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Is tunneling killing the game?



  • Member Posts: 96

    So are you saying remove points then?

    because I know it will never go away completly but I am sure if there is an incentive, there will be less.

  • Member Posts: 96

    Again, it's not about that...

    it's about tunneling at 5 gens right away.

  • It's not so much tunneling but more of a lack of effort. Matches feel so mindless from both sides.

    Why bother playing a match when you're at a 3 vs 1 two minutes in.

  • Member Posts: 96

    I both agree and disagree with that. At some point there is nothing you can do if a killer keep chasing you since the start, he will finish by catching you. Thanks god if you are god like and wasted his entire time and the whole team did a great job at doing gens, gg. You know as much as me that it's not what is happening.

  • Member Posts: 1,985
    edited February 2024

    We need more perks that encourage killers to go after all survivors and “spread the wealth.” Blood Warden & No Way Out had the right idea. The reward for going after a different survivor other than the last one unhooked, should be a very good one.

    Also, Decisive Strike needs to be buffed back to a 5 second stun.

  • Member Posts: 303

    It's not about free wins. No other strategy feels impactful. Every thing but tunneling has been nerfed into the ground and can't compete against gen rushing. The problem is constant nerfs, and not just for killers. Survivors don't have anything to do but gens, because nothing else feels impactful.

    The solution is not more nerfs, but wholesale buffs to everything. Give hexes a passive buff when they're broken, take it away with pintemento. Let coh self heal, make the self heal immune to all speed upgrades. Make BBQ, thantaphobia, and monstrous shrine good perks. ######### it, make all heal boosts more powerful, but mutually exclusive so they don't stack. Make anything but the current meta useful, because mechanically, tunneling should be the weakest it's ever been

  • Applicant Posts: 49

    There's an easy way to fix tunneling. Give survivors immunity off hook (at least before the gens are completed), but give them a secondary objective to complete to 'return to the game'.

  • Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2024

    You do realize this would allow the immune Survivor to bodyblock with impunity, and the Killer would be absolutely unable to counter it?

    And what happens if a 4-Man SWF decides to all just refuse to 'return to the game'? Now they get to hold it hostage until the Killer ragequits & eats a DC penalty.

    Plus, a Survivor can just stay immune until the best time to 'return', basically following the Killer around & reporting on all his actions over Discord.

    I love how the 'fix' for Survivor 'I lost' complaints is always the equivalent of 'Give Survivors a mechanic they can horribly abuse to avoid losing ever again.' 😂

  • Member Posts: 96
    edited February 2024

    After reflexion, I think we just need a "tournament-like" mode, with the same rules as a tournament, so everyone will be happy, I could try a more "define" mode and other people could keep playing as free as they want with the regular mode:



    • No duplicate perks
    • No items (finders keepers allowed)
    • No offerings
    • No duplicate survivors




    • Green or lower add-ons are allowed
    • Tunneling is not allowed (disable during endgame) : which you couldn't down a survivor after he got unhook without hooking a different one before.
    • Can only slug 1 survivor max (disable during endgame): after u kept a survivor on the ground for more than 15 seconds, the next one you don't pickup in the 5 seconds after your weapon cooldown animation stop, can not be picked up and can recover with and endurance and running speed of 10%, knowing that there is no duplicate perks, you have 1/4 chances that the person also have "unbreakable", to keep it fair, if the survivor in question is using that perk, it would be consume at that moment too.
    • Only allowed a cypress mori.



    Every season the devs could pick 7 maps and 28 possible killers that can be played during that season till next 13th where it shuffles again. For each game that players start, there will be 4 random killers among the 28 possibles, OR it could simply be 4 random killers among all the killers and throw the 28 idea in the garbage.

    IF THAT KIND OF MODE would exist, I'd be very happy, and I'd probably just play this one, because there is actually efforts on both side and it feels more like a chess game than a casual game where killers can just tunnel at 5 gens, and get as much points in 12 minutes or less with an offering.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    It shouldn't be possible for the killer to eliminate a survivor within the first 2 minutes of the match who is actively trying to avoid the killer. This game needs a foundational change to its playstyle and objectives. If you can't even stay in the match long enough to at least safety pip (which shouldn't be a thing) then there really is no point in even playing. And this isn't a skill issue by the way. Its a gameplay and RNG issue. You can't do anything to stop many killers from focusing you down on maps like the farm where most of the terrain is just open.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    This is exactly how it always happens for me.

