Banned for Intentionally Deranking (not me but a friend)



  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @ChesterTheMolester said: Which is created by balance problems, and you know it. Of course the Top Ranks are full of Billies cause hes strong enough and doesnt screech like nurse who spends half the game looking at the ground like she lost her lenses. Out of 13 Killers are 2 that dont suffer from the Meta snd you know that. Yet you are looking for the Killers that do while failing to use your influence to adress the issues and go for unfair matches in the lower ranks instead.

    On this forum most active users are know the problems well and try to get BHVR to solve them. Is it a wonder that you are not making friends here?

    Yeah, her argument is so full of holes that I don't know where to start. Every game out there with a rank system has a Meta, which in DBD is usually Billy, Nurse, and sometimes Huntress. For Survivors it's Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, and some other Perks.

    Even in Overwatch, where I came from and played since launch (as she says she has for this game), above a certain rank and you were expected to play the current Meta Heroes. Pick Torb, or Sym, or Mei, or a few others, and expect to get reported by the other players on your team and eventually a temp-ban for "gameplay sabatoge," even though the Game Lead stated it wasn't bannable.

    Heroes of the Storm? Again, top ranks have a Meta.

    Top ranks have a Meta, in every game.

    Why? Because not every Hero, Character, Killer, or even Perk is going to be viable. Some are niche. Some are just useless. That's any game with so many moving parts.

    Sometimes, adjustments to those parts are made and a Meta shifts, but there will always be a top rank Meta.

    Yes, Metas get boring. I will never argue that. But you don't derank. You don't ever throw games. That, itself, needs to be banned. Period. No excuses. If you get to Top Ranks, whether through skill or simply time-played like current DBD, and don't like it, then find a new game. Once enough do that, BHVR will have to finally fix the Ranking system.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Unfortunately, there is no way to tell how many hours you have on PS4. Xbox and PC can tell you, but PS4 doesn’t keep track like other systems. It’s just guess, but I would say over a thousand at the very least.

    Apologies for the mobile link. The power where I live is currently out. I would use my little laptop I usually use for my college classes, but no WiFi. 
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Kilmeran said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said: Which is created by balance problems, and you know it. Of course the Top Ranks are full of Billies cause hes strong enough and doesnt screech like nurse who spends half the game looking at the ground like she lost her lenses. Out of 13 Killers are 2 that dont suffer from the Meta snd you know that. Yet you are looking for the Killers that do while failing to use your influence to adress the issues and go for unfair matches in the lower ranks instead.

    On this forum most active users are know the problems well and try to get BHVR to solve them. Is it a wonder that you are not making friends here?

    Yeah, her argument is so full of holes that I don't know where to start. Every game out there with a rank system has a Meta, which in DBD is usually Billy, Nurse, and sometimes Huntress. For Survivors it's Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, and some other Perks.

    Even in Overwatch, where I came from and played since launch (as she says she has for this game), above a certain rank and you were expected to play the current Meta Heroes. Pick Torb, or Sym, or Mei, or a few others, and expect to get reported by the other players on your team and eventually a temp-ban for "gameplay sabatoge," even though the Game Lead stated it wasn't bannable.

    Heroes of the Storm? Again, top ranks have a Meta.

    Top ranks have a Meta, in every game.

    Why? Because not every Hero, Character, Killer, or even Perk is going to be viable. Some are niche. Some are just useless. That's any game with so many moving parts.

    Sometimes, adjustments to those parts are made and a Meta shifts, but there will always be a top rank Meta.

    Yes, Metas get boring. I will never argue that. But you don't derank. You don't ever throw games. That, itself, needs to be banned. Period. No excuses. If you get to Top Ranks, whether through skill or simply time-played like current DBD, and don't like it, then find a new game. Once enough do that, BHVR will have to finally fix the Ranking system.

    I agree , but I also think sometimes if played right the weaker killers can be a viable threat depending on the style of play. Example: I’ve seen some Freddy players at rank one on PS4 that literally are a nightmare to go against because it’s suits their style well while most of the time Freddy is garbage and easy to counter. 
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @lyric said:
    Kilmeran said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said: Which is created by balance problems, and you know it. Of course the Top Ranks are full of Billies cause hes strong enough and doesnt screech like nurse who spends half the game looking at the ground like she lost her lenses. Out of 13 Killers are 2 that dont suffer from the Meta snd you know that. Yet you are looking for the Killers that do while failing to use your influence to adress the issues and go for unfair matches in the lower ranks instead.

    On this forum most active users are know the problems well and try to get BHVR to solve them. Is it a wonder that you are not making friends here?

    Yeah, her argument is so full of holes that I don't know where to start. Every game out there with a rank system has a Meta, which in DBD is usually Billy, Nurse, and sometimes Huntress. For Survivors it's Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, and some other Perks.

    Even in Overwatch, where I came from and played since launch (as she says she has for this game), above a certain rank and you were expected to play the current Meta Heroes. Pick Torb, or Sym, or Mei, or a few others, and expect to get reported by the other players on your team and eventually a temp-ban for "gameplay sabatoge," even though the Game Lead stated it wasn't bannable.

    Heroes of the Storm? Again, top ranks have a Meta.

    Top ranks have a Meta, in every game.

    Why? Because not every Hero, Character, Killer, or even Perk is going to be viable. Some are niche. Some are just useless. That's any game with so many moving parts.

    Sometimes, adjustments to those parts are made and a Meta shifts, but there will always be a top rank Meta.

    Yes, Metas get boring. I will never argue that. But you don't derank. You don't ever throw games. That, itself, needs to be banned. Period. No excuses. If you get to Top Ranks, whether through skill or simply time-played like current DBD, and don't like it, then find a new game. Once enough do that, BHVR will have to finally fix the Ranking system.

    I agree , but I also think sometimes if played right the weaker killers can be a viable threat depending on the style of play. Example: I’ve seen some Freddy players at rank one on PS4 that literally are a nightmare to go against because it’s suits their style well while most of the time Freddy is garbage and easy to counter. 

    Oh, absolutely, @lyric

    For example, let me use Overwatch, where my real competitive experience lies. Torb was always considered an off-meta, or "troll pick," by the high ranked players. He's a Builder-Hero in a game that has had a ton of high-mobility creep since launch. But, Torb could be very effective in the right hands. There is a case in Overwatch of a Top500 Torb-main player getting constantly banned by the automated system because his teammates always reported him for picking Torb. Now, keep in mind, he is a Top500 player and got there by playing Torb all the time. For a correlation, the Overwatch League players all come from the Top500 spots.

    There have been other examples, as well.

    In the right hands, even someone like Freddy can be deadly at top ranks. Generally speaking, he won't be. But for someone who really knows him, how to conbine add-ons and Perks, how to work around the Dream World transition timer, and has true skill at the game: Yeah, he will be effective even at Rank 1.

    And ironically, that particular Freddy-main, while playing him deadly at Rank 1, might not be able to play Billy, Nurse, or Huntress well at all.

    But do keep in mind that in any game with a ranked or competitive mode, those high rank players are outliers. They aren't the norm. That's why Metas are so strictly adhered to. They are characters or ability combinations (like Perks and Add-Ons here), that are overly strong and known to be reliable in most hands. The Meta usually starts just around the very lower-end of the high ranks, and most continue climbing because they are using that proven-to-be-strong Meta. That's why you will see a Meta sometimes make a wide shift in some games, and some players suddenly lose matches and ranks. It's because they relied too hard on the previous Meta.

