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General Discussions

Killers, please stop dodging.



  • Member Posts: 95

    SWF dodging is going to kill this game, it almost already has...The fact that SWF is so toxic right now is a result of SWF dodging.

    Most people who are casual players have already quit because SWF is not an option. Who in their right mind will continue to play a game with 10-15 minute queue times? Only toxic tryhards that don't care about the wait time.

    If SWF is not an option, I'm not going to play killer, not going to play solo, not going to play duo, I'm going to play something else.

    I keep coming back to these forums in hopes of learning that these issues will be fixed, but this very thread makes me think that this is not in the near future.

  • Member Posts: 3,647
  • Member Posts: 505
    Blueberry said:

    If you don't understand why killers dodge then you clearly don't play killer at rank 1 at all. Maybe you should to understand why.

    As long as this game is as unbalanced for killers as it has been for a long time now, dodges will still happen. It's the only answer when devs refuse to balance properly.

    I do play killer at rank 1 actually. And i have never dodged a game.

  • Member Posts: 505
    micsan said:

    SWF dodging is going to kill this game, it almost already has...The fact that SWF is so toxic right now is a result of SWF dodging.

    Most people who are casual players have already quit because SWF is not an option. Who in their right mind will continue to play a game with 10-15 minute queue times? Only toxic tryhards that don't care about the wait time.

    If SWF is not an option, I'm not going to play killer, not going to play solo, not going to play duo, I'm going to play something else.

    I keep coming back to these forums in hopes of learning that these issues will be fixed, but this very thread makes me think that this is not in the near future.

    I'm defintely not a toxic tryhard. I just enjoy playing this game?

    If I do SWF i generally only do a 2 man group. Very rarely do I do a full 4 man squad. I think everyone needs to stop pushing everyone into a box. 

    "We dodge because EVERY SINGLE SURVIVOR WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTION is a teababbing p3 claudette who is 4 man SWF with a flashlight and decisive strike!!!!"

    Like...per example the other day I was a 3 man SWF and the 4th player, the random, was teabagging the entire game. While, my SWF group is not toxic teabaggers. 
  • Member Posts: 24

    Killers have the ability and right to choose their lobby. If they don't want to play with a 4-man Claude squad who bullies and hides that's their choice.

    And what the hell are you talking about? Literally the longest I've ever waited as a survivor for a match is when the killer doesn't dodge and we're waiting for one person to fill the last slot.

    Finding matches as survivor is easy as pressing a button and waiting 10 seconds.

    So how about this.

    Stop making "killers stop dodging" or "dodging killers should be punished" posts and just press join and be in a match in seconds and leave the killer who dodged to wait 5 minutes for a match.

    You aren't a victim, it isn't a problem, and they shouldn't be punished.

    Stop crying.

  • Member Posts: 24

    @Jake_Parks_prince said:
    LegitAdventurer said:

    Emeal said:

    I dont dodge... I guess Im fine then.

    Ill [BAD WORD] Camp tho, høhøhø.

    Hey man, do you. Tunnel, camp, who cares. Its part of the game. Your job is to kill the survivors. Kill them however you see fit.

    Uhhh those are pretty scummy things bud it really shouldn’t even be allowed nor part of the game

    What do you actually logically propose the devs should do to fix it?

    Make them invincible? No.

    Make them run faster than the killer? No.

    Insta heal off hook? No

    There's nothing you can do to fix it without it being stupid and overpowered.

    Think before you speak, like oh so few players of DbD actually do.

  • Member Posts: 10,200
    MegMain98 said:

    Some people don’t want to face lobbies with 4 P3 Claudettes and Megs with flashlights and Decisive Strike. My friend group has been lobby dodged MANY times and we’ve waited an hour for games at certain points, but do I blame the killer? No. Not many people want to get demolished by a 4 man SWF group.

    I don't use meg. or claudette. I don't use items. Or decisive strike. Yet I get dodged constantly lol. Back to the whole "invisible rulebook" thing lol.
    I always play claudette and I almost never get dodged.

    I guess the reason is either your ping, your name or excessive items 
  • Member Posts: 10,200
    micsan said:

    SWF dodging is going to kill this game, it almost already has...The fact that SWF is so toxic right now is a result of SWF dodging.

    Most people who are casual players have already quit because SWF is not an option. Who in their right mind will continue to play a game with 10-15 minute queue times? Only toxic tryhards that don't care about the wait time.

