General Discussions

General Discussions

Rank matters (vets only)



  • Member Posts: 2,637
    Rank means little if it's the only mode in a casualgame like DBD.

    If rank were a mode for hardcore players to pick then yes, it would mean more. Currently they might as well remove it and save themselves alot of toxicity.
    spoken like a true rank15 casual who cannot compete at rank1, which i know is correct from your previous posts on other threads. this thread isnt for you.
  • Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Rank means little if it's the only mode in a casualgame like DBD.

    If rank were a mode for hardcore players to pick then yes, it would mean more. Currently they might as well remove it and save themselves alot of toxicity.

    spoken like a true rank15 casual who cannot compete at rank1, which i know is correct from your previous posts on other threads. this thread isnt for you.

    Ya except I'm rank1 rushing towards it every season in so little games that I'm very glad that they'll give me a way to pip slower by camping next patch, not because I think the game's too hard but because I'm not some tryhard and I want to toy with survivors instead of playing optimal each damn game. I can compete even without sound (no headset) and addons/offerings most of the time since I'm leveling (didn't have BBQ&Chilli till about 1 month ago) but kay mr troll

    Me playing casually means I still reach your rank even with crap killers like freddy/lf/spirit and I can't even get out of it when I give people hatches, what does that say about you.

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Rank means little if it's the only mode in a casualgame like DBD.

    If rank were a mode for hardcore players to pick then yes, it would mean more. Currently they might as well remove it and save themselves alot of toxicity.

    spoken like a true rank15 casual who cannot compete at rank1, which i know is correct from your previous posts on other threads. this thread isnt for you.

    Ya except I'm rank1 rushing towards and can compete even without sound and addons/offerings most of the time since I'm leveling but kay mr troll

    “im rank1 rushing towards...”

    your wording is strange. you arent and have never been rank1, but will get there soon. lol ok

    keep at it, get to rank1, and play there, for a long time, then do it as killer too, and then your opinion may matter on this vet only thread which you currently dont qualify for.
  • Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    You enjoy making a fool of yourself?

    I'm only rank10 on my surv currently because I only play those with my GF or to farm BP by farming hooked teammates while watching a movie lol

  • Member Posts: 614
    I think they should ditch the current rank system and just have 3 tiers, and you can't drop out of one.  The r difference in "skill" between rank 20-15, 14-8, and 8-1 is not that much.  I wouldn't match groups based on this, but I'd show it post game.  So matches would be much more varied in skill, and if you get stomped or crushed you can decide for yourself if rank made a difference and how you'll feel about that win or loss.

    I *might* try to figure out a handicap system for miss matched tiers in the game, but not sure how that would work. 
  • Member Posts: 1,758

    they should just remove ranked entirely if they're not gonna reward it anyways. Would make the game way more relaxed.

  • Member Posts: 3,823

    they should just remove ranked entirely if they're not gonna reward it anyways. Would make the game way more relaxed.

    For comments like this is why people say some killers just want ez matches.
    If u wanna play competitive, do it. If you wanna play relaxed, just don't play competitive.
  • Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    @Vietfox said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    they should just remove ranked entirely if they're not gonna reward it anyways. Would make the game way more relaxed.

    For comments like this is why people say some killers just want ez matches.
    If u wanna play competitive, do it. If you wanna play relaxed, just don't play competitive.

    I play relaxed most of the time since as said I'm mainly using BBQ&Chilli to level up my killers currently, what else do you want me to do? The "perkbuilds" that I use are perks that the bloodweb gives me till P3. I already rarely tunnel unless somebody unhooks a guy right in my face and doesn't even let me hit him (or if somebody teabags) I let one survivor go most of the time if he impressed me by juking me without using the braindead loops.

    If I wanted to turn my game down even more aside from playing with music on most of the time I'd have to friggin miss on purpose which...oh wait I sometimes already do to keep the tension up. From R2-R1 onward there's only optimized playing, you can't toy with survivors there most of the time unless you bring addons or face a flashlight SWF that is more interested in playing for the lulz.

    And yes you read that comment correctly, I want ez matches where survivors are basically mice and I'm a cat. If I want to play a competitive game I'll play a moba or quake, heck even WoW's arena is more sophisticated than this game when it comes to competitive PvP

  • Member Posts: 980

    There are more extremes in matches at Rank 1, that's about the only difference. When they readjusted the emblems, they made is disgustingly easy to Rank up. I should probably be around Ranks 8-5 or so, but I can't even depip playing in Rank 1 matches because the emblem system makes it too easy. I'll get rekt and depip, but then have a decent match and end up pipping. They should reward Survivors for actually Surviving and penalize them for dying in a match. Just watching my own matches, I almost always score better when I die than when I actually survive.