    It's the main reason that I have never been a fan of the whole Meta concept, but it is what it is.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Though I hate DCers and especially deranking, I have to say that those of you making the argument that it ruins the gameplay for four other people are barking up the wrong tree. Why? Simple, there are hundreds of threads in here where killers support other killers who face camp (for lack of a better phrase) while taunting players, saying it is a legit strategy. And while camping is a legit strategy at higher levels of the game, face campers who do this for the soul reason of "getting salt" from low level survivors have repeatedly stated they don't care about the fun of other players. Thus, they don't care that someone started in their aura, got downed immediately, and face camped. Therefore, I don't care about whether DCers ruin the fun of others. (To caveat, I do care about the enjoyment of the game for me and others playing it. But I find it hypocritical for that to be the main argument of some when this community has constantly shat upon that factor when referring to low ranking campers.)

    What I do care about is that people are manipulating ranks through the practice of DC'ing. The idea that a much higher skill-level of player is intentionally going to lower ranks in order to out perform lower ranked players is a major flaw in the system. It is already bad enough that high ranking people join low ranking swf groups and face low ranking killers. I've watched my wife get tortured in those maps. Yes, tortured. Looped and flashlight stunned constantly, never even getting a chance to hook a player. It is a mess.

    Shame on the developers for allowing this in the first place.

  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    ScottJund said:
    shasta said:
    Jendenise said:

    @shasta said:
    Elegant said:

    There are zero nurse counters. You can't counter her. The only way you win vs Nurse is for the Nurse to play badly. If you play well and the Nurse plays well you lose every single time.That's not balance.

    There are plenty of ways to mind game the nurse and you can even burn her with a flashlight while she’s charging a blink , you just need someone to go into kyf and figure out what works for your play style 

    Okay, this statement alone makes me feel as though you rarely play survivor. That's incredibly difficult to do these days with new blind timing. You can only burn a nurse if she's incredibly bad. It's a waste to even try burning her. Only time we do it is when 2-3 of us blind at the same time. You could say this if insta blinds were still a thing...
    Anyway, a truly skilled nurse against most groups is unstoppable (ie. svekeren, zubatlel, etc). You also fail to mention that many nurses run more than 2 blinks and omegablink as well (ataxic and pinecone) which is incredibly strong. You must LOS a nurse and know when to double back or not, and a good nurse has excellent prediction, so sometimes you're just #########. I don't know your skill level, the way you play nurse, or your survivor experience, but saying that burning her with a flashlight is a counter is a big yikes.

    I guarantee I’m a better survivor than you because I don’t derank  to impress anyone and the timing isn’t hard you just have to know when to start your burn and it is definitely a counter to the blink if used properly, does it work well with short range blinks? No  not if she’s already on your ass but when the nurse first is approaching it’s not so hard and you can use it to get away, I’ve saw your streams your not even a good survivor and anyone who deranks doesn’t even deserve an opinion on here because you just do it to play with newer players or those who don’t play the game often, you must be so good huh? Deranking to impress your stream and still sucking haha
    "Just lightburn the Nurse. But like not at short range. Do it long range as she's charging it, with your Sniper Flashlight that goes across the map."

    I guarantee you're one of those adorable survivors that points their flashlight at the killer while slowly walking backwards until you get hit.
    Lol you would wish I were one of those if you ever faced me 
  • Drunkie
    Drunkie Member Posts: 6
    I'm a killer main with about 2.5k hrs in this game. I have seen good and ######### survivors at all ranks, same with killers. Rank is way too easy to gain, and thus is not an accurate representation of actual skill.

    Jendenise is a very skilled survivor, who has probably over 6k hours at this point, and also knows that rank doesn't matter. Yes, there's some difference between rank 1 and 20, but not that much. Also calling someone "trashy" because they derank is really immature but I wouldn't expect much from dbd forums.

    I recommend watching this:
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Drunkie said:
    I'm a killer main with about 2.5k hrs in this game. I have seen good and ######### survivors at all ranks, same with killers. Rank is way too easy to gain, and thus is not an accurate representation of actual skill.

    Jendenise is a very skilled survivor, who has probably over 6k hours at this point, and also knows that rank doesn't matter. Yes, there's some difference between rank 1 and 20, but not that much. Also calling someone "trashy" because they derank is really immature but I wouldn't expect much from dbd forums.

    I recommend watching this: 

    At rank 20, players dont even understand how looping works. Yet you claim that rank 20 and rank 1 is the same?

    I ask you one question then. If there is really no difference, why do players derank then? (talking about midseason situation, not shortly after rank reset)

  • Drunkie
    Drunkie Member Posts: 6

    @Drunkie said:
    I'm a killer main with about 2.5k hrs in this game. I have seen good and ######### survivors at all ranks, same with killers. Rank is way too easy to gain, and thus is not an accurate representation of actual skill.

    Jendenise is a very skilled survivor, who has probably over 6k hours at this point, and also knows that rank doesn't matter. Yes, there's some difference between rank 1 and 20, but not that much. Also calling someone "trashy" because they derank is really immature but I wouldn't expect much from dbd forums.

    I recommend watching this: 

    At rank 20, players dont even understand how looping works. Yet you claim that rank 20 and rank 1 is the same?

    I ask you one question then. If there is really no difference, why do players derank then? (talking about midseason situation, not shortly after rank reset)

    I said there were differences, but rank 1 survivors can be just as ######### as rank 20s. Rank really doesn't mean anything and never has. People derank because sometimes you can't find games, or you keep running into the same players and the game because stale and boring because you never verse anyone else.
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @lyric said:
    Drunkie said:

    DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Drunkie said:

    I'm a killer main with about 2.5k hrs in this game. I have seen good and ######### survivors at all ranks, same with killers. Rank is way too easy to gain, and thus is not an accurate representation of actual skill.

    Jendenise is a very skilled survivor, who has probably over 6k hours at this point, and also knows that rank doesn't matter. Yes, there's some difference between rank 1 and 20, but not that much. Also calling someone "trashy" because they derank is really immature but I wouldn't expect much from dbd forums.

    I recommend watching this: 

    At rank 20, players dont even understand how looping works. Yet you claim that rank 20 and rank 1 is the same?

    I ask you one question then. If there is really no difference, why do players derank then? (talking about midseason situation, not shortly after rank reset)

    I said there were differences, but rank 1 survivors can be just as ######### as rank 20s. Rank really doesn't mean anything and never has. People derank because sometimes you can't find games, or you keep running into the same players and the game because stale and boring because you never verse anyone else.

    Jendenise burner account folks check out the number of vote ups and posts, this person made the account just to defend her it’s way too obvious 

    And guess what? They link to a video by DamnNoHtml. Now go check that name at Twitch. It states that it is an old Twitch account, and the new account is for . . . drum roll . . . ScottJund.

    Another streamer that has been in here admitting that he deranks and then tried to defend it.

    At this point, I'm thinking it's a burner account for ScottJund. Could be Jendenise, though. He has hosted her stream when not broadcasting.

  • epargg
    epargg Member Posts: 6

    @lyric said:
    Drunkie said:

    DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Drunkie said:

    I'm a killer main with about 2.5k hrs in this game. I have seen good and ######### survivors at all ranks, same with killers. Rank is way too easy to gain, and thus is not an accurate representation of actual skill.

    Jendenise is a very skilled survivor, who has probably over 6k hours at this point, and also knows that rank doesn't matter. Yes, there's some difference between rank 1 and 20, but not that much. Also calling someone "trashy" because they derank is really immature but I wouldn't expect much from dbd forums.

    I recommend watching this: 

    At rank 20, players dont even understand how looping works. Yet you claim that rank 20 and rank 1 is the same?

    I ask you one question then. If there is really no difference, why do players derank then? (talking about midseason situation, not shortly after rank reset)

    I said there were differences, but rank 1 survivors can be just as ######### as rank 20s. Rank really doesn't mean anything and never has. People derank because sometimes you can't find games, or you keep running into the same players and the game because stale and boring because you never verse anyone else.