    If SWF is not an option, I'm not going to play killer, not going to play solo, not going to play duo, I'm going to play something else.

    I keep coming back to these forums in hopes of learning that these issues will be fixed, but this very thread makes me think that this is not in the near future.

    I'm defintely not a toxic tryhard. I just enjoy playing this game?

    If I do SWF i generally only do a 2 man group. Very rarely do I do a full 4 man squad. I think everyone needs to stop pushing everyone into a box. 

    "We dodge because EVERY SINGLE SURVIVOR WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTION is a teababbing p3 claudette who is 4 man SWF with a flashlight and decisive strike!!!!"

    Like...per example the other day I was a 3 man SWF and the 4th player, the random, was teabagging the entire game. While, my SWF group is not toxic teabaggers. 
    Without swf indication and with the new lobby system I ask you, how Iß the killet supposed to know whether you are solo or a 4 man squad?
    He will assume the worst, it'd really easy.
    Personally I would never dodge a lobby of solo survivors, even if they bring all a flashlight. But since I can't tell.....
  • Member Posts: 10,200
    Laakeri said:

    @Crizpen said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    A message to all killers. I never understood why people are afraid to fight any sort of survivors. Are you not a confident killer? Do you think you're bad? I don't get it. I understand killers have almost instantaneous wait times but survivors do not. I can't tell you how annoying it is to wait 10-15 minutes to find a game just to get dodged, sometimes 3 or 4 times in a row.

    Stop being afraid of SWF groups, half the time i get dodged I'm only a group of 2 people. Sometimes people join up all at once, regardless of them being in a SWF together or not. Ontop of killers being afraid of specific survivors (???) I still dont understand that stigma. "Ope nope. I can't kill them, they have a claudette on the team. Time to dodge" 

    So TLDR killers, please stop dodging us. We understand you find games instantly but we do not.
    survivors and our ridiculous wait times.

    I'll dodge a SWF team that comes in with four flashlights. Obviously, they're looking to frustrate me as much as possible, which means I'll have to play extra sweaty to counter it. It isn't a matter of confidence, it's a matter of annoyance. Particularly considering if I'm facing a SWF team, I'm far more likely to burn my best add-on's, but get the same or fewer points as my reward.

    But SWF are a pain in the ass anyway. In solo queue matches, if I catch a survivor at my totem, or they happen to loop me past it, only that survivor knows where it is, and I can focus extra attention on them. In SWF, everyone knows. This goes for trap placement and perks as well. If I surprise one survivor with Spirit Fury, I can still use that against the next survivor, and then the next... except in SWF. Once it's used the first time, all the survivors know and will throw pallets earlier to nullify my perk. The same can be done to nullify Make Your Choice and many other perks which, more or less, depend on survivors behaving in particular ways. With traps, since one person seeing it placed means everyone knows, the other members of the team can move in behind me and disarm or remove the trap they never would have otherwise known was there.

    Furthermore, relatively few SWF groups are what they should be. If I'm a rank 10 killer, for example, and a SWF team joins in, I may be facing two rank 1's, along with a 15 and 10. Obviously, for less experienced killers, the match is going to go very differently and far more frustratingly than against four players with more or less the same experience and skill as himself.

    What's really funny though are how many survivors, who play SWF primarily, complain that they face Nurse, Billy and Spirit in almost every match. The killer may not have planned to play those killers, but to counter SWF, they are the best choices.

    Of course, you know all this, because these are the advantages you enjoy while playing SWF. That you're complaining that another player may not want to play against that demonstrates just how little empathy you have for other players. I'd recommend you stop complaining about being dodged, and make suggestions for how to make matchmaking better, or how to give Killers some other balance when facing SWF teams, or at least an incentive to play against them.

    I would take 4 flashlights over even 2 toolboxes any day. You know they are all flashlight fkboys and you are going to have easy game.

    Even if it's a free win (and that's only the case vs plebs) it still is not enjoyable for a lot of killers 
  • Member Posts: 505
    edited January 2019

    Killers have the ability and right to choose their lobby. If they don't want to play with a 4-man Claude squad who bullies and hides that's their choice.

    And what the hell are you talking about? Literally the longest I've ever waited as a survivor for a match is when the killer doesn't dodge and we're waiting for one person to fill the last slot.

