The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
ikr 10/10 making the most of the event with my non-laggy game and my totally doctored videos
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Here are the videos I promised, all of these are after the October 19th patch.
This one is just that incredible aim dressing. I don't know if it's specifically Console, but it seems to happen more frequently there. It happens enough that good Survivors have learned to try to force it to happen.
Huge freeze against Oni. Got flashbacks to Resident Evil.
This one highlights the de-sync issues with Console. Watch where the girl goes down at and look where she ends up.
And finally we have yet another cheater (with our beloved globe icon) whilst my Crossplay was off. I confirmed with the two other Survivors in the lobby that they also had Crossplay off. My game was subsequently crashed due to about seventy million firecrackers being set off in front of my face.
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They're not hacking, they just have an amazing gaming chair obviously /s
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They've been saving up their firecrackers.
It's legit.
Source: Trust me bro
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I just want to apologize for not being so active since getting my ps5 I have not returned to see the state of dbd on it but I can see things are still not good I'm sorry fellow gamers!
I have been experiencing frame stutters increasing on ps5 since the new update it's very rare to actually get a game with out DC's also it's such a shame I was really looking forward and enjoying the advent .
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Just played a match against a doctor and oh my the frame stutters was not fun at all yet again just to say I am on ps5 and it's sad to see that even new gen is having issues 🐷😐
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When I was playing yesterday I had to restart soooo many times between infinite loading screens, archive glitches, and lobby issues with my swf teammate. Mix that with in game issues and I'm taking a break until maybe next level of Halloween tome, maybe longer.
Started up For Honor today and was having a blast with my swf teammate. We were doing th casual player v bot DBD game mode and it was so nice. Going against bots counts towards your characters, in game currency, dailies, DBD battle pass, etc. and you can totally goof off. I spent awhile just looping the Trapper until I realized I was at respawn point and my swf teammate respawned into the Trapper and was killed... twice. I was crying laughing. 😂 We haven't laughed like that in DBD in way too long - made us wish there was similar casual bot mode that gave you progress in DBD.
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Hi!!!! Missed you
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Are the devs actively keeping up with this thread?
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Mandy checks in every so often and gives us updates when she can.
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Lets hope. Whenever I see this thread I comment to keep it at the top. Just today I noticed whenever someone gets unhoooked it looks like they stay there a while before moving, but they have actually ran away so I miss them even though on my screen they are still under the hook, unhooked.
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I have been told by Mandy that they occasionally use the videos from this thread as examples.
So yes, I presume that they pop in every so often.
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Also, fun fact everyone, this thread is about 6x larger than the entire Optimization subforum.
Kinda crazy that we are still having serious performance issues, though I understand they probably aren't easy fixes.
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More evidence of the game being absolutely broken. I understand that it is hard to fix the plethora of issues with this game, but can we please make game performance a priority instead of pushing out new content constantly? It's hard to enjoy said content when faced with this plethora of performance issues.
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Patch notes are out; no mention of performance problems or fixes again.
At least it looks like infinite loading has been fixed although ‘tentatively’ so maybe not; at least now we can load into matches that just run like crap at 15fps and freeze randomly.
No mention of the weird desync issues atm either so that could still be a thing, getting frozen under hooks etc.
I guess there’s always a chance that any performance improvements might be in the console patch notes only so as not to show the public the amount, severity and frequency of the problems were are constantly struggling with; which although I would be grateful for any fixes, seems like another super shady practice.
Better to keep it all quiet I guess so people spend money on the game without realising how bad things are on the consoles they are promoting sales for the game on.
Disappointed; again.
edit to add that no, there is barely anything in the PS4 patch notes either.
Version 2.34 lists the infinite loading fix.
Version 2.33 lists James shoulders on the new skin, rerolling dailies, the no lighting one, Midwich hatch key fix, and the Lery's survivors can’t be picked up.
Post edited by DarKStaR350z on5 -
Ah great. Today's "bugfix" patch seems to have dealt with my desync issue but brought back all the massive framedrops and freezes that came with the Resident Evil chapter. Still unplayable, thanks a lot BHVR!
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Really? It seems fine for me still. Platform?
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Got any clips to post?
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Is this something you're all experiencing?
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I'll hop on and check real quick. Should have an update within the hour.
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Guys unfortunately he seems kinda right. Didn't notice it in my first game but on second one I got stuttering just like we had before.