    I am a random, scrub solo queue'er. Some matches I do horrible and get killed out quick, other times I'll do great and carry the team out the exit gates. I see a lot more 4k or 0k matches at the high ranks than I did when I was playing in the purples. There it was a lot of 1-2k or 2k-3k. 4k sometimes, rarely a 0k. Just feels like Rank 1 the matches are either pretty easy or really vicious. Not a whole lot of the challenging ones that feel good to survive in or at least help your teammates escape.

    I really think the emblem system should be rebalanced to make it harder to Rank up. Right now it's aimed way too casual.

  • Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    The reason you see a disparity at r1 is because sometimes you will have survivors bringing tons of addons/items that make the game trivial. 25% more repairspeed through a toolbox shouldn't be possible in a game where genrushing is a problem already.

    On the other hand if a killer brings an ebony mori into an itemless decisiveless survivor game it's basically a free win unless the survs are hardcore and the map allows strong loops.

    Also most killlers let's be honest don't have a high skill ceiling, the ones relying on mindgames are basically relying on survivors ######### up, nurse is downright broken and ignores most things that survs can do to survive and billy is the only one I'd consider well balanced even tho he gets looped to ######### he punishes really bad survivor mistakes heavily by 1shotting them. All this feeds into the game feeling unbalanced.

  • Member Posts: 2,637

    You enjoy making a fool of yourself?

    I'm only rank10 on my surv currently because I only play those with my GF or to farm BP by farming hooked teammates while watching a movie lol

    yay im glad you finally made it, grats. reaching rank1 is common.

    now play there, and you will eventually become experienced enough to know that your statements here are ignorant.

    eventually i may even pull your opinions out of the trash, but not yet, especially with you embarrassing yourself on the regular around here.
  • Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    You enjoy making a fool of yourself?

    I'm only rank10 on my surv currently because I only play those with my GF or to farm BP by farming hooked teammates while watching a movie lol

    yay im glad you finally made it, grats. reaching rank1 is common.

    now play there, and you will eventually become experienced enough to know that your statements here are ignorant.

    eventually i may even pull your opinions out of the trash, but not yet, especially with you embarrassing yourself on the regular around here.

    I'm rank1 since about the start of season LOL and I've been rank1 so far every season since I gave this game another chance even as freddy, the arguably worst killer in the game especially without his addons. In fact most of my complaints stem from not being able to get away from rank1 unless I DC.

    The only one embarassing himself is you. "Veterans" rofl, go play a real actual competitive game at high level then come back instead of trying out bragging rights in a game infested with e-grills even at the highest rank.

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    You enjoy making a fool of yourself?

    I'm only rank10 on my surv currently because I only play those with my GF or to farm BP by farming hooked teammates while watching a movie lol

    yay im glad you finally made it, grats. reaching rank1 is common.

    now play there, and you will eventually become experienced enough to know that your statements here are ignorant.

    eventually i may even pull your opinions out of the trash, but not yet, especially with you embarrassing yourself on the regular around here.

    I'm rank1 since about the start of season LOL and I've been rank1 so far every season since I gave this game another chance even as freddy, the arguably worst killer in the game especially without his addons. In fact most of my complaints stem from not being able to get away from rank1 unless I DC.

    The only one embarassing himself is you. "Veterans" rofl, go play a real actual competitive game at high level then come back instead of trying out bragging rights in a game infested with e-grills even at the highest rank.

    no, i can tell from how butthurt you are at this thread that you are no vet, and this season started with a bp farming event so everyone and their dog could hit rank1.

    a quick steam search for the name in this picture you posted “iridescentshardfarm” shows no results, so im doubting thats even you, since nobody on steam right now has that name.

    did you google that picture? lol

    anyhow, you can tell from the OP votes that the majority agree with me, and can also tell that the vets agree from reading the thread. you will understand in time. until then, you should sit down and take notes, no offense :)

    for reference, heres how it should look, with your actual name.

  • Member Posts: 1,758

    How does it feel to have your wannabe psychological analysis crushed? I'm just not part of your little bubble, I want the game to be balanced in a way that makes sense.

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    @MhhBurgers said:

    How does it feel to have your wannabe psychological analysis crushed? I'm just not part of your little bubble, I want the game to be balanced in a way that makes sense.

    you have reading issues lol. hitting rank1 is easy, especially with bp events.

    when you become experienced at rank1, you will stop making such ignorant statements on the forums and your opinion might matter.

  • Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    How does it feel to have your wannabe psychological analysis crushed? I'm just not part of your little bubble, I want the game to be balanced in a way that makes sense.

    you have reading issues lol. hitting rank1 is easy, especially with bp events.

    when you become experienced at rank1, you will stop making such ignorant statements on the forums and your opinion might matter.

    Except the only BP event that happened or at least that I knew of was last month, I'm rank 1 literally since I started playing killer and the worst one at that, heck that was during my first 200 hours of this game where I didn't have perks such as ruin, BBQ or even NOED. But at this point I think you're either trolling or in denial.

    Also your whole thread is about rank mattering when literally a 50 hour killer who runs freddy can reach rank1 without even trying and without having extensive amounts of addons and offerings LOL.

    The killers here on this forum are ridiculous if you think that you're super skilled when there's even such a thing as aim-assist in this game.

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    How does it feel to have your wannabe psychological analysis crushed? I'm just not part of your little bubble, I want the game to be balanced in a way that makes sense.

    you have reading issues lol. hitting rank1 is easy, especially with bp events.

    when you become experienced at rank1, you will stop making such ignorant statements on the forums and your opinion might matter.

    Except the only BP event that happened or at least that I knew of was last month, I'm rank 1 literally since I started playing killer and the worst one at that, heck that was during my first 200 hours of this game where I didn't have perks such as ruin, BBQ or even NOED. But at this point I think you're either trolling or in denial.

    lol the simple fact that the last bp event from literally less than a month ago is the only bp event that you can remember shows, once again, that you are no vet. thus further proving that like i said, any rando can “get” to rank1, and that non vets will get butthurt at this thread.

    come back when you have more than a few hundred hours. this thread isnt for you.
  • Member Posts: 673

    I really liked this post, it shows the reality with this CASUAL community, 100% agree with eveything that OP said!

    Whoever says that ranks doesnt matter is a CASUAL scrub, if u wanna stay at low ranks, its fine, but u have no rights to say that Rank 1 is the same thing as Rank 20, it clearely isnt!

    G I T

  • Member Posts: 1,758

    rank1 is the same as rank20 skill wise, sorry but DBD players are basically as bad as LoLplayers, there's no shame in admitting that.


  • Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    rank1 is the same as rank20 skill wise, sorry but DBD players are basically as bad as LoLplayers, there's no shame in admitting that.


    we get it. you had convinced yourself that you were experienced.

    this vet thread and the vets who posted here made you wish that your opinion mattered here too. no offense, but your opinion has been discarded into the forum trash due to inexperience. this thread isnt for you. stop having a meltdown son.
  • Member Posts: 1,758

    @Lowbei said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    rank1 is the same as rank20 skill wise, sorry but DBD players are basically as bad as LoLplayers, there's no shame in admitting that.





    we get it. you had convinced yourself that you were experienced.

    this vet thread and the vets who posted here made you wish that your opinion mattered here too. no offense, but your opinion has been discarded into the forum trash due to inexperience. this thread isnt for you. stop having a meltdown son.

    the vets that are barely better than people with 50 hours in the game. as said, even arenaplayers in WoW get more prestige LOL. The only thing you can literally brag with is your hours.

  • Member Posts: 2,637

    You should probably mention that purposely de-ranking essentially forces the game to pair you with/against less experienced players. Giving them a harder time, and being more likely to push them away from the game, than if those players were to be paired with/against similarly leveled players.

    If the goal is simply "fun" (Curb-stomping every match), then de-ranking is quite literally the fastest method to get to an area where you'll have the most "fun".

    true, i assumed that since its a vet only thread that that part was a given. disconnecting, especially to derank to play weaker opponents, is not only weak but very dishonorable.

    the threshold for dc bans should be much lower. maybe 20%. then people wouldnt be ragequitting every time they get caught. fortunately i see slightly less dcs at rank1 than low ranks.
  • Member Posts: 1,758

    @SurpriseSurprise said:
    You should probably mention that purposely de-ranking essentially forces the game to pair you with/against less experienced players. Giving them a harder time, and being more likely to push them away from the game, than if those players were to be paired with/against similarly leveled players.

    If the goal is simply "fun" (Curb-stomping every match), then de-ranking is quite literally the fastest method to get to an area where you'll have the most "fun".

