The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
Odds are you will be disappointed more. ☹️
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it kinda great that they put so much effort into optimization and it make it worse.
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To clear up the issue with the Patch Notes, everything that's listed in the forum patch notes are on all platforms unless stated as otherwise within the patch notes. These patch notes effectively combined 2 separate updates in one (hence the 2 sets of numbers), because one was a specific fix to the loading issues, the other was the regular patch. So no, nothing has been left out of the console patches. They just do not get the full patch notes listed.
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Thanks for the info Mandy. I had noticed previously the ps4 patchnotes either matched or had some extra notes compared to the forums, this was first to have less. Good to know that it doesn't mean anything is missing even though not listed.
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Anyone played today? I played a few surv games again and it is a mixed bag.
Maybe it is not as bad as re chapter but it is definitely a big step back compared to before this patch. And it doesn't feel good at all. It feels like a huge handicap again.
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How were they able to hack on Xbox? Microsoft bans people on console who uses hacks. That’s impossible how?
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Pc hackers can get into console only lobbies.
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Yep. After getting fed up with killer I decided to try survivor and it felt like I was getting even more freezes and stutters than when I played killer. One thing I did notice was that almost every single time I kicked a pumpkin there was a stutter. Also had long freezes whenever a teammate unhooked someone.
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It seems worst on unhooks and being hit sometimes, also some killer powers seem to start causing it again.
Could be even boons.
So now we have to figure out what causes it and restrict our playstyles and builds. And avoid playing some killers as well.
Just like before...
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It would be so nice to just focus on playing the game rather than doing detective work and making observations on what's causing our games to screw up.
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Yeah. It was playable for a while but now we are going backwards for some reason.
And I actually wanted to spend some money on a game since the devs were fixing things. I didn't buy anything since the re chapter for obvious reasons.
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gee how do those people do it... 🙃
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Not sure but @Pulsar experienced it himself. It is crazy tbh.
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For real. I'd like to actually buy a rift pass for the first time but they can't seem to keep the game functional long enough for me to complete one.
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And that's the reason why I have crossplay turned off most of my matches.
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They are not on Xbox. They are Crossplay.
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That didn't stop them tho
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No? Your footage showed that cross play was OFF not on it showed the globe icon indicating that cross play is off.
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I too have experienced the stutters with kicking pumpkins as a surv, not sure about doing so with killer.
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I don’t think I did with killer.
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That's correct.
They've hacked into a crossplay OFF lobby, but they themselves are likely on PC, which is why they keep their globe icon.
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Also here, more proof of this happening.
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yeah the globe icon is above the Feng if you look closely.
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Sorry I was confused at first now I see it
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No worries.
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Anyone experiencing crashing since the last update?
My game crashed 4 times. 3 times at the end screen and now at the start of the match...
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Today I started playing DBD again - I was taking break while there were no challenges for me to do. It definitely feels worse after this update. Every match starts with stutters. While I haven't had the freeze after random unhooks there are definitely stutters after every unhook. When kicking pumpkins the ones that cause status effect cause worse performance issues that regular one.
Had a match against Freddy on Dead Dawg and it was rough with bad performance. I was actually pretty happy he tunneled me out so I could leave it sooner. Nemesis is still miserable to play against with the funky hits he's had since the mid-chapter patch.
At this point between sbmm and performance issues I'm not even trying to make it to the end. My swf teammate and I are just getting our challenges done, once we get them done (or as much as possible in a match) we just have killer kill us so we can move on to the next match faster. Before there was an incentive to play well and stay in the match - safety pip or pip up for evenly matched teammates next round - but now that incentive is gone because even if we double pip if we die we are not guaranteed good teammates. May as well get our challenges done and quickly move on to the next round while teammates hide in a corner afraid of gens.
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No crashing on my end.
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Sounds rough. My teammates are usually decent except sometimes. I am winning a lot more than before sbmm tho even with these issues as survivor. Killer on the other hand is super hard.
That's good then. I didn't experienced any more crashes tonight so dunno what caused it. At least it is not a general issue.
I think performance will be better without pumpkins at least, cause they are causing short freezes also.
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I got that 5 pumpkin challenge done today. Jeez those freezes are something else.
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The problem is that I freeze when others smash them too.
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yeah that's not surprising.
