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Rank matters (vets only)

Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
edited October 2018 in General Discussions
Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.

We regularly hear from low rank randos about how rank doesnt matter.

The truth however is that is does. The gameplay is far different at rank1 than rank15. At rank1, you deal with far more skilled players on both sides, who are bringing better items, using better offerings, and i see moris at least 50% of games.

The harsh reality is that the average player is bad, real bad. the majority of our population plays between rank10-20, however humans dont do well with thinking they are average. Its far easier to play at scrub ranks and tell themselves that rank simply doesnt matter, or that rank1 just isnt fun, which actually translates into “i get less points and survive/kill less at rank1”.

The result of all this, is that you see well known and even sponsored streamers DCing to play at rank15, because they can convince themselves and their followers that this is where the game is “fun”.

fun, means differnent things to different people, but for people who play at rank1, we play for a challenge, not SWFing down rank15 killers. if we didnt play for a challenge, we would be deranking to earn more bp per game with easier wins.

people need to start supporting actual skilled players, not these deranking scrubs. if the person youre watching is DCing, or running SWF and bullying low rank killers, stop supporting them.

if you like watching survivor gameplay, find some solo survivor, preferably one who plays with no items or offerings, or no perks even, and watch them. you will learn more, see better gameplay, and ultimately be doing right by the game and its community by not supporting bad streamers.

on a more personal level, if youre a player, stop DCing. get to rank1 and play there. your achievement for “getting there” means nothing. actually play there, for the rest of whatever season, and the next, and the next. you will be better for it.

if this thread makes no sense to you, or is offensive, then you do not play at rank1. you may have got there during a double bp farming event for the achievement, but you clearly arent playing there.
Post edited by Lowbei on


  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    I gain blood points faster at lower ranks.

    Lower ranks are better for leveling my killers.

    And if the vast majority of players suck, and are at lower ranks, why not support the majority of the player base?

    everyone gains bp faster at lower ranks. grinding shouldnt be your endgame, and after a few hundred hours, your focus should shift from grinding to fun/competition in this competitive game.

    im not saying dont support low rank randos.  most low rank randos dont often stream at all. im saying that the people you should be supporting are the ones not dcing, and actually playing at rank1, because its better for you as a viewer to see real skill, than to watch deranked swf bully low level killers.

    and again, if you are capable of playing at rank1, do that. you arent gaining skill by playing at rank15. bloodpoints come and go, they shouldnt be your focus. if your focus is bp, you probably arent really having fun, and definitely arent competitive.

    im putting this out there to help people like you, who are content to a life of mediocrity (averageness) instead of reaching your potential.

    be more epic. i know its in you. no offense, but you people need to reach down there, find your balls, and use them.
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @Lowbei said:
    GrannyonAcid said:

    I wouldn't flatter yourself too much. Not sure where you get these facts that the average player is bad. I don't think it's possible to sit between rank 10-20 if you play on a regular basis. I started playing DBD again after a 6-8 month break about a week ago. Already at rank 5 survivor and like rank 7 killer. Pretty much every game is an easy pip. Ranking up as killer seems slightly more challenging. But possible. Either you face really good teams or really bad teams.

    There's no way that in a week of coming back to the game and not even knowing what the new killers do or the new survivor perks should I be high ranked like that. Every time I face a Freddy or a Pig I freak out because I have no idea what the hell they do. I haven't learned how to avoid dream state or how to avoid Freddy. I have no idea why this pig [BAD WORD] comes charging at me out of no where. Still game is super easy to climb.

    The people sitting at rank 10-20 are probably people that casually play the game. Maybe a few games a week. Anyone that puts any effort into the game should be rank 1.

    The point is you're not good for being high rank. All you have to do is play the game a lot and you automatically get rank 1. Killer might be hard to rank up if you're new at the game... But rank like 10-20 as killer is full of survivors that just get in a closet in front of you. So even they shouldn't struggle to rank up. Survivors you can simply rank up over and over again and never get chased. There's so many AFK generator players on the game. They rank up and just crouch walk around the map and hold mouse 1. That doesn't make them a good player.

    Guess all I'm saying is rank really doesn't matter. I find it hard to believe that I barely know anything about the game right now and I'm "Above average." I couldn't imagine playing the game for a long period of time if I never survived or never got a kill. So I really really really... Doubt that anyone that plays on a regular basis is rank 10-20.

    Face it. Most of you rank 1-5's aren't even good. Myself included right now. It's just that easy to get there. So no rank doesn't matter.

    spoken like someone whos never even played at rank1 (accurate based on your statements) and who has no clue that rank1 play is far more challenging than rank10 or rank5 even.

    no its not hard. no game is hard, however “more challenging” is a factor, in any game setting.

    this post is for vets, not casuals. i dont expect casuals to ever get anywhere in any game.

    when you become more experienced, this post will make more sense.

    i fully expect the average rando to take offense to this post. looks like i was right.

    Didn't take offense to the post. I put an edit in to more explain my point if you didn't know what I was getting at.

    Unlocked Jul 17, 2016 @ 9:18pm
    Legendary Killer
    Reach Killer rank 1

    Rank 1 killer from the first month of the game. Back when the game was full of cheating and infinite jukes.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    Attackfrog said:

    I gain blood points faster at lower ranks.

    Lower ranks are better for leveling my killers.

    And if the vast majority of players suck, and are at lower ranks, why not support the majority of the player base?

    everyone gains bp faster at lower ranks. grinding shouldnt be your endgame, and after a few hundred hours, your focus should shift from grinding to fun/competition in this competitive game.

    im not saying dont support low rank randos.  most low rank randos dont often stream at all. im saying that the people you should be supporting are the ones not dcing, and actually playing at rank1, because its better for you as a viewer to see real skill, than to watch deranked swf bully low level killers.

    and again, if you are capable of playing at rank1, do that. you arent gaining skill by playing at rank15. bloodpoints come and go, they shouldnt be your focus. if your focus is bp, you probably arent really having fun, and definitely arent competitive.

    im putting this out there to help people like you, who are content to a life of mediocrity (averageness) instead of reaching your potential.

    be more epic. i know its in you. no offense, but you people need to reach down there, find your balls, and use them.

    But you fail to consider players like myself. I came to DBD from 2+ years in Overwatch where I did play Competitively and in the ranked matches. You know what? It finally wore away at me and helped cause me to hate playing the game. Playing Overwatch and maintaining rank went from being a fun game to being a chore. Even enjoying casual Quick Play after that was a lost cause. I just didn't want to look at the game anymore.

    When I came to DBD, I specifically did so to just have fun playing a couple of my favorite horror movie Killers. I don't give a damn about Rank except as far as the queue times are concerned, and really have zero interest in playing DBD competitively. Been there and done that, and am done with it. Behavior chose to have a ranked-only mode if you want Bloodpoints, but I refuse to worry about their ranks.

    I will likely only ever be mediocre in DBD, and I am perfectly fine with that. I refuse to play this like I did Overwatch. I've decided as of tonight to not even chase the teachable meta-perks, because I'm just not going to sit here and look at Bloodpoints and what a ######### grind that is for a new player.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei said:
    GrannyonAcid said:

    I wouldn't flatter yourself too much. Not sure where you get these facts that the average player is bad. I don't think it's possible to sit between rank 10-20 if you play on a regular basis. I started playing DBD again after a 6-8 month break about a week ago. Already at rank 5 survivor and like rank 7 killer. Pretty much every game is an easy pip. Ranking up as killer seems slightly more challenging. But possible. Either you face really good teams or really bad teams.

    There's no way that in a week of coming back to the game and not even knowing what the new killers do or the new survivor perks should I be high ranked like that. Every time I face a Freddy or a Pig I freak out because I have no idea what the hell they do. I haven't learned how to avoid dream state or how to avoid Freddy. I have no idea why this pig [BAD WORD] comes charging at me out of no where. Still game is super easy to climb.

    The people sitting at rank 10-20 are probably people that casually play the game. Maybe a few games a week. Anyone that puts any effort into the game should be rank 1.

    The point is you're not good for being high rank. All you have to do is play the game a lot and you automatically get rank 1. Killer might be hard to rank up if you're new at the game... But rank like 10-20 as killer is full of survivors that just get in a closet in front of you. So even they shouldn't struggle to rank up. Survivors you can simply rank up over and over again and never get chased. There's so many AFK generator players on the game. They rank up and just crouch walk around the map and hold mouse 1. That doesn't make them a good player.

    Guess all I'm saying is rank really doesn't matter. I find it hard to believe that I barely know anything about the game right now and I'm "Above average." I couldn't imagine playing the game for a long period of time if I never survived or never got a kill. So I really really really... Doubt that anyone that plays on a regular basis is rank 10-20.

    Face it. Most of you rank 1-5's aren't even good. Myself included right now. It's just that easy to get there. So no rank doesn't matter.

    spoken like someone whos never even played at rank1 (accurate based on your statements) and who has no clue that rank1 play is far more challenging than rank10 or rank5 even.

    no its not hard. no game is hard, however “more challenging” is a factor, in any game setting.

    this post is for vets, not casuals. i dont expect casuals to ever get anywhere in any game.

    when you become more experienced, this post will make more sense.

    i fully expect the average rando to take offense to this post. looks like i was right.

    Didn't take offense to the post. I put an edit in to more explain my point if you didn't know what I was getting at.

