Generator System Feedback



  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 761

    Why not make the gens change their positions ech other after a mount of time. Starting this feature when 4 gens already done? For example. U have 3 gen, if anybody work in that gen, the gen stays there, but, every i dont know, 2,3 minutes, where nobody is touching, every gen without anybody working swap their positions with the other gens, included completed gens. This method will destroy tri gen because could put 1 gen in the otherside of map. But i sustend my real opinion. Give a decent change to Skull Merchant and the peace will be restore.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    I don't play any more, but reading this thread just screams solution that nobody mentioned and quite frankly I wonder why that is.

    No killer has problem with the limitation if he does not bring regression perk OR if he does not excessively 3gens. So why do perk regressions count toward the limit? Make it so that only kicks count towards regression events

    (and you can even lower the number of required events to 6 and it still should not be problem - I am not saying you should - as I said I am not playing the game any more so I have no idea in practical terms, but it seems to me 6 should be enough in this case. At least I never kicked single gen more then 4 times when playing killer for as long as I can remember, but it's true I never played chess merchant or other kicking killers).

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094

    AND it should still allow a kick after the 6 but do no kick damage so they can still use kicking non-regression perks (though trail of torment will still be perma-disabled...)

  • poujh
    poujh Member Posts: 170

    the 3gen system is good. i don't think i've had a single gen blocked by it since the update and i haven't changed how i play. good job bhvr !

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited February 2024

    The sound effect when you kick gens is really annoying. Please remove it.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    The visual/sound effects around the generators to warn you about regression events I feel like start appearing way too early and the sound is kind of loud.

    Other than that and the issue I mentioned in my previous post regarding survivors being able to prevent the killer from kicking a gen (which should be addressed), I think the system is fine. I don't 3 gen and have not ever reached 8 regression events on 1 gen. And the buffs to regression are nice, kicking a generator actually feels like it's worth it in normal gameplay now without gen-kicking perks, both because of the 5% and the gen-tapping removal. I have definitely noticed a difference on both sides with this.

  • Rumble
    Rumble Member Posts: 121

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 385

    If it is determined that gens are getting blocked just by engaging in general gameplay, then it is reasonable that it should only be active during the last 3 gens. However as a trade off for this, it is also very reasonable that they re-add gen tapping to the game.

    These 2 features were clearly designed to work together. The removal of gen tapping making it harder for them to stop regression in your face, leading to additional gen regression events when the killer has to kick it later. It exists to make it fair for killers so survivors can't abuse the 8 event limit. However if this feature only applies during the last 3 gens, then gen tapping should come back. I think between 8 or 12 regression events on the last 3 gens even if survivors can gen tap is reasonable.

    To not make both of these changes at the same time would be shifting the balance around more than the devs are intending.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Kinda an issue is this gen taping feature back fired and made gen kicking perks even worse. I really don't mind full removal of this feature.

    Many survivors already found out, it is possible to work on gen, but never stop it from regressing -> killer can't kick it anymore.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    I still think my idea for anti three gen is the fairest.

    After enough regression events the gens need less and less time to repair (like with brand new part) until it reaches a maxed point (60s).

    This would allow gen perks to work without a limit and it would make breaking a 3 gen a lot easier and still allow to defend them.

    They could also make that it only triggers after a certain time or something and if this isn‘t enough, then they could also make that the gen blocks after more regression or some time.

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 325

    Oh I agree, I meant all of what the new gen update does - including gen tapping.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094

    Yeah this entire concept is just bricked. Just revert the whole freaking thing entirely or only have it affect kicks ONLY, or have it only work once only 3 gens are left and they are in close proximity. This is freaking awful.

  • marche434
    marche434 Member Posts: 2

    Because gen kicking was pointless unless you had gen kicking perks?

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 279

    This video I made covers why this System needs changes, Surge is absolutely ruined with this update and makes the mid gen even easier for survivors to complete because you can't regress it further.

    I shouldn't be getting punished for chasing survivors and getting downs, which is exactly the opposite of sitting at a 3 gen.

    I think surge needs to not count towards this event, and the second explosion of Eruption.

    And also increase the limit to 12 regression events

    OR just do what everyone is saying

    and have it so it only kicks in when there is 3 gens left! Having it for every gen is just lazy design when the problem isn't defending each gen, it's just defending the 3 closest. Stop punishing killers for playing the game.

    This does affect regular gameplay.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I wanted to share that, personally, I haven't encountered any issues with the new 8-regression event system; it appears to be functioning well. However, I've noticed that the Eruption perk seems less appealing now as it triggers two events, affecting its synergy with other perks that rely on generator kicks.

    I believe this new system is a win for both sides in general.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094

    I wouldn't say the removal of all kick gen perks from the game is a win. Survivors just 4% then release then repair again constantly to keep gens regressing at all times if they ever leave so gens can never get popped and such.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    When you mention 'the removal of ALL kick gen perks' could you provide more details or elaborate on how those perks are being removed or made obsolete? I'd appreciate a bit more clarity on this. Thanks.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 863

    It's not even limited to just that oversight.

    Limiting the number of kicks (plus whatever perk the Killer could bring) effectively makes perks like Nowhere to Hide, Surveillance, Machine Learning, Dragon's Grip and Trail of Torment a limited ressource despite not being regression perks.

    Every time the Killer would kick a gen in order to gain stealth or take the gamble that a Survivor is close enough to see their aura (assuming they are not running OTR or Distortion) then they have to consider if it's even worth it since it will take 1/8th of their total regression events which can be vital later on.

