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General Discussions

Everybody who bought the skins for 21k should be refunded.



  • Member Posts: 985

    I am sure they're delighted to get a thanks after screwing you over. Maybe next time you'll be more frugal and not buy anything.

  • Member Posts: 341
    edited October 2020

    Feels bad man, I don't buy skins anymore for this game and I'm glad I stopped.

  • Member Posts: 130

    I saw this message on Friday in one social network. Perhaps it was taken from the discord.

    It's sad that they didn't immediately respond to this thread. But I hope they answer tomorrow, after the weekend. And change their mind.

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    "The developers are reading this thread but don't have anything to say at the moment." is the best (and only really) response you can hope for.

    There is the "BHVR Read" reaction. It's usable only by developers, and can be used to show a thread has been read, without having to respond to it. This thread seems like a good target, if it is actually being read. This reaction has currently not been used on this thread.

    It hasn't been used in a long time though, and my question about whether that is due it being bugged currently was ignored:

  • Member Posts: 130

    The only thing I noticed is the integration of other topics on the same problem with this thread.

  • Member Posts: 344

    Thats definitely true, but as i said before, some of us could have spent these shards on chapters but we were buying them with real cash, so we can spent the shards on upcomming outfits (theres more ways but thats just an example).

    I personally say sometimes, that i'll buy this, even tho i don't really need it, because it also supports the game/company/etc. (Not refering to dbd alone but other games or board games).

    Totally agree with you, that we buy cosmetics cause we like them, but the way people handle their ingame currency/money is different and they also handle it with different thoughts.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I feel bad for you lot who got them straight away. Dunno what else to say apart from wait a bit longer in the future bc it'll probably happen again at some point.

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    These people didn't spend Cash. They spent shards.

    Maybe, I dunno, read the thread before you post?

  • Member Posts: 222

    Well, when the event started was a bit sad there was no vials to unlock halloween skins

    instead they added the new halloween collection to unlock via payment, even with that i buy the skins i like from the event without complaint

    but cmon, if they change the price to appease those who did complain that there were no vials, and then add dailys so they can unlock one, they should give us the price difference back

    and let's be honest, they can just double the daily rewards and let the price as it was, but we all know they was worried about let people who already buy them can buy non-halloween skins for free

  • Member Posts: 485

    Imo BHVR F ed up hard. However, its the guys own fault for spending that much shards/money into these skins. We all told you NOT to buy anything to show that we dislike this event.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I suspect they are contractually obligated to pay some costs for every sale, so a refund would put them upside down. That is an unreasonable request. However, I do feel, given the odd situation and timing (as well as reason) for the sale that those who made this purchased should be compensated with some other cosmetics (of their choice) of equal value to make up the difference. That would seem to be a win/win for both those who purchased before the sale, and the company.

  • Member Posts: 222

    but give us the price difference back don't should make them lost anything

    shards can't be bought with money.... is just a imaginary currency earned by playtime...

    it's just be nice with with the players who buy them more expensive for no reason...

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Personally (and NO I do not have any insider knowledge... I don't work for the company) I feel that the people who did buy them will get it addressed one way or another. Patience is a virtue.

  • Member Posts: 19

    So basically, always expect a company to be ######### because other ######### things exist? Why does it have to be that way in the first place? We can't change it just because it's the norm?

  • Member Posts: 130

    Dude, they announced the sale Hallowed Curse 2 minutes after the news about shards :D

  • Member Posts: 130

    Yes, no one expected this. I totally understand when I was buying DLC and outfits on the day of release that they may be on sale after 2-3-4 months. But not in two days :D

  • Member Posts: 130

    Most recently, I was also a white knight :D And I paid for it. Trust me, man, they don't need protection :D

  • Member Posts: 907

    you know, i would LOVE for BHVR to work on the ACTUAL problems dbd has. but in the past 3 years i've been playing, those seem to get fixed rather slow, and they fix some things that dont need fixing too. skins come out pretty regularly though!

  • Member Posts: 331

    Well Halloween is all about trick or treating. They tricked us with overpriced cosmetics, now they treating us with free iridescent shards 🤣

  • Member Posts: 907

    im aware it takes time, you'd be a fool to not think that. but some problems have persisted for years. some simple changes have stayed unchanged for years. and it seems like every other update breaks the same things over and over. i get bugs and glitches will come with every update, but when the same ones keep popping up, theres something seriously wrong. and when the game is completely broken on one system, and the fog is thicker than a thick crust pizza on another system, its clear not much time was taken to test the update before pushing it through.

    these aren't some group of highschool students making a game for fun, this is a company hiring professional people, and paying them, to do this work. and im sure they do the best they can, but when the team is stretched thin to work on so many things at once, and get it all done in a short window of time, ######### can break. and yet somehow there hardly ever seems to be a problem with skins, or charms, or the rift, other than player's preference. i guess i just wish they'd hire more people to work on fixing the game, make sure the game itself works as well as the other stuff. just my preference to play a game that works though i guess.

  • Member Posts: 58

    I think is common sense that they are working in a bunch on things. That's why they have multiple teams inside of the company to deal with each part of their business. I'm not going to stop complaining just because "they did their best", "it's free currency", "you should get over this" and etc.

    I hope until Tuesday we have a response and then i will stop posting about it.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    They can only sell for that much if people are willing to spend it, so stop spending ridiculous amounts for costumes it affects everyone else! Now that you did well obviously you were willing to pay it, so this sale should not bother you that much. This time people that are willing to spend 9000 will do it, and they should not complain if there is another sale for 5000 shards in a couple of days either.

    But yes this was badly handled by them of course, but it's their game they can do whatever they want. They might lose players because of this so, well it's up to them.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    poor customer service seems to be a trend...

    this is not saying anything about the devs as people but as a subgroup of BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 58


    imo is just a bunch of wrong decisions while the whole team is stressed out to release new content every 3 months and still making content for tomes, rifts, skins and still need to deal with the same old bugs and complains about them.

    I know all these things are hard but we still can complain if we think something is not right and this "no refund policy" in this specific case is not.

    I'm personally only posting about this here on this thread and isent the link of this thread for some people who were being bullied on Reddit. Not bullying bhvr employees on DMs nor the poor twitter guy.

  • Member Posts: 41

    I get that you won’t buy anymore, people who have that don’t care will, it unfortunate that’s how this is I’m at devotion 9 and I wasted some too. ButOnly If we waited.

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