Revert the Mori Change Devs



  • DbdKillerMain
    DbdKillerMain Member Posts: 2

    Have you seen the devs play killer?! They don't listen to survivor mains, They ARE survivor mains...

  • Opeth32
    Opeth32 Member Posts: 9

    You just want a free win admit it. This is crazy people like you with this game would like nothing more than a free easy kill. You want survivors to lay down and give you an easy kill and you tunnel us to death but when we get away and SURVIVE we are somehow over powered because you got out played,, And if it don't go your way you come here and whine. Please just go find another game your actually good at. Or write Oprah

  • Ethofrasty
    Ethofrasty Member Posts: 18

    I... Somewhat agree, I don't like that they applied it to green mori's however. For red it makes absolute sense though, but I'm also one who wants DS nerfed to the ground desperately so what does my opinion matter.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    never said they were not a problem, im VERY aware of the impact keys have on a match and how meta perks can influence games.

    The mori nerf was simple, however they are basically reworking keys if you have looked at the mod responses and that would take way longer. i personally am fine with waiting for keys to be nerfed/reworked after mori's because now games are less busted and i can use mori's without feeling like a dick.

    sure key usage will increase but you can just lobby dodge and while last second switching is a thing it isn't too common for it to be a major nuisance.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    For me there's no change because I never bothered to Mori someone until everyone has been hooked twice

  • MegIsToxic
    MegIsToxic Member Posts: 3

    Your just one of those whiny ######### killers who Mori off first hook like an #########, I never use moris and I don’t use keys; keys are getting a rework anyway quit your complaining I play both sides moris and keys are both unfair that’s that. They’re both getting fixed

  • LARI
    LARI Member Posts: 66

    Gut Gud and stop killing after 1st hook cuz ur bad (I'm a killer main as well and idgf about Mori changes)

  • CoriAkumaFox
    CoriAkumaFox Member Posts: 1

    Look. Mori's needed a nerf honestly. Especially the Ebony Mori. Ivory Moris are fine in my opinion. But Ebony needed a major nerf.

    And dude, Yes Survivors have alot of perks to 'Help them Survive' it's called Survivor for a reason, like the reason you're called Killer.

    Yes you may hate the fact they took away you're only way to get a Survivor out the game quickly because they can loop you, or they are doing the most out of the team. But that was the prime reason, Killers would finally catch that one Survivor that was doing the gens or looping them, and than after they get off. BOOM instant Mori.

    It wasn't fun, and frankly it was really annoying. Honestly I'm glad they changed Moris. (and honestly when I used an ebony or ivory, I hooked Survivors twice anyway. And this was before the change)

    And Don't even say keys are also an easy win for Survivors. Survivors have to work to actually get the hatch to spawn in the trial anyway, meanwhile killers just gotta hook the Survivor, find them again, chase, down, Mori.

    Now you guys actually have to work for it, Surprised no one complains about Devour Hope, because that's basically a Mori and insta down yet you gotta work for that.

    And powerstruggle isn't a viable Survivor perks, it isn't. You will barely get that perk to work, You have to get lucky, or the killer has to be #########. Because one hooks rarely every spawn behind pallets or in valid places for the perk to work

    Two, Killers will avoid most pallets in fear of being stunned by another Survivor.

    So don't put Power Struggle in that list.

    The reason most people will say Moris are a free win is because almost all killers moried after first hook and it made the game literally last 5 minutes. And dude, People will say you're bad for using a Mori, Because it depends on how you use it, Yeah you may use it for fun. But you gotta remember, you're not the only killer on dbd. There's so many other people who are jerks with a Mori.

    So honestly, the Mori change wasn't even that bad, it just makes it to where you actually have to work for it, like how Survivors gotta actually work on gens to get the hatch.

    The only thing I can see to actually help this out would be.

