The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
Idk about the maps
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They’re gonna have to disable the DC penalty because it sounds likes lots of players games are crashing. Sorry I hate DC’s but...
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Have played several matches as survivor and luckily have not had a crash. One match on Cronus Prenn I had pretty bad stuttery freeze after unhooking a teammate. Previous unhook was fine but next one I don't know what happened to trigger it.
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How's the performance now? I remember reading they planned to fix a VERY annoying issue where the game hitches the first time a status effect is applied on console. Like one of the patch notes very recently (this update?) claimed to have fixed it.
Is it fixed?
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I just tried to play one game as Spirit to see what the new chase music is like and check out the new content; infinite loading screen and my PS4 fan sounds like it’s going to explode.
I don’t know what I’m more surprised at; that somehow every single patch manages to break the game, or that I expect it to change each time I load the game up to check the new update out.
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So how is everyone's performance since the update?
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Sloppy and Exposed still trigger drops so far, so they're still there. Crashes are another level of annoyance added on.
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On Xbox the latest update has caused a massive lag spike when dropping a pallet I just end up frozen for 2-4 seconds before the game catches up. I’ve also had lithe just not work I do running vault and get no speed boost just exhaustion.
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I played some survivor, kind of a mixed bag when it came to performance.
When I unhooked someone sometimes there would be no issue, sometimes they would fully freeze and I would be fine, sometimes they would freeze or stutter (or combo) and I would be the same. First time happened on Cronus Prenn against Spirit - first time I unhooked player was fine but second unhook of same player we both did combo freeze/stutter for several seconds. Second time was against Freddy on Badham - first time I unhooked my swf teammate he totally froze to the point I took a hit, he was still stuck in place and Freddy took the opportunity to down him, second time though no issues. Those two were only times I unhooked same person but it was an issue on/off in other matches.
I didn't play against any killers using Sloppy so didn't get a chance to see if that was fixed.
My last match against Clown on Coldwind it felt horrible. When I was running it felt like I was running against an invisible wall, it was terrible in chase.
Had couple glitches that I'll be putting bug reports up for later, just not in mood to get screenshots from ps4 to phone to post.
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Oof. Never had guts to play Trapper tbh.
Already playing Piggy a lot since you reccommended it the first time. Love her but I wanted to try someone strong that I didn't before.
I played Spirit but was never big on her and now after the nerfs I don't think I will at all.
Can blight really be played decently on console tho? I know he is strong but I am not sure I can master him. Oni seems more simple but I am afraid I won't be able to turn like people on pc while using my power.
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I can vouch for Oni.
Blight's swing flick is the same on PC and Console. The issue is when he bounces he can't flick as quickly as he can on PC.
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Thanks. I have Oni but never played him much. I will try to put some work into it.
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Since I cannot handle +100 sensitivity (causes me nausea) i cannot play Blight as well as console offers, but with practice others have. Many suggest both turning add-ons to help plus the max sensitivity setting. My gut feeling says being reliant on add-ons is a no-no, but that's just me.
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Sorry to hear that :(.
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Add it to the joys of being a console killer
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I don't have a PC.
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The framerate on Switch got worse with the new update. It's even choppier than before.
It has nothing to do with boon totems and it's happening on all maps. It's nearly unbearable. I considered it impossible to track survivors before this, and now it's worse. I used to try to turn the camera as little as possible to minimize the damage, but now it's terrible walking in a straight line with no survivors in sight. Chasing is something other players do. I can't describe how awful it feels trying to hit a survivor with a basic attack.
I just can't with this sometimes. Does anyone working on this game play on Switch? Do they hook up an actual, physical Nintendo Switch to a TV and play the game? Crashing can be difficult to catch due to stability issues being inconsistent, but there's nothing inconsistent about the poor performance on the Switch.
It's worse.
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Not my own experience, but both before and after the update, whenever I'm playing with randoms in the lobby I see them lagging out with any aura perks that are active, or if they're beside me. It looks as if they're glitching side to side (wish I clipped it)
Last night, thankfully i was streaming so I caught it, but sometimes when I was unhooked, my game would lag and I couldn't move for a couple of seconds. And when I went to heal a random, and my friend, the game lagged after they were unhooked and after a few seconds, they'd vanish off my screen.
I play on Xbox for reference
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I know it's a lot to ask, but do you think you can clip those instances you mentioned?
I'm sure it would help out the people who fix these issues if they could see what you experienced.
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yeah, how do I clip things on twitch though? i'm kinda dumb
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You can go to your Channel page, click on the stream you want, then in the bottom right there should be a button to Clip.