    If too many kicks/events are used mid-game, it's not uncommon that at least one of the last gens is almost out of regression events, making the 5th gen very hard to defend since (especially for slower/weaker/M1 Killers that can't afford to go too far) they have to prioritize the defense of that particular gen.

    The idea behind the system is decent but it kills perks and Killer variety and viability as well as essentially punishing Killers for defending the gens mid-game or using certain perks. If at least it only activated during the last gen then it would be actually an Anti-3-gen system.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498
    edited February 2024

    I understand your point now, and personally, I haven't experienced this yet. I'd like to get your perspective on how efficient you believe this strategy would be for Survivors. While it might annoy the Killer, constantly engaging in such actions could potentially waste a significant amount of your team's time as that annoying Survivor. I believe it could potentially become a lot easier for me to win such a game. I could strategically use perks like Pop or my other gen-perks on the generators they're actively trying to complete, and not the one the annoying survivor is trying to fake regress to get on my nerves with. What is your assessment of that perspective?

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    potentially waste a significant amount of your team's time

    Way less than Pop is going to.

    What is your assessment of that perspective?

    It's better to distance from those perks until this is fixed and simply use base kit value of kicks. Some survivors will try this just to annoy killer, where it is free value for you at that point, because it doesn't deny any of your perks.

    This is going to be bigger issue, when they nerf Grim Embrace and Ultimate Weapon.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,094

    We're not talking about one-off survivors, we're talking about teams who apply it. Even if there is a single survivor using it though, that's still them denying you the ability to use kicks on that gen so as long as they are the ones working on it. If the other 3 survivors want to essentially throw the game by allowing you to pop, of course you're not going to have any issues. We're not talking about game-throwers.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    It feels like and it IS a killer buff. As BHVR mentioned it rarely reaches 8 regression events, so basically free 2.5% more for a kick. Nothing major, but we should call things their names.

    Corrupt intervention is the main 3 gen enabler. It forces survivors to cluster repair gens in the beginning of the match. There is no way around it because its effect is so long.

    Solution 1- make corrupt intervention block random gens.

    solution 2- kill this perk and give corrupt 15 sec basekit, so killers have some time to get a grasp of the map but not too much to force SoloQ to repair gens ina cluster.

  • WhoSoup
    WhoSoup Member Posts: 180

    I've played a bunch of games with the new system now and one thing I would to see better done is the audio feedback warning. When using perks like surge or painres, it's normal to hear the warning sound but it's not immediately obvious how many stacks they're at. The sound from the fourth kick to the eighth kick is the same. It would be nice to be able to tell the difference just by the audio alone of how close a generator is to being blocked.

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 178

    System works fine at combating what it's intended to address and the buffs to kick/regression feels great, although I do have two things to add.

    1. Sound and visual warning shouldn't apply till you kick the gen the 6th time. It's distracting, misleading and it's rather unclear visually and audio wise how close the gen is to being blocked. 6th time should apply it so it can serve as a "3 strikes" you're out type deal like someone else mentioned.
    2. Surge and Eruption are pretty negatively affected by these changes as they blow through your stacks very quickly for not much, so I'd change the way regression events work when perks/add ons apply them. My suggestion would be that any damage from a perk that does 10% or less damage only counts as half a regression event, while anything over counts as a full regression event. Or alternatively, just buff Surge and Eruption to be a little stronger since using up your regression events for 8% and 10% respectively is just not worth it for most players if you don't have the ability to spam them like before. The only times I've hit the gen limit without holding a 3 gen has been when I'm running either of these two perks.
  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    Wait out what? 2 minutes? You must be trolling

    15 sec is enough for numerous aura/scream perks to reveal unsuspecting victims. Without corrupt change it is just a bad form to blame survivors for 3 gen especially in soloq.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Where did you get 2 minutes? I have never said it should be fully basekit.

    Just saying 15 seconds is useless. Most of the times you don't start next to the gen as survivor, so often you would get to gen like 5 seconds left on corrupt? Or whole group can just go hide even if it was a minute.

    Corrupt basekit is not really going to work, if you play against it every time. It's not really hard to counter, at least for SWF. So what is point of change that will be either useless, or issue only for soloQ?

    aura/scream perks to reveal unsuspecting victims

    How exactly that changes anything? Before I even get to chase corrupt is done and what perks?

    Ultimate weapon, which is getting nerf this year?

    Lethal Pursuer, which is weaker Corrupt for most killers?

    Whispers, which is kinda weak on most killers?

    Without corrupt change it is just a bad form to blame survivors for 3 gen especially in soloq

    You know where those blocked gens are, corrupt ends in two minutes or first down. It's not really difficult to think about finishing gen there next... I just see excuses. Everyone knows gens there are not finished and they are close to eachother. So just do it as soon corrupt ends.

    3-gen is mostly gone anyway, because of current patch.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    I am not sure if you understood the gist of my comment. It was about tackling 3 gen at its most common source. Yes, it will force killers to adapt, but current perks offer variety of strong options.

    Ultimate weapon nerf is a speculation. Lethal is a great perk if paired with any other aura reading.

    Corrupt cant be countered by SWF, blocked gen is a blocked gen, and 4 other gens nearby is what you must work with. In a typical scenario 2-3 nearby gens will be worked on. And no they cant wait it out, because at current pace of the game against A and S tier killers it is not an option.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I am not sure if you understood the gist of my comment.

    I don't really care about your reasons for those changes. I am just saying those changes make that perk absolutely garbage and 15 seconds corrupt is useless.

    Corrupt is not main reason for 3-gen. I have yet to see 3-gening killer using corrupt. Maps are reason for 3-gens, not a perk...

    and 3-gen is gone anyway, so I have no idea why you bother with corrupt.