Everybody who bought the skins for 21k should be refunded.
I am sure they're delighted to get a thanks after screwing you over. Maybe next time you'll be more frugal and not buy anything.
2 -
This was my irl reaction to his comment, lol.
5 -
What they do is bullshit
anyone who play fortnite know how they should act
on fortnite i buy A LOT of skins who changed price o become free the next day
and know what, the next day i log in, and i have my V-Bucks back
without had to send tickets asking for the refound
or even if i buy a skin 1 year ago, and they decide to make it free now, even with this i recive a exclusive recolor from that skin as compensation
THAT is what they should do, give us the shards back, without had to send tickes with ######### responses.
11 -
Agreed. I was kinda lucky not to spend my shards instantly.
This is just disgusting that BHVR refuses to make a refund for people like you, it is their fault and decision to make 75% discount less in a week after the release of skins, they literally MUST make a refund despite their ostrich policy "we're out of business here"
8 -
Feels bad man, I don't buy skins anymore for this game and I'm glad I stopped.
3 -
Meanwhile BHVR likes to pretend this thread doesn't exist.
How little respect does this company even have for its dedicated players? Simply terrible. At this point I just want them to respond, I won't repeat my earlier arguments anymore. Just keep this thread up until they finally give in.
8 -
I saw this message on Friday in one social network. Perhaps it was taken from the discord.
It's sad that they didn't immediately respond to this thread. But I hope they answer tomorrow, after the weekend. And change their mind.
4 -
"The developers are reading this thread but don't have anything to say at the moment." is the best (and only really) response you can hope for.
There is the "BHVR Read" reaction. It's usable only by developers, and can be used to show a thread has been read, without having to respond to it. This thread seems like a good target, if it is actually being read. This reaction has currently not been used on this thread.
It hasn't been used in a long time though, and my question about whether that is due it being bugged currently was ignored:
3 -
The only thing I noticed is the integration of other topics on the same problem with this thread.
2 -
I'd say it's pretty obious for most if us that bhvr would never ever refund based on how greedy they are. I was personally hoping they still would fix this mess somehow but at the same time i was definitely aware that this would likely never happen.
Its just sad to see how many people are now trash talking about this topic. Also its mostly these guys that spammed their social medias about the event in the first place, i.e. not the direct supporters. It's really sad to see the people that actually supported are now the ones getting punished.
We know that everything we bought doesn't have to get refunded but if they do that for the price of throwing a lot of players over then i really hope this will have a harsh aftermath for bhvr. If you want to keep your customers you should watch out for them and keep them happy.
I personally was having a lot of fun with dbd again, because of the new feng outfit, 2 days before they announced the discount. Now i don't. I just have this constant feeling of betrayal and distaste against bhvr that i simply can't enjoy the game or the new outfits.
Thanks for everyone that supported us in this case and hasn't got hit by this @GodDamn_Angela , @TragicSolitude (sorry if i missed someone).
Also just to be clear: Saying you get one outfit for free now is not the same as getting all outfits for 9000. If you have any slight understanding of simple math than you should know that theres a differnce bewtween a lose of 43.200 shards and a lose of 18.000.
9 -
I'm going to make myself wildly unpopular with this opinion, but people buying the skins early has, in my opinion, nothing to do with 'wanting to support the game', and everything to do with simply wanting to buy a cool, good-looking skin. When I buy a skin, the thought 'let's support this company!' doesn't even cross my mind once. I just want that skin because I like it.
However, I strongly agree that refunds would have been the right thing to do here. The only reason I didn't buy any of the skins before the major discounts is because I simply didn't have the currency to do so. I truly feel bad for everyone who lost their money/shards here.
8 -
I don't think that opinion should make you unpopular. You're kind of right, most people don't think in the terms "I want to support this game so I'm going to buy this outfit." (Some do think that way, but most don't.) Things like virtual cosmetics are probably usually an impulse buy, but the people who repeatedly make those purchases in a game are loyal customers. As long as they're happy and enjoying the game, they probably don't think about it in terms of how their purchases benefit the game but how the purchases make them (the player) happy. Once someone is unhappy, though, then they're more likely to second guess their purchases and hold back because they don't want to support a game they're unhappy with.
In other words, loyal customers supporting the game aren't necessarily thinking about it in those terms because they're happily enjoying the product.
7 -
Thats definitely true, but as i said before, some of us could have spent these shards on chapters but we were buying them with real cash, so we can spent the shards on upcomming outfits (theres more ways but thats just an example).
I personally say sometimes, that i'll buy this, even tho i don't really need it, because it also supports the game/company/etc. (Not refering to dbd alone but other games or board games).
Totally agree with you, that we buy cosmetics cause we like them, but the way people handle their ingame currency/money is different and they also handle it with different thoughts.