    You don't need to stomp those players to have fun, I intentionally miss, let them escape n stuff. It's a great feeling being in control 100% of the time, too sad it's over at around what..20 matches? since you pip even if you let 2+ escape if you stomped them hard and hooked them twice each person.

  • Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    rank1 is the same as rank20 skill wise, sorry but DBD players are basically as bad as LoLplayers, there's no shame in admitting that.





    we get it. you had convinced yourself that you were experienced.

    this vet thread and the vets who posted here made you wish that your opinion mattered here too. no offense, but your opinion has been discarded into the forum trash due to inexperience. this thread isnt for you. stop having a meltdown son.

    the vets that are barely better than people with 50 hours in the game. as said, even arenaplayers in WoW get more prestige LOL. The only thing you can literally brag with is your hours.

    your inexperience is showing again. stop having a meltdown.
  • Member Posts: 1,758

    Funny are also "vets" with 2000 hours that took 2 months to get to r10 as killer in a system where they only had to facecamp 2 kills to pip. Barely has any of the Adept achievements, it's almost like he's very reliant on those addons and perks :/

    But hey, maybe I'll put my stuff on youtube so you can learn from an actual gamer, I stopped playing other competitive games a while ago tho, once you're in your 30s you become slower, DBD is the perfect game for me in that regard since it's mostly slow and easy ;)

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    Funny are also "vets" with 2000 hours that took 2 months to get to r10 as killer in a system where they only had to facecamp 2 kills to pip. Barely has any of the Adept achievements, it's almost like he's very reliant on those addons and perks :/

    But hey, maybe I'll put my stuff on youtube so you can learn from an actual gamer, I stopped playing other competitive games a while ago tho, once you're in your 30s you become slower, DBD is the perfect game for me in that regard since it's mostly slow and easy ;)

    lol i was a survivormain for yeah 10 months probably, and who cares about adept achievements? i dont do them on either side, as its rare that all 3 perks of a killer are good, usually only 1 or 2, but thats just logic.

    your salt is hilarious, but you should calm down :) 

    while you are on my profile looking at achievements, feel free to leave some salt like the rest, and check out my screenshots for some epic swf quadhooks.
  • Member Posts: 697

    @Lowbei said:
    Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.

    We regularly hear from low rank randos about how rank doesnt matter.

    The truth however is that is does. The gameplay is far different at rank1 than rank15. At rank1, you deal with far more skilled players on both sides, who are bringing better items, using better offerings, and i see moris at least 50% of games.

    The harsh reality is that the average player is bad, real bad. the majority of our population plays between rank10-20, however humans dont do well with thinking they are average. Its far easier to play at scrub ranks and tell themselves that rank simply doesnt matter, or that rank1 just isnt fun, which actually translates into “i get less points and survive/kill less at rank1”.

    The result of all this, is that you see well known and even sponsored streamers DCing to play at rank15, because they can convince themselves and their followers that this is where the game is “fun”.

    fun, means differnent things to different people, but for people who play at rank1, we play for a challenge, not SWFing down rank15 killers. if we didnt play for a challenge, we would be deranking to earn more bp per game with easier wins.

    people need to start supporting actual skilled players, not these deranking scrubs. if the person youre watching is DCing, or running SWF and bullying low rank killers, stop supporting them.

    if you like watching survivor gameplay, find some solo survivor, preferably one who plays with no items or offerings, or no perks even, and watch them. you will learn more, see better gameplay, and ultimately be doing right by the game and its community by not supporting bad streamers.

    on a more personal level, if youre a player, stop DCing. get to rank1 and play there. your achievement for “getting there” means nothing. actually play there, for the rest of whatever season, and the next, and the next. you will be better for it.

    if this thread makes no sense to you, or is offensive, then you do not play at rank1. you may have got there during a double bp farming event for the achievement, but you clearly arent playing there.

    No matter your insults .

    I am of the view that rank is just a badge that everyone wears. Hell i remember as killer many "rank 1'ns" that were the weak links of that game while the rank 8- 5 players were the strong ones.

    So cut the crap.

    But nice bait i rate it 7 of 10 .

  • Member Posts: 697

    @Lowbei i got rank 1 with 10 fps last season and im currently rank 4 killer.

    What does that make me then?

  • Member Posts: 697

    @MhhBurgers said:
    Funny are also "vets" with 2000 hours that took 2 months to get to r10 as killer in a system where they only had to facecamp 2 kills to pip. Barely has any of the Adept achievements, it's almost like he's very reliant on those addons and perks :/

    But hey, maybe I'll put my stuff on youtube so you can learn from an actual gamer, I stopped playing other competitive games a while ago tho, once you're in your 30s you become slower, DBD is the perfect game for me in that regard since it's mostly slow and easy ;)

    You needed 2 kills and a hook.

    and at the time it was a lot more streeful playing killer by the way.