    Unlocked Jul 17, 2016 @ 9:18pm
    Legendary Killer
    Reach Killer rank 1

    Rank 1 killer from the first month of the game. Back when the game was full of cheating and infinite jukes.

    again, reaching rank1 means nothing. play there. the game is fluid, changes constantly, and is nowhere the same as it was in 2016. you clearly think your achievement means something, which is why you brought it up, no offense.

    Kilmeran said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Attackfrog said:

    I gain blood points faster at lower ranks.

    Lower ranks are better for leveling my killers.

    And if the vast majority of players suck, and are at lower ranks, why not support the majority of the player base?

    everyone gains bp faster at lower ranks. grinding shouldnt be your endgame, and after a few hundred hours, your focus should shift from grinding to fun/competition in this competitive game.

    im not saying dont support low rank randos.  most low rank randos dont often stream at all. im saying that the people you should be supporting are the ones not dcing, and actually playing at rank1, because its better for you as a viewer to see real skill, than to watch deranked swf bully low level killers.

    and again, if you are capable of playing at rank1, do that. you arent gaining skill by playing at rank15. bloodpoints come and go, they shouldnt be your focus. if your focus is bp, you probably arent really having fun, and definitely arent competitive.

    im putting this out there to help people like you, who are content to a life of mediocrity (averageness) instead of reaching your potential.

    be more epic. i know its in you. no offense, but you people need to reach down there, find your balls, and use them.

    But you fail to consider players like myself. I came to DBD from 2+ years in Overwatch where I did play Competitively and in the ranked matches. You know what? It finally wore away at me and helped cause me to hate playing the game. Playing Overwatch and maintaining rank went from being a fun game to being a chore. Even enjoying casual Quick Play after that was a lost cause. I just didn't want to look at the game anymore.

    When I came to DBD, I specifically did so to just have fun playing a couple of my favorite horror movie Killers. I don't give a damn about Rank except as far as the queue times are concerned, and really have zero interest in playing DBD competitively. Been there and done that, and am done with it. Behavior chose to have a ranked-only mode if you want Bloodpoints, but I refuse to worry about their ranks.

    I will likely only ever be mediocre in DBD, and I am perfectly fine with that. I refuse to play this like I did Overwatch.

    no worries, nobody is forcing you to compete. you fit into the category i mentioned when i said that the average player doesnt like the term average, and gives themselves an excuse to not play there, instead of simply stating “i dont play dbd competitively” and leaving it there, because of ego, no offense.
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @GrannyonAcid Yeah, I can't fathom why they made a Rank-only mode, or a Rank mode at all, for a game that is obviously never meant for an eSport or even an actual competitive scene. It would have been better to just have a hidden MMR that matched players against each other, which would still have effectively kept the High MMR experienced Vets from steamrolling new players.

    Instead, Behavior went this way, and it makes no sense to me.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Kilmeran said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Attackfrog said:

    I gain blood points faster at lower ranks.

    Lower ranks are better for leveling my killers.

    And if the vast majority of players suck, and are at lower ranks, why not support the majority of the player base?

    everyone gains bp faster at lower ranks. grinding shouldnt be your endgame, and after a few hundred hours, your focus should shift from grinding to fun/competition in this competitive game.

    im not saying dont support low rank randos.  most low rank randos dont often stream at all. im saying that the people you should be supporting are the ones not dcing, and actually playing at rank1, because its better for you as a viewer to see real skill, than to watch deranked swf bully low level killers.

    and again, if you are capable of playing at rank1, do that. you arent gaining skill by playing at rank15. bloodpoints come and go, they shouldnt be your focus. if your focus is bp, you probably arent really having fun, and definitely arent competitive.

    im putting this out there to help people like you, who are content to a life of mediocrity (averageness) instead of reaching your potential.

    be more epic. i know its in you. no offense, but you people need to reach down there, find your balls, and use them.

    But you fail to consider players like myself. I came to DBD from 2+ years in Overwatch where I did play Competitively and in the ranked matches. You know what? It finally wore away at me and helped cause me to hate playing the game. Playing Overwatch and maintaining rank went from being a fun game to being a chore. Even enjoying casual Quick Play after that was a lost cause. I just didn't want to look at the game anymore.

    When I came to DBD, I specifically did so to just have fun playing a couple of my favorite horror movie Killers. I don't give a damn about Rank except as far as the queue times are concerned, and really have zero interest in playing DBD competitively. Been there and done that, and am done with it. Behavior chose to have a ranked-only mode if you want Bloodpoints, but I refuse to worry about their ranks.

    I will likely only ever be mediocre in DBD, and I am perfectly fine with that. I refuse to play this like I did Overwatch. I've decided as of tonight to not even chase the teachable meta-perks, because I'm just not going to sit here and look at Bloodpoints and what a [BAD WORD] grind that is for a new player.

    Nothing wrong with anything you said. I think a lot of players are like that. DBD to me and a lot of people I feel is just one of those games that you are supposed to play for fun. It isn't suppose to feel like a grind. It's not about being really good at the game. It's like CoD... Call of Duty is something barely anyone takes competitively. But they like it cause you can just throw it on after work or school and play casually. DBD has the same feel to me. There's not supposed to be a competitive scene. Players just always feel like anything with a ranked mode has to be competitive.

    Taking the ranked mode out of DBD would be great. At least a change I would enjoy. It would feel good to have players of all skill levels. You can have the rank 1's that pallet loop and 'break your ankles' for a few minutes mixed in with mediocre players. So that it doesn't become a terrible experience. I'm hating my life as I climb the ranks. I don't want to get back to rank 1 either. It just becomes a nightmare. The games aren't fun.Killers talk #########, survivors talk #########. People act like this is a game like League of Legends where it takes skill. There's literally a very small ceiling for skill level in DBD.

    So play the game how you feel. Don't let this kid tell you what to do. Maybe a non competitive queue would be a godsend. This game might actually grow its player base. No one wants to be learning this game with how toxic the community is. Give players that are just playing the game for fun a chance to do so. Without getting flamed.

    lol you are the perfect example of someone who cant actively compete at high rank, and thus tells themselves that there is no competitive play and even that theres not supposed to be.

    you are a casual. you are upset at this thread because, like i said, humans dont like to think of themselves as average. inb4 you claim that you dont care, which is the obvious next step for you.

    actual vets know that rank1 play is far more competitive and requires far more knowledge and skill than rank15. that fact is not even up for debate.

    this thread is for vets, or actual gamers on their way to become vets. rando casuals will become defensive, as you have displayed.
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    I am always telling myself that it's a challenge to me (R1 with the Wraith now mostly). But when I get a group with 4 DS and 1 insta heal, I sometimes dream about lower ranks lol. (Although in the 4 DS match I killed 2 and almost double pipped.)
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Kilmeran said:

    @GrannyonAcid Yeah, I can't fathom why they made a Rank-only mode, or a Rank mode at all, for a game that is obviously never meant for an eSport or even an actual competitive scene. It would have been better to just have a hidden MMR that matched players against each other, which would still have effectively kept the High MMR experienced Vets from steamrolling new players.

    Instead, Behavior went this way, and it makes no sense to me.

    lol at the rank15-20 casuals being confused about why we have ranked competitive modes and telling themselves that it shouldnt exist. git gud.
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @Kilmeran said:
    @GrannyonAcid Yeah, I can't fathom why they made a Rank-only mode, or a Rank mode at all, for a game that is obviously never meant for an eSport or even an actual competitive scene. It would have been better to just have a hidden MMR that matched players against each other, which would still have effectively kept the High MMR experienced Vets from steamrolling new players.

    Instead, Behavior went this way, and it makes no sense to me.

    It'd mind blowing the community that DBD has. Mental health issues is what I would say most of the community has. Back in 2016 when this game came out. It was full of infinite juke spots. Spots in every single map... 2-3 of them a map. Where you couldn't catch a survivor at all. There was no bloodlust or anything like that. Every time they got injured they would run to these spots and do the same loop over and over again. Without a possibility of getting caught. Then they'd go on your profile and say, "Get your ankles broken." "Get good kid." ... They flaunted like they were a starting pitcher throwing a perfect game in MLB.

    Winning because of spots that make it so you CANNOT lose! But people still found a way to make it competitive. Stroked their ego to something they couldn't lose at. Of course not all players used them. Probably just 80%.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:
    GrannyonAcid said:

    I wouldn't flatter yourself too much. Not sure where you get these facts that the average player is bad. I don't think it's possible to sit between rank 10-20 if you play on a regular basis. I started playing DBD again after a 6-8 month break about a week ago. Already at rank 5 survivor and like rank 7 killer. Pretty much every game is an easy pip. Ranking up as killer seems slightly more challenging. But possible. Either you face really good teams or really bad teams.

    There's no way that in a week of coming back to the game and not even knowing what the new killers do or the new survivor perks should I be high ranked like that. Every time I face a Freddy or a Pig I freak out because I have no idea what the hell they do. I haven't learned how to avoid dream state or how to avoid Freddy. I have no idea why this pig [BAD WORD] comes charging at me out of no where. Still game is super easy to climb.

    The people sitting at rank 10-20 are probably people that casually play the game. Maybe a few games a week. Anyone that puts any effort into the game should be rank 1.