3 -
About waiting, i wait 34 hours before buy the two skins i buy
...and then they become discounted
is okay for me is these skins become discounted the next halloween, or some months after
but no 2 days after being added to the store... why people who regular play the game be punished to buy things they like
and casuals who maybe don't touch it in a week can come late and say "wow, nice price for a cool skin i have no idea two days ago had a regular price"
as i said before, fortnite give u back your v-bucks i cases like this, because is not the same change the price of something new in less than a week than changing the price multiples weeks after.
so, don't use the excuse of "if they return the shards people will ask for refunds of dlc's" because they never make discounts of the newest dlcs, only from the oldest. so no one can buy a just launched new dlc to get slaped in the face with a discount 2 days after.
Post edited by elpoh on7 -
I feel bad for you lot who got them straight away. Dunno what else to say apart from wait a bit longer in the future bc it'll probably happen again at some point.
2 -
These people didn't spend Cash. They spent shards.
Maybe, I dunno, read the thread before you post?
1 -
Well, when the event started was a bit sad there was no vials to unlock halloween skins
instead they added the new halloween collection to unlock via payment, even with that i buy the skins i like from the event without complaint
but cmon, if they change the price to appease those who did complain that there were no vials, and then add dailys so they can unlock one, they should give us the price difference back
and let's be honest, they can just double the daily rewards and let the price as it was, but we all know they was worried about let people who already buy them can buy non-halloween skins for free
2 -
What couldn't they have just a made a code to get an outfit for free? Where you could pick which code for which outfit then all other codes become invalid?
Reducing the price is what made this problem.
They've been running this game for years, why can't they think straight? 👻
9 -
Imo BHVR F ed up hard. However, its the guys own fault for spending that much shards/money into these skins. We all told you NOT to buy anything to show that we dislike this event.
0 -
Actually the mods would delete all the threads that asked for peaceful protest of not spending money. Most people wouldn't have any seen the threads cause they got taken down so quickly.
7 -
Doing my part to keep the thread alive until we get an appropriate response
5 -
For anyone saying "But the EULA allows it!":
The EULA allows selling offerings that give survivors +10% movement speed.
Or the ability for killers to walk through walls.
Or a laser-flashlight that can kill the killer.
Or a button in the basement that teleports survivors to hooks.
Or any manner of pay-to-win options.
The Game may, from time to time, feature virtual goods. Virtual goods include but are not limited to virtual items (characters, accessories, items such as “character customization”, power-ups), points, credits, tokens and currency (collectively, “Virtual Goods”) for use in the Game.
Source: https://store.steampowered.com//eula/381210_eula_0 , emphasis mine.
What I have listed above can be considered a power-up. The EULA says that power-ups may be sold. Therefore pay-to-win elements do not violate the EULA. Applying the logic that no one should complain because the EULA allows it: No one should complain about pay-to-win elements in the game.
Just because the EULA allows it, does not mean that doing it is not a stupid idea. And it does not mean that the playerbase shouldn't fight back against it.
16 -
Thanks both of you for creating a account and made your voice be heard. Now we just wait.
8 -
Hoping that we get some kind of response soon
The more I wait the more I feel like I've been shafted by this event
5 -
Let me be clear here.
I spent 43600 iridescent shards ONE day before they got discount to 9000 iridescent shards. With some quick maffs we can see that i lost 25600 shards with is less than the 10k shards they are giving away.
25600 is a little bit more than one devotion level or 100 levels as you can see here:
Source: https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Player_Level
Now lets see some people explanation and i will try my best to counter argument.
"You should not buy things first day. The amount of backlash they receive it was OBVIOUS they were going to do something"
Ok, but i bought the skins hours before they got discounted and i personally do not follow Behaviour in any social platform nor enter the forum to see thing about the game. I just play the game. The time someone told me the event was not good was the same time i entered the game and discord with my friends and they told me. Before that i didn't touched DBD for almost one month because the rift grind and i wanted to play other games during that time. So this mindset that i SHOULD know they were going to drop the prices or that i SHOULD wait (even that i did) doesn't make any sense. We can't predict thing neither Behaviour and in the regard they fricked up, not us, the consumers
"Why would you care? They are giving 10k away and bloodpoints! you should be happy"
No. I lost 100 levels which is hours of grind and i'm not going to be happy. These days tons of devs prefer to bring tons of new players in the hope they get hooked in the game and spend some money while the hardcore fanbase doesn't get anything because they thing that we already hooked and they don't need to appeal for us anymore. And what is better: one hardcore player buying dlcs through steam or 20 new players doing the same? it's a no brainer. This things already happen to me on mostly fighting games and Dota with that horrendous patch 7.00.
