Survivors Average BP Gains Should Be Increased
That's all. Even with the bonus at 100%, I still find Survivors who often get less than I would if Killer had no bonus.
The BP discrepancy should be reduced, is there any reason why it shouldn't be?
At 100% bonus on killer, I make double to triple what I make on survivor with bonus. It’s actually crazy.
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It doesn't help that killer gets all their points just by playing the game but survivors are reliant on the killer to get their points (like if the killer is bad at chasing, you're not getting Altruism because there's no one to heal for example).
I've gotten the max BP (or damn close to it) as a killer a number of times. Even my very best survivor games usually cap at about 32000 BP. I can pretty reliably get 32K as a killer just playing an average game.
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You get points for interacting with the Killer, if you get less chases then by what right should you have equal bps to someone who does all the work in the game?
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Agreed and it’s the reason I’m playing more killer at the moment.
Every killer needs a score event which adds to survival points. Dodging hatchets, Dodging rushes, Dodging blinks, Setting off hag traps while she’s chasing someone else etc
You should also get altruism for each teammate that escapes the match say 1000 points
Solo gens are the main one though. 1250 is too low and needs to be 2500 imo
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It's so hard to get decent BP as Survivor. It's dependant on things often out of your control.
I just think it'd be a decent QoL thing that would also probably encourage people to play games out a little more
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Who said anything about interacting with the Killer?
This is about Survivor bloodpoint gains and how they are not equivalent to Killer at ALL
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I still think all living survivors should get a score event any time a gen is completed, regardless of what they're doing.
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I use prove thyself and usually coh to maximise my bp as survivor. I reliably get over 20K bp but still less than usually on killer 25-35K bp. But survivor matches are usually lot quicker so there is that you can play even two games in same time while you play only one killer game. For me killer sacrifice category is problem how are you supposed to maximise that?
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This is about Survivor bloodpoint gains and how they are not equivalent to Killer at ALL
Indeed and people chose to not engage with the Killer, you get more points for engaging. Its a choice mate.
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I think it's some combination of sacrifices during EGC and moris
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Since you give the example of chase: Killers not having TR, using oblivious add-ons, having a power that doesn't count as chase or having semi-distance insta-downs/forcing to trade is not a choice. Mate. -- All of this results in ash or bronze emblems in the chase/stealth category.
Exposed and/or broken focused killers/add-ons effectively take away the half altruism category.
Survivors aren't supposed to reliably escape - which means there goes the survival score category as well.
As a survivor you are reliant on a large number of factors not just out of your control but directly within the control of the killer to get your points. (Not necessarily because the killer wants that but because that's how the game works.)
that being said; just generally increasing points is probably not the way either. Instead, introducing more score events / reworking things like chase/stealth to not rely on the killer's terror radius and altruism being more than unhooking and healing is probably a better way to go.
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That's....actually false.
The KILLER chooses to engage. I can't get chaser points if the Killer refuses to chase me.
However, this isn't about that. It's about survivor bp in general. You get little from gens, little in Survival and Chaser is entirely depedant on the Killer.
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Completely wrong, you can get loads of chase by preventing the Killer in getting the other survivors.
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POV: You try to bodyblock the cloaked Wraith to get BP
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Agree, there should be some sort of "focused" bonus if you find yourself in a game where you are the one doing the majority of x(gens, unhooking + healing, getting chased, etc.) That is a BP multiplier or just some flat bonus. Sometimes you end up being the gen jockey or the killer is tunneling you and you don't have a chance to do much of anything else.
I do like the idea floated above about certain events giving the entire team blood points. Each X that happens, all survivors not directly involved in X get Y% blood points(unhooking, gens completed, idk what else)
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Hard Agree.
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right... you get more points for coop .but Ill be on a gen and other survivor walk right past me. so I do a 4 solo gens and finish at the bottom. Doing a gen solo should get more bp. one of the main objectives to get through the match.
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wow a single killer not playing the game has invalidated my point so anyway, yeah. Engage with the Killer to gain bloodpoints.
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In general, all of my 'good' games, as survivor or killer, that involve a lot of variety in actions, where I/the killer don't camp and tunnel, multiple hooks are made, and regardless of escape/kill ratio, all of these games result in fairly equal scores between all players, survivors and killer. Because survivors are making multiple hook saves, multiple heals, and repairing multiple gens.
The cases where killer score dwarfs the survivors scores, is usually when camping and tunnelling are in play, or when the killer dominates the game and kills everyone too quickly at like 4/5 gens left, or when a player DCs/ragequits.
