Dear Behaviour... (David King)



  • SmokeTheScrapper
    SmokeTheScrapper Member Posts: 42

    It wouldn't have changed anything if the favourite series character of that man turned out to be gay or lesbian, would it? I don't believe in media representation being anywhere profound if it's not real people. It's more like a tool box add-on. It can fix one and then gets useless.

    Historically speaking, hatred of gays has its roots in the Middle Ages, when church members misused an excerpt from the Old Testament because they were disgusted by same-sex love. Basically, such people are the problem and you can't change them either. They have grown up with such bullshit. It would be more important to actively teach children openness in real life and to actively defend those who are victims of violence. A cartoon won't change much, just like any other artificially designed media representation.

    It may just be me, the cigar or the ale speaking but the only reason for me to accept myself as I am was a friend I had a dead close connection to. He was just himself. The word gay never fell, even tho he was into men. He'd just do his thing and respect other people while doing so. Real people do the real change. We need to get rid of religion based gender role ideals.

    Anyways, sad news. May whoever died that day rest in peace. I hope the gunman got thrown into the locker after being interrogated and psychological observated. Can't understand how someone can be so narcissistic that they think they have the authority to end someone else's life.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,024
    edited November 2022

    While I absolutely agree that this alone is very unlikely to fix someone, we see this all the time the other direction and given the father's reaction to the shooting (If you haven't seen it, the cliff notes is that he was horrified...that it might have meant that his son was gay), this particular shooter may have not been savable. But we see this kind of thing all the time with Racism and Sexism and whatnot where sometimes a kid/teen sees a video from some crazed dude spouting about how X is evil and they fall down the rabbit hole. Very few people just become horribly racist/sexist/uh...gayist? What would be the word for this against gay/lesbian people? Anyway, very few people start off at 100, they have something that sparks them and it builds from there. Something like this, while a tiny little baby step of a baby step, could just as easily be the beginning of the rabbit hole for someone else.

    It's never going to be something we can objectively quantify because how do you quantify the tiny butterfly flap that might be the first steps to someone being a kind and caring person vs a crazed person who decides SOMEONE has to take action against those evil groomers but if it even stops one person from taking that path, it's 100% worth it.

    (then this isn't even getting into those situations where someone raised in a "NO SON OF MINE IS GOING TO BE GAY!!!!!!!!" households where they might feel a little less alone to see a story like David's and decide that maybe it's not so bad to be different)

  • SmokeTheScrapper
    SmokeTheScrapper Member Posts: 42

    I agree with you there. And since the new day has already started I better get some sleep and have a butty and brew before commenting anymore.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,343
    edited December 2022

    trans/queer/inter/aro/ace isn’t anything new at all, it’s just getting now more and better accepted and acknowledged.

    Post edited by entertainment720 on
  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Is this a copypasta

  • emily_vixture
    emily_vixture Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for sharing you story to everyone hope you day will continue to go well for you a long with everyone

  • Dead_by_David17
    Dead_by_David17 Member Posts: 74

    Beautiful story, they're still pandering/not doing enough tho

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,605

    How do you simultaneously pander to a specific audience while also managing to not do enough?

    The definition of pandering is "to gratify or indulge", so they can't be both pandering and not doing enough simultaneously.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,380

    If I had to hazard a guess, I'd suspect that they'd prefer BHVR go "all in" and make a new character part of the LGBTQ+ community, rather than reveal one of their pre-existing characters was LGBTQ+.

    I truly don't know enough to have an educated opinion, but for what it's worth, to me it'd show they are willing to take a possible financial hit in order to further ally themselves with and show support for the LGBTQ+ community.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,605

    Oh I'm firmly in the camp of them doing not enough, but that's still not pandering because by definition it can't be pandering.

    I want them to both make more characters LGBT+ and make more LGBT+ characters.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,343

    How do you simultaneously pander to a specific audience while also managing to not do enough?

    i thought/hoped they were parodying the people that were never satisfied either way as would find something to complain (either pandering or not doing enough) anyway

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,343
    edited December 2022

    it’s obviously something many people like, support and want to see, not only the devs/mods. It serves as a statement that people from the LGBTQ+ community are welcome here and in the game community as a whole.

    if not for fictional characters, how would representation work otherwise? This is the whole point of representation in media like video games - and heterosexual themes have been part of video games and fictional characters since they exist.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,343

    Love how my posts in this thread seem like I make random arguments for representation because the posts I reply to get deleted 😅

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,340
  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,340

    The only posts that get deleted are those that break the forum rules.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,605

    Quite frequently because sadly a lot of this thread didn't get the memo that being homophobic isn't allowed here.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    It's so sad that some people normalize their irrational hate to the point that they just vomit it everywhere and then act like THEY are the victims when taken to task.

    It takes 0 effort to let other people be themselves, yet some people just...can't do that.

  • healsoflove718
    healsoflove718 Member Posts: 81

    This is really awesome, I main David/Yui & didn't even know David was gay. I'm not much into the lore but I find it interesting that he is gay, I'm gay as well, haha.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    I am not in any way a person that gets involved in any type of social movement or cause.