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I had way better random teammates before sbmm so was more fun and would escape more often but with sbmm my swf teammate and I are running around doing everything only to die and be stuck in unfun deathloop. It's been so miserable that we figured why bother even trying if we're just going to be stuck dying until we luck out with competent teammates that finally work together and escape. We're just getting the Halloween challenges done for free cosmetics and then playing something else because DBD just isn't any fun now. The best part about the For Honor crossover was we found a game to replace DBD. 😂
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What even happened on this last hotfix???? The game is back to almost RE state, I have slutters and freezes with unhooking, Dead Hard, Sloppy, etc all again, and I feel the base FPS has also been lowered. What the hell? How do you screw up the progress that had been done in a simple bugfix????
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The shuttering is just something else. Totally spoils matches.
Fix on thing...another thing get's broken. It's all so predictably tedious.
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They fixed RCPD's freezing for survivor but not killer, how? Nobody knows...
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Nemesis is basically the same freezing mess as he was before the fixes.
One step forward, ten steps back devs. Smh.
Wish I could opt out of playing against him. Escape doesn't make it right, it ruins chases.
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yep, everytime his tentacle hits me my frames drop to 3 and it's an absolute nightmare, and don't get me started on the frame stutters after I get unhooked or I unhook someone. i'm not freezing under it anymore, but the frames will stutter and makes me go back a bit, it's not too much of an inconvenience unless the killer is 2ft from the hook when I'm unhooked
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Got another couple of example clips to share, hopefully they are still useful and help get this smoothed out for as asap.
This is another example of a freeze when someone was unhooked the other side of the map while I was being chased and exposed by Ghostface, a killer who is definitely not the worst affected by freezes.
This second one is a great example of the freeze when breaking pumpkins and as its Kate right by me who kicks it, you can see what it would be like if she was the other side of the map. It doesn't seem to matter who kicks it and where, we all freeze.
Sadly can't see that one getting fixed before the event goes away tbh though :(
I wonder if this is related but when I look at the old Pustula offerings, they say they are only usable during Midnight Grove, despite referring to Blighted Hooks\Gens instead of Tangled ones and also being 'no longer available' even during the event which it specifically now mentions in the offering description.
It suggests there's overlap between the old event code and what we are using for this new event and I have to wonder if things like that will just confuse the game more and possibly affect it in ways like we are seeing?
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Please excuse the quality, I had to take it on my phone.
What do you think? Could this affect the game negatively at all? Particularly if they are reusing old assets partially ie maybe the pumpkins are created over the top of the old Pustula plants etc?
I have actually had games over the last month or so where this Pustula plants have spawned in game though uninteractable; I always presumed it might be a side effect of an old offering or something?
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I have been playing on PC since the game launched, and for the first time ever I played it on console about a week ago.
And the experience was god awful. I admit, I suck with a controller, playing killer felt really crummy. But the frames were inconsistent, the graphics looked fuzzy and grainy.
The survivors basically had the Nurse's power, missed multiple downs because of the poor network, and trust me, it was not my internet connection. Plugged in with a cable and everything, never trust wifi.
Anyways, all this was on a PS5 btw, can't imagine how it would be on the last generation consoles, especially the Switch since it isn't the most powerful piece of tech to begin with.
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Appreciate the pov from a PCer dipping the toes into console for a bit. And oh boy yes it is much worse on the proir gen machines believe me.
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All new cosmetics reveals, extra characters and virtue signalling = needs to be put on hold.
This game needs to be fixed. It's an utter disgrace in It's current state. It currently plays like a couple of chimps with a chess set. All over the place.
The shuttering. The lag. Infinite loading. Crashes. Freezes. Broken events. Broken perks. Broken maps. Broken cosmetics. Broken menus. Broken challenges. Broken trophies.
Everything. Everything that's released and added causes more problems.
A shame.
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Yes so true. Unfortunately
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I've noticed Dead Hard validation will reliably freeze the game.
Just a heads-up.
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they're not gonna put cosmetics on hold because of the money they make off of them.
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Is this when playing as killer, survivor or both?
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More videos today:
Here's Pinhead's Chain freezing when you release it. (also, yes I'm salty about my ruin and undying being cleansed in 45 second :( )
Here's Ruin deciding to not regress a gen. No idea why. Not specifically Console but I thought I'd toss it in.
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I’m getting freezes while chasing survivors. Didn’t pay close attention to what caused it but it throws me off track and sometimes makes me lose chases.