    Finding matches as survivor is easy as pressing a button and waiting 10 seconds.

    So how about this.

    Stop making "killers stop dodging" or "dodging killers should be punished" posts and just press join and be in a match in seconds and leave the killer who dodged to wait 5 minutes for a match.

    You aren't a victim, it isn't a problem, and they shouldn't be punished.

    Stop crying.

    Holy ignorance. Yikes dude. Ive already explained everything but since you want to be rude, I'll gladly explain it all again for you since you obviously didn't read it and just wanted to be a jerk, instead.

    I dont play claudette, i generally dont play SWF and if I do its only with 1 other person, i don't use items, i don't have bad ping, waiting 10 minutes for a match is beyond annoying. Especially when I wait for 10 minutes to just get dodged and sent back to a lobby waiting simulator. 

    TLDR 10 minute lobbies to be dodged over and over because killers are afraid to play the game sucks. 10 minutes isnt the worst thing ever, but when its 10 It makes me not even want to play the game anymore.
  • Member Posts: 505
    edited January 2019
    Raizinz said:

    @Jake_Parks_prince said:
    LegitAdventurer said:

    Emeal said:

    I dont dodge... I guess Im fine then.

    Ill [BAD WORD] Camp tho, høhøhø.

    Hey man, do you. Tunnel, camp, who cares. Its part of the game. Your job is to kill the survivors. Kill them however you see fit.

    Uhhh those are pretty scummy things bud it really shouldn’t even be allowed nor part of the game

    So is cheating the system by using external communications. Just because survivors come up with some arbitrary rules as to what makes the game toxic or not based upon how they want to experience their games does not mean that it's right and is obviously one-sided.

    Kinda sounds like this is a killer coming up with some arbitrary rules for what makes the game toxic based on the experience, does it not?
  • Member Posts: 505
    Without swf indication and with the new lobby system I ask you, how Iß the killet supposed to know whether you are solo or a 4 man squad?
    He will assume the worst, it'd really easy.
    Personally I would never dodge a lobby of solo survivors, even if they bring all a flashlight. But since I can't tell.....
    This is why i can't wait until they implement the bucket system they talked about. So that every single game, no matter what, all 4 survivors will join up at the same time. Wether SWF or 4 solos.
  • Member Posts: 505
    Master said:
    MegMain98 said:

    Some people don’t want to face lobbies with 4 P3 Claudettes and Megs with flashlights and Decisive Strike. My friend group has been lobby dodged MANY times and we’ve waited an hour for games at certain points, but do I blame the killer? No. Not many people want to get demolished by a 4 man SWF group.

    I don't use meg. or claudette. I don't use items. Or decisive strike. Yet I get dodged constantly lol. Back to the whole "invisible rulebook" thing lol.
    I always play claudette and I almost never get dodged.

    I guess the reason is either your ping, your name or excessive items 
    I really don't use items at all. And i should not have bad ping. I have good internet.
  • Member Posts: 505
    Master said:
    MegMain98 said:

    Some people don’t want to face lobbies with 4 P3 Claudettes and Megs with flashlights and Decisive Strike. My friend group has been lobby dodged MANY times and we’ve waited an hour for games at certain points, but do I blame the killer? No. Not many people want to get demolished by a 4 man SWF group.

    I don't use meg. or claudette. I don't use items. Or decisive strike. Yet I get dodged constantly lol. Back to the whole "invisible rulebook" thing lol.
    I always play claudette and I almost never get dodged.

    I guess the reason is either your ping, your name or excessive items 
    I really don't use items at all. And i should not have bad ping. I have good internet.
  • Member Posts: 77

    All Killers are the easy-mode, hand-held, babied crutchlords that burned this game to the ground with their tears of napalm crying for Survivor nerfs, Killer buffs (and getting them each and every time) because their all just precious, special little snowflakes. (and that's just the default ones without even talking about pay 2 win).

    That is the correct answer to any post on these forums^

  • Member Posts: 15

    @Lateral said:
    All Killers are the easy-mode, hand-held, babied crutchlords that burned this game to the ground with their tears of napalm crying for Survivor nerfs, Killer buffs (and getting them each and every time) because their all just precious, special little snowflakes. (and that's just the default ones without even talking about pay 2 win).

    That is the correct answer to any post on these forums^

    That's insulting...

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    I really don't use items at all. And i should not have bad ping. I have good internet.