  • Member Posts: 1,141
    edited October 2018

    You think Rank = Skill? Hilarious. I've been playing since Beta, does my opinion count?

    It's too easy to rank up on either side. Rank means absolutely nothing. Imagine getting a brand new account on OverWatch and hitting Grand Master in 50 hours. That's the equivalent in Dead By Daylight.

    You talk about competition in a 4 v 1 video game. You don't know what competition is.

    When I sit down and play Killer for 10 hours, hit Rank 1, and maintain it all month.. There is a problem. There's no such thing as "skill based" matchmaking in this game, so far less inexperienced players play with and against much more experienced players.

    The first emblem season where everyone cried about the difficulty to rank up as Survivor, I played without perks. Guess what? I still hit R1 even in that time. I'm washed up in this game and play far less than I used to.

    From someone who's played since beta. It's never been a better time to play Killer, and it's never been more irritating to play Solo Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 697

    @altruistic said:
    You think Rank = Skill? Hilarious. I've been playing since Beta, does my opinion count?

    It's too easy to rank up on either side. Rank means absolutely nothing. Imagine getting a brand new account on OverWatch and hitting Grand Master in 50 hours. That's the equivalent in Dead By Daylight.

    You talk about competition in a 4 v 1 video game. You don't know what competition is.

    When I sit down and play Killer for 10 hours, hit Rank 1, and maintain it all month.. There is a problem. There's no such thing as "skill based" matchmaking in this game, so far less inexperienced players play with and against much more experienced players.

    The first emblem season where everyone cried about the difficulty to rank up as Survivor, I played without perks. Guess what? I still hit R1 even in that time. I'm washed up in this game and play far less than I used to.

    From someone who's played since beta. It's never been a better time to play Killer, and it's never been more irritating to play Solo Survivor.


  • Member Posts: 45

    how can this be competitive game when both sides can win?

    competition a contest between rivals

    a struggle for superiority or victory

    can't have a contest if both sides can achieve victory
    can't have competition if there is no contest
    Both parties can achieve victory in DbD
    therefore DbD is not competitive

    this is true as long as victory in DbD is defined by attaining a pip

  • Member Posts: 1,758
    Survivors were originally not meant to be a group @Aviema the game was meant to b 1v1v1v1v1. Survive at the cost of others
  • Member Posts: 1,758

    I got to rank1 toying with survivors and unless there's rewards for going further beyond I see no reason as to why I should try to master the game further, besides the only thing you can master in this game that actually helps you at high rank is predicting where they run in the big loops which get removed as we speak, groaning storehouse cough.

  • Member Posts: 458
    And if you play 240 hours under your belt because you played 10 days straight. You’re probably not learning much. It takes months to master this game. Learning how to attack the large number of situations that arise in this game. 
  • Member Posts: 458
    I love it when survivor mains try to balance the game. Like you only know half the game at most lol. 
  • Member Posts: 1,758

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    And if you play 240 hours under your belt because you played 10 days straight. You’re probably not learning much. It takes months to master this game. Learning how to attack the large number of situations that arise in this game. 

    Know what it takes? Play the right killer currently which is something the devs hopefully steer away from, I fully expect nurse/billy nerfs in the future once the huge loops are gone.

  • Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei i got rank 1 with 10 fps last season and im currently rank 4 killer.

    What does that make me then?

    someone who cant read the op very well or any of the posts stating clearly that “getting” to rank is easy, and that playing there for a long time and learning skill and experience is different than just getting there.

    this isnt rocket science lol. notice that most of the butthurt salties who got upset at this thread, talked about that theyve “made it” to rank1, and its been stated at least a dozen times so far that “getting there” isnt hard. its playing there that develops skill. once again, like the rest, you have shown that you dont actually play there if youre upset by this thread, which has been reiterated by over a dozen vets.

    lol read the thread before embarrassing yourself by being the very ones that i warned about getting salty in the OP.
  • Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    You think Rank = Skill? Hilarious. I've been playing since Beta, does my opinion count?

    It's too easy to rank up on either side. Rank means absolutely nothing. Imagine getting a brand new account on OverWatch and hitting Grand Master in 50 hours. That's the equivalent in Dead By Daylight.

    You talk about competition in a 4 v 1 video game. You don't know what competition is.