    That being said it is not why most people assume, I have and always will have a "live happy and don't stop others from or judge others for living happy" mentality.

    But as a person that just passively excepts all walks of life (exception being if you're living happy at the expense of others happiness), and doesn't actively engage one way or the other in the societal debates. This story was AMAZING because it did help you live happily because you knew if a character was made in with so many uncanny similarities to you... Then you knew people DID understand you. Which seems like something you needed some validation on to be happy.

    This story may counter every argument on the community toxicity that's so widely claimed... I think one person finding a connection in game that helped them live happy beats 20,000 posts about how tilted people get in game.

    And as someone whom usually avoids responding on social matters.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • RedRabbitGX
    RedRabbitGX Member Posts: 26

    I'm very grateful you shared this story to forum

    Bro you just like David King irl, no kidding lol

  • MaxSubtlety
    MaxSubtlety Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    I see that this is an old thread, but I just wanted to say that I really appreciated reading it. I'm not very well versed in the lore of DbD (I'm pretty new), and I didn't realize David was gay, but I think it makes his character that much cooler. I, however, am just appreciating it from an outsider's perspective; I'm overjoyed that the character had such a positive effect on you. I wish you all the luck, and congratulations on being your true self!

  • DrewCarn
    DrewCarn Member Posts: 12

    This was such a heartwarming read, thank you for sharing your story. 100% agree Behavior did something really important for the community ❤️

  • Tantamountain
    Tantamountain Member Posts: 38

    If I made a post about how much I love women upon discovering that one of the DBD characters was a heterosexual woman, would that get pinned to the top of the forum? 🤔

  • Rastabooze
    Rastabooze Member Posts: 132

    This thread shows impressively, that many people are highly dependant of external attention. What about people in wheelchairs, handicapped people, poor people, people of the lower class...? There are so many people out there who manage to gain their confidence from themselves. They train pure internal love and confidence. When you need something in the outside to make you feel better/accepted, you will always be dependant and you will always feel an inner deficit.

    I like the story here, but true love and compassion for yourself is untouched by external encouragement and attention. Otherwise you will always lack something, especially when you are confronted with criticism or you don´t get that popularity.

    Representation is important, but not the gate to stable happiness

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,343


    but not all people you are listing here are just happy the way they are, are they? Especially people with disabilities, in wheelchairs etc may struggle with their confidence or something and would actually benefit from good representation. Which isn’t a bad thing at all

    when you just are different than the „norm“ you may feel this, they may make you feel this, purposefully or not, and representation in media can help here without resulting in the dependence you are describing. No one said it would magically make you happy just on its own as well..

    This thread shows impressively, that many people are highly dependant of external attention.

    literally nothing in this thread even lead me to think anyone here is highly dependent of external attention? Are you sure it’s not something you just assume here?

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,576

    Uhm can I ask how anyone's sexuality in this game has been established?

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,318

    From the character’s bios and tome stories. David’s second tome story mentions him being unhappy in a forced hetero relationship, alludes to real life use of f-slurs in rugby that greatly offended him to the point of physical aggression which got him kicked out, and the fact that the entire story is about him coming to terms that he needs to let the love of his life, a guy, go.

    (admittedly, it’s been close to year that I read the story, so I likely got some details wrong.)

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,527

    How he was blunt? He just expressed his opinion about this thread without insulting anyone (unlike you)... Now even the freedom of speech isn't allowed?

  • Outcast
    Outcast Member Posts: 35

    This is a heartwarming story, but I dont think it outweighs having deadhard in the game....delete David and his perks pls

    (I can't even troll without a disclaimer...this was such a sweet story <3)

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,087
    edited March 2023

    People, a year later, still question and argue why representation matters in DBD. This post is not only one of few positive posts on the forums it also explains why representation matters. For those that are new to the forums that are questioning why representation matters the post is pinned to the top so it is easy for them to find.

    If you don't like seeing this post, or any post, that's pinned to the top of the forums you can "dismiss" it. Just click on the 3 dots up top and then dismiss.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,343

    It’s been explained in the thread multiple times why this post stays pinned. Just ignore it, really, it is that simple.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,605
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,605

    I'd argue that given the state of media and the world as a whole currently, representation is more important and relevant now than it was a year ago, and subsequently it deserves to remain pinned.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,087

    I explained why this post has been pinned for a year which includes why it's still relevant but you chose to ignore the explanation and rather just focus on my saying "representation matters" 3 times.

    You also seem to ignore the fact that you can dismiss pinned posts. If a pinned post is not something you personally care about you can dismiss it to remove what you consider "clutter" from the top of your feed.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,605

    "What would you pin instead?"

    "Things that are currently relevant, otherwise it becomes a cluster of pinned posts."

    "I'd argue representation is still currently relevant, maybe even more so than when the post was made"

    "Representation or relevancy was not mentioned in my argument"