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We reduced the grind!! (except we kinda didn't) Part 2 Bloodpoint Boogaloo



  • Member Posts: 2,959

    It is 4th of July weekend and I don’t know much about Canadas calendar but there probably on holiday right now

  • Member Posts: 495

    Unlike Survivors going to the basement against a Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 150

    Maybe make so prestige for survivors and killers become different, as survivors are just reskins then you could share the tier 3 perks at prestige 1. As killer i dont mind it, as every killer has a different way to play and most of the time people dont tend to stick playing with only one killer, so unlocking perks for all killers is something that really pays off.

  • Member Posts: 544
    edited July 2022

    Mad cuz you ate up this bait like a hungry little fishy?

  • Member Posts: 570

    2022 bro 2022. Some people never grow up it seems tsc tsc

  • Member Posts: 36

    I would love the no depip change! I already basically do this myself by playing a meta Nurse build when I'm at 3 pips, but I would prefer to be able to meme around with Meyers or Clown whenever I want to instead of only playing low tier killers when I've just ranked up or when I'm already iri 1.

  • Member Posts: 2,069
  • Member Posts: 15,095
  • Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2022

    It simple. The new system is better, but don't touch bbq and wglf. Thank you.

    I play 3 builds.

    The main build for looping and chase.

    An Item farming build and

    An build for bp.

    The changes will take a way an opinien and reduce me in what I am want to play. It will make me more to the gen rushing survivor, so I can get that 5k Bloodpoints for escaping. Means i will go out instead of helping the last one for only 1k bp.

    And doing the stressful killer job for getting the same bp that i can get easy as survivor make me to a real survivor main then.

  • Member Posts: 5

    True, a useless Decisive in an update that should address anti tunneling is truly amazing. And don't get me started on Self Care

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I do wish the catogories from bloodpoints were upped a little. So often something like devious maxes out halfway the match

    Even something as small as increasing it from 8000 to 10000 per catogory and the max being 40000 per match would do so much

  • Member Posts: 495

    I never prestiged a char, got all perks or most of them in the Killers I have and I have no idea how much blood points I used. Gotta tell you, only few perks are worth it.

    So, after the changes , and after leveling Trickster to 50 I prestiged it. To earn whatever rewards they give to people who did.

    I even put a thread here recently before the update where I literally asked if it was stupid to prestige. Which it is, the cosmetic ain't worth it.

  • Member Posts: 450

    I hate math more than anything in life. Yet I know that it has helped in many things. For example proving the new grind for players hasn't changed much, will stop killers getting their better addons in blood web level 50s and constantly PAY TO PRESTIGE WHICH SHOULDN'T BE A THING BECAUSE IT WASN'T BEFORE!!!!!!

  • Member Posts: 464


    I'm honestly pleased someone took the time to download and check my work, so props :P

  • Member Posts: 707

    Hey I would but…

    1. Beyond basic math and figuring out things in my head and on top of that the exact variables in blood webs sizes per level… yeah I was just gunna take your word for it because…
    2. The loss of bbq and wglf and a forced 50k tax every so often in exchange for getting free perks on characters I may never use just sounds like a bad deal where the gains only come at the very end of the grind where it doesn’t matter

    I’m more about logic then math but the logic didn’t add up here either.

  • Member Posts: 1,607
  • Member Posts: 159

    Let's just do simple math

    More BP = Player happiness will increase

    Less BP = Player happiness will decrease

    Perks being easier to get = Player happiness increase

    So my final equations are

    Removing perk tiers + Making BBQ and WGLF BP bonus basekit + removing 50k prestige fee = Increase of Player happiness

    Having to unlock the same perk 3 times + getting less blood points + prestige fee = Decrease of Player happiness

    So scientifically

    More BP and being able to use perks = Happy gamers

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    I wonder when they/Peanits or anyone else will finally respond to the reworked statsheet. Still no official word from them.

  • Member Posts: 422

    i feel like they already would have if they were going to.

  • Member Posts: 212

    The optimist in me thinks they are taking feedback into consideration and will update ua next week ish when they give us an update on the patch.

    The pessimist in me thinks they don't want to change anything and just want us to earn less BP so they can still have a hefty grind and hope people eventually stop caring.

    It seems pretty simple really, though. They knew removing g the bp bonus would be unpopular. Did they not think there should be so.e compensation to keep players happy? I

  • Member Posts: 91

    The devs will probably make a statement on it soon, maybe it'll just be tweaked when the update is live. That's a very BHVR thing to do.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Maybe they'll fix it by adding motorcycles to the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    Atleast now we can prove that we only used BBQ for the Bloodpoints. :(

  • Member Posts: 288

    Something that came to mind the other day, didn't they say something in the anniversary stream that they want to do more small events, like log in bonus for a week and more?

    Maybe they have in mind that they want to reduce the grind extra with that sort of stuff and therefor removed the BP bonus from the perks (which I don't agree with personally, but yeah).

  • Member Posts: 51

    I dont feel like this is happening anytime soon. With the amount of post up surely they know about it so they might just be working on something and not wanting to say anything till they figure it out there are plenty of post with ideas and suggestions however even some form of acknowledgment would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 51

    but the weird thing about this is them making the game super grindy helps no one, it would be one thing if they sold like BP packs or boosters because then you could go "well they don't wanna lower the grind cause instead of fixing the issue they wanna sell a solution" the thing most games do. However, the only money they make is on the license stuff and some cosmetics since everything else is possible to buy by just playing the game.

    Them making and leaving the game super grindy isn't going to keep people hooked its just gonna turn people off aside from the people who just really really enjoy the game and those people are going to play regardless of the grind or not and they are also adding in a new grind with p4-p100 now for those types of people meaning it all makes even less sense now.

  • Member Posts: 266

    I've already unlocked all perks on a few of my survivors, should i go ahead and spend my 2 mill BPs on getting add ons right now or wait for the new system?

  • Member Posts: 377

    you tell me... I only have Nancy prestiged, no other survivor. I never thought it was worth it but most of my survivors are level 50 with most perks... paying 50k each is just a tragedy

  • Member Posts: 422
    edited July 2022

    this game has over 100 euro worth of dlc, overpriced cosmetics and bloated premium battle passes. Its not far off being a f2p game at heart.

  • Member Posts: 377

    Holy cow... I am so upset about the grind I played 2000 hours of this game and there is so much I am still missing.

    I have never seen a company like this one

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