    The point is you're not good for being high rank. All you have to do is play the game a lot and you automatically get rank 1. Killer might be hard to rank up if you're new at the game... But rank like 10-20 as killer is full of survivors that just get in a closet in front of you. So even they shouldn't struggle to rank up. Survivors you can simply rank up over and over again and never get chased. There's so many AFK generator players on the game. They rank up and just crouch walk around the map and hold mouse 1. That doesn't make them a good player.

    Guess all I'm saying is rank really doesn't matter. I find it hard to believe that I barely know anything about the game right now and I'm "Above average." I couldn't imagine playing the game for a long period of time if I never survived or never got a kill. So I really really really... Doubt that anyone that plays on a regular basis is rank 10-20.

    Face it. Most of you rank 1-5's aren't even good. Myself included right now. It's just that easy to get there. So no rank doesn't matter.

    spoken like someone whos never even played at rank1 (accurate based on your statements) and who has no clue that rank1 play is far more challenging than rank10 or rank5 even.

    no its not hard. no game is hard, however “more challenging” is a factor, in any game setting.

    this post is for vets, not casuals. i dont expect casuals to ever get anywhere in any game.

    when you become more experienced, this post will make more sense.

    i fully expect the average rando to take offense to this post. looks like i was right.

    lmao no its not. LOL at rank means anything in this game. Even if youre at rank 1 which youre not youre trash regardless

    lol everyone here knows i only play at rank1 on both sides, and youve been laughed off the forum numerous times for being a low ranked survivormain rando who begs for killer nerfs like you did about bbq in the other thread.

    git gud
  • Skivee
    Skivee Member Posts: 40

    @Lowbei said:
    We regularly hear from low rank randos about how rank doesnt matter.

    The truth however is that is does. The gameplay is far different at rank1 than rank15. At rank1, you deal with far more skilled players on both sides, who are bringing better items, using better offerings, and i see moris at least 50% of games.

    The truth, is that the average player is bad, real bad. the majority of our population plays between rank10-20, however humans dont do well with thinking they are average. Its far easier to play at scrub ranks and tell themselves that rank simply doesnt matter, or that rank1 just isnt fun, which actually translates into “i get less points and survive/kill less at rank1”.

    The result of all this, is that you see well known and even sponsored streamers DCing to play at rank15, because they can convince themselves and their followers that this is where the game is “fun”.

    fun is a challenge, not SWFing down rank15 killers.

    people need to start supporting actual skilled players, not these deranking scrubs. if the person youre watching is dcing, or running swf and bullying low rank killers, stop supporting them.

    if you like watching survivor gameplay, find some solo survivor, preferably one who plays with no items or offerings, or no perks even, and watch them. you will learn more, see better gameplay, and ultimately be doing right by the game and its community by not supporting bad streamers.

    on a more personal level, if youre a player, stop dcing. get to rank1 and play there. your achievement for “getting there” means nothing. actually play there, for the rest of whatever season, and the next, and the next. you will be better for it.

    if this thread makes no sense to you, or is offensive, then you do not play at rank1. you may have got there during a double bp farming event for the achievement, but you clearly arent playing there. #realtalk

    I agree with you, many people nowadays don't want the challenge but just dominate other players in unequal conditions. When skilled players get on lower ranks and promote themself how good they are against lower rank killers It's like professional fighter beats a somebody who just started learning. I hate DCing and I don't see the point of bullying players with lower skill.

    Still, I can find survivors or killers on rank 1 that play like rank 15... I not telling that rank does not matter, 100% it matters but in my opinion, It's quite easy to get there. I mostly play in SWF but we are trying to be super cool with the killer because killer wants to have a fun in the game, we are not toxic (no DC, not-bag, no flashlight clicking etc).

    Recently I have started to play killer again (After like half year - year break), unexpectedly as rank 20 with the fresh spirit or with the nurse. Well, till rank 5 I was dominating the games with 4 kills only, nobody escapes and It wasn't fun. I have wanted to go rank 1 as soon as possible because I can get better players and have fun again. I have dominated lower ranks with no perks and add-ons and they had top perks etc.

    So yes, rank 100% matters, but it needs polishing to make it harder to get there in my opinion.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    popoles said:
    I am always telling myself that it's a challenge to me (R1 with the Wraith now mostly). But when I get a group with 4 DS and 1 insta heal, I sometimes dream about lower ranks lol. (Although in the 4 DS match I killed 2 and almost double pipped.)
    but good for you for having the balls to stay and compete. your opinions will be worth 100x more than these butthurt low ranks who are upset that they have been labelled bad. welcome
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @GrannyonAcid said:

    @Kilmeran said:
    @GrannyonAcid Yeah, I can't fathom why they made a Rank-only mode, or a Rank mode at all, for a game that is obviously never meant for an eSport or even an actual competitive scene. It would have been better to just have a hidden MMR that matched players against each other, which would still have effectively kept the High MMR experienced Vets from steamrolling new players.

    Instead, Behavior went this way, and it makes no sense to me.

    It'd mind blowing the community that DBD has. Mental health issues is what I would say most of the community has. Back in 2016 when this game came out. It was full of infinite juke spots. Spots in every single map... 2-3 of them a map. Where you couldn't catch a survivor at all. There was no bloodlust or anything like that. Every time they got injured they would run to these spots and do the same loop over and over again. Without a possibility of getting caught. Then they'd go on your profile and say, "Get your ankles broken." "Get good kid." ... They flaunted like they were a starting pitcher throwing a perfect game in MLB.

    Winning because of spots that make it so you CANNOT lose! But people still found a way to make it competitive. Stroked their ego to something they couldn't lose at. Of course not all players used them. Probably just 80%.

    Oh, you get the same type of people in most PvP games, even when they use something that is basically an "easy-mode." You guys had those spots. Overwatch had Brigitte when she first released before the needed nerfs.

    I'm 45-years-old, and I think after a while the whole scene does affect you. I mean, I came to DBD to get the hell away from everything I put myself through being a "competitive gamer" in Overwatch, at my age no less in a twitch-reflex heavy game like that. And what did I do here? First thing I did was come to the forums and ask about Builds to use. Got sound advice. Then I worried about grinding out Bloodpoints in the most effective newbie way. It got to the point that I looked at all this being 2-years behind the curve and was going to just shelve DBD. To the point that I logged into Overwatch again tonight and played a few matches. Needless to say, that wasn't a good move.

    I logged out of that game and had to put myself in check. Reflexes and habits are hard to break, but goddamnit, I am not going that route again. I used to play just for fun before the whole Overwatch thing from 2016-2018. Even in MMOs for 20 years, I played casual and for fun, I didn't top-tier raid or chase the gear. Ditto for games like the Diablo series.

    Overwatch is like a virus in my programming, and it's time to purge it. I came to DBD just to relax, have fun, and play like in a horror movie: either kill the poor saps, or play a poor sap and escape the killer or be a victim.

    And no rank number tossed into the game by Behavior is going to send me back down that road. I'm done with it. I'm too old for that #########.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited October 2018
    I agree with this post, I've been in rank 1 for killer for the past 3 or 4 months and most of the time I get some good challenging matches.  a few days ago my brother wanted me to do his killer dailys and watched me for tips on how to play. Since he was rank 14 I didn't think it would be too bad... I was wrong. Game after game I destroyed the survivors using mediocre perks and one of the killers (Myers) my brother put no points into at all, still ez 4k. Point is the game is very different at rank 1 compared to lower ranks. As for survivor I have only hit rank 1 once, I'm a killer main but this season I'm going for rank 1 to see how some of my builds work in rank 1 as survivor. 
    As for streamers yea don't follow the low rank scrubs. People like hybrid panda, true talent and kinda noob3 are good for seeing high rank game play and some tips on how to get better. Would name other streamers but they are the only ones I actually watch and remember.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Skivee said:

    @Lowbei said:
    We regularly hear from low rank randos about how rank doesnt matter.

    The truth however is that is does. The gameplay is far different at rank1 than rank15. At rank1, you deal with far more skilled players on both sides, who are bringing better items, using better offerings, and i see moris at least 50% of games.

    The truth, is that the average player is bad, real bad. the majority of our population plays between rank10-20, however humans dont do well with thinking they are average. Its far easier to play at scrub ranks and tell themselves that rank simply doesnt matter, or that rank1 just isnt fun, which actually translates into “i get less points and survive/kill less at rank1”.

    The result of all this, is that you see well known and even sponsored streamers DCing to play at rank15, because they can convince themselves and their followers that this is where the game is “fun”.

    fun is a challenge, not SWFing down rank15 killers.

    people need to start supporting actual skilled players, not these deranking scrubs. if the person youre watching is dcing, or running swf and bullying low rank killers, stop supporting them.

    if you like watching survivor gameplay, find some solo survivor, preferably one who plays with no items or offerings, or no perks even, and watch them. you will learn more, see better gameplay, and ultimately be doing right by the game and its community by not supporting bad streamers.

    on a more personal level, if youre a player, stop dcing. get to rank1 and play there. your achievement for “getting there” means nothing. actually play there, for the rest of whatever season, and the next, and the next. you will be better for it.

    if this thread makes no sense to you, or is offensive, then you do not play at rank1. you may have got there during a double bp farming event for the achievement, but you clearly arent playing there. #realtalk

    I agree with you, many people nowadays don't want the challenge but just dominate other players in unequal conditions. When skilled players get on lower ranks and promote themself how good they are against lower rank killers It's like professional fighter beats a somebody who just started learning. I hate DCing and I don't see the point of bullying players with lower skill.