"Their EULA has no refunds policy. The support already responded"
The support guys are just doing their job. Their response is going to be the same for everybody because they follow rules and if they break them they can lose their job. I'm not going to DM every person who works on Behaviour about this because it's not their fault. They are just doing their jobs We are waiting on a Behaviour official statement about this situation and not a mod or support ticket. Also do not spam the twitter guy, he just like to post memes and has nothing to do with this nor spam the subreddit because they like more memes instead of discussions and conversations.
"If they refund is going to open a breach and everybody is going to want a refund"
They can refund and let CLEAR that is only happening because they did a mistake and they didn't find morally right with they players who bought before the price drop. This not only blocks any possibility of people trying to twist the EULA but also give Behaviour some respect from the one who got shafted by this event.
"I would be happy if i was you, i bought with Auric cells"
This thread is for you too, everybody who bought before the changed should be refunded, doesn't matter if was Shards or Cells.
The best we can do right now is to keep this thread alive until Tuesday because we are in the middle of a weekend and i would not like if someone from the team is spend their free time dealing with work problems. I would expect a official statement from Behaviour this week about this and after that each person affected by this can do whatever they want.
This thread was not made to hurt anybody in anyway just to make Behaviour see that they can't frick their loyal and hardcore players without any repercussion. I want to thanks all the people who created forum accounts to post their experience and thanks all the negative people who helped and still helping this post not to die.
Ps: My English is trash but if you understand, my job is done.
12 -
I am so glad I waited but I understand it's incredibly frustrating to the people who got scammed. BHVR needs to think of something or they are going to lose a lot of players and trust over this. A good lesson from this is probably to never get new cosmetics as soon as they are released.
7 -
They should have had the sale start from when the skins were released. Clearly the most dedicated would BYU them as soon as they came out and the people who bought them would be mad. One of the most dumb moves ever bEhavior, making people who love your game mad isn’t a good thing.
5 -
Each skin cost 9,000 Shards now but still I feel people who got it for the full price should be refunded also I feel we should be get more Iridescent shards for the log in like1,000 not 500 Iridescent shards.
I said this before but say it again Iridescent shards should be in the blank spot in the free track of the rift or BP and Iridescent shards there no point in having blank spots like that..
11 -
350hrs lost. rip. eula. rip.
Im under the impression we will have some kind of serum collection thing as well. dont know what that means yet.
5 -
Most people who are complaining didnt spend cash they spent shards, aka the currency you earn and if you spend it bhvr gets nothing out of it.
People expected 2 things
- Behavior would just do nothing and leave us with this terrible event
- We get syrum so we can get our 6 pieces
Neither of those happen instead there was some never done before middleground that ended up scamming people out of the shards, and let me tell you losing shards because the devs did the first ever sale within 3 days of release and the first ever shards sale feel horrible losing all those hours.
Also just FYI the people saying that this was announced beforehand are spreading misinformation.
8 -
I suspect they are contractually obligated to pay some costs for every sale, so a refund would put them upside down. That is an unreasonable request. However, I do feel, given the odd situation and timing (as well as reason) for the sale that those who made this purchased should be compensated with some other cosmetics (of their choice) of equal value to make up the difference. That would seem to be a win/win for both those who purchased before the sale, and the company.
3 -
but give us the price difference back don't should make them lost anything
shards can't be bought with money.... is just a imaginary currency earned by playtime...
it's just be nice with with the players who buy them more expensive for no reason...
2 -
Personally (and NO I do not have any insider knowledge... I don't work for the company) I feel that the people who did buy them will get it addressed one way or another. Patience is a virtue.
1 -
So basically, always expect a company to be ######### because other ######### things exist? Why does it have to be that way in the first place? We can't change it just because it's the norm?
2 -
Dude, they announced the sale Hallowed Curse 2 minutes after the news about shards :D
2 -
"to bring you the nerds, buffs, and reworks you all wanted"? Where? Where are they then? If youre talking about the map reworks - who asked for any of them? None of the most complained about perks have/are getting touched. If anything they've literally just told us that the perks complained about WONT be touched.
Secondly, as we are constantly reminded, "event" "teams" are completely different than those responsible for balancing/art design, etc. so that not an excuse either.
Stop white knighting. Its obvious B(€A)HAVIOUR dropped the ball massively here. There is not excuse or justification.
8 -
And that is fair... However not literally 2 DAYS after it was released.
Why should we ever buy anything on day one from them anymore?
8 -
Yes, no one expected this. I totally understand when I was buying DLC and outfits on the day of release that they may be on sale after 2-3-4 months. But not in two days :D
4 -
Most recently, I was also a white knight :D And I paid for it. Trust me, man, they don't need protection :D
2 -
Sure, the discounts were given because people complained and they were right.
They gave the discount without thinking about us, the loyal and hardcore fans and we have the right to complain too.
The only entity guilty here is BHVR in the first place for not giving the "right" Halloween event. Is not the people who complained nor we who got ripped off because a bad decision.
