Genuine question. Why do you feel the need to broadcast your sexuality to everyone and anyone in a video game? Especially considering I’m sure lots of kids play this game as well.
Gay Men Charm

Ok with the new update u added whole bunch of new Pride Charms but one is missing and its the Gay Men Flag/Charm ik they‘re not officially released yet but it gives u guys the chance to still add it so i beg u pls do it
Fixing this mistake by adding it alongside the anniversary chapter should be doable.
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How do you even get the charms? I got the patch and see the new outfits in store, but I don't see any charms or any codes to redeem them or anything...
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Apparently they already have more to come:
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Genuine question. Why do you feel the need to broadcast your sexuality to everyone and anyone in a video game? Especially considering I’m sure lots of kids play this game as well.
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Uhm. We are talking about a game specifically not meant for kids?
also, just the existence of sexuality / sexual identity is in no way harmful for kids anyway. We are not talking about explicit sexual content here at all.
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I'm sorry how are you more concerned about a child seeing a gay flag than a child playing a game where they're violently killing people and being killed lmao ?
Anyways, if we pretend this is a genuine question: it's always nice to know someone's one of you, some of the most wholesome moments I had in DBD were survivors getting excited because I had gay flags on my hook. Also it's pleasant to know there's bound to be homophobes fuming because they're dying on your LGBT+ friendly hook, or because they can't catch the gay survivor.
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There's new pride charms besides the 2 flags we have and the parrot? Where can I find the codes?
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They will most likely get revealed during pride month?
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oh cool. ty
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Do you think it's kid friendly to murder innocent people in a video game while coming out as gay is the devil's work? However, as mentioned above, children should not play DBD.
Personally, I don't feel the need to reveal my sexuality in DBD to other people BUT if others want to, I'm totally fine with that. It is a way in which new contacts can be made outside of DBD. Where is the Problem?
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Please remember that the charms are available during the Anniversary & Pride Celebrations - also patch notes clearly state that some charms are added, that does not mean all are included.
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Thank you for answering i was just worried❤️
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bro this game is for people that are 18+ i don’t give a damn about the kids that shouldn’t even be playing this game and why do u care about me wanting a charm that includes snd shows my sexuality u don’t need to redeem the code or reply to my post
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This flag is specifically for Gay Men
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Ok thanks for your reply. I just wanted to understand why there’s such an outcry for people wanting to tell me what their sexuality is in the game because for me it’s completely immersion breaking to have sexual activism flags in dbd. From what I can understand people just ‘want’ to and to hell what others think about it. But anyway appreciate your responding.
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Who knows why. I don't understand it myself. I understand the idea of charms and nameplates centered around things like countries, holidays and things within the game that many games have done but a charm based on something that is so personal to an individual is something I'll never understand why people feel the need or want to do.
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Why does it have to be their sexuality? I'm straight, and I use the pride flag tag on some of my characters because I support the community and feel they need to have equal rights. I've got family members and friends that are part of the community. Doesn't mean I'm LGBTQ+ just because I have that flag on my hook.
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Country flags may very well lead to political topics and controversies (see Russia or China and Taiwan) and holidays are often tied to religious beliefs which are chosen and therefor very much very personal for some.
how can you understand including these but somehow sexuality/sexual identity (which isn’t sexual activism) isn’t understandable?
also, heterosexuality as well as cis gender identity doesn’t seem like something people think about as personal when you look at any kind and form of media?
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Usually each color does stand for something specific though in this case it ‚just‘ originates from blue being stereotypically associated with men though it was changed/expanded to include a wider spectrum of hues to not support stereotypes or two genders I guess?
source with plenty of flags and direct color meanings for some (not sure how accurate this is, just Google result):
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That’s very nice of you but my argument is that sexual activism flags are un-immersive for many reasons in dbd. I know a lot of people mean good but I believe there are more consequences to these decisions than what’s been discussed.
Also isn’t Behaviour a Canadian company? Hasn’t same sex marriage been legal these for ages now? So where’s the unequal rights?
