We reduced the grind!! (except we kinda didn't) Part 2 Bloodpoint Boogaloo



  • Cryptikk
    Cryptikk Member Posts: 418

    that's my point, that a dev could not even reply with a argument even though they must have saw it because they were tagged in here after. I would not call Peanits morally bankrupt though, that's a bit harsh now.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702

    Anyone's lies. In this case BHVR's, though I'm not sure whether the lies are intentional or through ignorance of how people use their product. Based on other out of touch decisions I know of/have heard of, I honestly believe it's the latter.

    Though with a figure as high as 75% being thrown around (albeit people may or may not have misinterpreted it) they had to know that the expectations were high. At the very least breaking even despite the loss of BBQ and WGLF would have been acceptable. That's not happening by a long shot. Eventually sure at the end it's better but most players don't play every killer and survivor which is where the gains from the new system come in. Until then it's straight up worse, especially with the prestige tax which was NOT mentioned IRC, a lie of omission. Again I don't believe that's malicious or intentional but... it's not a good look and for what reason?

    Perhaps I did digress too much. Just hit a personal chord with me and how pointless it is to compile facts and factual arguments only to basically be ignored/derailed by one meme picture which is the equivalent of TL;DR and have the conversation go nowhere and ultimately no progress is made and everyone still complains about the same stuff.

    TL;DR: All I was remarking is that some people are amazed by how shallow some people were and I was saying that I wasn't.

  • Cryptikk
    Cryptikk Member Posts: 418

    your right, I'm pretty sure the 50k tax was never mentioned until the ptb notes came out. They clearly omitted for that a reason, they knew we would hate it.

  • Cryptikk
    Cryptikk Member Posts: 418

    Well not to be blunt or anything, but behavior should put "All we do is piss off the community, lol, buy auric cells for our battlepass (in our paid game with a ######### ton of paid dlc) and overpriced cosmetics and maybe we'll fix something idk" as their tagline.

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    Guys, the 50k tax is absolutely nothing. Considering prestiging all killers triple times it makes 28x3x50k=4,2kk - it's really not that much, if you consider whopping numbers of BP spent on 150 lvls on every killer.

    The problem with the entire idea is mentioned 75% - it's propaganda BS number given to the community to make us think how generous they are. It gets quickly debunked and even after OP put so much effort to create spreadsheet to clearly prove them wrong, they said at the end "OP is wrong". End of story.

    I never said @Peanits is morally bankrupt - spreading the idea of "Grind Reduction" and people who designed it are.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    Exactly. They talk big but don’t seem to back it up. I reaaaaaaaaally think we deserve some explanation tbh

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Because you've already put the time in to grind up to that point. I will say this system will expand better to more and more killers and survivors but I mean half the killers I dont play and I only play maybe 2 or 3 survivors so most of the benefits go to characters I don't use anyways.

  • tensu950
    tensu950 Member Posts: 51

    but correct me if I am wrong on the old blood web it was about 50k BP to reset and you would get 2 perks (4 in the web but the entity would eat one each time you picked one) With the new system you will have to spend 50k to fill the lvl 50 web then 50k to prestige, then a bunch more BP to work your way through the lower ranks to start seeing perks.

    Again unless I am wrong getting shot back to the "Tiny levels" again hurts more things than it buffs. Fewer perk options popping up along with needing to dump 300k+ BP each prestige in order to start seeing purple add-ons more reliably as opposed to the old 50k you would have to dump to reset your lvl 50 web.

  • tensu950
    tensu950 Member Posts: 51

    Correct me if I am wrong, but with the old system you would spend 50kish BP to reset your lvl 50 web and that would allow you the choice of picking 2 of 4 perks that spawned into it, so every 50kish bp would net you 2 perks. with the new system you have to spend 50k at lvl 50 then another 50k to prestige, then spend a bunch of BP to level up and start seeing multiple perks.

