what you want when running Blood Warden but with the regression thing then it makes sense for the survivors to open the door immediately.

  • Entea
    Entea Member Posts: 4

    I agree that it defeats the endgame calapse feature and there should be a penalty of some kind for 99ing the exit gates. Let's not forget however, that killers 99 their powers so there really should be a penalty on both sides.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    it should regress to what light the gate is on. not resetting all the way, but also not so the survivors can open it at the very last second

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    I agree that sometimes doors are too close together, the killer shouldn't be able to see both doors from one location.

    But why would a regression on the exit doors be such a bad thing?

  • Pája
    Pája Member Posts: 28

    I once accidentally opened the gate while one survivor was hooked and it was the most fun I had the whole day. Racing against the clock to save him. It was so close but we all managed to escape at the last second. That's the kind of fun I imagined from the end game collapse. They should definitely do something with the 99% gate strat.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Really? I never seen them as helping each other. Remember me helps get extra hits, downs and hooks but doesn't actually help open the doors which is what Blood Warden wants.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Gens can be 99'd.......

    Also yes it is fair. gg

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    Then just open the gates every time you see it 99. It doesn't need to be taken away. Any killer or survivors can already 100 it if they don't like it being 99.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited August 2020

    EGC is not in the game to add extra pressure on Survivors or to help Killer in any way, its in the game to force end trials so Survivors cant take the game hostage by refusing to leave against not so very good Killers, before it was implemented on very rare ocasions some people would open the gates and stay around trolling, looping and blinding the Killer non stop just for their own amusement, EGC put an end to that by forcing the game to an end after ~2 minutes.

    If you dont want the gates to be 99% go and open them yourself after downing someone.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    that only good if you downed someone near or close to the gate if you didn't it waste of time.

  • MissRememberMe
    MissRememberMe Member Posts: 37

    Im just going to say that it makes absolutley zero sense for the killer to ooen the gate (unless they are pissed and just want to leave the game.)

    If a killer opens the gate, they are not currently chasing or hooking or otherwise puting pressure on survivors. Even if they have bloodwarden, they wont realistically be able to hook a survivor and activate the perk before people leave.

    If the killer has abandoned pressering just to walk all the way to the exit gate, it gives survivors plenty of time to heal, rescue, remove traps, cleanse a totem...

    At that point, unless they just missed a Noed totem, they can just leave, even if the killer is gaurding the gate they just opened. If they are at full health, it isnt an issue to just walk out. If the killer has and instadown mechanic, they can just open the other gate in the generous 2 minute long EGC.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    As I have said, compared to how the game used to be, the EGC and exit gate placement is already heavily in favor of the killers. There do not need to be any additional things done to EGC or exit gates to assist killers. Killers that lose because of it feel like it's that way every match because they need to improve. The exit gate 99 is not a problem for the vast majority of matches or players. Again, killers who fail tend to view everything else as the problem. I guarantee if those same folks played as survivor for an entire day, they would see that the 99 is not the problem. In fact, plenty of killers get 4Ks etc. without it being an issue. It only appears to be the issue because some killers suck and refuse to acknowledge it.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    So what? It's an option that you have. If you don't like the 99, fix it by opening it. Don't continually ask BHVR to nerf things to cover bad performance on your part as a killer. Play all day as a survivor and you'll see that the 99 is not the problem.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Its fair cause its currentky in the game so as long as it is survivors can/should do it if they want.

    I do think it should regress though personally

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    what i'm saying is the gate shouldn't be advantage for the killer but it also shouldn't be advantage for survivor which it is.

    99% give survivor time to save the one buddy who most like getting campped then all 3 or all 4 race t the gate with they BT Ds Bodyblock to the 99% gate with no risk of time give more time to tbag flash blind at the exit gate .i feel it they did all that knowing being on time it be more fair.