    Jendenise burner account folks check out the number of vote ups and posts, this person made the account just to defend her it’s way too obvious 

    Imagine stating that someone having an account but never actually posting on these forums because no one understands common sense on here is a burner account. If you can't see that rank honestly doesn't make you a better player, then idk how anyone can help you. Recently i have found better survivors at rank 15-8 then anything below that. Current rank 1's are just M1 warriors that honor "Gens before Friends". I have a lot of hours and i have been here since beta. The old rank 1's are the new rank 10's. And you can thank long queue times and boring playstyles for that one.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    epargg said:

    @lyric said:
    Drunkie said:

    DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Drunkie said:

    I'm a killer main with about 2.5k hrs in this game. I have seen good and ######### survivors at all ranks, same with killers. Rank is way too easy to gain, and thus is not an accurate representation of actual skill.

    Jendenise is a very skilled survivor, who has probably over 6k hours at this point, and also knows that rank doesn't matter. Yes, there's some difference between rank 1 and 20, but not that much. Also calling someone "trashy" because they derank is really immature but I wouldn't expect much from dbd forums.

    I recommend watching this: 

    At rank 20, players dont even understand how looping works. Yet you claim that rank 20 and rank 1 is the same?

    I ask you one question then. If there is really no difference, why do players derank then? (talking about midseason situation, not shortly after rank reset)

    I said there were differences, but rank 1 survivors can be just as ######### as rank 20s. Rank really doesn't mean anything and never has. People derank because sometimes you can't find games, or you keep running into the same players and the game because stale and boring because you never verse anyone else.

    Jendenise burner account folks check out the number of vote ups and posts, this person made the account just to defend her it’s way too obvious 

    Imagine stating that someone having an account but never actually posting on these forums because no one understands common sense on here is a burner account. If you can't see that rank honestly doesn't make you a better player, then idk how anyone can help you. Recently i have found better survivors at rank 15-8 then anything below that. Current rank 1's are just M1 warriors that honor "Gens before Friends". I have a lot of hours and i have been here since beta. The old rank 1's are the new rank 10's. And you can thank long queue times and boring playstyles for that one.

    Here’s another one folks! Look again lmfao I’m dead xD
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @lyric said:
    epargg said:

    Imagine stating that someone having an account but never actually posting on these forums because no one understands common sense on here is a burner account. If you can't see that rank honestly doesn't make you a better player, then idk how anyone can help you. Recently i have found better survivors at rank 15-8 then anything below that. Current rank 1's are just M1 warriors that honor "Gens before Friends". I have a lot of hours and i have been here since beta. The old rank 1's are the new rank 10's. And you can thank long queue times and boring playstyles for that one.

    Here’s another one folks! Look again lmfao I’m dead xD

    Well, they do kind'a have to do it to defend themselves, since they sure as hell haven't received a lot of other support on the topic so far. I mean, Drunkie was exposed by us damned quick, so on to the next name on the burner list. :p

  • Drunkie
    Drunkie Member Posts: 6
    Person gives a valid argument and agrees with something someone else said? Yep, must be a burner account.
  • epargg
    epargg Member Posts: 6

    @Drunkie said:
    Person gives a valid argument and agrees with something someone else said? Yep, must be a burner account.

    yea you stupid burner account (: even though you joined before them they still believe you are just a fake account (: as i said before. no one on here understands common sense (:

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited October 2018

    I like how people jump up to start bashing people for Deranking rather then considering the actual cause of the deranking.

    Two-bit players clinging onto their rank status as if it means their god. Probably the only game they are good at and have to hold up their rank 1 as a trophy that players fight over. Well have your trophy cause that is all you get.

    You take the high road while they take the low road mentality of gaming. Trying to hold your moral superiority over others in a video game. Dishonorable... Deplorable... All Laughable.

    Play your game little rabbits.

    One potato... Two potato... Three potato.... FOUR!

    Hold your rank high in the air! ... For all to see! ... GLORY FOR NOTHING! HOLD IT HIGH!

    Since rank doesn't mean anything other then to the special seagulls squabbling over the french fry dropped in a parking lot. Maybe one day you'll be given a Big Mac with those fries... But not today little Timmy.... NOT TODAY!


  • Drunkie
    Drunkie Member Posts: 6
    So we gonna get back on topic about rank meaning nothing or you guys gonna continue spewing your bullshit because you don't have a counter-argument? Because I'm fine with either :^)
  • epargg
    epargg Member Posts: 6

    @TheBean said:
    I like how people jump up to start bashing people for Deranking rather then considering the actual cause of the deranking.

    Two-bit players clinging onto their rank status as if it means their god. Probably the only game they are good at and have to hold up their rank 1 as a trophy that players fight over. Well have your trophy cause that is all you get.

    You take the high road while they take the low road mentality of gaming. Trying to hold your moral superiority over others in a video game. Dishonorable... Deplorable... All Laughable.

    Play your game little rabbits.

    One potato... Two potato... Three potato.... FOUR!

    Hold your rank high in the air! ... For all to see! ... GLORY FOR NOTHING! HOLD IT HIGH!

    Since rank doesn't mean anything other then to the special seagulls squabbling over the french fry dropped in a parking lot. Maybe one day you'll be given a Big Mac with those fries... But not today little Timmy.... NOT TODAY!


    LMAOOOO better watch out before you get called a burner account and dumb for agreeing with people that actually play the game. rather than sit on the forums all day and complain about things.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited October 2018
    TheBean said:

    I like how people jump up to start bashing people for Deranking rather then considering the actual cause of the deranking.

    Two-bit players clinging onto their rank status as if it means their god. Probably the only game they are good at and have to hold up their rank 1 as a trophy that players fight over. Well have your trophy cause that is all you get.

    You take the high road while they take the low road mentality of gaming. Trying to hold your moral superiority over others in a video game. Dishonorable... Deplorable... All Laughable.

    Play your game little rabbits.

    One potato... Two potato... Three potato.... FOUR!

    Hold your rank high in the air! ... For all to see! ... GLORY FOR NOTHING! SO HOLD IT HIGH!

    Since rank doesn't mean anything other then to the other special seagulls squabbling over the french fry dropped in a parking lot. Maybe one day you'll be given a Big Mac with those fries... But not today little Timmy.... NOT TODAY!


    Jusr imagine, i know its hard for you and you may have to look up a word or two. We are talking principle here, Deranking to crush noobs is looked down upon yet Jen gets official support by BHVR despite admitting her smurfing, which encourages and validates the others. 
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    TheBean said:

    I like how people jump up to start bashing people for Deranking rather then considering the actual cause of the deranking.

    Two-bit players clinging onto their rank status as if it means their god. Probably the only game they are good at and have to hold up their rank 1 as a trophy that players fight over. Well have your trophy cause that is all you get.

    You take the high road while they take the low road mentality of gaming. Trying to hold your moral superiority over others in a video game. Dishonorable... Deplorable... All Laughable.

    Play your game little rabbits.

    One potato... Two potato... Three potato.... FOUR!

    Hold your rank high in the air! ... For all to see! ... GLORY FOR NOTHING! HOLD IT HIGH!

    Since rank doesn't mean anything other then to the special seagulls squabbling over the french fry dropped in a parking lot. Maybe one day you'll be given a Big Mac with those fries... But not today little Timmy.... NOT TODAY!


    Don’t sit here and pretend like rank 10 players are just as good as rank 1 , maybe some of them are because they don’t play a lot and I get that, but majority are at the rank for a reason and if you deny that you are lying to yourself 
  • Schwyn
    Schwyn Member Posts: 2

    Literally getting brain damage from reading. Some people are tired of playing the same sweaty try-hard killers at rank 1. TBH, most players at rank 1, besides maybe a handful are garbage. And when I say there are garbage, I mean they can only play 3 killers, with their strongest addons and an ebony mori. People who tunnel and mori after first hook. Yeah no one likes to play against that, and I would DC 10/10 times. If you think rank matters in this game, then you need your head examined. Though brain damage is said to be permanent. Last time I check, people got better by playing against better opponents. I've played against Jen multiple times in my 2k+ hours in this game. While I may have lost 75% of those games, I learned something each game that would help me be better. If your only complaining about this because your hard stuck rank 12 and get matched against her or other good survivors, then maybe you should GIT GOOD, or find a different game.