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Charms are very small and are placed in a way were they don’t really break immersion that much. There is also plenty of other charms and even skins/cosmetics that might be considered ‚un-immersive‘ by others. I don’t mean to tell you to feel different about these flags - but maybe look at it from another pov and see how this isn’t an argument against them.
as to unequal rights - DbD isn’t only played in Canada and equal rights do not start or end with just marriage. Just look at whatever is happening currently in the USA in terms of anti-LGBT laws…
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The LGB(etc) IS political and controversial, just because you might identify yourself as part of the group (or support it from the side) doesn’t make it any more acceptable than adding countries or religion if that’s the professional standard chosen for DBD.
It IS absolutely activism, whether that’s your personal reason for supporting the group/individuals or not.
If someone wanted to broadcast their heterosexuality in DBD how would they go about that. I could be wrong but as far as I’m aware, no definitive sexuality has been assigned to any other charm or character (other than David) and surprise surprise, it was due to sexual activism.
Just want to quickly note for the record because I understand this is a sensitive topic for some, I’m usually indifferent about all the LGB(etc) stuff and keep out of it, me bringing this up is purely regarding Behaviour and their controversial decisions to bring sexual activism into DBD. If they choose to include things like this, it’s natural that conversations regarding it is bound to happen.
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How is it unimmersive? The storyline is literally people getting ripped from the real world (or whatever world the character belongs to) into the fog. You don't think some of those characters that get sent into the fog are going to be LGBTQ+?
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What “anti LGBT” laws in the US are you referring to? Lol
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Does it really make sense that Michael Myers or Plague or Knight or any other killer or survivor from another timeline would have an activist flag representing sexualities that have only existed in the last few years? If you want to assign them a sexuality in your head that’s fine and that’s for you.
But the answer is no, it does not fit the theme or immersion of the specific characters or overall game. These killers have nothing to do with sexuality and most would historically and culturally be against ssm ftr.
Not to mention the flags that are already in the game stick out like a sore thumb AND it literally has a light interaction that no other charm has if I’m not mistaking making them consequential.
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dont know why this one was not added with this batch since it is probably the largest group :/
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So your argument is, despite humans being in the game, and the story being that they come from the real world, because killers kill people *and YOU FEEL* that the killers would be against ssm these shouldn't be in the game? Sounds a hell of a lot like you're projecting and looking for issues where there aren't any.
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Ironic that I would be labelled as someone projecting my ‘feels’ into the game considering what we’re talking about. Do you really think a High Priestess from BC times would be rocking an activist flag from 2023? It doesn’t make sense and therefore - un-immersive. It takes away the huge amount of work that’s been put into making her feel like she’s from another timeline. Horror is my priority.
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First it was that kids shouldn't see it, then it's because it's a political issue, then it's that it doesn't fit in the game, then when I explain why it would, it's that the characters wouldn't support really, really need to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself why this bothers you so much that you keep coming up with reasons to be upset over it. The charms are so small that you barely see them anyway, so why are you so upset over this? It's certainly not "immersion" as you keep claiming it is.
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I mentioned earlier that there are multiple reasons why I believe adding sexual activism to DBD is not deemed by all as an overall good thing.
The kids comment was just a side note that people latched onto instead of answering the main question being where I asked why he felt the need to broadcast his sexuality to everyone.
I don’t think it’s professional decision making from Behaviour and believe it’s working against the long-term interests of the game but I know they’ll just dig their heels in so I’ll leave it at that, I’ve said my peace.
No hate, have a good one.
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I was thinking of Overwatch when I mentioned the country and holiday flags. They do their own in game themed holiday events such as Winter Wonderland for Christmas. They even have in game voice lines for some characters that say "Merry Christmas." Junkrat comes to mind as one of them. I've played that game since it launched and never heard of anyone complaining about these things in the game. I can understand things like this being represented in games because they easily appeal to a lot of people and are a lot less personal and private to an individual than their sexuality. In fact they aren't even on the same spectrum.