    That's not how ping works. Ping arises from the physical distance between the server and the people connected to it. Information can only travel so quickly - that's just how the universe works.

  • Member Posts: 77

    @IceD34ler said:

    @Lateral said:
    All Killers are the easy-mode, hand-held, babied crutchlords that burned this game to the ground with their tears of napalm crying for Survivor nerfs, Killer buffs (and getting them each and every time) because their all just precious, special little snowflakes. (and that's just the default ones without even talking about pay 2 win).

    That is the correct answer to any post on these forums^

    That's insulting...

    It's not intended to be insulting, it's intended to be accurately descriptive of the nature of the games culture of total off the wall class favoritism..But behaviour are known for this, they'll favour one side until they drive the game into the ground if they think they'll profit from it not realizing till its too late that pandering to one side because they cry the loudest is lethal for a game.

  • Member Posts: 505
    I'm sooo tired of the endless Lobby Waiting Simulator. I've currently been waiting 5 minutes for a match, found a game and got dodged, and currently have been waiting 12 more minutes and still haven't found a game. RIP.
  • Member Posts: 2,582
    4 flashlights? 

  • Member Posts: 505
    Just waited 17 minutes (timed it) and was dodged as soon as I found a game lmao. NOT EVEN AN SWF. NOT EVEN USING ITEMS.

    Lololol this game is dead. 
  • Member Posts: 38

    This thread mades me want to dodge SWF.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Just waited 17 minutes (timed it) and was dodged as soon as I found a game lmao. NOT EVEN AN SWF. NOT EVEN USING ITEMS.

    Lololol this game is dead. 

    Insta queues for me (as killer)

    Maybe give the other side a try? I know it sucks not to be on the powerhorse side where you can abuse voice comms, but it really isnt that bad in lowish ranks

  • Member Posts: 38

    I hope SWF can wait an hour, I just had a toxic end game convo with a at least 3 that queued together calling me a "camping #########" when they had all gens down and gate open. Never want to deal with that ######### again, I'm dodging anything that looks like SWF from now on. Toxic Jerks is 99% of them.

  • Member Posts: 505
    Master said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Just waited 17 minutes (timed it) and was dodged as soon as I found a game lmao. NOT EVEN AN SWF. NOT EVEN USING ITEMS.

    Lololol this game is dead. 

    Insta queues for me (as killer)

    Maybe give the other side a try? I know it sucks not to be on the powerhorse side where you can abuse voice comms, but it really isnt that bad in lowish ranks

    I do play both sides. Both in high rank. And i don't bully anyone. 

    Why does no one read on these threads?
  • Member Posts: 505
    Lillika said:

    I hope SWF can wait an hour, I just had a toxic end game convo with a at least 3 that queued together calling me a "camping #########" when they had all gens down and gate open. Never want to deal with that ######### again, I'm dodging anything that looks like SWF from now on. Toxic Jerks is 99% of them.

    Who cares that you camped? Let them be salty. Camp all you want lol. Its a killers job to kill the survivors. However you want to do that, do that. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. No one tells survivors to stop doing gens lmao.
  • Member Posts: 38

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Lillika said:

    I hope SWF can wait an hour, I just had a toxic end game convo with a at least 3 that queued together calling me a "camping #########" when they had all gens down and gate open. Never want to deal with that ######### again, I'm dodging anything that looks like SWF from now on. Toxic Jerks is 99% of them.

    Who cares that you camped? Let them be salty. Camp all you want lol. Its a killers job to kill the survivors. However you want to do that, do that. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. No one tells survivors to stop doing gens lmao.

    they all escaped I was salty

  • Member Posts: 38

    Anyways when people queue as SWF do they all pop in at the same time. Or do you have to just guess?

  • Member Posts: 505
    Lillika said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Lillika said:

    I hope SWF can wait an hour, I just had a toxic end game convo with a at least 3 that queued together calling me a "camping #########" when they had all gens down and gate open. Never want to deal with that ######### again, I'm dodging anything that looks like SWF from now on. Toxic Jerks is 99% of them.