    The other nerf to being sent back to "tiny levels" is you need to dump 300kish bp to start seeing purple add on the regular as opposed to the current 50kish to just reset your lvl 50 tree.

    I have brought this up a few times in various post and am genuinely interested in why there has never been any sort of BP squish needed to lvl especially for older killers and survivors. with this new system it seems like the perfect time to implement something like p1-p3 has a massive reduction in BP needed then it goes back to normal starting at p4-p100 when it is simply cosmetics you are earning.

    This would reduce the "Grind" and help new players get into the game and on their feet testing builds/perks easier to see what they will enjoy.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    It's going for you but what about people who just bought the game without half the cast p2 or 3

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Then those people still benefit? This change hasn't taken anything away from people.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    If you only play a few characters, then what do you care? Just play the ones you want.

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    I don't really have anything of value to add to this conversation, but I l just wanted to say I love how big of a math nerd your brain is. I'm not great at that subject (depends on what kind and how skilled my teacher was), but I'm just simply not a Will Hunting type. My skills are in other things. So . . . props to you. It's cool how you can think these things through. Is your math right? Are you missing a key variable? Hell if I know, but I suspect if someone pointed it out, you'd give it serious thought. And for that alone, I also give you props.

  • loothound
    loothound Member Posts: 133

    if p3 gives you a .5% more rare items at p100 you'll get a 16% chance for rare items wow

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    That is not what I mean. What I mean is if a person only plays a few characters, what do they care about the grind for the rest? Just ignore them and you can literally buy the perks you want from the Shrine directly. You never have to touch a character you are not interested in.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244

    BBQ change and bloodweb changes are specifically looking to nerf killers and their add-on economy. they don't like how killers can use same add-ons every single and play same killer 24/7. that's why they're nerfing bloodwebs and BBQ. sometimes you'll get this comment as killer that goes along lines of "Mr, killer main, stop using crutch add-on's"

    survivor mains comments, Big Ouch.

  • DeadByCommunity
    DeadByCommunity Member Posts: 157

    I find it odd that the grind is suppose to be reduce but at the same time the devs remove the perks bonus that help with that. Why try to buff something only to take it away? The grind is difficult for rew players an having to pay small tax of BP to prestige is ridiculous. On side note imo if you do remove the BP gain from BBQ & chili why not add a new effect the same way "where gonna farm forever" got a mini soul gaurd ? Again why buff something or fix something only to nerf or remove what help that same issue in the first place? Remove the 50k BP tax for prestige an leave the blood point perks as they are. Alot of people like stacks an the extra BP. We can all agree playing this game gets stressful an the blood point bonus perks kinda help put up with that. Seeing how you remove that an added tax the game will be more drawn out an obnoxious, imo.

  • DeadByCommunity
    DeadByCommunity Member Posts: 157

    Yea don't get why they don't just do that. On that note the community seems very vocal on leaving BBQ an were gonna live forever alone just for the BP gain. Side note still don't get how one perk got a new effect but the ladder didn't.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702

    Right. Apologies. The average amount of apathy bothers me. Anyway, they are still worse off in this case because of prestige tax which cannot be ignored unlike previously. They cannot get any more perks for their one character without paying the tax and they get sent back to level 1 where they must take a lot of junk and things they will never use. Like at level 50 they get your choice four perks and get to keep two. At low levels they are forced to take one whether they want it or not. This doesn’t even factor in the bbq and wglf loss.

    Also shrine gambling is iffy unless I missed that going the way of the dodo. There’s a few perks I’ve wanted that have never come up, even during the daily masquerade rotation. I ended up buying the characters with shards instead. Now sure, latest perks like those of Cenobite, Onyro, Yoichi, Haddie and Dredge probably won’t appear for a while but still.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    People who prestige gets to save all their items and addons, that is very nice. We who don't prestige at all might not se much change idk, other than that we can now prestige if we want without losing everything.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,445

    Prestiging will no longer be optional. Once you hit 50 you are forced to prestige for 50k bloodpoints or you can't proceed. Imo that's the worst thing about the change. It should be optional.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    The only thing I can say is... I35 has the incorrect range in the sum :P

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Unless I read it wrong the Shrine is now targeted. You will be able to just pick the perk you want and be done with it. So, if you want Blast Mine but never wanna mess with Leon you can just straight up BUY Blast Mine as an unlock.