    Still, I can find survivors or killers on rank 1 that play like rank 15... I not telling that rank does not matter, 100% it matters but in my opinion, It's quite easy to get there. I mostly play in SWF but we are trying to be super cool with the killer because killer wants to have a fun in the game, we are not toxic (no DC, not-bag, no flashlight clicking etc).

    Recently I have started to play killer again (After like half year - year break), unexpectedly as rank 20 with the fresh spirit or with the nurse. Well, till rank 5 I was dominating the games with 4 kills only, nobody escapes and It wasn't fun. I have wanted to go rank 1 as soon as possible because I can get better players and have fun again. I have dominated lower ranks with no perks and add-ons and they had top perks etc.

    So yes, rank 100% matters, but it needs polishing to make it harder to get there in my opinion.

    well put. lotsa randos get to rank1 with swf due to its current imbalance, or from farming during double bp events. these are always the first to die. i think it should be harder to pip in this game.

    Okay. Well it is clear that Lowbei has some serious mental health issues to work out on his own. For someone talking about other peoples egos... You sure as hell seem to have one yourself. I'm sorry to see that DBD has you so wound up in the competitive scene. That it doesn't have and never will. "Everyone here knows I only play at rank1 both sides." ... Like seriously? How many people here even know who the heck you are? Probably not many people.

    lol yes, like i said, casuals get salty at the concept that they are casual and tell themselves that the game has no competitive scene simply because they cannot compete there.

    you are no vet. your butthurt was expected. this thread isnt for you, no offense :-1:

    and yeah, not to brag, but most vets know who i am. you clearly arent one.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:

    GrannyonAcid said:

    I wouldn't flatter yourself too much. Not sure where you get these facts that the average player is bad. I don't think it's possible to sit between rank 10-20 if you play on a regular basis. I started playing DBD again after a 6-8 month break about a week ago. Already at rank 5 survivor and like rank  7 killer. Pretty much every game is an easy pip. Ranking up as killer seems slightly more challenging. But possible. Either you face really good teams or really bad teams.
    There's no way that in a week of coming back to the game and not even knowing what the new killers do or the new survivor perks should I be high ranked like that. Every time I face a Freddy or a Pig I freak out because I have no idea what the hell they do. I haven't learned how to avoid dream state or how to avoid Freddy. I have no idea why this pig [BAD WORD] comes charging at me out of no where. Still game is super easy to climb.
    The people sitting at rank 10-20 are probably people that casually play the game. Maybe a few games a week. Anyone that puts any effort into the game should be rank 1.
    The point is you're not good for being high rank. All you have to do is play the game a lot and you automatically get rank 1. Killer might be hard to rank up if you're new at the game... But rank like 10-20 as killer is full of survivors that just get in a closet in front of you. So even they shouldn't struggle to rank up. Survivors you can simply rank up over and over again and never get chased. There's so many AFK generator players on the game. They rank up and just crouch walk around the map and hold mouse 1. That doesn't make them a good player.
    Guess all I'm saying is rank really doesn't matter. I find it hard to believe that I barely know anything about the game right now and I'm "Above average." I couldn't imagine playing the game for a long period of time if I never survived or never got a kill. So I really really really... Doubt that anyone that plays on a regular basis is rank 10-20.
    Face it. Most of you rank 1-5's aren't even good. Myself included right now. It's just that easy to get there. So no rank doesn't matter.
    spoken like someone whos never even played at rank1 (accurate based on your statements) and who has no clue that rank1 play is far more challenging than rank10 or rank5 even.
    no its not hard. no game is hard, however “more challenging” is a factor, in any game setting.
    this post is for vets, not casuals. i dont expect casuals to ever get anywhere in any game.
    when you become more experienced, this post will make more sense.

    i fully expect the average rando to take offense to this post. looks like i was right.

    lmao no its not. LOL at rank means anything in this game. Even if youre at rank 1 which youre not youre trash regardless

    lol everyone here knows i only play at rank1 on both sides, and youve been laughed off the forum numerous times for being a low ranked survivormain rando who begs for killer nerfs like you did about bbq in the other thread.

    git gud

    I dont really beg for anything. The game like you is trash. The things I saw only get a angry reaction out of you which is hilarious. No youre not rank 1 but again rank is so easy to get in this game and even a garbage player like yourself should get that. Lol @ bragging to be good at a game like this hahahah

    lol and this, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when the most salty casuals get rekt on the forums, they claim the game itself is bad. feel free to ragequit at any time son.
    Post edited by Lowbei on
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    I agree with this post, I've been in rank 1 for killer for the past 3 or 4 months and most of the time I get some good challenging matches.  a few days ago my brother wanted me to do his killer dailys and watched me for tips on how to play. Since was rank 14 I didn't think it would be too bad... I was wrong. Game after game I destroyed the survivors using mediocre perks and one of the killers (Myers) my brother put no points into at all, still ez 4k. Point is the game is very different at rank 1 compared to lower ranks. As for survivor I have only hit rank 1 once, I'm a killer main but this season I'm going for rank 1 to see how some of my builds work in rank 1 as survivor. 
    As for streamers yea don't follow the low rank scrubs. People like hybrid panda, true talent and kinda noob3 are good for seeing high rank game play and some tips on how to get better. Would name other streamers but they are the only ones I actually watch and remember.
    exactly, and i can tell from your opinion that you are a vet.

    ironic that if you compare the hours of the people who agree vs disagree, all the vets agree and the 100hour randos are the ones getting salty.

    thats why this thread is for vets. the bads will rage, thats why i wrote that this thread is for vets. its not my intention to upset the casuals, but i cant stop them from reading it and getting salty.
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I totally get you. I'm 31 only. I think as you get older you start to realize things aren't as important. I kinda been like that since 25. I got ######### tendonitis in my wrists. I can't be competitive at jack #########. If I play too much on the PC my hands go numb. So there's like no way for me to be competitive really. Kind of hard to be a top player at anything when you lose feeling in your hands.

    I never played Overwatch. Wasn't my cup of tea. But League of Legends for sure. And everyone gets mad and flames once in awhile. But for the most part I never let any of that ######### get under my skin. It should be easy to understand that other peoples commitment might not be the same as yours. There's just also the fact that everyone 'has a bad game.'

    I take a lot of breaks from DBD. Mostly for the reason that you were stating. I'll play for two months. Then people ruin the fun for me. I get to rank 1 and hate the game. It's legit not a fun thing to do. But I'm also not going to just DC over and over again or whatever people do to derank. DBD has literally replaced COD for me. That's why I used it as an example before. It's a game that you can just let your mind go numb and relax. Stress relief. It has that feeling to it. Or at least some people like me and you agree on that. Other's I guess take it way too serious.

    You should add me on steam sometime and we could SWF or something. I'm not a great survivor. Still get rank 1 all the time. But my teammates probably hate me because I ######### suck lol. - Granny on Acid - is my steam name.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @Thetruth said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:
    Okay. Well it is clear that Lowbei has some serious mental health issues to work out on his own. For someone talking about other peoples egos... You sure as hell seem to have one yourself. I'm sorry to see that DBD has you so wound up in the competitive scene. That it doesn't have and never will. "Everyone here knows I only play at rank1 both sides." ... Like seriously? How many people here even know who the heck you are? Probably not many people.

    Lol dude hes a no one and the fact that he boasts about being a sweaty in a 20 dollar indie game like this is pathetic and desperate. but god damn its hilarious

    So is this a serious topic from him or a bait post? I feel like it has to be bait at this point. I've stated numerous times that I am terrible at this game. Yet I still hit rank 1 whenever I play. I don't think anyone can be this delusional to think that hitting rank 1 in DBD is difficult.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @Thetruth said:
    Haven't been "rekt" at all. No doubt I'm better in anything I do versus you. Grats to being a "Vet" or a "Pro" on a game with maybe a player base of 200 players. Tell ya what though your anger is very amusing

    Well, it does hit 25k-30k players a day on the Steam Charts in the early afternoon, east coast time. Then drops to 13k-15k in the evenings. So, more than 200 people, but a small community, no doubt.

    I don't know what console has for population. I only know what Steam reports.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @GrannyonAcid Oh absolutely. Years ago, Blizzard admitted that less than 10% of their player base in WoW even touched raiding, never mind the small percentage of that base 10% that were hardcore. That was why they eventually created the LFD and LFR modes, for those people. And LFR is the most used mode. And what is it? The casual mode.

    I played WoW from Beta until Legion (so, 2004-2018, then I left it behind and didn't buy BFA) and until LFR in 2011, I never touched a single raid in the game. From 2011-2018, I only did LFR raiding.

    Blizzard made its fortune understanding that casuals are the majority. Even Vanilla WoW was marketed directly (and loudly) to the casual players. By today's standards Vanilla WoW isn't casual, but back in 2004 when the MMOs were EQ1, SWG, and all the other ultra-time sinks, WoW was very casual for that market. That's why it exploded mainstream like it did, and introduced millions of new people to the MMO genre. It's also what helped cause the first design shifts, because other studios wanted some of those new people and knew that the pre-WoW designs were not going to grab them.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I gain blood points faster at lower ranks.

    Lower ranks are better for leveling my killers.

    And if the vast majority of players suck, and are at lower ranks, why not support the majority of the player base?