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it's a four hour stream, give me some time to find all the clips, here's one of the ones I remembered around the time it happened
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Trust me the issues dont lay with the consoles being too crap to run the game. It 100% just boils down to optimization and the game engine.
On ps5 running 5 second load times in really amazing graphics on games like farcry 6 and ghost of tsushima with absolutely no performance issues...... mean BHVR and others cant excuse a much more visually basic game for its poor optimization.
Im not saying new gen consoles compete with high spec pcs as of course they dont, but to build a pc equivalent of the console is around double the price to get the same performance as the ps5. Sony makes its money from the games sales mostly.
It really is a wonder though how other more graphically intense games run fine OH and also provide options for better fps or higher res.... while dbd manages to provide neither
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Ended a stream early because this was BS, I couldn't move at all and this isn't even the first time it happened
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I genuinely don't understand how the switch can run apex legends (granted it looks ugly), MH Rise, Overwatch, and so many other games that clearly have much more stuff then dbd but dbd still runs worse then them.
Btw didn't a separate company make the port for apex legends? Why doesn't BHVR pay them to fix it? There is no way they don't have the money.
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Good god, I remember when this thread was CREATED. The fact it's still active and has 118 pages is very sad
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Still have not had a killer that runs Sloppy to see if it still causes freezes on the survivor side. I think killers on ps4 may have only been running it because it caused the performance issues for survivors since I went from Sloppy in every other match to not one since the patch. Hopefully now that there is a kill switch if perks are causing performance issues they will disable them until they fix them.
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I agree, but we have made some progress
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Switch is literally unplayable.
Ps4 feels better than two months ago but still not good and loading times are endless.
Also let’s not forget DbD broke my ps4 Pro because it took them like 4 years to remove the little fire particles from the offering screen.
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Yes switch sucks now more and more. I thought 5.3 bring back a better performance with reduced graphics but no....
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I honestly hardly notice any freezing as a surv these days.
Granted I took a break and didn't play too much until few days ago but it seems smoother and smoother after every update. I have to give it to the devs, they are actually improving it.
I still remember how horrible game was after re released. It was unplayable. At least I can actually play now.
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Don't forget Dying Light. It's looks really good and runs perfect. Dead by Daylight is horrible 😅. Techland did a good job.
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Mine hasn’t been bad. I have a really good PC so that helps.
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can confirm....i can run dying light at high settings and still get 60 smoother frame rate while DBD is just almost unplayable on ultra and if u got a good PC still the temperatures spikes a LOT they really need to start fixing performance issues rather than pushing updates.
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Just to add to this, I recently replayed God of War, a game that looks leagues better than DbD has ever looked mind you, and kept around a consistent 50+ FPS.
"iT's JuSt ThE HaRdWaRe"
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The more this goes on, the more bitter I get that BHVR doesn't seem to think we are important enough to keep their promises.
I should've quit back in 2019 honestly. I know a lot of other people would've if we weren't strung along with the hope that the game would be playable one day.
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I used to have hope, it's all gone now.
BHVR has done nothing within the last year to give me even a hint that they give a #########.
I'm honestly just so pessimistic when it comes to everything in this game now.
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Yeah, same.
I used to be optimistic, but I've been burned so many times by giving this game the benefit of the doubt that I'd be stupid to continue to do so.
I should have uploaded later today as well.
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I just came back the game after few months break. And my first game is randomly freeze multiple times, is it normal of current DbD state on Playstation right now?
Proof, happen twice (one is NOT in chase and another is in chase):
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It's tested on Console btw.
Yeah, like that should make it in if it was.
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Glad to see Behavior hasn't done ######### to improve console performance.
I'm not regretting my decision to quit.
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I'm on ps4, I've been getting the freeze after unhook atleast once per match - either I freeze or person I unhook freezes. Also Nemesis hits are definitely off, I just made a bug report because it's been every match against him. I haven't frozen but the hits are definitely delayed, mostly tentacle but I have had his regular hits have a delay. Had a farming Nemesis, I stood still for him to hit me, it took until after the tentacle animation finished and he spun around for the hit to actually register.
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Ps4 pro and sometimes lag really bad... Sometimes I think are server, but other time, like on unhook and use of killer power I think is a game problem. Better than RE chapter launch, when was unplayble However.
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That certainly isn't a hard bar to get over, but we are all definitely glad that we don't have RE 2.0
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Yeah mate, that was seriously really bad, pratically unplayble.
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Wanna borrow my Xbox and take notes for the class? :)
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Two clips back to back of a single game and I got screwed over cuz the killer was invisible because the game wasn't registering the killer there, and once again couldn't move. Turn down volume, loud beeps ahead.
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Quality event.