    Who cares that you camped? Let them be salty. Camp all you want lol. Its a killers job to kill the survivors. However you want to do that, do that. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. No one tells survivors to stop doing gens lmao.

    they all escaped I was salty

    That happens to me all the time as killer. I don't care as long as i get my hook and chase points. You don't need to get kills to be a good killer. You just have to get your points. Thats why camping is bad. I patrol gens hard as #########. I don't even really chase survivors for more than 30 seconds at a time. If i dont get a quick down i move on to a gen. Keep the pressure up, get quick hooks and move on. Every time you aren't checking a gen is time you're helping the survivors. 

    Same with survivors, every second youre not doing a gen is time spent helping the killer. That includes healing, flashlighting, hugging teamates, hugging the hook, hiding in lockers, hiding in bushes, etc.
  • Member Posts: 505
    edited January 2019
    Lillika said:

    Anyways when people queue as SWF do they all pop in at the same time. Or do you have to just guess?

    I solo queue and pop into games with people at the same time. Its just hit or miss tbh. Alot of killers are just scared to play the game.

    Edit: they pretty much just have to guess. Sometimes SWF pops in at the same time. Sometimes theres a delay.
  • Member Posts: 505
    I think the fact that this is probably the most popular thread on the forum right now proves that this a real issue lol.
  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited January 2019

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    You don't need to get kills to be a good killer.

    Inversely, by your own logic, you don't need to survive to be a good survivor, yet you advise gen rushing and leaving (surviving) ASAP. So either you've redefined what a killer is (note: in the English language, "killer" is not a synonym of "point farmer"), or you just don't want killers to be a threat.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Yes it is a realy issue, there needs to be an option to not play against SWF. Maybe give some extra BP if you do?

  • Member Posts: 505
    edited January 2019
    Orion said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    You don't need to get kills to be a good killer.

    Inversely, by your own logic, you don't need to survive to be a good survivor, yet you advise gen rushing and surviving ASAP. So either you've redefined what a killer is (note: in the English language, "killer" is not a synonym of "point farmer"), or you just don't want killers to be a threat.

    Facts. You don't have to survive as survivor to win. I die as a survivor constantly. I'm actually terrible at avoiding the killer lmao. I also play survivor with that same initiative. I'm a point farmer as survivor as well. As long as i get like 2 or 3 unhooks a couple team gens and some healing and boldness points, I'm happy wether i die or survive lol.
  • Member Posts: 505
    edited January 2019
    Lillika said:

    Yes it is a realy issue, there needs to be an option to not play against SWF. Maybe give some extra BP if you do?

    I got news for ya my guy. SWF is a part of the game. Devs put it in the game.

    i can almost guarantee almost every game you and I play has atleast a 2 man SWF. Even if I go into a match as a solo theres still a probability that I'll be paired with a 2 or 3 man SWF. Its a part of the game at the end of the day.

    Everyone needs to learn to deal with it. I play against SWF all the time as a Killer. It's still the same game wether they're SWF or they're solos. Its still 4 v 1.
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Facts. You don't have to survive as survivor to win. I die as a survivor constantly. I'm actually terrible at avoiding the killer lmao. I also play survivor with that same initiative. I'm a point farmer as survivor as well. As long as i get like 2 or 3 unhooks a couple team gens and some healing and boldness points, I'm happy wether i die or survive lol.

    Good for you. That still doesn't change the English language (or any language, really), wherein "killer" and "survivor" are not synonyms of "point farmer".

  • Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2019

    I seriously want to keep playing this game, but at rank 11 all I get are groups or partial groups with rank 6 or lower hidden in them. I actually quit my first match in over 200 hrs. This thread and SWF groups will drive me from a game that I want to keep playing. I am so upset right now. The last game I played (the only and only game I ever quit) I was playing low rank Waith and the teabagging and looping and all grouped together started not 30 min into it.

    Not even sure why I'm even posting on this threat I don't support any of the OP's opinions

  • Member Posts: 505
    Lillika said:

    I seriously want to keep playing this game, but at rank 11 all I get are groups or partial groups with rank 6 or lower hidden in them. I actually quit my first match in over 200 hrs. This thread and SWF groups will drive me from a game that I want to keep playing. I am so upset right now. The last game I played (the only and only game I ever quit) I was playing low rank Waith and the teabagging and looping and all grouped together started not 30 min into it.

    Alternatively i don't have the same issue as killer. If they're teabagging and playing stupid and toxically you just get an easier kill if you dont let the toxicity get to you and force you into mistakes.