    What if the bonus bloodpoint addons would apply after the match and higher ranks give a point multiplier? This would allow to get points on high ranks. 
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @Kilmeran said:
    @GrannyonAcid Oh absolutely. Years ago, Blizzard admitted that less than 10% of their player base in WoW even touched raiding, never mind the small percentage of that base 10% that were hardcore. That was why they eventually created the LFD and LFR modes, for those people. And LFR is the most used mode. And what is it? The casual mode.

    I played WoW from Beta until Legion (so, 2004-2018, then I left it behind and didn't buy BFA) and until LFR in 2011, I never touched a single raid in the game. From 2011-2018, I only did LFR raiding.

    Blizzard made its fortune understanding that casuals are the majority. Even Vanilla WoW was marketed directly (and loudly) to the casual players. By today's standards Vanilla WoW isn't casual, but back in 2004 when the MMOs were EQ1, SWG, and all the other ultra-time sinks, WoW was very casual for that market. That's why it exploded mainstream like it did, and introduced millions of new people to the MMO genre. It's also what helped cause the first design shifts, because other studios wanted some of those new people and knew that the pre-WoW designs were not going to grab them.

    I've always felt like this is why DBD never put in an unranked mode. I think they realize that ranked mode would die and everyone would play the unranked version. Mostly due to people slowly changing from ranked to unranked. Then eventually all the super elitest try hards would get sick of waiting for games and join over to casual. I'm not trying to act like I know what everyone wants. But I feel like almost everyone wants this game to be a casual fun game. And right now it's easy to rank up... Which means the players that want to enjoy the game are forced into playing with the players that take the enjoyment out of the game.

    A few survive with friends bully squads... Yep... Going to queue up for unranked for awhile. So I can actually enjoy the game. I think that they should do the main game as a casual mode. Just take the ranked game mode and turn it into unranked. Then come up with an actual ranked mode. I'm not talking little pretty numbers next to your name. I'm talking about turning it into a game that people compete in. Killer gets to ban 5 thinks from the game. Survivors get to ban 5 things from the game. (Means everything. You can ban perks, maps, add ons, items. Whatever you want). I probably wouldn't partake in that game mode myself. But at least it would be there for the people that think DBD is on its way to becoming an esport.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @GrannyonAcid Well, that's basically what's happened in Overwatch. They admitted that Competitive is the least played mode. From highest to lowest, it goes: Arcade, Quick Play, Competitive. And like here with Ranks, the SR system is so screwed up over there, that many who did play Competitive stopped and went to Quick Play. And now we have (or had, since I left the game now), casuals playing for fun and whoever they wanted versus the tryhards who wanted competent team comps and competitive level play in Quick Play.

    It's a war that continues on the forums to this very day. Casual vs Tryhards is as bad over there as Survivor Mains vs Killer Mains on this forum.

    I'll admit, that was me. I couldn't take their screwed-up SR system anymore, all the leavers and throwers that would cost SR, et cetera, and just played QP expecting serious matches.

    The two do not mix. I became the kind of gamer I never cared for. The whole idea of "play for fun," went out the window with Overwatch. Oh, it started out that way, until Competitive mode was added to the game several months after launch. Perhaps interestingly, I am far from the only one this happened to, and many others have cited it as the reason they've put the game down and started moving on.

    Overwatch just seems to have a strange effect on people. I refuse to get baited and allow DBD to do that to me. I'm playing this damned thing for fun, I don't care how many Survivors escape me.

    I've already seen enough people DC in this game in my mere 20 hours into it, and enough Streamers de-pipping in public view, that I will go back to Competitive in Overwatch before I waste the time doing it here. Not to mention, I've already spoken to a number of people in post-game chat who were Rank 20 Survivor and showed absolute map knowledge in the match, who stated that they were higher ranked Killers and experienced with the game, and just now switching to Survivor. So, with the Ranks separated between the sides, it throws off the whole Rank vs Skill argument anyway. They might be a Rank 20 Survivor, but they are far from a Rank 20 Player.

    Which, of course, throws my Killer matches out of whack because I'm actually facing much more experienced players sometimes. And that's another reason that I'll just play DBD for fun, and not worry about Rank. It's akin to facing smurf accounts in Overwatch.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Yeah. Enjoy it the way you want to. Play casually if that's what you're up to. And for sure the ranking system is terrible. A rank 1 killer going to survivor for the first time... Obviously they know how to play survivor. You watch people do it to you. It's not hard to mimic others gameplay. That's why I never understood why people take this game so seriously. I've watched 10,000 other survivors run the same loop as you do... Clearly I've learned how to do it. I'm not that type of player though. I just run and try to survive. If I die.. Then I die. Not a big deal.

    I mean how could this game even be considered competitive in the slightest. Could you imagine a DBD tournament being commentated. "Oh and the killer has caught one of the survivors finally! Oh crap! Even though the survivor made a mistake... He gets to decisive strike free. The killer is back on his trail. Oh he dropped another pallet. Oh and an instant heal has gone off! In the 1 minute and 20 seconds of this chase already 3 generators finished." After a few more minutes... "The killer is finally going to get a kill. He got him down! Oh three teammates are surrounding the killer with flashlights that instantly blind him so he cannot get a hook on him anyway. And the games over."

    There's like a lot of balancing issues with DBD before this could ever be considered "Ranked" play. So do your thing. You've only got 20 hours in the game. Well that means you'll improve. Even if you don't want to take it serious. Eventually you'll get really good. It's not a skill thing. Just about putting a little time in here and there.

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    Yeah. Enjoy it the way you want to. Play casually if that's what you're up to. And for sure the ranking system is terrible. A rank 1 killer going to survivor for the first time... Obviously they know how to play survivor. You watch people do it to you. It's not hard to mimic others gameplay. That's why I never understood why people take this game so seriously. I've watched 10,000 other survivors run the same loop as you do... Clearly I've learned how to do it. I'm not that type of player though. I just run and try to survive. If I die.. Then I die. Not a big deal.

    I mean how could this game even be considered competitive in the slightest. Could you imagine a DBD tournament being commentated. "Oh and the killer has caught one of the survivors finally! Oh crap! Even though the survivor made a mistake... He gets to decisive strike free. The killer is back on his trail. Oh he dropped another pallet. Oh and an instant heal has gone off! In the 1 minute and 20 seconds of this chase already 3 generators finished." After a few more minutes... "The killer is finally going to get a kill. He got him down! Oh three teammates are surrounding the killer with flashlights that instantly blind him so he cannot get a hook on him anyway. And the games over."

    There's like a lot of balancing issues with DBD before this could ever be considered "Ranked" play. So do your thing. You've only got 20 hours in the game. Well that means you'll improve. Even if you don't want to take it serious. Eventually you'll get really good. It's not a skill thing. Just about putting a little time in here and there.

    There was an official tournament not long ago and the commentary was actually worse then you imagine it being.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @RWoodrow said:
    GrannyonAcid said:

    Yeah. Enjoy it the way you want to. Play casually if that's what you're up to. And for sure the ranking system is terrible. A rank 1 killer going to survivor for the first time... Obviously they know how to play survivor. You watch people do it to you. It's not hard to mimic others gameplay. That's why I never understood why people take this game so seriously. I've watched 10,000 other survivors run the same loop as you do... Clearly I've learned how to do it. I'm not that type of player though. I just run and try to survive. If I die.. Then I die. Not a big deal.

    I mean how could this game even be considered competitive in the slightest. Could you imagine a DBD tournament being commentated. "Oh and the killer has caught one of the survivors finally! Oh crap! Even though the survivor made a mistake... He gets to decisive strike free. The killer is back on his trail. Oh he dropped another pallet. Oh and an instant heal has gone off! In the 1 minute and 20 seconds of this chase already 3 generators finished." After a few more minutes... "The killer is finally going to get a kill. He got him down! Oh three teammates are surrounding the killer with flashlights that instantly blind him so he cannot get a hook on him anyway. And the games over."

    There's like a lot of balancing issues with DBD before this could ever be considered "Ranked" play. So do your thing. You've only got 20 hours in the game. Well that means you'll improve. Even if you don't want to take it serious. Eventually you'll get really good. It's not a skill thing. Just about putting a little time in here and there.

    There was an official tournament not long ago and the commentary was actually worse then you imagine it being.

    TydeTyme also held a little tournament and it was really nice to watch.
    It´s ironic, that a streamer can organize a better tournament than the devs.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    I totally get you. I'm 31 only. I think as you get older you start to realize things aren't as important. I kinda been like that since 25. I got [BAD WORD] tendonitis in my wrists. I can't be competitive at jack #########. If I play too much on the PC my hands go numb. So there's like no way for me to be competitive really. Kind of hard to be a top player at anything when you lose feeling in your hands.

    I never played Overwatch. Wasn't my cup of tea. But League of Legends for sure. And everyone gets mad and flames once in awhile. But for the most part I never let any of that ######### get under my skin. It should be easy to understand that other peoples commitment might not be the same as yours. There's just also the fact that everyone 'has a bad game.'

    I take a lot of breaks from DBD. Mostly for the reason that you were stating. I'll play for two months. Then people ruin the fun for me. I get to rank 1 and hate the game. It's legit not a fun thing to do. But I'm also not going to just DC over and over again or whatever people do to derank. DBD has literally replaced COD for me. That's why I used it as an example before. It's a game that you can just let your mind go numb and relax. Stress relief. It has that feeling to it. Or at least some people like me and you agree on that. Other's I guess take it way too serious.

