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Everybody who bought the skins for 21k should be refunded.



  • Member Posts: 279

    i know it feels kinda ######### and people wish they knew in advance, but in that scenario you're still getting two skins free of charge. it feels really entitled to demand refunds on free products that actually took time and effort and money on BHVR's end to develop.

    ik it's cool to bash BHVR whenever they do anything, but this time they actually listened to our complaints that none of the halloween outfits could be earned thru the event and they're still being dragged through the mud because it's just never enough for some ppl.

  • Member Posts: 279

    okay but some of us paid actual money so from your position getting 3 free skins sounds like a pretty amazing deal, i'd love to be in your shoes. i assume you thought about the hours you'd put into the game earning those shards before purchasing either of the halloween skins initially? you must've thought they were worth it at the time, right? and now because you aren't getting 5 free skins instead of 3 you'd be willing to quit DBD, or at least threaten to. surely you understand how that sounds.

    i'm really not trying to trashtalk, that's just a pretty strange hill to die on.

  • Member Posts: 374
    edited October 2020

    We read the in-game and twitter news, and they only post the OLD ones will have a discount...

    each halloween collection have a different name, and again, they only said on these news about make a discount from the past two halloween collections, nothing about the new one, wich if they want add a discount to the new one... they should wait until the discount day to add them in the store, or have the discout before they make the others discounts.

    so... please, don't mix the news about the old halloween collections with the new ones...

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Member Posts: 1,021

    It's quite appalling how BHVR hasn't replied to this topic yet. It's blatantly clear that many people were scammed out of their shards/money from this and now they won't even acknowledge the issue. Under no circumstances should this thread be buried, keep it up until they finally respond.

  • Member Posts: 151

    rip, tried posting a similar thread on the DBD Reddit and its getting bombed, cant see the dev's taking any notice at this rate with how most the community seems happy now.

  • Member Posts: 607

    This will show how much they love the fans if they do refund

  • Member Posts: 58
    edited October 2020
    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Member Posts: 279
    edited October 2020

    i don't count 'time spent playing one of my favorite games' as money, no.

    dbd isn't my occupation and if were iri shards wouldn't be my salary. 👀

  • Member Posts: 58

    Dude, i literally lost hours of grind because of this. I don't consider this "free skins" because you need to play a bunch to get one of them. And its not about getting refund to buy more skins, is getting a refund to buy the same skins for the discounted prices and keep all my hours grind still.

    If you can't play the same amount you can get with real money but this is not the point of the thread.

    And yeah, if they don't refund ill just quit because i don't want to support/play a game with bad devs. already did this in the past with other games.

  • Member Posts: 279

    if you're only playing dbd to get iri shards to eventually purchase cosmetics i think quitting is a great idea, it shouldn't feel like a job and iri shards shouldn't feel like necessary payment for doing so. if it's really that tedious, at least take a break for your own sake. i plan to do the same honestly, it's really hard to enjoy a game everyone else is so vocally miserable about all the time.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I sent an email to support yesterday and haven't received a response.

  • Member Posts: 58

    Obviously i don't play only to get Iridescent Shards but seeing all the shards i got since 2018 being literally "scammed" like that is not something that will make me put a fake smile in my face and keep playing.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Exactly!!! I was saving up shards for so long and it took me AGES to get over 40k for anything worth it. I bet BHVR just syphoned those shards out so people have to actually buy DLCs instead of earning them with shards. Guess what, no money is coming out of my wallet anymore. I'm done with this.

  • Member Posts: 58

    I spent 42k and i still have 39k left so i still can buy tons of things but not getting the refund is just morally and ethically wrong and i will not going to support them anymore if they don't refund everybody who got caught on this. Straight outrageous.

  • Member Posts: 58

    I spent 42k and i still have 39k left so i still can buy tons of things but not getting the refund is just morally and ethically wrong and i will not going to support them anymore if they don't refund everybody who got caught on this. Straight outrageous.

  • Member Posts: 160

    If they cant keep the game playable with pushing out new content every 3 months they need to do it every 4 or something cause they break te game everytime something new comes out and they have finally made everything from previous update somewhat better...all just to f it up again..

  • Member Posts: 130

    Are you seriously? This is not compensation. Since October 24, everyone will receive the shards. Not just those who bought overpriced skins.

  • Member Posts: 130
    edited October 2020

    I didn't complain when other people complained about this event. And it’s unpleasant for me that BHVR did this in relation to the players loyal to them. I'll get over it, as well as an unfriendly attitude. But now I will think many times before giving them money.

  • Member Posts: 94
  • Member Posts: 374

    You should level claudette to lv30 itll help you understand whats wrong.

  • Member Posts: 283

    Lol ya’ll havent been in many stores, price changes happen everywhere. Imagine complaining about something being cheaper with a currency you just had to play to get.

    Most of you gotta be decent levels, after you hit prestige 1 you have little to spend it on lol and they have dailys where you’ll even a lot just by signinh in.

  • Member Posts: 58


    This was one of the worst moves i ever seen from a developer trying to band-aid fix a event.

    They should just let the skins being 21k and give more iri shards for everybody but they don't want that because we can use shards to buy original chapters.

    Anyway i hope they see that they fricked up and just refund everybody and then everybody will be happy.

    The people who are saying we are "bitchin" are going to be happy, the twitter people are going to be happy and us, the people who play the most and support the most are going to be happy.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Someone is salty 😂

  • Member Posts: 366

    This new daily login event seems to exist just to remedy this very crisis, maybe give it a few days and consider it as refund?

  • Member Posts: 30

    sometimes you lose and sometimes the others win, just keep going and you'll own more shards!

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