In the cases where survivors get low scores because they're eliminated quickly, it's a sad result, but it's not strictly 'unfair'. If you played for half the time, and only got half the score, so what? It's proportional. You get to the next game quicker where you can earn more BP.
In the cases where survivors get low scores specifically because they were camped, tunnelled or sandbagged, it's absolutely 'unfair'. It might be a quick game, but it may also not be a quick game, and either way, the low score will feel unjustified.
Increases to all BP gains on average, across the board, isn't the answer, as it would just end up giving survivors unearned higher scores in the 'good' games, which leaves the killer feeling hard done by for playing fairly. Instead, what there needs to be is additional score events in certain instances that mitigate the unfair 'loss' of BP when survivors are camped/tunnelled/sandbagged.
For example:
- 1000 Distraction BP score in the 'Objective' category, for each generator completed while you are; in a chase, or on a hook with the killer within 32 meters.
- 500 Distraction BP score in the 'Altruism' category, for each health state gained by another survivor while you are; in a chase, or on a hook with the killer within 32 meters.
This would mean that even if circumstances beyond your direct control prevent you from taking actions in the Objective and Altruism categories, you can still earn a varied score and get fair compensation for your role in distracting the killer from your team mates.
Additionally, this would encourage survivors who are camped/tunnelled to 'hang on' for longer, in order to gain more BP and give their team a better chance.
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Hard agree. Something like giving 1000 survival points when a gen gets done (5000 for all 5 gens getting done + 5000 for escaping). Maybe everyone gets about 500 Altruism points when someone gets safely unhooked. Just something so it doesn't feel like a competition between survivors to get bp, and actually have it be a team effort.
While we're at it, I think it should be easier for survivors to pip as well. As killer I can reliable always double pip, if games go amazingly or a single pip of things go ok. As survivor it feels impossible to double pip and even in games I've done well, I barely pip, cus I'm either being chased all game, being the gen jockey, someone gets tunneled out, someone gets camped, someone takes all the hunook etc. It feels like a competition between survivors. Especially at red grade it can feel impossible to pip, unless you go out of your way to try. Since Grade Reset I've already hit Gold Grade 1 killer vs Silver Grade 4 survivor and I've played both equally.
I feel like escaping should be a guaranteed pip and then the second depends on what you did. It feels dumb that you can escape a game and only safety pip.
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I would maybe add a caveat to this that you only guarantee a 1 pip on escaping, if the exit gates were powered.
It's entirely possible to do nothing all game and escape through the hatch or an exit after the hatch has been closed. That's not a 'win', and shouldn't be a pip.
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Hard disagree. Survivors should´nt get more bloodpoints, just because they hug gens harder.
If you interact with the killer/other survivors you´ll get easily as much bloodpoints as the killer. If not more.
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Yeah, that's fair. Then only what you've done throughout the match would count. I mostly mean those games where something out of your control happens, yet you escape through the gates and don't get a pip cus the killers tunneled, camped or couldn't catch anybody.
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You can even do all you could in that match, escape through the gate and still depip 😬
But yes, I agree. - Either escaping is a guaranteed pip or depips get removed. Personally, I'd be fine with both routes.
Good point. - Also that it's not the "escape through exit gates" but "regardless of means of escape so long as exit gates were powered" (Though maybe "if all gens have been completed" since technically the exit gates also get powered if the killer closes hatch --- and if you then use a key to escape through hatch it'd be the same as before)
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Can we increase plague's BP gain while we are at it?
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I play solo and have been in matches with 3 players came in with flashlights and their whole mission was to torment the killer. I was the only player who did the gens and opened the exit gate and the 3 players got more points. had I interacted with the killer no one would have escaped. So because I played with a swf torment team. I get no ultrism points, No killer interaction points , no chase , no pallet drops etc. no coop points... I basically got 2 gens and an escape because I maxxed out my gen points after 2 gens.
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But you maxed out Objective points. Weeee
Tbh, there shouldn´t be a limit per category. So someone who only does one thing, isn´t limited points wise. This would also improve perks and addons that give bonus points. As those max out points to fast.
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I do like the idea of 40k still being the max, but categories are uncapped, so someone who's been chased all game or done all the gens, still get a considerable amount of bp
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Yes. Because sometimes, its simply not possible to do everything. You maxed out points in one category and at least for me, the motivation to keep doing that category goes down.