As far as your last statement, I was referring to the idea of having a banner representing it which you don't see in media for everything outside of the lgbt spectrum. This is what I think @Brandon48 was referring to when he mentioned it and I agreed. Its one thing to be inclusive and another to give special treatment in the name of inclusivity. It seems counterproductive to the idea of inclusivity when a community based on gender identity and sexuality is set apart and celebrated in unique ways.
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the existence of LGBTQ+ people is absolutely not political at all. No matter how you wanna twist it.
So it is okay that said priestess has Christmas themed charms or a Gnome Chompski charm or a video tape and so on? You draw the line at these flags?
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Lol? Are you for real?
i am not that much into any details at all, but are you seriously denying that there are laws against LGBTQ+ currently debated in the USA (drag ban, public bathroom usage for trans people, something about education where anything LGBTQ+ is forbidden while heterosexuality gets a pass, and so on)
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LGBTQ+ is an activist group. The more time goes on, the more I see gay people separating themselves from them and realising it teaches them nothing but how to be angry activists. They realise they have ssm and all these other genders and gender dysphoria, mental health issues have nothing or very little to do with them. Equal laws requires equal responsibility to not make their sexuality their entire persona. Behaviour seems a little late on this memo and will continue to pander to activism which will only result in the activists wanting more and more and never being happy (longer than short term praise/confirmation). No issues with the gaes, they cool, but completely over the activism that never does as it preaches, be tolerant or accept others not of their views.
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So it’s just a matter of how many people support it? Or how many people are openly complaining against it?
(also DbD does have Christmas themed stuff so it’s not that big of a deal anyway)
inclusion, representation, and even celebration are important for the LGBTQ+ community because of the harassment and exclusion they suffer from and have suffered for ages. This never happened for heterosexual people and let’s not pretend that heterosexuality hasn’t been celebrated or treated in unique ways in media since forever. The difference is that LGBTQ+ representation doesn’t directly exclude heterosexuality at all, so please don’t start to victimize here.
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Because even though it is a "sexuality" it does not inherently mean it's entirely "sexual".
A lot of the pride flags are a representation of who we love, who we want to be partners with, it's about being with someone you can say "I love you" to, someone you can hold hands with and hug. They are a symbol of self-fulfillment as well, showing that you have come to terms with who you are as a person.
To put it bluntly, it is about relationships and being proud of who you are. A lot of these groups have faced discrimination, including myself, dealing with years of abuse as a result, so I wear these flags with pride, to show that I overcame the odds and that I still have a voice.
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I thought we left that idiocy in the past a few decades ago but here we go again.
Watch out y'all, the gay agenda is coming for you. (If I could roll my eyes any harder I'd do permanent damage.)
Apparently being LGBTQ+ means you're automatically an activist? And LGBTQ+ people just fight for equal rights and media representation because they're just... angry? But don't worry "the gays" are totally cool as long as they sit down, shut up, and be tolerant of others' intolerance.
I could keep tearing down this response for hours but holy ######### is this some backwards ass logic.
How does someone actually believe that a person being gay doesn't make them LGBTQ+? The cognitive dissonance is astounding.
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I hate to bother you, but do we have a specific date that these will be released on OR will they be revealed during the Anniversary Stream?
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That’s a really nice answer and thank you for sharing that with me.
I guess it leads me to ask, how long does the world have to wait until we can go about our lives, including playing our video games, without having to know everyone’s sexuality? When does it end because I keep seeing things like: ‘it’s doesn’t stop here’, ‘we’ve only just begun’ etc etc and there’s a new gender or something to ‘fight’ for every week. It’s like bruh, I just want to play a horror game without having to know anything about the people I’m killing or being chased by lol. I hope that’s not too disrespectful to ask after such a nice response from you.
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I could say the same about you regarding cognitive dissonance and btw everyone else does sit down and shut up about their sexual lives. You’ll really only see those conversations between friends etc.
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Well, I can understand where you are coming from, but it mainly hinges on society norms and acceptance as a whole.
The pride flags would not have existed if the LBGT+ community had been provided rights and not faced discrimination; and since we are still fighting for rights, like in Texas and Tennessee (which is where I live, I do not receive many health care benefits for being transfem, just to provide an example), as well as dealing with other misc. discrimination, I would not expect these flags or symbols to go away anytime soon.
