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Infinite Loading Screens

Dev Posts: 7,555
edited October 2021 in Bug Reporting

UPDATE: These issues should be mostly resolved, please only post further information if you are still having the issue after updating to patch 5.3.1.

The team is currently investigating an issue which is causing extraordinarily long / infinite loading screens. Since this bug happens sporadically, we would greatly appreciate any info that you could provide that may aid us in our investigation. We’re on the lookout for any trends that may contribute to this bug happening.

If you have had an infinite or exceptionally long loading screen, we would appreciate if you could let us know the following:

  • When the issue occurred (loading into a lobby, loading into a match, etc.)
  • How the loading was initiated (e.g. accepting an invite, matchmaking, etc.)

If necessary, a member of the development team may reach out privately to request a log.

EDITING TO ADD - Can you advise if you are playing with Cross Platform on or off. Thank you.

Thank you for your assistance!

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 7,162

    Its happened me twice when loading into a match. The loading was initiated by accepting an invite on both occasions.

  • Member Posts: 180

    loading into a regular match as a survivor

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,592

    Were you a solo survivor? And which character were you playing?

  • Member Posts: 284
    edited October 2021

    Loading into a regular match as a survivor. 3-4 matches last night.

    Platform: Steam

    Crossplay: On

    Solo Queue.

    Post edited by Facture on
  • Member Posts: 869

    Happens to me few times in a day. Doesn't matter if I am survivor or killer always when loading into a match. And a couple of times it caught my attention that there was a Bloodyparty streamers offering in the game. Not everytime when BPS offered though, maybe a coincidence.

  • Member Posts: 2

    It’s happened to me once when I was in a group. We sat there for ages I eventually left and then rest of the group loaded in, I play on the Series X.

  • Member Posts: 2,207
    edited October 2021

    I didn't test this fully, but when I was playing slinger yesterday, when I tried loading in with the fisherman body on, I would get an infinite loading screen. But when I changed my body to the green rarity, I was able to load in. I only played about 6 games (only 4 of which I loaded into) so I haven't tested it fully.

    Could just be a coincidence, but I'd check if changing cosmetics/certain cosmetics effect it.

    (edit: by loading in i mean loading into a match after all had rdy up)

  • Member Posts: 10

    It only happens sometimes when playing survivor but happens a lot when playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    This happens to me on both sides, I don’t think maps are causing it. My brother was just in a long loading screen as killer and there weren’t any survivors playing Mikaela.

    I know some people are saying the new survivor could be causing it but I don’t think that’s the case.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,592
  • Member Posts: 180

    it happened when i was solo (was playing as Leon) and when i was with a friend (i was playing as Mikaela)

  • Member Posts: 52

    loading into match as plague - no idea who survivors were, not a thing i memorise between lobby and match...

  • Member Posts: 2,961

    I was playing as deathslinger i loaded into the lobby everyone readied up and the game started loading then it got stuck loading. https://youtu.be/hgmhqWXpQHE

  • Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2021

    Happened for me on PS4 as Killer (Wraith) and survivor (Mikaela and Dwight). I was playing alone in normal matchmaking and it was the loading screen for the match, after the offerings were shown. Sometimes another Mikaela survivor was in the lobby, but it seemed to be independent of survivor choice. It first seemed to be more often when I was killed, but then as survivor it also got quite frequent.

    Also, one time in a match that actually had normal loading times between all the issues, the killer disconnected. tho I‘m not sure if that was a rage quit haha

    When I was in a survive with friends and joined a public lobby via normal matchmaking I did not have this issue, it started when I was playing on my own. However, I only played a few rounds with my friends so it may be biased.

    I quit the game most of the times after 10+ minutes, but one time after 10 minutes the match started (The police department map, if that is of interest) and I could go around for 30 seconds, then it ended with the error message that a player quit during the loading screen.

    I hope that information somehow helps

    edit: Crossplay activated

    Post edited by ghuleh on
  • Member Posts: 340

    I can remember two instances I got infinite'd.

    1.Playing solo Survivor. Playing as Yui. Infinite occured when loading into the match. Killer was Twins. Perk loadout: Kindred, Small Game, Boon: Shadow sth, Inner Healing. Don't remember teammates. Map was Swamp something?