    Slow team gen repairs ever so lightly (Not so much to where it's #########, but enough so gens don't take 45 seconds to do)

    Make purple keys only work for one person to escape through hatch. (still has 15 charges for the coin add-ons)

    Make Pink keys hope the hatch only for 15 or 10 seconds. (but the key still has 30 charges for the coin add-ons)

    This is my way of seeing how keys should be, coming from a Survivor main as well. That's how I see keys should be. (yes I do play killer enough to know why you think the nerf was dumb, but honestly it will better the games overall health. And when I use ebony Moris or ivory Moris back than before this nerf, I always moried after second phase or second hook. But if the Survivor teabags or clicks their flashlight at more basically just BM'ing or just being an annoyance with the clicking, than yeah I will Mori after first hook, or even tunnel and camp them.)

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    This is finally the way moris should be. Just before someone is taken out of the game, you get to show off a unique kill instead of eating or waiting out the decisive, taking the time to get them to a sabo-ed hook.

    It's really disheartening to watch someone play the game only to have an immediate screw-up that gets them hooked, and then tunneled off of hook and moried. Maybe if less people did this, this change would have been unnecessary. If this is completely acceptable behavior to you, then you're the reason changes like this are being made.

    We didn't wait 5 to sometimes 15 minutes for a lobby for a less than 5k point round. This is the change that should have been in the game years ago. I'm hoping I can get friends to play again with this fix in place.

  • Evelyn208
    Evelyn208 Member Posts: 31

    This thread just proves you are a tunnel off hook killer, not something to be proud of.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I literally made an account here because of the overwhelming need I felt to clown on this dude, but I feel like enough's been said.

    So hey, instead? Have an announcement.

    There are people who play this game who genuinely, honestly believe they deserve to be handed wins. That a victory against the other side should not be earned, but given, as much as they may deny this to others, or even themselves. There are survivors who expect the killer to stare at a corner the whole match 'till they have the exit gates open. There are killers, like I suspect this sweet baby bean OP to be, who would only be satisfied if they loaded in to an empty 25x25 foot square with no exits and got to play Mutilate-a-Doll with the survivor players. To these players, they are NEVER in the wrong, the other side is always a grand evil, and they can take endless amounts of pleasure in ruining as much of their experience as they can because the game is "X-sided".

    We call these players "entitled."

    Entitlement is a plague that affects survivor and killer alike. It is, without a doubt, the greatest affliction worming its way through the fetid bloodstreams of the playerbase. It breeds terrible diseases such as Whataboutism (hOw caN yOU neRf mOrIS WithOUT neRfING keYs tOO, BiaSed DevS), Elitism (lol survivor/killer main spotted, count how many times you've seen that in a DbD discussion), toxicity (ggez baby killer LOL), and worst of all..

    A victim complex.

    People who genuinely, earnestly believe that the devs are sided against their playstyle of choice, and deign themselves a "victimized underclass" for their choice of role in a v i d e o g a m e .

    I know you've seen them before. People who clutch their chests and fall to the floor for every minor balance change against their preferred role. I saw someone punch holes in the wall over The Spirit making periodic noises that slightly revealed her location during a phase, almost certainly a (not unwelcome) bug that was decried as the death of The Spirit and the end of Killers in DbD.

    But there's a cure to this plague. Please, don't limit yourself to just one role or another. Use your critical thinking skills. Examine your entitlement a little closer. Be critical of yourself. Exercise some EMPATHY, for godsake-- not everyone on the other side is out to get you and you specifically.

    Thank you.

  • Hellstromknight
    Hellstromknight Member Posts: 1

    Seriously, change the Mori's back! Mori's are the only counter to Decisive Strike and Keys (well, Mori's and Franklin's Demise for Keys), and now you're nerfing them so insanely hard, what's the point of having them in the game now? Other than to just "oh, that looks cool". This nerf tips the balance in the survivor side, which is totally unfair.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Case in point.

  • NeanderChaos
    NeanderChaos Member Posts: 29

    Thank God they finally nerfed Mori's. Watching the Killers offering not spin around because it was secret always ruined a match before it even started. All survivors would play super stealthy bush wookie, and the killer just camps/tunnels the first hooked survivor bcuz you know... that's the whole reason they brought the mori to start with. Good riddance OP offering.