  • epargg
    epargg Member Posts: 6

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    TheBean said:

    I like how people jump up to start bashing people for Deranking rather then considering the actual cause of the deranking.

    Two-bit players clinging onto their rank status as if it means their god. Probably the only game they are good at and have to hold up their rank 1 as a trophy that players fight over. Well have your trophy cause that is all you get.

    You take the high road while they take the low road mentality of gaming. Trying to hold your moral superiority over others in a video game. Dishonorable... Deplorable... All Laughable.

    Play your game little rabbits.

    One potato... Two potato... Three potato.... FOUR!

    Hold your rank high in the air! ... For all to see! ... GLORY FOR NOTHING! SO HOLD IT HIGH!

    Since rank doesn't mean anything other then to the other special seagulls squabbling over the french fry dropped in a parking lot. Maybe one day you'll be given a Big Mac with those fries... But not today little Timmy.... NOT TODAY!


    Jusr imagine, i know its hard for you and you may have to look up a word or two. We are talking principle here, Deranking to crush noobs is looked down upon yet Jen gets official support by BHVR despite admitting her smurfing, which encourages and validates the others. 

    Ok Mr. Molester. Hear me out. Survivors aren't the only ones deranking. Good survivors AND good killers are deranking because queues are faster and there is more variety then getting the same killers/survivors with certain builds "at this point no one wants to change their build every single game". Like yes let me get the same ruin 3 blink nurse with noed every game. Seems like fun right? Or lets get the same 4 queue swf with ds/unbreakable/sprint burst/BT/flashlights "which also barely happens". There is this thing called FUN. and apparently only survivors are NOT allowed to have it. so yea, you guys keep complaining about nothing and ill just sit here and laugh at the stupid comments ya'll make.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    epargg said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    TheBean said:

    I like how people jump up to start bashing people for Deranking rather then considering the actual cause of the deranking.

    Two-bit players clinging onto their rank status as if it means their god. Probably the only game they are good at and have to hold up their rank 1 as a trophy that players fight over. Well have your trophy cause that is all you get.

    You take the high road while they take the low road mentality of gaming. Trying to hold your moral superiority over others in a video game. Dishonorable... Deplorable... All Laughable.

    Play your game little rabbits.

    One potato... Two potato... Three potato.... FOUR!

    Hold your rank high in the air! ... For all to see! ... GLORY FOR NOTHING! SO HOLD IT HIGH!

    Since rank doesn't mean anything other then to the other special seagulls squabbling over the french fry dropped in a parking lot. Maybe one day you'll be given a Big Mac with those fries... But not today little Timmy.... NOT TODAY!


    Jusr imagine, i know its hard for you and you may have to look up a word or two. We are talking principle here, Deranking to crush noobs is looked down upon yet Jen gets official support by BHVR despite admitting her smurfing, which encourages and validates the others. 

    Ok Mr. Molester. Hear me out. Survivors aren't the only ones deranking. Good survivors AND good killers are deranking because queues are faster and there is more variety then getting the same killers/survivors with certain builds "at this point no one wants to change their build every single game". Like yes let me get the same ruin 3 blink nurse with noed every game. Seems like fun right? Or lets get the same 4 queue swf with ds/unbreakable/sprint burst/BT/flashlights "which also barely happens". There is this thing called FUN. and apparently only survivors are NOT allowed to have it. so yea, you guys keep complaining about nothing and ill just sit here and laugh at the stupid comments ya'll make.

    Have your fun Jen I’m done here lol
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    epargg said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    TheBean said:

    I like how people jump up to start bashing people for Deranking rather then considering the actual cause of the deranking.

    Two-bit players clinging onto their rank status as if it means their god. Probably the only game they are good at and have to hold up their rank 1 as a trophy that players fight over. Well have your trophy cause that is all you get.

    You take the high road while they take the low road mentality of gaming. Trying to hold your moral superiority over others in a video game. Dishonorable... Deplorable... All Laughable.

    Play your game little rabbits.

    One potato... Two potato... Three potato.... FOUR!

    Hold your rank high in the air! ... For all to see! ... GLORY FOR NOTHING! SO HOLD IT HIGH!

    Since rank doesn't mean anything other then to the other special seagulls squabbling over the french fry dropped in a parking lot. Maybe one day you'll be given a Big Mac with those fries... But not today little Timmy.... NOT TODAY!


    Jusr imagine, i know its hard for you and you may have to look up a word or two. We are talking principle here, Deranking to crush noobs is looked down upon yet Jen gets official support by BHVR despite admitting her smurfing, which encourages and validates the others. 

    Ok Mr. Molester. Hear me out. Survivors aren't the only ones deranking. Good survivors AND good killers are deranking because queues are faster and there is more variety then getting the same killers/survivors with certain builds "at this point no one wants to change their build every single game". Like yes let me get the same ruin 3 blink nurse with noed every game. Seems like fun right? Or lets get the same 4 queue swf with ds/unbreakable/sprint burst/BT/flashlights "which also barely happens". There is this thing called FUN. and apparently only survivors are NOT allowed to have it. so yea, you guys keep complaining about nothing and ill just sit here and laugh at the stupid comments ya'll make.

    Hey atleast you tried to be formal..

    First i never said Killers dont smurf nor that they should go unpunished for it. In fact we talked to Scott about that issue a few pages ago.

    And yes totally caused by balance issues like i mentioned. But what happens if you build a fanbase that watches you abuse the problems in the game then watch them get fixed? The same will cry and reviewbomb the game cause no more ez bully games on both sides. The problems need to be fixed and that will actively prevent it. You come over here defending them smurfing and calling it having fun and try to put words in my mouth.
     Your existance proves me right.
  • Darktronik
    Darktronik Member Posts: 94

    bla bla bla

    You DC, They Ban.

    Stop crying.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @not_Queen @Patricia_BHVR , Let's hear it from Behavior. Can either of you defend why Jendenise is in the Fog Whisperers Pilot Program to represent the game and community via Twitch, when she is right here in this thread openly admitting that she deranks and abuses the ranking system on her streams?

    Would Behavior care to comment on why someone like that was chosen as a Twitch representative? This is no longer a matter of forum or community members claiming she is doing it. Jendenise, herself, has now posted in this thread openly admitting to it and attempting to defend doing it.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited October 2018

    @epargg said:
    LMAOOOO better watch out before you get called a burner account and dumb for agreeing with people that actually play the game. rather than sit on the forums all day and complain about things.

    That is what I do though... I sit here all day at work between customers and complain... Go home... Play a couple of matches while smoking a fatty.

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    Jusr imagine, i know its hard for you and you may have to look up a word or two. We are talking principle here, Deranking to crush noobs is looked down upon yet Jen gets official support by BHVR despite admitting her smurfing, which encourages and validates the others. 

    Sometime times I do need to look up words... Especially ones like "Jusr"....

    @lyric said:
    Don’t sit here and pretend like rank 10 players are just as good as rank 1 , maybe some of them are because they don’t play a lot and I get that, but majority are at the rank for a reason and if you deny that you are lying to yourself 

    Hey.... I don't pretend.. I know there can be a diff. I, like others, do enjoy lying to myself... I'm only 25 years old and have a hot chiseled six pack like David you know.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    TheBean said:

    @epargg said:
    LMAOOOO better watch out before you get called a burner account and dumb for agreeing with people that actually play the game. rather than sit on the forums all day and complain about things.

