BHVR, can we acknowledge fps on console is AWFUL since 4.1.0?

(for the original post look below)
@MandyTalk posted this reply:
"If you don't keep this thread on topic, it will be closed.
When we have information we will post it."
So here's asking to all the new comers: please, don't spam and remain in-topic as much as possible. The new patch is almost here and it would be a shame to not have this topic ready to discuss if and what changed. Thank you guys!
UPDATE #1 (August 28)
Q: did BHVR acknowledge the consoles problem?
A: NO. The only thing that BHVR did in this topic was to say, and I quote from @PatBrutal, "Just so you know, we've shared the thread with the team and they're going to take a look at it."
The reply from Pat was on August 13th, and since then we haven't received any update on the matter. We currently don't know:
- if the Dev Team actually did read the post
- if they understand there is a frame rate problem
- if they are willing to work on the problem
- if they are able to work on the problem
- if the problem has any priority over other work
- if yes at all of the above: when the issues are expected to be resolved
Aside for the (non existent) public communications here on the forum, today there has been a tweet from the DbD official account that states as follow:
notice the post is not talking about any improvement over the current fps on console, just that they apparently acknowledge console need special care for the graphical update.
if BHVR should ever decide to give any new public statement on the matter, it will be posted as a new update.
ORIGINAL POST (august 5)
There are plenty of feedback on the optimization sub board but I don't see any reply from BHVR, so, once again:
are you aware that fps on console (PS4, at least) degraded A LOT since 4.1.0 when playing as killer?
Here, I'll post you a video from today on Hawkins, it's basically a slide show every time a survivor is on screen.
(if it doesn't open:
as a comparison, here's the same map (different killer, but trust me, it's not the Oni the problem), but from one month ago
(again: direct link is
The frame rate obviously is still far from optimal, but it's a great deal better than how it is now.
Can you, @Peanits , @Almo or whoever else at least say "yes, we know, expect a fix soon / buy a pc you filthy console peasant"?
EDIT: bonus video - Hillbilly on a very open (and not very elaborate, polygonally speaking?) map.
The framerate is certainly better than on Hawkins, but as you can see every time there's a chase, maybe at T-L walls, everything goes south.
As a PS4 player, I can feel this.
You forgot to mention that some killers have noticeably lower frames than others. From what Ive played Demo has the worst frames by far, which would explain why there is barely any demo players.
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Lerys is basically unplayable as killer right now. Kept missing shred attacks due to how poor the framerate was.
I personally haven't really had any issues with demo outside of lerys and hawkins.
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I only played Demo once since the patch so I can't really confirm or deny if the fps is "much worse" - but I mean, the game I linked here is so, so awful that everything below that would be what? a static image for 10 minutes?
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All the indoor maps suck now on PS4. I get 5-10 FPS at max on them by just trying to play as Killer. I’m beginning to wonder if the devs are slowly beginning to just not care about console optimization, especially because they haven’t even acknowledged it. It was really disappointing to see nothing about it in the patch notes.
I tried asking about it on Twitter and almost immediately I was bombarded with “uPgRaDe yOuR pC!!!” replies, as if consoles didn’t even exist. It looks like this just going to be swept under the “bad optimization” rug and fixed in a couple years (I hope not though, considering how severe these issues are now). Hopefully the PS5 will be able to fix these problems and PS/PC cross-progression is implemented (in case the game is still poorly optimized on PS5).
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exactly, why not even acknowledge the problem?
pls Bhvr, just say something, I’m not asking to solve the issue right here and now.
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Silence is typically how BHVR responds to console optimization. They said they would work on it a year ago.
So that was a lie
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If the devs acknowledged that fps got worse with the last update, then they would have to come up with a fix for the problem.
I'm playing on PS4 since the release. Performance never was great but it got worse over the years. The devs either don't know how to fix the performance issues or they don't want to. There really is no option c).
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Some Genius in the codding team can't figure it out how to make he's portals prompts work without lagging the sht out of the game .
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Has anyone tested indoor maps after yesterday 4.1.1 fix?
I only got farm maps.
I was playing PIG, and it seemed fine, albeit not as a smooth as previous 4.1
Oh, the video is post 4.1.1 fix
Damn, they haven't fixed the frame rates.
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Something that disappoints me big time is the fact there was one update that made the game run smooth as hell almost like on PC a year or two ago but it only lasted temporarily for 1 single patch and I can't remember which patch it was. I think @DudeDelicious remembers the patch as well. I wish I knew which patch it was so I could look up clips and compare with the current version.
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The devs aren't going to fix it. The next Playstation and Xbox are right around the corner. They'll just wait for players to upgrade to PC or a new console.
In the meantime, cross platform progression could fix the problems for players who have both PC and PS4 and Xbox. BUT, it doesn't seem like the devs are moving very fast on that, if at all. I wouldn't hold your breath. (PS4 player here) For now, we just suffer until we're willing to spend money to play on a platform that BHVR gives a crap about.
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The devs promised console optimization over a year ago now but when someone brings this up they are silent on the matter. I feel like setting up a petition, maybe that will get their attention.
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the fact is that I'm not asking for optimisation, sure I'd like it, sure I think we deserve it (I mean, PS4 can run Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider Man, Detroit Become Human, Uncharted 4 extremely smoothly, but whatever) but we're beyond that.