  • Omputin
    Omputin Member Posts: 142

    From what I understand and seen on PTB there is still gonna only be 4 perks per week and on top of that they are gonna cost a lot more shards.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I think it is price pointed by the tier you are buying now?

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    This is because you have already leveled all other characters so of course your gonna unlock all perks straight away. But consider a new player who is just coming to the game for the first time. finding out everyone they go against was able to unlock perks so much easier given they only have to level 40 not 50 all characters.

    Now agreed the perk obtaining has gone down. not by 75% that they promised but it was reduced however now the addon and offering grind has increased stupidly. Being knocked down to level 1 giving you 25ish bloodwebs of crap is just a waste of blood points.

    Now with the loss of BBQ/WGLF along side the fact that finding bp offerings is even harder now its going to take so long to get the offerings/addons you want.

    This is really going to effect content creators who are doing specific videos on certain addons/maps especially on new killers/survivors as finding enough addons to get a decent video is going to a lot harder now.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    Just wanna say your amazing. You have proven time and time again that the "grind" isnt reduced as much as promised and you haven't even covered the fact that despite a grind reduction (not 75%) of perks is there that there has been an immence grind increase for addons/offerings. Would be very interested to see just how much more grinding is needed now to get consistant green+ addons/offerings

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2022

    I never expected the grind reduction to actually increase the grind,what the heck!

    I hate the new grind reduction and I think just getting rid of perk tiers was a much better solution.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2022

    They need to get rid of the forced prestiging asap and the 50k bps cost,this would at least fix it somewhow,no one wants to go back to the tiny bloodwebs especially not forced to.

    Or they could make it so prestige doesn't cost anything and instead of getting you to the small webs,you keep getting the big ones.

    Anything else will just make it worse in terms of getting items and addons and a slap to the face for old players.

    Perk tiers was the real problem and this just overcomplicates things and makes getting rarer items so much worse.

    I rather get access to the big bloodweb than have to prestige for meaningless numbers,the grind nerf is a live,the grind has gotten so much worse in the long term.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I don't think the shrine is a good solutions, it is still random as far as I know and with 204 perks you can wait really long. Also, accumulating shards takes awhile, especially if you play mainly one side, and some people like to buy cosmetics without spending real money, so it might be unpleasant having to decide between cosmetics or reducing the grind.

    I can't guarantee that my calculations are right, but if they are, you need 1.300 level to unlock all the perks on one survivor with the old system. With the new system you need already 1.479 Level to get all the characters to prestige 1 and at that point you still need to unlock 174 perk tiers (since you go back to level 1 after you prestige it is a bit harder to calculate how many levels you need, but I think 146). So what I'm trying to say is, it is worse if you play strictly one character and I already mentioned above why I don't think it is a good idea to rely on the shrine to solve that.

    For me personally the change is not bad, I like having more perks on the survs that I have not leveled much (but many of my characters are only at 40, so I'm profitting that much from the new system because of the way the Devs transfer the teachables). But I think it will not help new players, the group who is affected to most by the grind much.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Isn't the Shrine on a permanent 24 hour rotation after the update though?

  • c0gnu5
    c0gnu5 Member Posts: 70

    I know that not everybody cares for bloody skins, but how would old and new prestige compare if you take into account that in old system, in order to get prestige skins you had to waste 100 levels?

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    It isn't mentioned in the patch notes or the dev update so I don't think so:

    I think the 24hour rotation was only for the event, but even if the shrine would rotate, you might not have enough shards available and you have less time to earn them. Also what I forgot to mention is, that you can also use shards to buy characters, so again it would put you into a situation where you have to decide between spending money or faster progression.