    I'll play several chill games and win a few. Then I'm suddenly against teams who do gens in parallel while I've only been able to find and get one survivor. They do everything right, they body-block where it counts, ... So I switch gears and I assume from that point on I'm on the sweaty plays levels "forever". (Usually until I'm fed-up and leave the game for a month or two.)

    I'd like to know when I'm going in if I'm going against sweat-lords or against care-bears. That should be done when the match starts to avoid lobby dodging. That'd tell me how sweaty I need to be.

    I don't want to play competitive but I'm very competitive by nature. If I'm being pushed, I react.

  • Member Posts: 156

    This game is just straight up unplayable on survivor side.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Tunneling is definitely not fun to play against. It might be necessary against high level SWF, but it's completely overkill against everyone else. Blame BHVR for incentivizing the most anti-social playstyle. A lot of the negativity in the community is a result of them refusing to make any significant changes to the game. Why does Tombstone piece exist still? Cos Myers is weak and they don't want to rework him. So he gets to keep something that makes matches for survivors absolutely miserable.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited February 2024

    It shouldn't be attached to an "incentive" because many people do it out of spite because of how easy it is to do.

    They could get 1 bil points for not tunneling and they'd still do it.

  • Member Posts: 156

    every single game in a row is literally nothing but camp and tunnel. 100% of all my survivor games. Its about as lame and boring as it gets. Time to only play killer I guess.

  • Member Posts: 81

    I mean, heaven forbid Killers try to win, amIright?

    Survivors can use 12 META perks, be in a SWF, and use Discord.

    They also have BT basekit if 'tunneled', which they abuse to bodyblock, then complain that they can still be downed; A mechanic to self-unhook if a Killer 'camps'; A new mechanic that prevents Killers from kicking gens too many times. All basekit.

    But a Killer trying to secure kills? That's 'lame' and 'boring' and 'killing the game' and 'toxic'! 🙄

  • Member Posts: 140

    I highly recommend a video on YouTube by the name of “You’re responsible for your own fun” by Ken. It’ll explain it better than I can wasting my time typing for oblivious survivor mains

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    It has historically been proven that the carrot approach to tunneling just does not work. The only thing that kept a lid on tunneling was DS with its 5-second stun, coupled with "DH for distance". DH got reworked, and DS got nerfed.

    Tunneling isn't competing with genrushing. Genrushing is a term that gets thrown around a lot to just refer to survivors doing their objective. Survivors are "tunneling generators" if they work on generators that already have progress. They're genrushing, because 3 gens popped in the first 3 minutes and the killer hasn't gotten a down yet (Largely due to poor map design).

  • Member Posts: 81

    Tunneling isn't competing with genrushing

    They are the same thing; Each side trying to win as efficiently as possible.

    Genrushing is a term that gets thrown around a lot to just refer to survivors doing their objective.

    And tunneling is a term that gets thrown around a lot to just refer to Killers doing their objective.

     Survivors are "tunneling generators" if they work on generators that already have progress.

    And Killers are 'Tunneling survivors' if they already hook a Survivor they have progress on.

    So if 'genrushing' is not real, then neither is 'tunneling'.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Agreed 100% it's too common there needs to be alternative way more viable stragedy for killers. But at the moment feels tunneling has just gotten easier and easier. Ds should definetely brought back to 5s with 80s timer.

  • Member Posts: 378

    So when was the last time you saw any survivor at all try to make the game fairer and funnier to play for the Killer?

    Never? Thought so.

  • Member Posts: 378


    I'm just really salty these past days and I resort to basic tribalism when I am.

    I keep being told to play fair, not do this or that, meanwhile all I get in return are survivors taunting me and not a single shred of mercy if I'm struggling.

    Like, you can't expect sympathy if all you do is bully someone in return.

    You can disregard whatever I say honestly it doesn't matter.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Honestly I agree with everything and at this point I should definitely have the same mindset as you do - I mean I've been playing since Huntress or Hag came out. I should be above that. But it still gets to me and I hate it. I don't blame the next team I face but I blame myself for not being good enough.

    To be honest I don't even care about tunneling. The only players are tunnel are the bots - so they're not even players.