    2. Playing solo Survivor. Playing as Yui. Infinite occured when loading into the match. Perk loadout: Kindred, For the People, Vigil, Renewal (in my next match FtP didn't activate Renewal fyi so don't combo these.) No idea about teammates. Killer was Trapper with Red Mori. Map: Coal Tower.

    Both times didn't bring any items or offerings. Don't remember what challenges were active. Playing via Steam (PC).

  • Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2021

    This has been happening to me a lot since yesterday morning. It only happens when loading into a game for me. I'm on PC and it seems to happen more when I have crossplay on, though still does happen sometimes with crossplay off. No problem loading into a lobby. I've had it happen when solo and with friends (survivor). I haven't had it happen while playing killer, but could just have gotten lucky.

    I haven't seen any correlation with what survivor characters are in the match.

    Post edited by Gorehoff on
  • Member Posts: 2,005

    Loading into the trial, I was Wraith. Happened yesterday, don't remember who the survivors were.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Loading into matches in SWF group 10/19 and 10/20. Survivors were Kate, Ace, Nea, Dwight. Sometimes joined on another survivor, sometimes accepted invite to join. Platforms PS4 and PS5. No map offerings. On 10/19 the Circle of Healing perk was being used in some cases of infinite load screen, but on 10/20 it wasn't.

  • Member Posts: 645
    edited October 2021

    Had an exceptionally long load loading screen when in a duo with a friend going into the match. We were both playing the new survivor. It wasn't infinite, but it did take about what felt like 8-10 minutes to load us in.

    EDIT: Cross platform ON

    Post edited by Jarky on
  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I played about 6-7 games as slinger yesterday with no problems, only using that green rarity one from a couple of rifts back.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2021

    It was loading into the match. I was streaming at the time so it should be in the vod. Edit: Cross platform was on.

    Post edited by PH1LL1P88 on
  • Member Posts: 94

    Loading into a match as a solo survivor as Meg. 2 pc players(one being me) 2 cross-platform. Unaware of the killer's platform. Azarov offering burned. New seed offering burned. Cake and pudding burned.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,592

    I've just added an edit to the original post - are you playing with cross platform switched on or off?

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    PC - Steam, Crossplay enabled

    I had it happen to me a couple times now, and I'm pretty sure both times there were three of us on PC and one on console. That's the only consistency I can recall.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    This has been happening to me as killer on pc. I regular matchmake into a lobby just fine, but then when it gets to the loading screen into the actual trial it doesn’t load. And then usually someone leaves the game because it’s taking too long and then I get sent to the end screen with “Error code: 500”. Yesterday I ended up loading into a couple matches but not until after like eight minute loading screens. I really would like to play the game so hopefully you guys find a way to resolve it soon. I can provide more information if needed.

    EDIT: i am have cross-platform on. This is also happening to me on survivor. I haven't been able to load into a game for 24 hours now.

    EDIT 2: played with cross-platform off and i loaded in fine!!! That might be the issue.

    Post edited by North9958 on
  • Member Posts: 7

    This happened to me when I was trying to join a match - I made it through the lobby with no problems.

    The loading was initiated by me selecting play as killer from the title screen and selecting The Hag (so matchmaking?

    I was playing with cross-platform on. Most of the players were on console every time, I was on PC. It's happened every match I've tried to play for the last 2 days.

    I reported this as a bug in a separate post and included the log:


  • Member Posts: 1,146
    edited October 2021

    I had a really long load time to get into a match yesterday evening. It was autohaven wreckers, I thought somebody had dropped out but once we finally got in the game progressed normally with everyone present. It was about a 3-4 minute load time.

    I am on PS5, normal match, solo queue, crossplay enabled, but I can't remember which survivors were there with me. I played Kate Denson.

    It's only happened the once so far, fingers crossed. Normally loading into a match doesn't go over 30 seconds though unless someone disconnects.

  • Member Posts: 609

    I was solo survivor, nothing else seemed out of the ordinary. The loading screen came up and the loading bar filled up, then nothing happened, it just stayed there while the DBD logo at the bottom right kept highlighting

  • Member Posts: 764

    Loading into a match, killer ps4. At start bar goes good, but at the very end (pratically full) the match will never start (waiting 5 to 10 minutes, 3 match in a row now... But before I have 2 game with no problems to start... But with tremendous lag with survivor teleporting) .

  • Member Posts: 228
    edited October 2021

    Two of the games today (so far) had a very long loading screen that resulted in Error code 500. Yesterday or the day before there was actually a player that disconnected during loading, however the match started, the killer found me and chased me for 10-20 seconds before the match got aborted.