Oh no :(.
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Crap. 😣
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I’m gonna get on at some point and let y’all know how my matches go.
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I'm on xbox one and lagged into several walls while chasing survivors in my last match. Usually when people were unhooked but also at seemingly random instances as well.
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I'll try a few more rounds and clip it if it happens again.
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We’re gonna probably need some clips. I believe you it would just help the team look into it more.
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My last game vs Blight was freezing just like before. Unhooking and who know what else is causing it again. He didn't even had sloppy.
I don't like this at all. Game was really improved in previous updates and now we are back to square 1 again?
I can't play it like this, not after what I endured before. I will wait until it is playable again.
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First match.
I can confirm, doesn't feel quite as bad as Resident Evil, but it isn't good.
I don't have any clips, gotta clean out my storage. Might have some later tonight.
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What if it can never be playable though?? Like we’re moving backwards now.
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Performance be like:
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I am not experiencing any stutters on ps4 even after a few games.
Is this perhaps platform specific?
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I am on ps4 pro and I experienced freezes.
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Any perk overlap?
Did all trials have a boon perk, perhaps?
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Well I only played two surv games but already feel like not playing after a last one. It was unenjoyable even tho I escaped.
First one was against wraith where I didn't notice it. Second one against blight. Yeah there was a healing boon in that one but freezes sometimes occured during unhooking too I think.
I would freeze randomly during chases dunno what were other survs doing. Blight just used his power, no sloppy. I didn't check his perks but he had 3 hexes, ruin, undying and something else.
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I forgot. I was definitely freezing after being hit too. But no sloppy which was weird.
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Okay, experienced first few stutters which were when I was versing blight and then he activated his rush. Not that major but defos noticable.
For other hitches I'm guessing it's the same as the RE chapter.
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Sucks that there's usually an event happening when these issues show up.
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Yeah anniversary and now this. Feelsbadman :(.
Doesn't look good bois.
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Yeah, that's RE level bad.
Yikes, looks like we're in for RE Part 2 fellas.
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I find it ridiculous that this thread is still relevant....
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And that was just a 45 second clip but still had 2 noticeable stutters. There were more that I din't clip because i wanted to get a couple kills for my challenge.
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Can you guys check this for me please?
When I first went into the game, I set my event challenge and clicked survivor lobby; had a really choppy lobby, the game was just generally choppy in match, killer DCd and the lobby was still super choppy when trying to select a survivor or change loadout.
I went to try killer and as soon as I got into the lobby before queueing it was smooth, even changing loadout or event challenge.
Killer queue was taking ages so I backed out and went back to survivor and as far as the menus go it’s stuck and things are smooth survivor side when changing loadout etc.
Just trying a game now to see what it’s like but thought this was really weird and might be worth looking at more?
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Just here to say How many post you will need to devs actually doing something? Already 3,6k for me thats like ignoring you.
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I managed to grab a couple of examples though not the best
I’m not sure what caused this first one; it was quite early game and against Ghostface; there was a Mikaela with CoH so it could’ve been her trying to Bless I suppose but she gets quickly downed and disconnects and I am unable to see any Boon totem aura during the match.
It could just be Ghostface using his power, it’s hard to tell.
This next one is a smaller freeze and seems to be related to Ghostface downing Jill while she was Marked/Exposed:
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I just finished downloading the hotfix on ps4, haven't hopped on yet to see how it plays. Checked out the Update History to see what was different between patch notes on ps4 and the patch notes on forums. On ps4 the hot fix had 2 new versions within the hot fix - version 2.33 and 2.34 (for reference the mid-chapter patch was version 2.32). Also the update history only lists 6 fixes, so not sure if all the fixes are missing from the notes or if the issues people are experiencing are because not all the fixes listed on patch notes on forums were actually included in the ps4 hotfix.
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There seemed to be some stuttering when kicking pumpkins.
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I noticed too some freezes when unhooking. I played one game, so don't know how the rest goes.
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Yea I’ve had them on Pumpkins, unhooks and occasionally a generator being completed.
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I'm so bummed. Things were going great and I praised the devs just for this to happen again.
I am going to watch this thread to see your experience and maybe try again tommorow, but I am afraid I will be dissapointed even more.
Devs, please don't make us wait for 3 months again until the game runs like it did yesterday.