    That is what I do though... I sit here all day at work between customers and complain... Go home... Play a couple of matches while smoking a fatty.

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    Jusr imagine, i know its hard for you and you may have to look up a word or two. We are talking principle here, Deranking to crush noobs is looked down upon yet Jen gets official support by BHVR despite admitting her smurfing, which encourages and validates the others. 

    Sometime times I do need to look up words... Especially ones like "Jusr"....

    @lyric said:
    Don’t sit here and pretend like rank 10 players are just as good as rank 1 , maybe some of them are because they don’t play a lot and I get that, but majority are at the rank for a reason and if you deny that you are lying to yourself 

    Hey.... I don't pretend.. I know there can be a diff. I, like others, do enjoy lying to myself... I'm only 25 years old and have a hot chiseled six pack like David you know.

    Must have smoked something real bad if you think any of ######### you are spewing is impressive or enlightening.
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    Must have smoked something real bad if you think any of ######### you are spewing is impressive or enlightening.

    I feel like everything I have spewed is as impressive and / or enlightening as much as you do. So that must mean I'm pretty full of myself.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @Rottimic said:
    Step 1: Start spreading the notion that Rank doesn't matter at all in this game, use your influence and fellow streamer friends to push this idea

    Step 2: Mock people who do care about achieving and maintaining Rank 1. They're "tryhards". They're "sweaty". Their whatever "icky" adjective you want to apply to them. Because it's 2018, caring about things is so last year.

    Step 3: Derank for easier games since you've now set up the false notion that Rank 15-1 is all the same. So who does it hurt if you're stomping on lesser skilled / newer players? It's their fault they got paired up with someone with 2k+ hours r ight?

    People gave Marth ######### with reasons like "Of course his depip squad won, he's got a SWF with a combined total of 10k+ hours". But of course it's okay when other streamers need to meme in the low ranks because DbD is their job so they need to give laughs to their chat.

    DbD wasn't made to give streamers a stable income. That's the goal it provides for BHVR. So it's a ridiculous argument to say "I have to bend the rules and abuse the matchmaking system, I'm not getting as much money otherwise!"

    Stream another game if you can't be bothered to sit in a lobby and wait for a game like the rest of us. No special privileges should be given out because someone can't farm as many bits/donations while they spew insults at strangers every 10-15 minutes as they would like

    No streamer would make or break Dead by Daylight if they just left. There's enough fresh blood that even if all the major streamers just decided to quit, swarms of people would rush in to fill the gap and in a few months no one would even care about the old guard.

    You are absolutely right. Especially the last part. Again, since Overwatch has been my main game since 2016, I can give an example. After Brigitte was released, pretty much all the major streamers left Overwatch. Even huge Overwatch streamers like TimTheTatman left the game and just went to Fortnite.

    Know what happened?

    Other streamers have taken their place, fresh blood did come in, and some of the established, albeit smaller, Streamers filled the void and got more viewers. Yes, the viewership spread out more between them, but the viewers for Overwatch streaming still remained for the most part.

    The big guys (toxic or not toxic) are not irreplaceable. They just think they are.

    The problem, though, is when BHVR directly rewards streamers like Jendenise. I'm waiting to see if anyone from BHVR replies to the Page-6 post I tagged them in, asking them for a comment since she has now openly admitted to the behavior in this thread.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Why do people care about this topic so much? Who cares if people dc. It's their time and if they don't want to play out a match let them go. I'm going to assume that the majority of players don't disconnect from games. That leaves the majority of players with the ability to laugh it off and say, "Hey that person is pathetic for caring so much about dying in a video game." Why can't that just be punishment enough?

    I don't care who you are or for what reason. If you dc to derank or just because you got caught early in a match. It's pathetic. Just being you should be enough punishment. Does it make the game suck a little bit? Yeah. Trying to win 3v1 is certainly more challenging then 4v1. But how often does this really happen? If I have two teammates DC. I run up to the killer and let him kill me and I leave the game and go into the next one. Just do that. It speeds up the game and it's over quick. And in the post-game lobby we can just omegalawl at the dc players. No need to ban people.

    And leave Jendenise alone. If that is actually the real Jendenise. You do realize that anyone could have just registered with that name. But if it is the streamer. Let her DC and derank. Hasn't she put like 5,000 hours into the same video game? That's worse punishment then any sort of ban will give.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Stupid thing is asking BHVR why they support streamers intentionally DCing to "ruin" games.... (as you say it).

    BHVR supports their bottom line. So..... If a streamer intentionally deranks cause it allows them to provide "better" entertainment for their players, I don't think they will care all that much. Will most likely turn a blind eye to it. You know why?... Cause that one streamer might have over 1000+ viewers at any given time, that find what they are doing entertaining. That is a possible 1000+ people they the Devs are reaching out to on a regular bases... saying.... "Play me... play me.... play me... buy me... buy me... buy me...."

    It is the same reason why BHVR will turn the blind eye to "toxic" forms of gameplay, because those streamers bring in bigger viewership. People want to be entertained.... Not bored. Being bored in a stream doesn't help bring sales.

    The streamers who have more viewership on a consistent manner outweigh the non-entertaining masses who can't retain their viewership even though they play in the high ranks.

    BHVR would never come out to say anything other then what a mod has stated in this thread. You will not get any official response for what you are asking, disagree or agree. Those rank 1s crying in the thread about who do you support... can keep on asking.... Cause you still keep playing, and most likely will continue to play... all the while they will pretend to ignore your question.

    It is like trying to point a finger at someone, who doesn't give a ######### what you have to say about it. Then you'll put your finger and head back down and continue to play.

    There is probably more viewers in the said mentioned streamer's channel at any given time, then there are people who are upset about them getting support from the developer.

    One hand... Lose a couple meatheads?... The other hand, many others who don't give a ######### and have their wallets in their hands. No one cares about the meatheads.


    Blaming the streamer for an issue with the game design isn't getting at the root of the problem.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531
    Giche said:

    @Kilmeran said:

    The problem, though, is when BHVR directly rewards streamers like Jendenise. I'm waiting to see if anyone from BHVR replies to the Page-6 post I tagged them in, asking them for a comment since she has now openly admitted to the behavior in this thread.

    Maybe reminding them wouldn't hurt.

    @Peanits i would love to hear some official thoughts on sponsored streamers intentionally DCing to ruin games, to then ruin low rank killers games as well by bullying new players.

    I'm sure I've already answered this exact question elsewhere in the thread, unless I'm thinking of another thread. But everyone is subject to the same rules. If some disconnects from over a certain percentage of their total games, they'll still be flagged and banned. The system that flags them does not care who they are, and nobody's double checking each one to see if they're a streamer.
  • inkedsoulz
    inkedsoulz Member Posts: 93

    @rha said:

    @shasta said:
    Bullying noobs for either side should be a big no no I agree with the ban

    Wanting to play at lower ranks doesn't automatically mean bullying. The pipping system for survivor is so screwed up that it's easy to end up at a rank where it's absolutely impossible to enjoy the game.

    Was watching a small streamer, plays DbD only occasionally, she's nevertheless rank 1. She played at rank 1 for 5 1/4 hours and escaped only twice during that time, once vs a meme Leatherface insidious-guarding his basement chest. Multiple times the killers had 4ks even before hatch was unlocked. Towards the end the only reason she kept playing despite being deeply frustrated was because she was hoping for one good match to finish off which never came. Despite playing hopelessly unsuccessful at rank 1, she didn't drop in rank either and when she dropped to 2, she was back at 1 the next game despite having a bad game.

    I hate playing at higher ranks as well, mainly because the fellow survivors you get in solo queue are on the same skill level of those you get on rank 15 (red ranks didn't change anything), but the killers get better and better and fully perked out and totally tryhard I can't easily 1 vs 1 them anymore (which is necessary considering my teammates are mostly more of a burden than help). Moreover, almost every single game 3rd person got slugged to deny the 4th the hatch. Makes the last four minutes of the game terribly boring.