    So BHVR, whatcha gonna do to keys? ;)

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    I'm just going to say that game on red ranks is super unfun, playing as both sides. It's either good nurse/spirit/hag ending up with complete wipe, occasional Iri Huntress or any other killer looped for ages. What are you going to do as Wraith, Clow or Pig, even when you know you are facing swf? Bring mori which does literally nothing, because you have to catch person 3 times anyway?

    I ######### you not, all the crap which got broken after latest patches is starting to just be funny at this point. Double pallets back? It's possible to get tripple pallets on coldwind (literally lunge away from each other...).

    State of the game is very sad and I'm concerned with priorities of devs. Release of The Twins is complete fiasco, complimented by brigning back old bugs... then keeping keys (which everyone knows are not healthy what so ever) but trashing mories... Remove both if you don't like them so badly...

  • I can't tell if this thread was made to bait people or not wp OP

  • emjay9194
    emjay9194 Member Posts: 1

    see while i disagree i do think 2 hooks defeats the point if Mori. Maybe make it where EVERY survivor has to be hooked at least once before you can Mori anyone. That way there's the avoidance of tunneling for survivors and killers still get to use a decent Mori

  • DrunkenWrench
    DrunkenWrench Member Posts: 26

    Despite all that the Mori Offerings got changed moderately, it doesn't mean they're horse ######### on all killers, and despite me being a Deathslinger main, I find this nerf a little relief for the Survivors. You see, this is a game where both sides should have fun, each in their ways, whilst sure there will always be unpleasantries and lots of arguing between those, one should keep in mind that behind the player there is another person just like you trying to enjoy the game in spite of the huge power creep. Some Killers have abilities that already make life hell for certain skill-categorized players, such as P-Head, Shootie Cowboy, Freddy, Nurse and so on, you get the point. Whilst I do understand the frustration of not being able to immediately eliminating that one player that's been boiling your blood in your veins, you should learn to apply more pressure and even become more malicious as the killer. Besides, if not mori via offering, there still exists mori via Hex: Devour Hope, so get on hooking if you want to mori 'em carelessly. Now speaking of the nerf, its about time. You have any idea how easy it was to immediately turn the tables when playing as lets say pyramid head when someone got rescued off the hook? However, think about the BP you've lost at the same time. Consider this nerf more of a: less Entity displeasal rather than a "BHVR favorizes Survivors" kind of thing

  • IR3KTheTrend
    IR3KTheTrend Member Posts: 23

    Mori's are not the only reliable counter to keys if you think that your obviously not good at playing killer im sorry but its true there's Franklin's demise witch works amazingly and if your that worried about hatch bring an offering to make hatch spawn where you want it too your point is invalid this mori change will be amazing for survivors and killers makes the game fun and not all sweat in my opinion anyways and i play both sides.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Using a mori' doesn't prove anything on how i play i don't think, and "Clowning" on someone who has a different opinion lol relax dude

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    I'm losing faith their team has any idea what high level play is like for killers. DS is strong asf, especially the fact that you can trigger it by having the killer chase you into a locker. even as a surv idk i never did that, so toxic lol i thought it was a bug at first

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
    edited December 2020

    Same thing, if they die that quick maybe they need practice and aren't good survivors. And keys are stronger than Mori's now because there's no challenge to find the hatch and just open it back up once you close it so putting pressure on the doors is kinda pointless if there's a key. You can use it for a long ass time to see your team, there's even bills perk that shows you were the hatch is and Maps. I feel a lot of these players underestimate how powerful some surv kits are. Especially with SWF

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841


    This change is healthier for the game and doesn't give killers free wins anymore because they brought a single offering.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    People that say DS was buffed after the rework have clearly never played killer before the rework and it shows.