    When I sit down and play Killer for 10 hours, hit Rank 1, and maintain it all month.. There is a problem. There's no such thing as "skill based" matchmaking in this game, so far less inexperienced players play with and against much more experienced players.

    The first emblem season where everyone cried about the difficulty to rank up as Survivor, I played without perks. Guess what? I still hit R1 even in that time. I'm washed up in this game and play far less than I used to.

    From someone who's played since beta. It's never been a better time to play Killer, and it's never been more irritating to play Solo Survivor.

    i literally play solo survivor at rank1 every day, using no items or offerings. no, its not irritating, its challenging. you tell us a lot by your attitude toward competitive ranks. once again, those who claim that competitive ranks arent competitive, are those who cant compete there because its too hard, they simply come up with other words for it like “irritating”, but thats just logic.

    also, “played” since beta doesnt tell me much. theres people who have owned the game since beta who have never p3d a single character.

  • Member Posts: 2,637

    “I got to rank1” ...  “I see no reason I should try to master the game”...

    lol we know. you have reading comprehension issues.

    this thread is for people who have mastered the game, not randos who have “made” it to rank1, because thats nothing. this thread isnt for you, but thats been obvious for many pages now :) 

    irony that the reason you are still posting is because you seek validation and for your inexperienced opinon to matter. it doesnt. get over it.
  • Member Posts: 458

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    And if you play 240 hours under your belt because you played 10 days straight. You’re probably not learning much. It takes months to master this game. Learning how to attack the large number of situations that arise in this game. 

    Know what it takes? Play the right killer currently which is something the devs hopefully steer away from, I fully expect nurse/billy nerfs in the future once the huge loops are gone.

    I don’t know why people want hillbilly nerfs. He’s the easiest killer to pip against for me because no one ever camps or patrols with him. I’ve had terrible or quickish games against the hillbilly but still pipped. 
  • Member Posts: 1,758
    The issue with hillbilly is that he's so much better than the other killers except nurse that there's no contest. Btw I'm gonna ignore that troll now, never heard of him, never heard anybody mention him so he's as random as it gets
  • Member Posts: 2,637

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    And if you play 240 hours under your belt because you played 10 days straight. You’re probably not learning much. It takes months to master this game. Learning how to attack the large number of situations that arise in this game. 

    Know what it takes? Play the right killer currently which is something the devs hopefully steer away from, I fully expect nurse/billy nerfs in the future once the huge loops are gone.

    I don’t know why people want hillbilly nerfs. He’s the easiest killer to pip against for me because no one ever camps or patrols with him. I’ve had terrible or quickish games against the hillbilly but still pipped. 
    yeah and its a clear sign that they are inexperienced when they beg for billy nerfs.

    i think nurse is fine as well
  • Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    The issue with hillbilly is that he's so much better than the other killers except nurse that there's no contest. Btw I'm gonna ignore that troll now, never heard of him, never heard anybody mention him so he's as random as it gets
    lol the salt. your quest for validation from this thread has failed. come back when youre a vet.
  • Member Posts: 1,758
    Nurse is fine - People who are bad with teleportstrikes
  • Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2018

    @MhhBurgers said:
    Survivors were originally not meant to be a group @Aviema the game was meant to b 1v1v1v1v1. Survive at the cost of others

    Everyone can still pip even if this game, in its current state, was a free for all. I don't see how what I said was contingent on this game being a 4v1. This game is not competitive by definition, even if it was a 1v1v1v1v1.

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    TheBean said:

    @Lowbei said:
    i think that the fact that all the vets agree with the thread, and all the inexperienced players got offended, shows a lot.

    This is why the post is horse #########. The OP was waiting to say that. Basically said it in the beginning to dismiss everyone not agreeing with their post.

    OP was only looking for people to stroke them, while creating a post saying how jealous they are about not getting support from the community.

      Lowbei said:
    Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    Aviema said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    Survivors were originally not meant to be a group @Aviema the game was meant to b 1v1v1v1v1. Survive at the cost of others

    Everyone can still pip even if this game, in its current state, was a free for all. I don't see how what I said was contingent on this game being a 4v1. This game is not competitive by definition, even if it was a 1v1v1v1v1.

    what makes it not competitive? its actually very competitive, and has had numerous tournaments (the devs one was bad tho lol)

    like i said in the op, the low skilled randos always claim that a game isnt competitive, not only in dbd, but any game they are playing. ive heard that from the losing side in every game ive ever played.

    no worries, like i said in the op, salt from randos was unfortunately expected on this thread.
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