  • Member Posts: 247

    I think I found a way to fix this issue when you play as a Killer. Not forever, but it works for some time. If you have infinite loading screen you need to:

    • Turn off the game
    • Start the game again
    • After you start the game, you need to search for the lobby without new survivor (Mikaela)
    • When there is no Mikaela in the lobby just ready up
    • The game should load up without problems, and after this game every game should load.

    I think that should work for you guys. :D

  • Member Posts: 6

    has happened three times via solo queue. cross platform play via PS4 and all three times i was a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Just had it again. Mikeala was one of the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Long load times, mainly as killer loading in match using matchmaking. Game just froze and kicked me out two killed Mori, and the game crashed when a survivor was rescued and I hit her she had the white outline when they’re invincible. Sorry new don’t know all the perks.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I had this issue a lot yesterday and few times today. I am playing on PC, through Steam.

    • The issue occurs when loading into a match. Loading into lobbies is fine for me.
    • The loading is initiated through starting the match and waiting for it to begin.
    • It does not happen in every match. I could have 3 matches that work back to back, then 3 infinite load screens.
    • I am a survivor main so I have not tried playing killer to see if the issue happens there too.
    • Accepting or giving invites is fine. Loading into lobbies is fine. For me the issue is always when you are about to load into the match.
    • The issue happens if I am solo, in a group of 2, or group of 3. (have not played in a full premade survivor group)
    • It did not matter what survivors were in the lobby, whether Mikaela was there or not, the issue would happen.
    • Cross-play had been enabled for all of yesterday and most of today.

    I was just playing with my friend 5 mins ago before he had to go back to work. We had issues loading into 2 matches. I found this thread and I seen the comment about cross-play. We both disabled cross-play and tried to play again and it worked.

    So with cross play disabled we both got into a match on our first try. I am going to attempt more games after I post this message with cross-play disabled and see if it still works.

  • Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2021

    I believe it is happening for us when someone is running a heal other survivors challenge


    just tested this and it seems to be true while in a 4 man group

  • Member Posts: 55

    PC/Steam Crossplay Enabled

    I have this problem the most when I play as a Killer, I also experienced it as a Survivor. As a Survivor, I am a solo player and I usually have this problem after first entering the game and playing 1-2 matches.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited October 2021

    Crossplay off on Xbox One X.

    Happened when loading into a match. Killer was Myers, 3 Mikaela's and a Jonathan, map was Temple of Purgation. No Offerings were burned.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    It usually happens to me whenever I tab out of DBD during the loading screen. But it can still happen even if I stay in the game, but not as often

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2021

    It happens more than half the time for me - so "sporadically" is a vast understatement. I basically can't play the game.

    It happens for both Surv and Killer games.

    It happens regardless of chosen character or offerings.

    It happens with cross-play on - which I cannot turn off for my region.

    It only happens when trying to load into a game.

    It happens with and without Mikaela in the group of chosen survivors.

    Post edited by KorghanisAgain on
  • Member Posts: 1,324
    edited October 2021

    Infinite loading screens has been happening ever since you released Mikaela.

    Has happened to me for 2 days now.

    Everytime it happens i lose my offering and i have to alt del control out of the game

    Been playing with SWF teams, usually 2-3 man.

    Played as Mikaela, Meg, Cheryl , Still the loading in the game screen was infinite.

    Happens on PC/steam, we tested both crossplay on and off still happened.

    Post edited by Hannacia on
  • Member Posts: 358

    Happening on playstation. I turned cross play off and it helped a little but now I'm getting the infinite loading screen again. Playing mostly solo survivor.

  • Member Posts: 4

    PC - Crossplay off. most recently I was oni in the pregame lobby with 2 mikaelas, 1 feng and 1 meg.

    It's happened for survivor as well, with crossplay on.

    Just 10~ minutes of loading into the match before it cancels and gives error code 500 because players close their game to get out of the loading screen

  • Member Posts: 256

    Wait until they add skillchecks to the loading screen

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Just played a full match with 3 (annoying) Mikealas and a Jill.

    I was Doctor and loaded in to Hawkins.

    At this point, I can't see any obvious pattern for the infinite loading screens.

  • Member Posts: 3

    First match of the day, never stopped loading, trying to do the midnight Grove challenge, survivor

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