    You should add me on steam sometime and we could SWF or something. I'm not a great survivor. Still get rank 1 all the time. But my teammates probably hate me because I [BAD WORD] suck lol. - Granny on Acid - is my steam name.

    you have a good attitude and i while i dont swf often (i prefer solo), i would be down to swf with you sometime, at rank1, where we can have a challenge :)

    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:

    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:
    GrannyonAcid said:

    I wouldn't flatter yourself too much. Not sure where you get these facts that the average player is bad. I don't think it's possible to sit between rank 10-20 if you play on a regular basis. I started playing DBD again after a 6-8 month break about a week ago. Already at rank 5 survivor and like rank 7 killer. Pretty much every game is an easy pip. Ranking up as killer seems slightly more challenging. But possible. Either you face really good teams or really bad teams. There's no way that in a week of coming back to the game and not even knowing what the new killers do or the new survivor perks should I be high ranked like that. Every time I face a Freddy or a Pig I freak out because I have no idea what the hell they do. I haven't learned how to avoid dream state or how to avoid Freddy. I have no idea why this pig [BAD WORD] comes charging at me out of no where. Still game is super easy to climb. The people sitting at rank 10-20 are probably people that casually play the game. Maybe a few games a week. Anyone that puts any effort into the game should be rank 1. The point is you're not good for being high rank. All you have to do is play the game a lot and you automatically get rank 1. Killer might be hard to rank up if you're new at the game... But rank like 10-20 as killer is full of survivors that just get in a closet in front of you. So even they shouldn't struggle to rank up. Survivors you can simply rank up over and over again and never get chased. There's so many AFK generator players on the game. They rank up and just crouch walk around the map and hold mouse 1. That doesn't make them a good player. Guess all I'm saying is rank really doesn't matter. I find it hard to believe that I barely know anything about the game right now and I'm "Above average." I couldn't imagine playing the game for a long period of time if I never survived or never got a kill. So I really really really... Doubt that anyone that plays on a regular basis is rank 10-20. Face it. Most of you rank 1-5's aren't even good. Myself included right now. It's just that easy to get there. So no rank doesn't matter. spoken like someone whos never even played at rank1 (accurate based on your statements) and who has no clue that rank1 play is far more challenging than rank10 or rank5 even. no its not hard. no game is hard, however “more challenging” is a factor, in any game setting. this post is for vets, not casuals. i dont expect casuals to ever get anywhere in any game. when you become more experienced, this post will make more sense.

    i fully expect the average rando to take offense to this post. looks like i was right.
    lmao no its not. LOL at rank means anything in this game.  Even if youre at rank 1 which youre not youre trash regardless
    lol everyone here knows i only play at rank1 on both sides, and youve been laughed off the forum numerous times for being a low ranked survivormain rando who begs for killer nerfs like you did about bbq in the other thread.

    git gud

    I dont really beg for anything. The game like you is trash. The things I saw only get a angry reaction out of you which is hilarious. No youre not rank 1 but again rank is so easy to get in this game and even a garbage player like yourself should get that. Lol @ bragging to be good at a game like this hahahah

    lol and this, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when the most casual bads get rekt on the forums, they claim the game itself is bad. feel free to ragequit at any time son.

    Haven't been "rekt" at all. No doubt I'm better in anything I do versus you. Grats to being a "Vet" or a "Pro" on a game with maybe a player base of 200 players. Tell ya what though your anger is very amusing

    lol the game has 15k online right now and hit a peak of 54k online a couple weeks ago. you are just salty that you cant compete. like i said, feel free to ragequit at any time son. i can tell from all your butthurt at this thread that you get rekt even at rank15, no offense :)
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    Tsulan said:

    @RWoodrow said:
    GrannyonAcid said:

    Yeah. Enjoy it the way you want to. Play casually if that's what you're up to. And for sure the ranking system is terrible. A rank 1 killer going to survivor for the first time... Obviously they know how to play survivor. You watch people do it to you. It's not hard to mimic others gameplay. That's why I never understood why people take this game so seriously. I've watched 10,000 other survivors run the same loop as you do... Clearly I've learned how to do it. I'm not that type of player though. I just run and try to survive. If I die.. Then I die. Not a big deal.

    I mean how could this game even be considered competitive in the slightest. Could you imagine a DBD tournament being commentated. "Oh and the killer has caught one of the survivors finally! Oh crap! Even though the survivor made a mistake... He gets to decisive strike free. The killer is back on his trail. Oh he dropped another pallet. Oh and an instant heal has gone off! In the 1 minute and 20 seconds of this chase already 3 generators finished." After a few more minutes... "The killer is finally going to get a kill. He got him down! Oh three teammates are surrounding the killer with flashlights that instantly blind him so he cannot get a hook on him anyway. And the games over."

    There's like a lot of balancing issues with DBD before this could ever be considered "Ranked" play. So do your thing. You've only got 20 hours in the game. Well that means you'll improve. Even if you don't want to take it serious. Eventually you'll get really good. It's not a skill thing. Just about putting a little time in here and there.

    There was an official tournament not long ago and the commentary was actually worse then you imagine it being.

    TydeTyme also held a little tournament and it was really nice to watch.
    It´s ironic, that a streamer can organize a better tournament than the devs.

    agreed. the dev tourny was awful. thats what happens when inexperienced devs just pick streamers and randos to compete instead of the top level players. tho there were a few good players in it. tydetymes was far better.

    there is a group who will start running open tournys soon with a 10 dollar buy in, every week, and stream it as well, and they plan to let viewers bet on matches but im not sure how they are gonna do that.
  • @Lowbei said:
    Tsulan said:

    @RWoodrow said:

    GrannyonAcid said:

    Yeah. Enjoy it the way you want to. Play casually if that's what you're up to. And for sure the ranking system is terrible. A rank 1 killer going to survivor for the first time... Obviously they know how to play survivor. You watch people do it to you. It's not hard to mimic others gameplay. That's why I never understood why people take this game so seriously. I've watched 10,000 other survivors run the same loop as you do... Clearly I've learned how to do it. I'm not that type of player though. I just run and try to survive. If I die.. Then I die. Not a big deal.
    I mean how could this game even be considered competitive in the slightest. Could you imagine a DBD tournament being commentated. "Oh and the killer has caught one of the survivors finally! Oh crap! Even though the survivor made a mistake... He gets to decisive strike free. The killer is back on his trail. Oh he dropped another pallet. Oh and an instant heal has gone off! In the 1 minute and 20 seconds of this chase already 3 generators finished." After a few more minutes... "The killer is finally going to get a kill. He got him down! Oh three teammates are surrounding the killer with flashlights that instantly blind him so he cannot get a hook on him anyway. And the games over."
    There's like a lot of balancing issues with DBD before this could ever be considered "Ranked" play. So do your thing. You've only got 20 hours in the game. Well that means you'll improve. Even if you don't want to take it serious. Eventually you'll get really good. It's not a skill thing. Just about putting a little time in here and there.

    There was an official tournament not long ago and the commentary was actually worse then you imagine it being.

    TydeTyme also held a little tournament and it was really nice to watch.

    It´s ironic, that a streamer can organize a better tournament than the devs.

    agreed. the dev tourny was awful. thats what happens when inexperienced devs just pick streamers and randos to compete instead of the top level players, tho there were a few good players in it. tydetymes was far better.

    Can anyone apply to be in these tournaments that the Devs host? Could be something 'fun' (used very loosely) to do.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei said:
    Tsulan said:

    @RWoodrow said:

    GrannyonAcid said:

    Yeah. Enjoy it the way you want to. Play casually if that's what you're up to. And for sure the ranking system is terrible. A rank 1 killer going to survivor for the first time... Obviously they know how to play survivor. You watch people do it to you. It's not hard to mimic others gameplay. That's why I never understood why people take this game so seriously. I've watched 10,000 other survivors run the same loop as you do... Clearly I've learned how to do it. I'm not that type of player though. I just run and try to survive. If I die.. Then I die. Not a big deal.
    I mean how could this game even be considered competitive in the slightest. Could you imagine a DBD tournament being commentated. "Oh and the killer has caught one of the survivors finally! Oh crap! Even though the survivor made a mistake... He gets to decisive strike free. The killer is back on his trail. Oh he dropped another pallet. Oh and an instant heal has gone off! In the 1 minute and 20 seconds of this chase already 3 generators finished." After a few more minutes... "The killer is finally going to get a kill. He got him down! Oh three teammates are surrounding the killer with flashlights that instantly blind him so he cannot get a hook on him anyway. And the games over."
    There's like a lot of balancing issues with DBD before this could ever be considered "Ranked" play. So do your thing. You've only got 20 hours in the game. Well that means you'll improve. Even if you don't want to take it serious. Eventually you'll get really good. It's not a skill thing. Just about putting a little time in here and there.

    There was an official tournament not long ago and the commentary was actually worse then you imagine it being.

    TydeTyme also held a little tournament and it was really nice to watch.

    It´s ironic, that a streamer can organize a better tournament than the devs.

    agreed. the dev tourny was awful. thats what happens when inexperienced devs just pick streamers and randos to compete instead of the top level players, tho there were a few good players in it. tydetymes was far better.

