The Trickster Feedback

dance Member Posts: 75
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

With Update 7.4.0, The Trickster received some updates to his movement speed, Main Event, and various Add-ons. We'd love to hear your feedback below on how The Trickster feels after these changes.

You can read the full details here.



  • dance
    dance Member Posts: 75

    Hiya Aven_Fallen,

    With today's update, it was changed so that he throws 3 knives per second; the ramp up has been removed.

  • dance
    dance Member Posts: 75

    Hi Tatariu!

    If you haven't already, could you create a bug report here, filling in all the required info, so we can look into this? Thanks!

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Just played a game as him and although the increased movement speed felt awesome, Main Event was a real let down. Even without recoil I didn't get much value at all. It was way too short to have an effect or maybe it was just the Garden of Joy being a pain as per usual. The throwing just felt so sluggish and I couldn't do much when a survivor simply turned a corner. I would play more games as him but, if others are struggling with the same issue, then I believe the experience won't change. I'll see how more games play out in the future but I don't know how this update would make Trickster seem more engaging.

  • XenRedspike
    XenRedspike Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2023

    Post edited by XenRedspike on
  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Just decrease number of knives required.

    7 would be enough, so you don't get main event (can keep it for next survivor)

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 697
    edited November 2023

    For people on controller, the removal of recoil is definitely an improvement (the recoil was almost inconsequential on M&K anyway after a couple games and the removal of recoil makes little difference when using M&K).

    The higher number of knives (only 2 more) needed to injure only really hurts Trickster's lethality until people truly get used to Trickster, two more knives (especially with no recoil which makes it much easier) is not a big difference unless the Survivor has a way to suddenly leave a loop, break line of sight, and get enough distance to get the laceration meter down (something made harder by the movement speed increase.).

    The Main Event change (along with the related add-ons) from the PTB was necessary as it was completely overtuned. Despite the number of blades needed not being much higher at least the infinite ammo build is dead and his camping potential went down a bit. However it's still a bit too abundant even if the ability's injury potential itself was nerfed substantially. It honestly felt better on both sides to have Main Event be a rare but very dangerous thing if used correctly. In the previous version, Trickster could potentially down two or three people in seconds if Main Event was used at the right moment and it could all but guarantee a down on a single Survivor when used in the open, but it was a rare thing and the Trickster had to use his power a lot to trigger it. If anything the only change I would've made to Main Event was to be able to use it whenever you wanted after landing the required number of blades without being on a timer before it resets without having gotten the chance to even use it, making the Trickster able to save that Main Event until the right moment (although it should be limited near a hook as it is a very powerful camping tool).

    The movement speed increase was quite frankly a bad change as, like all projectile Killers (except Artist for some reason, she should be 4.4 in my opinion), Trickster doesn't need to close distance to injure/down Survivors and making him 4.6 effectively removes the only solid counterplay Survivors had in (certain) loops since the Trickster can now simply brute-force a basic attack much quicker if the loop doesn't allow for easy knives. In most of my chases I end up injuring/downing people more with basic attacks than my power which is odd for a projectile Killer. Even when out of ammo I never really feel the need to drop chase to reload even when in a decent loop like before since without a strong pallet/strong window it's simply more efficient to just swing at the Survivors.

    Other than that, most of the changes were good, slower throw rate increases accuracy and makes ammo easier to conserve to compensate for slightly slower injuries and add-ons were reworked pretty well to account for the changes.

  • Untterevil70
    Untterevil70 Member Posts: 3

    Look trickster got some excelente buffs but the slow throw rate is so bad, and the laceration in 10 seconds is really frustrating, i think is better make him throw the blades faster and have more blades like 50

  • SirIronsword
    SirIronsword Member Posts: 1

    Hi there! I just wanted to leave my feedback on the trickster change! I played the PTB and I played him today. On the PTB the changes felt really strong! Like Really Really strong, to the point where I was like oh yeah they should probably shift this a little. Then I saw the changes going live today and on paper it still sounded good. I love the new main event! I love it a lot! Before when I would play trickster I felt like I would get it maybe 3 times a game and every time I was in a situation where it was basically useless to me. Now I feel like it's a fully integrated part of his kit and I want to use it all the time! The speed boost and the recoil removal are also both great! Aiming with his knives feels different now and I feel a lot more comfortable doing it. My big problem is he just feels kinda bad in most chases. The combination of having to hit 8 shots to fill the laceration meter and the laceration meter going down so fast is just tough to play against. I was never able to just down someone with the knives today. I always had to use a knife and bat combo move to down someone, and most of the times using my knives just didn't feel like the move. I think he either needs to have the speed of his knives brought back up, or the number of hits needed lowered. Honestly even 7 would feel better, but 6 would be nice. Maybe like 3.5 knives per second is the move? I'm not sure, but currently I can't really play him. I love the trickster and I always have, so I'm hoping you guys can just tweek him a little bit one more time to get him perfect. I know that he's almost there and I appreciate the changes you are making! He was pretty basic feeling before, and the new main event has already made him so much more interesting! He just needs to feel a little less sluggish.