    I have an issue waiting anywhere from 5-15 minutes as a survivor to get dodged and forced back into the lobby waiting simulator. And then when i do fiinally find a game, the killer dcs the second his ruin breaks, or if survivors finish a gen early. It's disgusting. And survivors are just as bad at the rage quitting. This game is going to die just like evolve did for the same reasons. Everyone is to scared to play the game because its challenging.
  • Member Posts: 505
    Orion said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Facts. You don't have to survive as survivor to win. I die as a survivor constantly. I'm actually terrible at avoiding the killer lmao. I also play survivor with that same initiative. I'm a point farmer as survivor as well. As long as i get like 2 or 3 unhooks a couple team gens and some healing and boldness points, I'm happy wether i die or survive lol.

    Good for you. That still doesn't change the English language (or any language, really), wherein "killer" and "survivor" are not synonyms of "point farmer".

    Games are played for points. If you get alot of points that means you did well in the game. Why are you bringing the English language into it like that somehow changes the fact that this is a game? Lol

    For example, as a survivor if i do no gens, save no one, heal no one, hide the whole match and survive, i get no points and basically thats losing the game.

    As a killer if you get a 4k. But you end chases really quick, camp till they die and only get one hook a piece, never kick gens, or anything. You'll end with no points and get entity displeased even tho you got a 4k.

    Thats losing no matter what way you look at it haha
  • Member Posts: 505
    Lillika said:

    I seriously want to keep playing this game, but at rank 11 all I get are groups or partial groups with rank 6 or lower hidden in them. I actually quit my first match in over 200 hrs. This thread and SWF groups will drive me from a game that I want to keep playing. I am so upset right now. The last game I played (the only and only game I ever quit) I was playing low rank Waith and the teabagging and looping and all grouped together started not 30 min into it.

    Not even sure why I'm even posting on this threat I don't support any of the OP's opinions

    The OP's?
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Games are played for points. If you get alot of points that means you did well in the game. Why are you bringing the English language into it like that somehow changes the fact that this is a game? Lol

    For example, as a survivor if i do no gens, save no one, heal no one, hide the whole match and survive, i get no points and basically thats losing the game.

    As a killer if you get a 4k. But you end chases really quick, camp till they die and only get one hook a piece, never kick gens, or anything. You'll end with no points and get entity displeased even tho you got a 4k.

    Thats losing no matter what way you look at it haha

    If you wanna define losing at a role as winning at the game, that's your prerogative.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I don't think this speaks on behalf of all of us. I'm a survivor main, but when I play killer, at my rank, getting an entire SWF team that is OBVIOUSLY from rank 1 (they have thousands of hours played AND are notorious members of the community that I recognize for being jerks) and are ready with decisive strike, adrenaline, dead hard, etc. in order to not just try to survive, but use those perks to t-bag and at end-game chat tell me to end my life/get cancer/etc. and spam "EZ" and "HA" over and over, that really doesn't feel great, let me tell you. Because they refuse to play at their own rank just to bully lower rank killers, it is not fun to go against, so of course I am going to dodge if I suspect it (which it's generally REALLY obvious). If they were derankers but were respectful human beings, I would have no problem facing them, because it is a fun challenge and not a big middle finger. As a survivor, I have no problem with killers dodging me, because in the end, it takes me like one or two more tries to find a killer that's going to push my **** in anyways, so I have more fun that way losing to someone who is confident going against me. Doesn't bother me.

  • Member Posts: 505
    Orion said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    Games are played for points. If you get alot of points that means you did well in the game. Why are you bringing the English language into it like that somehow changes the fact that this is a game? Lol

    For example, as a survivor if i do no gens, save no one, heal no one, hide the whole match and survive, i get no points and basically thats losing the game.

    As a killer if you get a 4k. But you end chases really quick, camp till they die and only get one hook a piece, never kick gens, or anything. You'll end with no points and get entity displeased even tho you got a 4k.

    Thats losing no matter what way you look at it haha

    If you wanna define losing at a role as winning at the game, that's your prerogative.

    I'm honestly really confused as to how you disagree with what im saying. If killing and surviving were all that mattered in this game then there wouldn't be hunting, boldness, objective, altruism etc etc points. 

    It's because this game is so well rounded that its fun. If all you had to do as a survivor was survive no one would look for chases, or do gens, or save anyone.