    You know that if you down someone within 60 seconds of them coming off a hook that you might proc DS, before the rework, you had absolutely 0 idea if the person you picked up would use DS against you on the way to the hook, absolutely no clue, not to mention with the current iteration you've already hooked that person once, that's a guarantee, you can't use it without being hooked, old DS you didn't even need to hook the person for them to use it.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    I have played killer and survivor before and after ds rework i also remember that endurance was a counter to ds until they removed it and when it was 3 seconds instead of 5 and dribbling was also a counter

    But apparently it wasn't buffed after counterplay got taken away

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I'll take being able to hook everyone first without worrying about DS over downing someone at the start of the game, them dsing, losing them and then finding someone else who also has ds, and downing them, and getting hit by ds etc etc, you used to be able to get hit with ds 4 times before you even got a hook, but i guess counting to 60 or not picking up someone who's just been unhooked is just too hard for some people.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    I don't have time to set up 4 separate 60 second timers while worrying about which gens pop where while also noting which person has which perk in the middle of a chase

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    You can't remember which survivors you've recently hooked? Sounds like a you problem and not a game problem, honestly.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    this is the ######### im talking about, teams who use this tactic are the ones i mori when i bring one.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    I never needed mori's to get kills, i just was a fan of challenging the survivors and not underwhelming the killers who are supposed to kill you. I don't want the only way to die is to be hooked and it feels like its leaning that way

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600
    edited December 2020

    People should really stop acting as if Moris and keys are connected. They are not, they are not counters of each other, period. Moris, as they were before, had to be changed long ago. Fun experience being chased and bloodlusted for an eternity, then die after your first hook because the killer isn't good enough, right? The only time I'd use Moris, personally, would be for challenges or to get some pressure off my back while trying to get the Adept achievement with very bad killer perks. Other than than, I am perfectly fine with this change. As a survivor, I am more than happy to at least have to go through 2 hook phases. As a killer, I don't really care, as I don't depend on those. I'd rather kill people because I was successful in mindgaming and applying pressure than to do it because I let the game do the job for me. If they end up escaping, too bad, I'll move onto the next game. As much as survivors are not entitled to escape everytime, killers are nowhere near deserving a 4k every match.

    Again, keys are not related to Moris, and it comes in hard having to specify that once more, in 2020. BUT, I do hope they get changed ASAP, as many things could be done to nerf them.

    Oh, and one last thing: confirm it or not, but my experience has proven that an Ebony Mori is far more likey to spawn in the bloodweb than a purple key is. Fact.

    Post edited by Damarus on
  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    this is what i was talking about if the whole team has it

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438

    They are slightly different, but both of them allow 1 of the sides to end the game earlier than intended. So they are comparable.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Alright, lets look at both situations and why Mori's are 100% worse for the game than keys ever will be:

    A mori: depips survivors and have at least 2 survivors with less than 10k BP(note, BP on survivorside is already terrible, and killers get more BP's from a Mori than survivors do), cannot be countered, make the game infinitely easier after 1 hook which can be done essentially at the start of the game, still allow killers to black pip.

    A key: Does not depip killers(infact, you can still get pips), at best it black pips a killer and the killer barely loses any BP by the end of it(you should still be able to get 20k+BP), it has many counters, including rushing to kill the survivor, it does make escaping easier but at the cost of either fellow teammates or you need to finish all 5 gens already(again, 1 key doesnt guarantee a 3 man escape, where 1 ivory or 1 ebony can guarantee a 3k), it allows survivors to still pip and the killer can close the hatch before everyone escapes, essentially ######### over all remaining survivors. Not including the fact that you as a killer can see the key being put into the match, where survivors dont see a mori untill its too late(which is why a lot of survivors have started to do the 5 second swap for a key, because it has less counterplay).

    Considering everything the game has to offer, keys are quite balanced. They are a bit unbalanced in the sense that they open the hatch a bit too long, but keys are uncommon as ######### compared to mori's. Mori's literally ruin what the game is supposed to be about and deny anyone to do their objectives. Keys allow the opponent to actually counter and still succeed in his own objective. Keys need a slight alteration, mori's need deletion from the game(or buff survivors to be able to counter mori's in a vanilla way).