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Pyramid head invalidates unhook points
Twins invalidate chase points
Plague invalidates heal points
Why are you so against more points in general? Literally nothing bad can come from this
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Come on now, not every down is gonna be a caging and Killers are allowed to be different too. That's what makes the game fun.
More points for no reason that isnt earned is bad cause it isnt earned by playing and engaging the game.
Plus if will give Survivors way way way more points to buy things on the bloodweb with. No thanks to that.
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“Killers being different” is no excuse for certain killers just not giving chase points
There’s already too many items on both sides. It’s not an issue they can and will solve anymore so no harm done
So you’re saying being chased and dodging Victor isn’t engaging with the game then?
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It's very difficult for survivors reach 30K point , you either max escape or bold point . but you will gain decent point once you reach 30K , 100% bonus BP + cake ( if you have ) .
But yeah , most of the time you will only max up the Objective point , can't even max the escape point . cake is depend on the killer's play style , each match's BP is unstable at the moment.
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Yeah, it’s a team effort. Add the survivor points up together and you’re vastly out earning the Killer in BP, yet you’re upset you’re earning less? The game is always rewarding survivor side more BP but because you have to share your acting like Killer earns everything lol. He’s working hard by himself to achieve a portion of BP that a survivor team can earn equally even if they get destroyed, seems unfair to me.
Killers should be bumped up to what survivors get to split. Looks nice to say uhhhh, Killer earns so much, he got 32k BP when my team got
- 28k
- 17k
- 12k
- 7k BP.
Oh wait, so Killer got 32k and survivors got 51k BP? Guess we should bump survivors up with more BP to make it fair? Lol okay…
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There are still chase points to be had, the idea you guys are trying to to put out there is false. Anyone can look avg. chase points vs that and see that people still leave with a substantial amount.
There’s already too many items on both sides. It’s not an issue they can and will solve anymore so no harm done
Wrong, loads of harm is being done.
The Healing Meta is crazy right now. Survivors don't need even more points for Medkits.
Generators are flying by I am seeing BNP very often and twice a game. Survivors don't need even more points for Toolboxes.
Survivors have enough for now and for a long time.
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It is pretty odd. Like yeah the average is gonna be less because the killer is guarenteed to be there for the entire game and survivors can die but even when you compare survivors who escape to killer, killer still usually wins out.
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But... on Switch I put every Bloodpoint I make as killer into survivor. Does that mean my BP gains as killer should be lowered?
Survivor BP gains suck, the killer and my teammates have more control over what I get to do than I do a lot of the time, and if I max out in whatever category I've been stuck in then I often just refuse to do it anymore (which may mean insta death) because it's now become a waste of my time. Other players I know are the same way. It's a bad system.
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If you’re seeing them so often how I’ll more points make it worse? Any survivor worth their salt has all the items they need to be sweaty
The healing meta is stupid but that’s why we nerf medkit not keep survivor points low to “reduce” the number of medkits
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case then ill likely see them even more and used every game.
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Maybe because killer already misses the incentive of playing with friends and is the more stressful, multitasking, micromanaging role?
Survivor have downtime when not in chase, killer is non stop action. Many even listen to music or have a stream open on a second screen (anecdotes from other forum members over the years).
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If the killer sucks you won't get jack for altruism. The only way to get decent points in objective is to run Prove Thy Self. Unless you escape your survival points will be a joke. Boldness is the only category not in a bad spot.
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That has to be the dumbest argument I've ever seen. How many points my teammates get is completely irrelevant. Why would it matter to me if they got 10k or 40k? It's not like we share points post game.
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Every Exposed hit from Killers should grant double Brutality, like Oni's Strike.
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This isn't a meta discussion.
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Quality shitpost
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Its a related topic for sure, You can easily buy meta with bloodpoints. And with more points the problem will become even worse.
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Killer gets more points because killer has to put in more effort. They have to chase all four survivors, hit all four survivors, hook all four survivors, kick all the generators, kick all the pallets, and use their power as much as possible. They get more points because they do more stuff.
If you're having an easy survivor match because the killer isn't good and you don't have enough points, then go mess around. Open all the chests, cleanse all the totems, loop him around for funsies since they're so bad. Wanna let yourself get downed and hooked so your teammates can get Altruism points?
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Thie is not a meta discussion.
This is about equalizing Survivor BP gains.
If you want to rage about the meta, feel free to go to the other numerous posts.
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You shouldn't need to throw in order to get BP as Survivor.
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Nope, like I said. its a related topic. You can buy really powerful thing with blood points.
I am not raging, its clearly issues that affect each other.