    Can anyone apply to be in these tournaments that the Devs host? Could be something 'fun' (used very loosely) to do.

    unfortunately not the last one, but hopefully they learned from how awful it was that they need to make a change.

    there will be open tournys soon with 10 dollar buy ins. unsure when tho

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:
    GrannyonAcid said:

    I totally get you. I'm 31 only. I think as you get older you start to realize things aren't as important. I kinda been like that since 25. I got [BAD WORD] tendonitis in my wrists. I can't be competitive at jack #########. If I play too much on the PC my hands go numb. So there's like no way for me to be competitive really. Kind of hard to be a top player at anything when you lose feeling in your hands.

    I never played Overwatch. Wasn't my cup of tea. But League of Legends for sure. And everyone gets mad and flames once in awhile. But for the most part I never let any of that ######### get under my skin. It should be easy to understand that other peoples commitment might not be the same as yours. There's just also the fact that everyone 'has a bad game.'

    I take a lot of breaks from DBD. Mostly for the reason that you were stating. I'll play for two months. Then people ruin the fun for me. I get to rank 1 and hate the game. It's legit not a fun thing to do. But I'm also not going to just DC over and over again or whatever people do to derank. DBD has literally replaced COD for me. That's why I used it as an example before. It's a game that you can just let your mind go numb and relax. Stress relief. It has that feeling to it. Or at least some people like me and you agree on that. Other's I guess take it way too serious.

    You should add me on steam sometime and we could SWF or something. I'm not a great survivor. Still get rank 1 all the time. But my teammates probably hate me because I [BAD WORD] suck lol. - Granny on Acid - is my steam name.

    you have a good attitude and i while i dont swf often (i prefer solo), i would be down to swf with you sometime, at rank1, where we can have a challenge :)
    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:

    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said: GrannyonAcid said:

    I wouldn't flatter yourself too much. Not sure where you get these facts that the average player is bad. I don't think it's possible to sit between rank 10-20 if you play on a regular basis. I started playing DBD again after a 6-8 month break about a week ago. Already at rank 5 survivor and like rank  7 killer. Pretty much every game is an easy pip. Ranking up as killer seems slightly more challenging. But possible. Either you face really good teams or really bad teams.    There's no way that in a week of coming back to the game and not even knowing what the new killers do or the new survivor perks should I be high ranked like that. Every time I face a Freddy or a Pig I freak out because I have no idea what the hell they do. I haven't learned how to avoid dream state or how to avoid Freddy. I have no idea why this pig [BAD WORD] comes charging at me out of no where. Still game is super easy to climb.    The people sitting at rank 10-20 are probably people that casually play the game. Maybe a few games a week. Anyone that puts any effort into the game should be rank 1.    The point is you're not good for being high rank. All you have to do is play the game a lot and you automatically get rank 1. Killer might be hard to rank up if you're new at the game... But rank like 10-20 as killer is full of survivors that just get in a closet in front of you. So even they shouldn't struggle to rank up. Survivors you can simply rank up over and over again and never get chased. There's so many AFK generator players on the game. They rank up and just crouch walk around the map and hold mouse 1. That doesn't make them a good player.    Guess all I'm saying is rank really doesn't matter. I find it hard to believe that I barely know anything about the game right now and I'm "Above average." I couldn't imagine playing the game for a long period of time if I never survived or never got a kill. So I really really really... Doubt that anyone that plays on a regular basis is rank 10-20.    Face it. Most of you rank 1-5's aren't even good. Myself included right now. It's just that easy to get there. So no rank doesn't matter.        spoken like someone whos never even played at rank1 (accurate based on your statements) and who has no clue that rank1 play is far more challenging than rank10 or rank5 even.    no its not hard. no game is hard, however “more challenging” is a factor, in any game setting.    this post is for vets, not casuals. i dont expect casuals to ever get anywhere in any game.    when you become more experienced, this post will make more sense.

    i fully expect the average rando to take offense to this post. looks like i was right. lmao no its not. LOL at rank means anything in this game. Even if youre at rank 1 which youre not youre trash regardless lol everyone here knows i only play at rank1 on both sides, and youve been laughed off the forum numerous times for being a low ranked survivormain rando who begs for killer nerfs like you did about bbq in the other thread.

    git gud
    I dont really beg for anything. The game like you is trash. The things I saw only get a angry reaction out of you which is hilarious. No youre not rank 1 but again rank is so easy to get in this game and even a garbage player like yourself should get that. Lol @ bragging to be good at a game like this hahahah

    lol and this, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when the most casual bads get rekt on the forums, they claim the game itself is bad. feel free to ragequit at any time son.

    Haven't been "rekt" at all. No doubt I'm better in anything I do versus you. Grats to being a "Vet" or a "Pro" on a game with maybe a player base of 200 players. Tell ya what though your anger is very amusing

    lol the game has 15k online right now and hit a peak of 54k online a couple weeks ago. you are just salty that you cant compete. like i said, feel free to ragequit at any time son. i can tell from all your butthurt at this thread that you get rekt even at rank15, no offense :)

    No such thing as getting "rekt" in this game. There is no competition in this game at all. Feel free to compete in a actual game that requires skill and actually has competition. Until then youre just a angry lonely garbage player :(

    lol stop having a meltdown

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Lowbei said:
    Legacy_Zealot said:

    @Lowbei said:

    Tsulan said:

    @RWoodrow said:
    GrannyonAcid said:

    Yeah. Enjoy it the way you want to. Play casually if that's what you're up to. And for sure the ranking system is terrible. A rank 1 killer going to survivor for the first time... Obviously they know how to play survivor. You watch people do it to you. It's not hard to mimic others gameplay. That's why I never understood why people take this game so seriously. I've watched 10,000 other survivors run the same loop as you do... Clearly I've learned how to do it. I'm not that type of player though. I just run and try to survive. If I die.. Then I die. Not a big deal. I mean how could this game even be considered competitive in the slightest. Could you imagine a DBD tournament being commentated. "Oh and the killer has caught one of the survivors finally! Oh crap! Even though the survivor made a mistake... He gets to decisive strike free. The killer is back on his trail. Oh he dropped another pallet. Oh and an instant heal has gone off! In the 1 minute and 20 seconds of this chase already 3 generators finished." After a few more minutes... "The killer is finally going to get a kill. He got him down! Oh three teammates are surrounding the killer with flashlights that instantly blind him so he cannot get a hook on him anyway. And the games over." There's like a lot of balancing issues with DBD before this could ever be considered "Ranked" play. So do your thing. You've only got 20 hours in the game. Well that means you'll improve. Even if you don't want to take it serious. Eventually you'll get really good. It's not a skill thing. Just about putting a little time in here and there.

    There was an official tournament not long ago and the commentary was actually worse then you imagine it being.
    TydeTyme also held a little tournament and it was really nice to watch.
    It´s ironic, that a streamer can organize a better tournament than the devs.

    agreed. the dev tourny was awful. thats what happens when inexperienced devs just pick streamers and randos to compete instead of the top level players, tho there were a few good players in it. tydetymes was far better.

    Can anyone apply to be in these tournaments that the Devs host? Could be something 'fun' (used very loosely) to do.

    unfortunately not the last one, but hopefully they learned from how awful it was that they need to make a change.

    there will be open tournys soon with 10 dollar buy ins. unsure when tho

    That would be actually nice. I love the idea of regular tournaments. That´s how R6 got big.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    The problem with rank is that it does matter...and it doesn't at the same time. It's this contradiction that makes playing this game so frustrating for some.

    I think when people say "rank doesn't matter" it's because rank is so easily manipulated in this game. It's really not difficult to rank up and it's even easier to de-rank. So you have skilled survivors and killers purposefully deranking and playing with casuals and more average skill level players while you get casuals and average skill level players climbing up the ranks simply because they play a lot when, really, they shouldn't be. They've made "pipping" the goal of the game and made it such an easy to attain reward that that actually climbing the ranks requires more time than skill.

    Also, this community(and others) have made the term casual an insult and a way to mimic and mock people. There's nothing wrong with being a casual gamer. There's nothing wrong with maintaining an average rank. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to play video games 8-10 hours a day. So people get defensive and inflate their actual level of skill, ability, and rank.

    That said, there is certainly a difference between players that maintain average ranks and players that maintain high ranks. Maintaining high ranks(regularly achieving red ranks and staying the for the season) shows a level of dedication that inevitably leads to a greater level of skill. For survivors it could also be an indicator of being part of an efficient SWF group. The problem with those who maintain high ranks is that survivors have a lower skill cap than killers do. It's easier to maintain high ranks of survivor than it is killer. Sure, steamers will post their highlight reel on YouTube showing them 4King at rank 1 but watch those streamers play live. Players like HybridPanda, Tru3Talent, Boomer, and TydeTyme rage quit regularly as killers at high ranks because they're getting their asses handed to them over and over again by efficient survivors.

    So does rank matter? It does...and it doesn't. It's like Forrest's mom used to say; DbD is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

    accurate. that being said, we dont use the term “casual” to be derogatory, its just used to describe exactly what you said, players who dont have the time, or the want, to play at a high enough rank to become skilled.