Also can also keep calling us whiners because that's not going to change the fact the we can ASK for a position from BHVR even they don't want to give the refund. And for me, the crazy part is that i'm doing this because i like the game if i didn't like it i was not playing it the amount i play. And for you this thread is literally nothing. Looks like you're not affected by the discounts like us but you still keep whining about how we are whiners.
Pretty funny stuff.
8 -
The shards cost what 500+ games to farm to get instead of event currency? you should know that that was a bad deal. But paying for it is also setting a bad precedent that shows that you're okay with them doing that, when just about every game nowadays and their mother has some event based unlockables content that comes around maybe once or twice a year.
You choose to support a predatory system that preys on the whale nature and fad culture ; (http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=whales+in+video+games), if you've been online at all or seen the community you know how what bhvr did with the event wasn't in the community's best interest comparatively to the other holiday events, instead of waiting to see the situation out you bought it impulsively. People should really do their research more before buying something or at least practice patience when they see everyone lose their minds over the event situation.
But at the end of the day, its bhvr's right to not refund you because all prices are subject to change and content in them are too.
My sister was bummed out that she couldn't get anything from the event, because she didn't play all the time or has other commitments to farm with that many games, when she looked forward to the events and always plays them. So I really understand why people got really upset when bhvr didn't want to do an event currency with 'the event', when we know they've been able to do them over the last 4 years. It just didn't made any sense for them to do that at this point, when the game is bigger than ever. More people are playing and more people are dropping them a little bit of money here and there buying auric cells, cosmetics and dlc. DbD is a paid game, with paid content that comes all the time that has characters and perks locked onto them. Between Chapter DLC drops and Rifts, a lot of players are basically paying a subscription every month, not to mention all the extra cosmetics that comes with every patch.
So I'm happy for people to get something out of the debacle. So I just wanna say thank you to all those people that collectively voiced their distaste for the bad call to do the event the way that they did. And I hope that bhvr will be more conscious with what they can and can't do in the future. Because we know they're capable of doing great things in between all the slipups, I wouldn't have stuck around for 4-5 years now if they didn't.
5 -
you know, i would LOVE for BHVR to work on the ACTUAL problems dbd has. but in the past 3 years i've been playing, those seem to get fixed rather slow, and they fix some things that dont need fixing too. skins come out pretty regularly though!
3 -
Well Halloween is all about trick or treating. They tricked us with overpriced cosmetics, now they treating us with free iridescent shards 🤣
4 -
im aware it takes time, you'd be a fool to not think that. but some problems have persisted for years. some simple changes have stayed unchanged for years. and it seems like every other update breaks the same things over and over. i get bugs and glitches will come with every update, but when the same ones keep popping up, theres something seriously wrong. and when the game is completely broken on one system, and the fog is thicker than a thick crust pizza on another system, its clear not much time was taken to test the update before pushing it through.
these aren't some group of highschool students making a game for fun, this is a company hiring professional people, and paying them, to do this work. and im sure they do the best they can, but when the team is stretched thin to work on so many things at once, and get it all done in a short window of time, ######### can break. and yet somehow there hardly ever seems to be a problem with skins, or charms, or the rift, other than player's preference. i guess i just wish they'd hire more people to work on fixing the game, make sure the game itself works as well as the other stuff. just my preference to play a game that works though i guess.
4 -
I think is common sense that they are working in a bunch on things. That's why they have multiple teams inside of the company to deal with each part of their business. I'm not going to stop complaining just because "they did their best", "it's free currency", "you should get over this" and etc.
I hope until Tuesday we have a response and then i will stop posting about it.
3 -
They can only sell for that much if people are willing to spend it, so stop spending ridiculous amounts for costumes it affects everyone else! Now that you did well obviously you were willing to pay it, so this sale should not bother you that much. This time people that are willing to spend 9000 will do it, and they should not complain if there is another sale for 5000 shards in a couple of days either.
But yes this was badly handled by them of course, but it's their game they can do whatever they want. They might lose players because of this so, well it's up to them.
4 -
poor customer service seems to be a trend...
this is not saying anything about the devs as people but as a subgroup of BHVR.
4 -
imo is just a bunch of wrong decisions while the whole team is stressed out to release new content every 3 months and still making content for tomes, rifts, skins and still need to deal with the same old bugs and complains about them.
I know all these things are hard but we still can complain if we think something is not right and this "no refund policy" in this specific case is not.
I'm personally only posting about this here on this thread and isent the link of this thread for some people who were being bullied on Reddit. Not bullying bhvr employees on DMs nor the poor twitter guy.
2 -
I get that you won’t buy anymore, people who have that don’t care will, it unfortunate that’s how this is I’m at devotion 9 and I wasted some too. ButOnly If we waited.