Obviously, this isnt the answer you are hoping for. The best you can do at the moment is just ignore the charms or content altogether, realistically, a single charm or cosmetic does not really affect gameplay. In DBD, you can still hack and slash people as Killer without caring about who they are, or run away from a Killer without really caring as well. You can take more extreme route and remove those assets from the game files entirely or replace them in the game files, though be careful doing so since you can be banned by the anti-cheat.
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Inclusion and representation is fine, but celebration of things like gender identity and sexuality seems out of place in a video game. When you go beyond diverse characters and start including the banner of real world movements then people will feel like activism is happening in their games like @Brandon48 mentioned. I understand you feel differently on this, that the cause is more important and deserves to be treated differently, but I don't think video games are the place for it. The communities that great video games build around them is worth celebrating, and that includes everyone.
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Firstly this game is rated M for Mature so kids shouldn't be on it and if that's the case then let's remove any hint of sexuality from anything. You are being extremely vile with your statement and I honestly feel BHVR should reconsider you being allowed in this formum and on the game period.
The words/meaning you're trying to convey is exactly why Queer people are being harmed daily, under this false guise of "protect the children" when Queer people do nothing to harm kids; your statement is evil and very disgusting.
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Mm ok so it seems like it will never stop because it will always change the goal posts and require something different with constant activism. Alright well best of luck with everything and thank you again for explaining things so well :) really appreciated.
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but celebration of things like gender identity and sexuality seems out of place in a video game.
maybe for you but not for BHVR and not for me. You could always give your feedback and stop supporting BHVR if you are against it btw.
also i wouldn’t even call it celebration really, heterosexuality has been prominent in gaming from the very beginning way more.
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I already explained the kid comment being a side comment rather than the actual question I was asking. Read before you try to cancel others hey.
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You explain things so much better than I do haha! I wholeheartedly agree with all of this.
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Being LGBT+ will stop being a big deal when they're fully integrated to society, and homophobia and such are archaic concepts. For eg there would be no need for "coming out" if society stopped assuming everyone is straight by default and until proven otherwise. Activism stops when hate stops, it's that simple. Hope this clear things up.
Also you should probably take your "stop shoving your sexuality in my face" vibes elsewhere. There's been heterosexual content in DBD for years (Wraith x Nurse promotions, mention of Felix' wife, Frank & Julie are literally dating...) you just don't acknowledge it bc you don't mind it, but for some reason don't like seeing LGBT+ content. You don't actually believe tiny flags on a hook are ruining your game experience when you can be chased by a Pink Elephant, hit by a gumball machine or sacrifice people named widly inapproriate or hilarious things. And that's without mentionning the many many charms that are cute and / or funny but not LGBT related which of course you have no problem with, because truly what you want is being allowed to pretend LGBT+ people don't exist.
I'm sorry to let you know the LGBT+ are very present in horror spaces, and are allowed to support eachother and find friends by equipping a silly little charm that doesn't affect you in any way. I promise you if LGBT+ people can live in a world where you can't consume one piece of media, game, ad or literally anything without having heterosexuality "shoved in your face", you'll get over a rainbow flag in a video game.
(side not, LGBT+ people existing is not, has never been and never will be a political statement, no matter how much people like to debate about their rights or very own existence, and a silly video game forum is probably not the best place to discuss these matters)
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I promise you if LGBT+ people can live in a world where you can't consume one piece of media, game, ad or literally anything without having heterosexuality "shoved in your face", you'll get over a rainbow flag in a video game.
Heterosexuality existing in media isn't activism though, neither is a character or story that isn't. The banner of real world movements in media does feel like activism, which is the point I think @Brandon48 was trying to make.
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You are right, it just feels like activism for people full of hatred. It’s not actual activism, it’s just representation.
also remember that the flags are not representing any political movements or activisms per se and are just representing the existent of LGBTQ+ people and just because there is activism that uses these flags doesn’t mean everyone using the flags actually support said (probably extreme) activism.