    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:

    GrannyonAcid said:

    I totally get you. I'm 31 only. I think as you get older you start to realize things aren't as important. I kinda been like that since 25. I got [BAD WORD] tendonitis in my wrists. I can't be competitive at jack #########. If I play too much on the PC my hands go numb. So there's like no way for me to be competitive really. Kind of hard to be a top player at anything when you lose feeling in your hands.
    I never played Overwatch. Wasn't my cup of tea. But League of Legends for sure. And everyone gets mad and flames once in awhile. But for the most part I never let any of that ######### get under my skin. It should be easy to understand that other peoples commitment might not be the same as yours. There's just also the fact that everyone 'has a bad game.'
    I take a lot of breaks from DBD. Mostly for the reason that you were stating. I'll play for two months. Then people ruin the fun for me. I get to rank 1 and hate the game. It's legit not a fun thing to do. But I'm also not going to just DC over and over again or whatever people do to derank. DBD has literally replaced COD for me. That's why I used it as an example before. It's a game that you can just let your mind go numb and relax. Stress relief. It has that feeling to it. Or at least some people like me and you agree on that. Other's I guess take it way too serious.
    You should add me on steam sometime and we could SWF or something. I'm not a great survivor. Still get rank 1 all the time. But my teammates probably hate me because I [BAD WORD] suck lol. - Granny on Acid - is my steam name.
    you have a good attitude and i while i dont swf often (i prefer solo), i would be down to swf with you sometime, at rank1, where we can have a challenge :) 
    Thetruth said:
    @Lowbei said:
    Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said: Thetruth said:

    @Lowbei said:    GrannyonAcid said:

    I wouldn't flatter yourself too much. Not sure where you get these facts that the average player is bad. I don't think it's possible to sit between rank 10-20 if you play on a regular basis. I started playing DBD again after a 6-8 month break about a week ago. Already at rank 5 survivor and like rank 7 killer. Pretty much every game is an easy pip. Ranking up as killer seems slightly more challenging. But possible. Either you face really good teams or really bad teams. There's no way that in a week of coming back to the game and not even knowing what the new killers do or the new survivor perks should I be high ranked like that. Every time I face a Freddy or a Pig I freak out because I have no idea what the hell they do. I haven't learned how to avoid dream state or how to avoid Freddy. I have no idea why this pig [BAD WORD] comes charging at me out of no where. Still game is super easy to climb. The people sitting at rank 10-20 are probably people that casually play the game. Maybe a few games a week. Anyone that puts any effort into the game should be rank 1. The point is you're not good for being high rank. All you have to do is play the game a lot and you automatically get rank 1. Killer might be hard to rank up if you're new at the game... But rank like 10-20 as killer is full of survivors that just get in a closet in front of you. So even they shouldn't struggle to rank up. Survivors you can simply rank up over and over again and never get chased. There's so many AFK generator players on the game. They rank up and just crouch walk around the map and hold mouse 1. That doesn't make them a good player. Guess all I'm saying is rank really doesn't matter. I find it hard to believe that I barely know anything about the game right now and I'm "Above average." I couldn't imagine playing the game for a long period of time if I never survived or never got a kill. So I really really really... Doubt that anyone that plays on a regular basis is rank 10-20. Face it. Most of you rank 1-5's aren't even good. Myself included right now. It's just that easy to get there. So no rank doesn't matter. spoken like someone whos never even played at rank1 (accurate based on your statements) and who has no clue that rank1 play is far more challenging than rank10 or rank5 even. no its not hard. no game is hard, however “more challenging” is a factor, in any game setting. this post is for vets, not casuals. i dont expect casuals to ever get anywhere in any game. when you become more experienced, this post will make more sense.

    i fully expect the average rando to take offense to this post. looks like i was right.        lmao no its not. LOL at rank means anything in this game.  Even if youre at rank 1 which youre not youre trash regardless        lol everyone here knows i only play at rank1 on both sides, and youve been laughed off the forum numerous times for being a low ranked survivormain rando who begs for killer nerfs like you did about bbq in the other thread.

    git gud I dont really beg for anything. The game like you is trash. The things I saw only get a angry reaction out of you which is hilarious. No youre not rank 1 but again rank is so easy to get in this game and even a garbage player like yourself should get that. Lol @ bragging to be good at a game like this hahahah

    lol and this, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when the most casual bads get rekt on the forums, they claim the game itself is bad. feel free to ragequit at any time son.
    Haven't been "rekt" at all. No doubt I'm better in anything I do versus you. Grats to being a "Vet" or a "Pro" on a game with maybe a player base of 200 players. Tell ya what though your anger is very amusing

    lol the game has 15k online right now and hit a peak of 54k online a couple weeks ago. you are just salty that you cant compete. like i said, feel free to ragequit at any time son. i can tell from all your butthurt at this thread that you get rekt even at rank15, no offense :)

    No such thing as getting "rekt" in this game. There is no competition in this game at all. Feel free to compete in a actual game that requires skill and actually has competition. Until then youre just a angry lonely garbage player :(

    lol stop having a meltdown

    lol stop thinking you matter and are good at this game

    ive never said im good. good players dont call themselves good. i simply stated that i play at rank1, unlike yourself. its your butthurt subconscious that twists that into me claiming to be the best.

    dont worry, you will get better at it with time, if you dont ragequit first, which sounds more likely judging by all your rage.
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    any absolute brainlet can get rank 1 as long as they play enough games

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    yeet said:

    any absolute brainlet can get rank 1 as long as they play enough games

    yeah. its those who stay and play at rank1 that slowly build skill. i think it should be harder to pip, on both sides.
  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    Read the OP text, interesting, started reading the answers... not that much interesting...
    For the OP
    I'm rank 1 killer Main.
    Totally agree that rank 1 is harder and (to me) it really count.
    But i have to say, sometime (more than sometime) you find players who don't really seem to have rank 1 skill...
    I just finished a rotation of all killers at rank 1 with no perks and no addons, and i menaged to have at least safe pip and 1k or even 4k (never 2 pip)
    The fact is, aside for the "fact that i am rank 1" there is not much purpose to be there, wich mean it automatically became easyer to reach that rank.
    Devs should make it more rewardin to be at rank 1.
    I already gave some example in other topics:

    -Killer and survivors at rank 1-4 get x% bonus to bp or even shards
    -Killer and survivors at rank 1-4 get a particular effect on theyr character (glowing survivors eyes, dark killer aura, or a skin that can be used exclusively at that rank.
    just those 2 things alone will boost the competition and give top rank a new meaning.
    The key is to lock an interesting feature behind that rank.

    And the next step is to make rank personal to each killer, i cant understand how is it possible that they admit "not all killer are good a top rank" but the rank is generalized for all killers, so if you are top rank with one of them, well you have to go top rank with all of them... that make no sense.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    Kalec84 said:

    Read the OP text, interesting, started reading the answers... not that much interesting...
    For the OP
    I'm rank 1 killer Main.
    Totally agree that rank 1 is harder and (to me) it really count.
    But i have to say, sometime (more than sometime) you find players who don't really seem to have rank 1 skill...
    I just finished a rotation of all killers at rank 1 with no perks and no addons, and i menaged to have at least safe pip and 1k or even 4k (never 2 pip)
    The fact is, aside for the "fact that i am rank 1" there is not much purpose to be there, wich mean it automatically became easyer to reach that rank.
    Devs should make it more rewardin to be at rank 1.
    I already gave some example in other topics:

    -Killer and survivors at rank 1-4 get x% bonus to bp or even shards
    -Killer and survivors at rank 1-4 get a particular effect on theyr character (glowing survivors eyes, dark killer aura, or a skin that can be used exclusively at that rank.
    just those 2 things alone will boost the competition and give top rank a new meaning.
    The key is to lock an interesting feature behind that rank.

    And the next step is to make rank personal to each killer, i cant understand how is it possible that they admit "not all killer are good a top rank" but the rank is generalized for all killers, so if you are top rank with one of them, well you have to go top rank with all of them... that make no sense.

    spoken like a wise vet. i think that its way too easy to pip, especially with swf the way it is, resulting in unskilled players in ranks they dont belong.

  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201
    edited October 2018

    Oh, ranking system... In fact, rank doesn't mean anything for one player, because there are tons of high ranked dummies, who were just boosted by SFW. But rank does separate more skilled players from less skiller. Kind of... Current ranking system is purely "how much you play DbD" or "If you don't suck, you'll get to R1 eventually". Seriously, I see a LOT of people who have no coordination or skill at rank 7 atm. And I've played with these SWF boosted guys, who just keep dying and play wrong. they can't even hold killer in a chase while having sprint perks and their beloved DH, which is totally useful (sure).

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    Oh, ranking system... In fact, rank doesn't mean anything for one player, because there are tons of high ranked dummies, who were just boosted by SFW. But rank does separate more skilled players from less skiller. Kind of... Current ranking system is purely "how much you play DbD" or "If you don't suck, you'll get to R1 eventually". Seriously, I see a LOT of people who have no coordination or skill at rank 7 atm. And I've played with these SWF boosted guys, who just keep dying and play wrong. they can't even hold killer in a chase while having sprint perks and their beloved DH, which is totally useful (sure).

    solo is the way to build skill, not swf, thus you end up with bads in ranks they shouldnt be. once players become skilled solo, they usually become extremely op in swf. swf should have less perks per number of players in it imo
  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    I agree with @Lowbei on this one. I've been rank 1 enough times to see the difference. If anyone thinks rank doesn't matter or is trying to offend him on this then you're clearly too new at this game to have even hit rank 1. There's a reason why so many people derank and that's because higher rank usually means higher challenge. There needs to be rank rewards though so we can truely see who can get there and who is too bad at this game to reach it.. 
This discussion has been closed.