    Idk I'm just rambling

  • Member Posts: 96

    I swear to god guys, the moment I played with tournament rules (the ones I said in my Edit #2 of my main thread), the game was so much more fun and it was absolutely not one sided, it was mostly tight. Just because both side were restraint in some ways and actually had to think more than using their au ra perks, or abusing meta perks by having the whole team having the same build or same add-ons, everyone had to use more than the minimum of their god damn brain. It was such a breath of fresh air.

  • Member Posts: 96

    I am not a survivor main, I go where the bonus points are.

  • Member Posts: 156
    edited February 2024

    ^ It's not a us vs them, it's a good game or a bad game. Its simply bad gameplay and needs to be changed for the health of the overall game. Its not about who 'wins' so much as is it fun gameplay, its really that simple.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Member Posts: 937

    Fwiw it made all my friends quit.

    There have been countless suggestions yet no change. No one wants to feel frustrated on either side.

    When I get tunneled it doesnt bother me, it's just boring. I'll turn off the game and do something more productive. Sometimes I don't turn it back on for ages, but who cares tbh lol

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    The problem lies in a system that doesn't harm either side's chances and can't be used as a weapon.

    I remember wanting to drop this game because of the Dead Hard/Decisive Strike meta when I started playing around the Sadako release. I also remember when basekit BT was added and survivors, to this day, still try to use it to bodyblock instead of using it to get to a safe spot. And I'm sure we know the little exploits with the anti-facecamp using killers like Bubba or Wesker to tunnel out someone quickly regardless. The problem with giving survivors or killers too much is they weaponize it anyway.

    I think my favorite compromise was making unhooked survivors 'ethereal' and unable to bodyblock, be damaged, be seen, or do any task for a duration of time so they can safely get to a location away from the killer.

  • Applicant Posts: 67

    The fact that the game is balanced(2dead2alive) even with tunneling.

    That means killer would lose(kill<=1) every game if they are not tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 6,134

    More people need to bring the Babysitter perk. I feel like it's slept on. Someone unhooked me with it and I managed to immediately lose a tunnelling Nurse on Haddonfield of all maps. It's made me bring it every now and then in case the killer comes back to hook for the person I've just unhooked. They usually have no choice but to chase me instead.

  • Member Posts: 235

    Yes!! Tournament mode is all I want. I would play only this mode! I don't mind spending more time in lobby prepairing for the match. Just few comments:

    1. I would change antitunnel mechanic to "Unhooked Survivor becomes invulnerable until Killer HITS another Survivor 1 time". This should be enough IMHO. Otherwise unhooked Survivor would have too much free precious time.
    2. Limited Killers is great idea! I would go with 3 random Killers (from whole roaster) randomly selected before the match + 1 Killer which is set as FAVORITE by the Killer player. That way Killer can still play his main AND survivors will know that they are facing one of 4.

    The rest is perfectly written.

    Devs, please!

  • Member Posts: 96

    I strongly disagree.

    To convince me you need to share multiple games of killers that you struggle against 2 survivors left during a public match as an evidence of your statement lmao, when I say struggle, like you are flawless and you still have issues. I want to see it.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I'm not talking about petty endgame chat. I'm talking about here, on the forum.

    Tunneling isn't thrown around to refer to a killer just doing their objective. It's very specifically choosing to eliminate one survivor as quickly as possible, to the detriment of other objectives.

    Genrushing involves survivors bringing everything they can to repair gens faster, to the detriment of their other objectives. They sacrifice altruism to focus on completing their objective as quickly as possible.

    At no point did I say genrushing isn't real. What I said was that genrushing isn't competing with tunneling. Which it isn't. They aren't the same thing, because while one side is playing normally, the other side is playing as efficiently as possible.

  • Member Posts: 39

    They’ve added so many perks and baseline elements to combat tunneling. At this point it’s up to survivors to play better. Also, your idea of making it impossible to down an unhooked survivor until another is hooked would just be abused by survivors. Look at the built in BT, do survivors use it to make it safely away from the hook? No, they use it to bodyblock for other survivors because they know they are immune to being downed.

    Again it comes down to better play from survivors. You can easily punish a killer for tunneling. Because tunneling typically involves camping too.

  • Member Posts: 1,842
    edited February 2024

    It isn't made-up tripe. Your primary objective is to prevent the survivors from escaping by killing them. Your secondary objective is to defend your generators.

    If the killer tunnels, and gets naught but a 1k, was it not a detriment? Part of tunneling is knowing who to target. If you target the wrong person, you've just cost yourself the match. The only thing that makes tunneling efficient is the payoff of having permanent slowdown.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on

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