    I am managing my own rank by simply playing at most one survivor game per day, and many days I don't play at all. Last season I managed to never get higher than 11. I would rather like to play more and not be forced into simply playing only one game every couple of days.

    So you guys want to play against newbie killers, that chase you a little bit, but they are not able to catch you, just for your own enjoyment?

    Maybe you are not trying to intentionally bully, but wanting to play at a lower rank compared to your own skill level just in order to have easier matches is like bullying for those lower rank players.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115
    edited October 2018

    @SovererignKing said:

    Basically your calling the developers sell outs to the highest bidder who can provide the most free exposure. Fair enough.

    @Jendenise @ScottJund

    I don’t agree with Jendenise nor ScottJund about this either.

    Jen says it’s for the sake of “fun” because it’s boring facing the same people over and over again. Well, all I can say to that is tough #########. She needs to realize it may be more “fun” for her and her viewers, but it is NOT AT ALL fun for the Killer player to be stomped all over by players with 1/4 her play time. She is making fun for herself, her SWF group, and her viewers “more important” than the Killer’s she faces “fun”. She is willing and ready to ruin their fun and game experience for her own personal “fun” and the “fun” of her viewers. It is not at all right she places herself and her viewers entertainment above that of others.

    The same applies for ScottJund. I don’t care how long you have to sit in a lobby. If your viewers leave because it’s boring and takes too long, that’s because your viewers don’t appreciate you for you, not your gameplay. 

    You both wont like what I have to say next, but you should both take a page from Tru3’s handbook. Every day he starts the stream and simply has an hour long talk with his chat. Even during this time he has 800-1000 viewers. No gameplay, nothing but some chill music in the background and chatting away. He also suffers from long lobby times and facing the same Killers over and over. Other than some occasional lobby dodges of obviously SWF stream snipers, he keeps a well healthy viewership of 2000+ a day. Tru3 fans are there for him, the streamer, the gameplay is nice and we like it, but we’re more there for him. Even when he played Magic The Gathering for sponsored stream he had well over 1000 viewers. Most of us were regular subs as well as new blood. 

    If you have to cheat the ranking system to keep your viewers entertained, based solely on gameplay to keep them around, maybe you should take a harder look at the viewers you attract. If they aren’t there for you, more than your gameplay, then it’s not the game that’s at fault.

    You're entertainers, don’t blame the game when you fail to entertain your viewers on your own without the game doing the work for you. 

    You really don't understand streaming. Of course I have viewers that stay for me and I'd still do just fine playing lobby simulator all night. However, it stunts growth when the only thing a new viewer sees on your stream is you waiting in a lobby for 10 minutes, every 15 minutes. If less time is spent on actual gameplay compared to sitting and doing absolutely nothing, you will absolutely not grow as much as a streamer. Your main viewerbase will stay, but you will not retain new viewers as easily.

    If you're trying to win an argument with numbers, consider tru3ta1ent has over 4x my followers and gets around 1800-2400 viewers, while I get around 1400-2000. Those ratios do not match at all. His avg. viewer growth in the past year with DBD is 44%, and mine is over 200%. I'm not even remotely trying to measure dicks here and I actually like tru3 now since he's improved his attitude quite a bit over the months, I'm just showing that the numbers are actually supporting me, not you. New viewers do not want to watch people sit in a lobby for 10 minutes only to play a 5 minute game, no matter how charismatic you are.

    It's not like I'm deranking into the brown ranks either. Its just enough to be able to find games fast enough, usually purple ranks. There's pretty much no difference in skill between red and purple, just more games.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    @SovererignKing said:

    Basically your calling the developers sell outs to the highest bidder who can provide the most free exposure. Fair enough.

    @Jendenise @ScottJund

    I don’t agree with Jendenise nor ScottJund about this either.

    Jen says it’s for the sake of “fun” because it’s boring facing the same people over and over again. Well, all I can say to that is tough #########. She needs to realize it may be more “fun” for her and her viewers, but it is NOT AT ALL fun for the Killer player to be stomped all over by players with 1/4 her play time. She is making fun for herself, her SWF group, and her viewers “more important” than the Killer’s she faces “fun”. She is willing and ready to ruin their fun and game experience for her own personal “fun” and the “fun” of her viewers. It is not at all right she places herself and her viewers entertainment above that of others.

    The same applies for ScottJund. I don’t care how long you have to sit in a lobby. If your viewers leave because it’s boring and takes too long, that’s because your viewers don’t appreciate you for you, not your gameplay. 

    You both wont like what I have to say next, but you should both take a page from Tru3’s handbook. Every day he starts the stream and simply has an hour long talk with his chat. Even during this time he has 800-1000 viewers. No gameplay, nothing but some chill music in the background and chatting away. He also suffers from long lobby times and facing the same Killers over and over. Other than some occasional lobby dodges of obviously SWF stream snipers, he keeps a well healthy viewership of 2000+ a day. Tru3 fans are there for him, the streamer, the gameplay is nice and we like it, but we’re more there for him. Even when he played Magic The Gathering for sponsored stream he had well over 1000 viewers. Most of us were regular subs as well as new blood. 

    If you have to cheat the ranking system to keep your viewers entertained, based solely on gameplay to keep them around, maybe you should take a harder look at the viewers you attract. If they aren’t there for you, more than your gameplay, then it’s not the game that’s at fault.

    You're entertainers, don’t blame the game when you fail to entertain your viewers on your own without the game doing the work for you. 

    I think I accidentally deleted my response to this. Basically in a nutshell its that tru3 spends way longer doing nothing on stream because of terrible queues, and as such his channel's growth has been far slower than mine in terms of DBD. Core viewers will watch you do anything, but new viewers will not stay and watch you stare at a lobby every 10 minutes. Its not like I'm going into the brown ranks either, its literally just like Rank 1 to 6 or 7. There's essentially no difference in games other than queue times after rank reset.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    @inkedsoulz said:

    @rha said:

    @shasta said:
    Bullying noobs for either side should be a big no no I agree with the ban

    Wanting to play at lower ranks doesn't automatically mean bullying. The pipping system for survivor is so screwed up that it's easy to end up at a rank where it's absolutely impossible to enjoy the game.

    Was watching a small streamer, plays DbD only occasionally, she's nevertheless rank 1. She played at rank 1 for 5 1/4 hours and escaped only twice during that time, once vs a meme Leatherface insidious-guarding his basement chest. Multiple times the killers had 4ks even before hatch was unlocked. Towards the end the only reason she kept playing despite being deeply frustrated was because she was hoping for one good match to finish off which never came. Despite playing hopelessly unsuccessful at rank 1, she didn't drop in rank either and when she dropped to 2, she was back at 1 the next game despite having a bad game.

    I hate playing at higher ranks as well, mainly because the fellow survivors you get in solo queue are on the same skill level of those you get on rank 15 (red ranks didn't change anything), but the killers get better and better and fully perked out and totally tryhard I can't easily 1 vs 1 them anymore (which is necessary considering my teammates are mostly more of a burden than help). Moreover, almost every single game 3rd person got slugged to deny the 4th the hatch. Makes the last four minutes of the game terribly boring.

    I am managing my own rank by simply playing at most one survivor game per day, and many days I don't play at all. Last season I managed to never get higher than 11. I would rather like to play more and not be forced into simply playing only one game every couple of days.

    So you guys want to play against newbie killers, that chase you a little bit, but they are not able to catch you, just for your own enjoyment?

    Maybe you are not trying to intentionally bully, but wanting to play at a lower rank compared to your own skill level just in order to have easier matches is like bullying for those lower rank players.