  • The knife throwing speed has been slowed and increased by the number of knives needed to do damage, so it is clearly weaker on terrain with tall obstacles, minus the faster footing. In strong terms, there is no need to use the Trickster.

    In addition, his main event projectile speed is also very slowed down, making it useless to trigger it on anything but the most open terrain. he was certainly too strong in PTB with certain add-ons, but even so, his weakness in this implementation is just too much.

    This is the same process as when the hillbilly was nerfed. When management makes a change by calling it a profound adjustment, it is only a convenient adjustment for those who do not normally play killers.

  • TheRisingFlame
    TheRisingFlame Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    The lower fire rate due to the removal of the ramp up combined with the extra 2 knives required to inquire makes tricksters power a lot weaker. 

    The added speed to trickster is really nice however due to the fact that he needs more knives to do damage he will use more in a chase meaning he will have to reload more which slows him down. 

    The extra knives needed to down a person combined with the reduced decay delay makes it more frustrating to run out of knives mid chase. 

    Main event does not seem to increase your throwing speed (potential bug) so all it really does now is save ammo and slow you down which makes me feel like I need to rely on my base power in order to keep up. Which deters me from using it and makes the increased knife requirement issue more apparent. 

  • blackjack5130
    blackjack5130 Member Posts: 7

    only feedback I have regarding the changes is

    as a whole his power feels weaker and more frustrating than ever to use, main event is still useless outside of the case that I need one extra knife for an injure/down

    the movement speed is a welcome change its kinda all he really needed if I'm gonna be entirely honest since his release.

    why keep the increases in knives needed for an injure and the lower time for decay to occur if the knife throw rate wont properly be adjusted for it

    a healthy in between for throw rate from ptb to current live build would have been perfect or maybe even slightly slower than that of ptb like 3.75 knives a second or even 3.5 I was particularly excited for this patch since the buffs he received on ptb made him fun to play but I am finding it incredibly hard to even enjoy matches as the trickster. I dare say prior to the changes he was better then than he is now

    overall it was one good change and several bad ones at least chucky is fun when the camera doesn't bug out

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited November 2023

    I think the throw speed ramp up should be brought back at least to an extent.

    Main event throw speed should be buffed or reverted if it's not currently bugged.

  • jmoyano92
    jmoyano92 Member Posts: 82

    4'4 Trickster was more deadly and better than this new version.

    PTB Trickster was op. Live Trickster (current one) feels much weaker and boring than both PTB and Old versions.

    Personally I'd prefer the old trickster (6 knives & 4'4) with some tweaks to main event (the old trickster's real drawback)

  • jmoyano92
    jmoyano92 Member Posts: 82

    Also with the current change to 8 blades -> health state, I feel like I down people much faster by doing basic m1 attacks, which is bad and boring. So he should stick with 6 knives -> health state for sure.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,641

    Honest first impressions : His power definitely feels weaker. I have to agree with endzej's assessment in that he feels weaker in exchange for being 4.6m/s. The trade off is probably not worth it honestly.

    But i don't think the update is all bad. No recoil is still very nice, and i think the current throw rate and laceration meter and laceration decay values definitely feels a lot more fair to survivors.

    I think it's important that BHVR does further changes to address current frustrations without un-addressing the problems that have already been addressed.

    I would look at maybe increasing his movement speed whilst throwing knives, maybe increase the amount of knives he starts with, look at making it faster to change to throw state etc. Just make him feel stronger to play without making him feel more oppressive.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,484

    I agree with every word, but especially with ricochet basekit, I think about it for a while too. It really makes him more interesting and skill depended.

  • janeobviouslydoe
    janeobviouslydoe Applicant Posts: 9
    edited November 2023

    I'll preface this by saying I am by no means a trickster main, just an occasional enjoyer. And this "buff" feels characterless and clunky. The combination of the reduced throw rate, sooner decay, and the increased laceration meter feels incredibly slow paced and quite bad in chase. The new addons are also uninteresting compared to their previous forms, especially Iri Photocard and Death Throes Compilation which both felt rewarding and with more character before the change. Overall, the nerfs definitely feel like they outweigh the buffs and he has very much lost his previous identity. He now just feels like another M1 killer with slight flavour and I would much rather the old 4.4m/s killer as he was.

    Post edited by janeobviouslydoe on
  • bunbun
    bunbun Member Posts: 416

    It used to be a killer that required the most precise operating techniques, but it has transformed into the M1 killer, which only feeds on artist-like power.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,685

    I want everyone to remember BHVR's vision for the Trickster update, which is "The Trickster’s fast-paced attacks are what set him apart from other ranged Killers, so we wanted to focus on this rapid fire ‘machine gun’ gameplay for this update. We asked ourselves: What’s better than throwing a bunch of knives? Answer: Throwing even more knives." And everyone should honestly ask themselves, "does the current Trickster meet this goal"?