There was no esthetical update from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0, what changed is obviously behind the scenes, may it be Engine updates, may it be particle system, the aura system, whatever.
But still, if this leads to a plummet in performance as it is, there's no legit reason to not revert whatever has changed, aside for a big frick you to every console player.
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Don't let this thread die.
We need an official response.
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Can confirm. The stuttering and frames have been horrendous since the mid chapter update on ps4.
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I mean, survivors have always disappeared after a swing, but now it's ridiculous. The frames drop to single digits as soon as you get close and they start moving back and forth.
You just push R2 and pray that they didn't move while you literally were blinded by lack of frames.
Don't even get me started on having bloodlust pop up right before you're about to take a swing. Half second hiccup in the visuals.
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Yes, it's awful particularly on indoor maps. I have to avoid several cosmetics just to avoid single digit fps as well.
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We need an official response on this matter.
PS4 players.
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every 360 of a survivor is basically tossing a coin and guess where they are going right now
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Can confirm that on Xbox, the frames have felt worse since the patch. Did the aura's do it?
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Keeping it alive boys
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It's also awful for pyramid head frame-wise too, makes his ranged attack exceedingly difficult to hit. Indoor maps are essentially screwed and whenever you get close to a survivor your frames horribly drop, making it very easy to be juked. How does it get worse, seemingly, every patch?
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It's been like this for years. Most Survivors unfortunately think it's them and end up relying on the game being unoptimized to succeed. I wonder how much they'd freak out if BHVR optimizes the game and their tricks suddenly stop working. We'd get a bunch of threads about how 360s are "ruined" or how Killer is OP now. Maybe that's why consoles are still poorly optimized, BHVR is afraid of the possible backlash from Survivors lol.
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fix the projector level frames on ps4
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They don’t care about us console nerds;
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Honestly last time I played on Lery's it felt like a slideshow. I wonder if the graphics update will make it even worse.
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Frames have been ######### ever since the new engine update, and slowing been declining in quality over time.
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this made me laugh lol
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Lol well that’s how it feels at times.
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Holy sht devs. No answer?
Guess we'll have to keep this thread going them
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to be fair I didn't see any Devs answers in the forum today, at least not in the first page when I was lurking.
I want to be optimistic, and think that they do know something is wrong and
- technical devs are at work to fix/understand the problems
- community managers are waiting for their tech team to tell them what to tell us
...of course we'll keep asking until we get some answer, but I'll gladly wait without encouraging any flame if this is the case, as much as this topic (and/or similar ones) stays open and visible.
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I agree with this. I once posted a topic about being able to opt out of Bloodlust if you’d like as Killer because my frames drop dramatically once it activates and got PC players telling me that console frames aren’t bad. I love being told that my experiences are not real or true.
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Lerys is so bad right now. I was even having terrible frames as survivor. Another one dc'd after about 20 seconds and it was unplayable for the killer too so we just farmed. Think we need a road to 5 FPS
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yes, I absolutely feel you. I get so scared of bloodlust activating while I'm going for a hit, it will be a 100% miss :(
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Xbox reacts pretty much the same to PS4 in this regard. Lerys in particular is bad for me. : P
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Exactly, I have been experiencing more laggy matches with spirit and Demo when I play them. I hope they fix it.
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Yeah it’s been extremely terrible (especially on Lerys and Ormond). It almost makes the game unplayable because I struggle to get a stable 15 FPS even on PS4 pro.
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Y’all talking about ps4, HAVE YOU PLAYED ON SWITCH!
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No, and I’m terrified of doing so.
I feel your pain. Like I said earlier on, I tried tweeting about it and almost immediately I received replies about how people weren’t having this issue and I need a better PC (as if consoles didn’t even exist).
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Players have been asking for console optimization for years and nothing happened. The devs have been aware of at least some problems for ages - for example, they acknowledged in a stream that frame drops occur when a new status gets applied (like Mangled). By now, the problems are even more severe.
No improvements in all this time. They made a sub-forum for optimization reports half a year ago, but did anything happen?
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Maybe the Minotaur skin for Oni comes with higher FPS.
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But console performance got better, for a little while!
Let’s not rewrite history here: as bad as framerate was, it still was better than how it was before. The problem is that now everything plummeted, and this is probably the worst iteration of dbd, performance wise,
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That means they can fix the frame rate, but they literally choose not to, they don't even give us the satisfaction of a single word, like "we know this exists, someday we might work on it" or whatever
BHVR is worse than valve at communicating, and that's saying something
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They promised us optimisation and fixes for over a year ago, and we still haven't got it. Fellow console players, let your voices be heard.
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I felt this
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The least they can do is acknowledge it and tell us they will let the team know, but no responses so we're left dead in the water.
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Yes, I do agree that they need to give us an answer (and possibly an explanation as well, but I guess that would be asking too much).
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Performance got a little better for a very short time. That was when the dedicated servers got activated and had nothing to do with the game getting optimized.
(When dedicated servers are doing calculations instead of your own console, then this gives your console more room to do other calculations, which leads to a better performance.)
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Another PS4 player here waiting to see a response :)