    You guys really, really have to stop equating rank to skill level. Yes, it matters from like 15-20 because those are the genuine new player ranks, but once you get above that, while higher ranks will probably have a few more good players than not, it truly, truly does not make much of a difference. Everyone knows that equating your rank to skill in this game is something only new players do.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited October 2018
    ScottJund said:

    @inkedsoulz said:

    @rha said:

    @shasta said:
    Bullying noobs for either side should be a big no no I agree with the ban

    Wanting to play at lower ranks doesn't automatically mean bullying. The pipping system for survivor is so screwed up that it's easy to end up at a rank where it's absolutely impossible to enjoy the game.

    Was watching a small streamer, plays DbD only occasionally, she's nevertheless rank 1. She played at rank 1 for 5 1/4 hours and escaped only twice during that time, once vs a meme Leatherface insidious-guarding his basement chest. Multiple times the killers had 4ks even before hatch was unlocked. Towards the end the only reason she kept playing despite being deeply frustrated was because she was hoping for one good match to finish off which never came. Despite playing hopelessly unsuccessful at rank 1, she didn't drop in rank either and when she dropped to 2, she was back at 1 the next game despite having a bad game.

    I hate playing at higher ranks as well, mainly because the fellow survivors you get in solo queue are on the same skill level of those you get on rank 15 (red ranks didn't change anything), but the killers get better and better and fully perked out and totally tryhard I can't easily 1 vs 1 them anymore (which is necessary considering my teammates are mostly more of a burden than help). Moreover, almost every single game 3rd person got slugged to deny the 4th the hatch. Makes the last four minutes of the game terribly boring.

    I am managing my own rank by simply playing at most one survivor game per day, and many days I don't play at all. Last season I managed to never get higher than 11. I would rather like to play more and not be forced into simply playing only one game every couple of days.

    So you guys want to play against newbie killers, that chase you a little bit, but they are not able to catch you, just for your own enjoyment?

    Maybe you are not trying to intentionally bully, but wanting to play at a lower rank compared to your own skill level just in order to have easier matches is like bullying for those lower rank players.

    You guys really, really have to stop equating rank to skill level. Yes, it matters from like 15-20 because those are the genuine new player ranks, but once you get above that, while higher ranks will probably have a few more good players than not, it truly, truly does not make much of a difference. Everyone knows that equating your rank to skill in this game is something only new players do.

    Unfortunately it's the closest metric we have to skill level. Even in spite of intentional deranking, inactivity, etc.
    That's pretty much the point of ranking.
  • Rottimic
    Rottimic Member Posts: 16

    @ScottJund said:

    You guys really, really have to stop equating rank to skill level. Yes, it matters from like 15-20 because those are the genuine new player ranks, but once you get above that, while higher ranks will probably have a few more good players than not, it truly, truly does not make much of a difference. Everyone knows that equating your rank to skill in this game is something only new players do.

    And you need to stop pushing the idea that rank means absolutely nothing at all. Your infamous video is just some cherry picked examples of survivors derping around and having a bad game. Thus you make the grand statement: "These idiots were at rank 1, therefore all rank is meaningless so now me and my girlfriend can derank willy nilly because if rank is meaningless, then it's okay if we downrank to beat up even less skilled players!"

    If Marth can spend hundreds of games, compiling tons of data and keeping meticulous track of everything, and have it dismissed as worthless because "LUL, killer man abuses SWF, news at 11, it means nothing!" then why does your single video get to be a gospel of "Rank means nothing, and to question it makes you a noob"

    Do everyone a favor, stay in the red ranks where you belong. Stop trying to go seal clubbing just because some green ranks are good and some red ranks are bad. It's super scummy behavior that is very reminiscent of people who go to Bronze ranks in other games just to smash people and get a laugh.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    @Visionmaker said:
    ScottJund said:

    @inkedsoulz said:

    @rha said:

    @shasta said:

    Bullying noobs for either side should be a big no no I agree with the ban

    Wanting to play at lower ranks doesn't automatically mean bullying. The pipping system for survivor is so screwed up that it's easy to end up at a rank where it's absolutely impossible to enjoy the game.

    Was watching a small streamer, plays DbD only occasionally, she's nevertheless rank 1. She played at rank 1 for 5 1/4 hours and escaped only twice during that time, once vs a meme Leatherface insidious-guarding his basement chest. Multiple times the killers had 4ks even before hatch was unlocked. Towards the end the only reason she kept playing despite being deeply frustrated was because she was hoping for one good match to finish off which never came. Despite playing hopelessly unsuccessful at rank 1, she didn't drop in rank either and when she dropped to 2, she was back at 1 the next game despite having a bad game.

    I hate playing at higher ranks as well, mainly because the fellow survivors you get in solo queue are on the same skill level of those you get on rank 15 (red ranks didn't change anything), but the killers get better and better and fully perked out and totally tryhard I can't easily 1 vs 1 them anymore (which is necessary considering my teammates are mostly more of a burden than help). Moreover, almost every single game 3rd person got slugged to deny the 4th the hatch. Makes the last four minutes of the game terribly boring.

    I am managing my own rank by simply playing at most one survivor game per day, and many days I don't play at all. Last season I managed to never get higher than 11. I would rather like to play more and not be forced into simply playing only one game every couple of days.

    So you guys want to play against newbie killers, that chase you a little bit, but they are not able to catch you, just for your own enjoyment?

    Maybe you are not trying to intentionally bully, but wanting to play at a lower rank compared to your own skill level just in order to have easier matches is like bullying for those lower rank players.

    You guys really, really have to stop equating rank to skill level. Yes, it matters from like 15-20 because those are the genuine new player ranks, but once you get above that, while higher ranks will probably have a few more good players than not, it truly, truly does not make much of a difference. Everyone knows that equating your rank to skill in this game is something only new players do.

    Unfortunately it's the closest metric we have to skill level. Even in spite of intentional deranking, inactivity, etc.

    That's pretty much the point of ranking.

    There are just far too many variables involved in the game to equate the two though. Its not the closest thing we have. It isn't anything. Its a measure of how much you play the game, which is not always correlated with skill at it.

  • inkedsoulz
    inkedsoulz Member Posts: 93

    @ScottJund said:

    @inkedsoulz said:

    @rha said:

    @shasta said:
    Bullying noobs for either side should be a big no no I agree with the ban

    Wanting to play at lower ranks doesn't automatically mean bullying. The pipping system for survivor is so screwed up that it's easy to end up at a rank where it's absolutely impossible to enjoy the game.

    Was watching a small streamer, plays DbD only occasionally, she's nevertheless rank 1. She played at rank 1 for 5 1/4 hours and escaped only twice during that time, once vs a meme Leatherface insidious-guarding his basement chest. Multiple times the killers had 4ks even before hatch was unlocked. Towards the end the only reason she kept playing despite being deeply frustrated was because she was hoping for one good match to finish off which never came. Despite playing hopelessly unsuccessful at rank 1, she didn't drop in rank either and when she dropped to 2, she was back at 1 the next game despite having a bad game.

    I hate playing at higher ranks as well, mainly because the fellow survivors you get in solo queue are on the same skill level of those you get on rank 15 (red ranks didn't change anything), but the killers get better and better and fully perked out and totally tryhard I can't easily 1 vs 1 them anymore (which is necessary considering my teammates are mostly more of a burden than help). Moreover, almost every single game 3rd person got slugged to deny the 4th the hatch. Makes the last four minutes of the game terribly boring.

    I am managing my own rank by simply playing at most one survivor game per day, and many days I don't play at all. Last season I managed to never get higher than 11. I would rather like to play more and not be forced into simply playing only one game every couple of days.

    So you guys want to play against newbie killers, that chase you a little bit, but they are not able to catch you, just for your own enjoyment?

    Maybe you are not trying to intentionally bully, but wanting to play at a lower rank compared to your own skill level just in order to have easier matches is like bullying for those lower rank players.