    If you disagree with that statement, then go play F13, where people already expect to be instakilled every single match and where being instakilled doesnt affect your post-game too much. Because DBD isnt meant to be F13.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    1 hugely different point is not enough to stand for a comparison. Moris killed you before you had the chance to do anything worthwhile, most of the time. You could be dead before the second gen was repaired. Keys, on the other hand, while still being an issue, are very different. According to how many survivors are still alive, and thus, on how good the killer is performing, you could not see a hatch spawn before the end game, which is the key use people keep crying about. If the killer managed to snowball and hook really fast, that means you will probably have the hatch spawn when 2-2.5 gens have been repaired. Which means the killer already got 2 kills, at the very least. Moris would kill you with the sole condition that you had been already hooked, and then tunneled, without a chance to ever prevent that.

    So no, they are not comparable, because they are not even close to being the same thing. Or are they? Do you feel like you ended someone's life forever, like in real life, if you kill a player in a videogame? Cause, you know, that is slightly different, but both of those things allow someone to end a life. Can you see the flaws in your reasoning, now?

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Devour Hope can be turned off, and Rancor isn't that strong..It tells the person they gonna die if they go down, the lack of surprise makes it weak. Mori you do too but it effects everyone with the same threat

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    The difference is that Devour Hope and Rancor treat a mori as an incredibly powerful effect that has to be earned and can be played around before it gets to that point (because being able to remove someone from the game on the spot is, and should be. Someone getting mori'd with 3 or more gens left is more often than not a death sentence for the team). You can even mori someone who hasn't been hooked at all with them!

    And because of that, they feel fair and no one has a problem with them.

    On the other side, you bring one red boi and get the same effect for everyone with no downsides and nothing else in the category has even a hundredth of the same power as it does, so theoretically, there's no reason not to just bring it every time.

    Even disregarding design philosophy in this case, i'm sure you can see the issue.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Yeah but devour hope isn't as passable, i've done it a few times on different killers but nothing satisfies me more than just a pink mori. Rancor shows where you are and if it's a SWF then your location is shown so what's the point? If the perk is activated they sit by the door or somethin, have i got a rancor kill? like a hand full of times..Still would choose the pink. It brings a challenge

  • Kadajacs
    Kadajacs Member Posts: 43

    How I see it Mori and Keys essentially fill the same purpose. They allow the user to skip their end game and immediately win.

    Killers skip the later hooks, survivors skip the later gens.

    As they are both essentially opposite side of the same coin how is it fair to nerf one and not the other.

    I agree that Mori needed changing and think what they did is not bad. Hopefully they will soon take the bubble wrap of survivors and rework their side. I doubt it though

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    i'd like it if they changed around how mori's work all together, if not what it was after 1 hook then maybe somethin else that's not only after 2nd hook.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I'm running into issues where I'll bring a mori and have two survivors dead with two survivors incapacitated, and no one's available to mori because they're both in the first hook state. And then I stand on top of their bodies and stare at them. They stare back. And we do that for a while until I make up my mind on how I'm going to get them to farm one another without making myself feel bad so that I can mori one.

    That's the reason I'm not too keen on the change.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    me either, it forces killers to play a certain way, at some points Mori gives less points than hooking overall. I thought they were gonna adjust the scoring at some point

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    It now feels like I'm obligated to use a mori when I have a chance because I'm unlikely to get another chance. I might burn moris before and never use them because I just didn't want to use them, but now I have this strange dilemma of "I can't use them even though none of them are going to escape their slugged positions" or "I could mori this person, but I really don't want to because I have good reason to hook them, but then again I might not be able to use it later on".

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    The moaning survivora who swf get stronger so the killer can get wealer.

    There was nothing wrong with mori. The was hardly any in the game at all.

    Yiu get about 10 mori in trew getting to level 50? So out of day 150 games you will only use mori maybe 10 15 times.

    This game is survivor sided and all thats going to happen is killer aren't gping to bother amymore.

    The killera are wek af already and every updatw they get more nerfs on them.

    Killer nerf after killer nerf after killer nerf is this game.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    Get the hell out of here with this. I remember when you could mori someone without putting them on the hook and the one change wasn't much better. It ruins the game for everyone, including the killer, because you're robbing the out of points.