    The biggest problem is that the removal of recoil doesn't justify the other nerfs. Yes, it's nicer for console to have zero recoil, but against survivors that are micrododging, trying to rapid fire knives (without main event) is a good way to run out of knives early. Even with the nerfed max throw rate, I'm often still throwing knives one at a time, or in bursts of 2, to try to catch the micrododging, which means I'm just flat out punished by this whole rework.

    Suggestion: Main event is so underwhelming now, that we should be able to have main event activate at 4 knife hits, because main event throws knives so slowly right now that it's literally only good for the unlimited ammo now. And I'd rather have "much more main events", so I can have "much more knives", and if that requires a weak main event that's only good for the unlimited ammo, then that's the best solution.

    The only way for Trickster to meet the goal of "rapid fire" gameplay, is to have way more main events than he has on live, due to the fact that rapid fire outside of main event is often not good, even with zero recoil.

  • LordHeXaGoN
    LordHeXaGoN Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2023

    He feels so slow at his power, it was like blender on ptb, but now it feels awful to throw the knives. 4.6 with awful than before ability.(for himself in a bad way)

    It was good balance on ptb, all u have to change is his main event. Nothing more. Cuz 8 knives at 3per knife per sec throw speed, hmm, 5,3 ENTIRE seconds without fail, thats feels wierd to do.

    Old trickster felt best in a close distance, cuz his knives do a thing!

    Now everybody can outrun them and u cant do anything about it!

    AND YEAH main event lose it efficiency, cuz it also throwing slower!

    I forgot about addons/ its odd real odd.(Almost every addon is useless, exept speed in the ability and reload speed.)

    Plz, give him old throwing speed with acceleration, or at least down Laceration to 7 blades.

    I hope changes will be soon! If it wasnt we will have situation like with legion after his first "rework"! If character after buff lose efficiency and people say that his powerless u need to listen to them/ Or u just left it like it is , as always did...

    Post edited by LordHeXaGoN on
  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    After some gameplay I feel like trickster hasn't been changed enough to become his own character, instead of rapid fire huntress more room for skill expression in a different way with fast reaction speeds and good aim it just feels like slower easier to pick up huntress, 2.66s to injure a survivor vs 1.25s but no real refractory time between shots so every miss is just another .33s to try again, and as opposed to what it used to be of ~2s and 1.25s it just feels boring even up close at that point you just m1 and what's the point of a ranged killer if you don't want to use your power 24/7. I think the movement speed buff is ok because it does counteract the pain points a bit of long tiles with no line of sight but since the amount of knives to injure has gone up to 8 and the throw speed is capped at 3 you still have to do about as many loops as before squeezing in knives when you can, as a killer he just doesn't feel fun to play separate from huntress.

  • Conour
    Conour Member Posts: 1

    Trickster after these changes genuinely feels clunky and miserable to play as. A throw rate of 3 knives a second combined with the need to hit 8 knives for an injury makes tricksters m2 feel pointless and unfun to use. The knives feel even worse to use than before. Combined with a laceration decay time of 10 seconds, it feels as though a lot of my work dissipates very quickly if the survivor finds cover in a high wall loop or any main building. Main event currently feels like a waste of time, there is no accelerated throw rate (I'm not sure if that is a bug) which renders main event pointless, although you get it after 8 knives, what is the point if it is countered so easily by taking cover? Furthermore, its lack of lethality has made it useless at punishing excessive altruism, at most you get an injury for punishing a survivor for over-stepping the boundaries. No recoil is a nice change as is 115 movement speed, however being 115 has not made up for the downsides of these changes. The result of this rework has simply been turning the trickster into a basic m1 killer who uses his knives to zone, which further encourages non-interactive W key gameplay.

    Changes I would suggest is to buff Trickster's throw rate back to its PTB number of 4 blades a second, to keep up with the need for 8 blades to injure survivors. Secondly, I would like to see main event's lethality bumped up in return for it being a less common occurrence. I think main event occurring every 12-15 blades with a spike in its throw rate and duration would make it a more punishing special ability whilst also keeping it in check, I do not see the need for main event being available for every chase, loop design is inherently against the design of main event by nature, make it a punishing tool against excessive altruism. Lastly, I believe the laceration decay timer could be looked at, or possibly alter the numbers of Ripper Brace to an increase of 5 seconds from 3 seconds, to make it feel more impactful if you aren't willing to touch the laceration decay base-kit. 

    I do appreciate your attempts to improve Trickster, notably for console players. However, these changes have severely missed the mark. In his current state, I do not feel any incentive to play Trickster, as his core mechanics feel ruptured and altered in a manner which I find sluggish and unfun to play. 

    Thanks for taking the time to read this. <3  

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    What is there to say?

    I didn't like to play him much before.

    No I don't want to touch it at all.

    Mission accomplished I guess?