    You guys really, really have to stop equating rank to skill level. Yes, it matters from like 15-20 because those are the genuine new player ranks, but once you get above that, while higher ranks will probably have a few more good players than not, it truly, truly does not make much of a difference. Everyone knows that equating your rank to skill in this game is something only new players do.

    You said it yourself "...while higher ranks will probably have a few more good players than not..."

    So you guys try to stay on lower ranks on purpose in order to avoid facing those extra "few" good players, just so you can have more amount of easy matches.

    I do understand when people try to stay on lower ranks in order to get faster queues.
    But staying on lower ranks just for the sake of having easier/funnier matches doesnt seem right to me(it might be fun for you, but probably not for the other side)

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited October 2018

    @ScottJund said:

    @Visionmaker said:
    ScottJund said:

    @inkedsoulz said:

    @rha said:

    @shasta said:

    Bullying noobs for either side should be a big no no I agree with the ban

    Wanting to play at lower ranks doesn't automatically mean bullying. The pipping system for survivor is so screwed up that it's easy to end up at a rank where it's absolutely impossible to enjoy the game.

    Was watching a small streamer, plays DbD only occasionally, she's nevertheless rank 1. She played at rank 1 for 5 1/4 hours and escaped only twice during that time, once vs a meme Leatherface insidious-guarding his basement chest. Multiple times the killers had 4ks even before hatch was unlocked. Towards the end the only reason she kept playing despite being deeply frustrated was because she was hoping for one good match to finish off which never came. Despite playing hopelessly unsuccessful at rank 1, she didn't drop in rank either and when she dropped to 2, she was back at 1 the next game despite having a bad game.

    I hate playing at higher ranks as well, mainly because the fellow survivors you get in solo queue are on the same skill level of those you get on rank 15 (red ranks didn't change anything), but the killers get better and better and fully perked out and totally tryhard I can't easily 1 vs 1 them anymore (which is necessary considering my teammates are mostly more of a burden than help). Moreover, almost every single game 3rd person got slugged to deny the 4th the hatch. Makes the last four minutes of the game terribly boring.

    I am managing my own rank by simply playing at most one survivor game per day, and many days I don't play at all. Last season I managed to never get higher than 11. I would rather like to play more and not be forced into simply playing only one game every couple of days.

    So you guys want to play against newbie killers, that chase you a little bit, but they are not able to catch you, just for your own enjoyment?

    Maybe you are not trying to intentionally bully, but wanting to play at a lower rank compared to your own skill level just in order to have easier matches is like bullying for those lower rank players.

    You guys really, really have to stop equating rank to skill level. Yes, it matters from like 15-20 because those are the genuine new player ranks, but once you get above that, while higher ranks will probably have a few more good players than not, it truly, truly does not make much of a difference. Everyone knows that equating your rank to skill in this game is something only new players do.

    Unfortunately it's the closest metric we have to skill level. Even in spite of intentional deranking, inactivity, etc.

    That's pretty much the point of ranking.

    There are just far too many variables involved in the game to equate the two though. Its not the closest thing we have. It isn't anything. Its a measure of how much you play the game, which is not always correlated with skill at it.

    There are many variables involved, but because we have nothing else, it is indeed the closest thing we have. Besides, the emblem system is quite thorough and the only thing it requires is honest attempts.

    It is not a measure of how much you play the game. You can lose every game (intentionally or not) and stick at Rank 20. We literally have playtime recorded to measure that. And there are many of players that play a lot and are still hot trash.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @Peanits said:
    Giche said:

    @Kilmeran said:

    The problem, though, is when BHVR directly rewards streamers like Jendenise. I'm waiting to see if anyone from BHVR replies to the Page-6 post I tagged them in, asking them for a comment since she has now openly admitted to the behavior in this thread.

    Maybe reminding them wouldn't hurt.

    @Peanits i would love to hear some official thoughts on sponsored streamers intentionally DCing to ruin games, to then ruin low rank killers games as well by bullying new players.

    I'm sure I've already answered this exact question elsewhere in the thread, unless I'm thinking of another thread. But everyone is subject to the same rules. If some disconnects from over a certain percentage of their total games, they'll still be flagged and banned. The system that flags them does not care who they are, and nobody's double checking each one to see if they're a streamer.

    @Peanits And what about Streamers not DC'ing, but actively deranking live on their Streams? Jendenise, one of your Fog Whisperer Pilot Program Streamers, has already posted several times in this thread not only admitting to actively deranking (not DC'ing, mind you) but even defending the practice.

    Is BHVR saying that actively deranking without DC'ing is allowed? So the Rank system means little? Or is that also against the rules? And if it is, then how is it that BHVR chose Jendenise to represent the DBD community via Twitch in the Fog Whisperers when she actively deranks, has now admitted to it in this thread, and defends the practice? Through her posts in this thread and through her actions in her Stream with upwards of 1k to 2k viewers, she is endorsing deranking to lower skilled ranks.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    So uh, am I the only one surprised this thread hasn't been closed yet. :lol:

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    @inkedsoulz said:

    @ScottJund said:

    @inkedsoulz said:

    @rha said:

    @shasta said:
    Bullying noobs for either side should be a big no no I agree with the ban

    Wanting to play at lower ranks doesn't automatically mean bullying. The pipping system for survivor is so screwed up that it's easy to end up at a rank where it's absolutely impossible to enjoy the game.

    Was watching a small streamer, plays DbD only occasionally, she's nevertheless rank 1. She played at rank 1 for 5 1/4 hours and escaped only twice during that time, once vs a meme Leatherface insidious-guarding his basement chest. Multiple times the killers had 4ks even before hatch was unlocked. Towards the end the only reason she kept playing despite being deeply frustrated was because she was hoping for one good match to finish off which never came. Despite playing hopelessly unsuccessful at rank 1, she didn't drop in rank either and when she dropped to 2, she was back at 1 the next game despite having a bad game.

    I hate playing at higher ranks as well, mainly because the fellow survivors you get in solo queue are on the same skill level of those you get on rank 15 (red ranks didn't change anything), but the killers get better and better and fully perked out and totally tryhard I can't easily 1 vs 1 them anymore (which is necessary considering my teammates are mostly more of a burden than help). Moreover, almost every single game 3rd person got slugged to deny the 4th the hatch. Makes the last four minutes of the game terribly boring.

    I am managing my own rank by simply playing at most one survivor game per day, and many days I don't play at all. Last season I managed to never get higher than 11. I would rather like to play more and not be forced into simply playing only one game every couple of days.

    So you guys want to play against newbie killers, that chase you a little bit, but they are not able to catch you, just for your own enjoyment?

    Maybe you are not trying to intentionally bully, but wanting to play at a lower rank compared to your own skill level just in order to have easier matches is like bullying for those lower rank players.

    You guys really, really have to stop equating rank to skill level. Yes, it matters from like 15-20 because those are the genuine new player ranks, but once you get above that, while higher ranks will probably have a few more good players than not, it truly, truly does not make much of a difference. Everyone knows that equating your rank to skill in this game is something only new players do.

    You said it yourself "...while higher ranks will probably have a few more good players than not..."

    So you guys try to stay on lower ranks on purpose in order to avoid facing those extra "few" good players, just so you can have more amount of easy matches.

    I do understand when people try to stay on lower ranks in order to get faster queues.
    But staying on lower ranks just for the sake of having easier/funnier matches doesnt seem right to me(it might be fun for you, but probably not for the other side)

    I actually have less fun bullying babies. All of the fun of killer is outplaying the survivor. If they don't know how to do that I'm sorta just stomping on people who can't fight back, which is lame. And no, I'm not trying to dodge the few better players at high rank. Actually, all the best survivors I know are lower rank because they derank, so Ironically I have more tough games at low rank than high rank.

This discussion has been closed.