    Same with killers, all of them would camp and tunnel. But there are other ways to get points, because winning isn't just killing or surviving. Its doing well in the game, yano?
  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited January 2019

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    I'm honestly really confused as to how you disagree with what im saying. If killing and surviving were all that mattered in this game then there wouldn't be hunting, boldness, objective, altruism etc etc points. 

    It's because this game is so well rounded that its fun. If all you had to do as a survivor was survive no one would look for chases, or do gens, or save anyone.

    Same with killers, all of them would camp and tunnel. But there are other ways to get points, because winning isn't just killing or surviving. Its doing well in the game, yano?

    I disagree with your definition of winning because it's based on your goals as a point farmer, which are not the same as my goals. I literally said it was your prerogative to define winning at the game how you want, even if it involves losing at the role you're playing. However, pretending that your definition is somehow objective is absurd.

  • Member Posts: 1,874

    I don't enjoy playing against SWF because I know you hold all the cards to beat me. There is little I can do outside of getting lucky.

    Also not interested in playing a lobby with 3-4 toolboxes when I don't have ruin. That is recipe for being very frustrated.

  • Member Posts: 505

    I don't enjoy playing against SWF because I know you hold all the cards to beat me. There is little I can do outside of getting lucky.

    Also not interested in playing a lobby with 3-4 toolboxes when I don't have ruin. That is recipe for being very frustrated.

    Survivors use toolboxes wether they're SWF or not? So you dodge because of toolboxes, not SWF?
  • Member Posts: 1,874

    @Lillika said:
    I seriously want to keep playing this game, but at rank 11 all I get are groups or partial groups with rank 6 or lower hidden in them. I actually quit my first match in over 200 hrs. This thread and SWF groups will drive me from a game that I want to keep playing. I am so upset right now. The last game I played (the only and only game I ever quit) I was playing low rank Waith and the teabagging and looping and all grouped together started not 30 min into it.

    Not even sure why I'm even posting on this threat I don't support any of the OP's opinions

    Thats funny. My experience was really similar when I was at that point of the game too. I had never rage quit in anything in my life. Had so many hours in this game before doing it.

    Then you level a few ranks outside of the newb ranks even though 11 isn't high. You finally run into a real SWF that know how to play and it hits you how badly they can tear through you if truly prepared. Good thing is you should be able to smoke even them with time. Just wait until you get further in the ranks.....god.

  • Member Posts: 505

    @Lillika said:
    I seriously want to keep playing this game, but at rank 11 all I get are groups or partial groups with rank 6 or lower hidden in them. I actually quit my first match in over 200 hrs. This thread and SWF groups will drive me from a game that I want to keep playing. I am so upset right now. The last game I played (the only and only game I ever quit) I was playing low rank Waith and the teabagging and looping and all grouped together started not 30 min into it.

    Not even sure why I'm even posting on this threat I don't support any of the OP's opinions

    Thats funny. My experience was really similar when I was at that point of the game too. I had never rage quit in anything in my life. Had so many hours in this game before doing it.

    Then you level a few ranks outside of the newb ranks even though 11 isn't high. You finally run into a real SWF that know how to play and it hits you how badly they can tear through you if truly prepared. Good thing is you should be able to smoke even them with time. Just wait until you get further in the ranks.....god.

    Right? At rank 1 everyone you play is extremely skilled at the game. Its an entirely different game. Even a gang of 4 solos is a tough match.
  • Member Posts: 43

    The game was made to be a game without communications. Therefore, SWF is considered cheating. If there was a chat / mic system ingame, SWF would be fine.

  • Member Posts: 636

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    A message to all killers. I never understood why people are afraid to fight any sort of survivors. Are you not a confident killer? Do you think you're bad? I don't get it. I understand killers have almost instantaneous wait times but survivors do not. I can't tell you how annoying it is to wait 10-15 minutes to find a game just to get dodged, sometimes 3 or 4 times in a row.

    Stop being afraid of SWF groups, half the time i get dodged I'm only a group of 2 people. Sometimes people join up all at once, regardless of them being in a SWF together or not. Ontop of killers being afraid of specific survivors (???) I still dont understand that stigma. "Ope nope. I can't kill them, they have a claudette on the team. Time to dodge" 

    So TLDR killers, please stop dodging us. We understand you find games instantly but we do not.
    survivors and our ridiculous wait times.

    The fact that you are pretentious and obnoxious enough to make this post highlights why a killer would want to dodge your group.

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