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Bleeding Out needs to be adressed.

Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,043
edited April 2 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's extremely time wasting, and super annoying to deal with. Why should I have to waste my time waiting to die just because the killer refuses to hook me. We need an feature that can counter bleeding out.

Not only that, but the perk "Knock Out" literally encourages bleeding people out, this is not a healthy perk design. I'm not saying to nerf it to the ground, it needs a rework instead.

This has been an issue for years, I just want to move onto my next match already.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 733

    Survivors playing in an annoying manner isn't an excuse to let killers do the same. We didn't let killers keep no hook Moris all those years back just cause Survivors could escape through hatch with keys, idk why we should allow such common practices for poor sportsmanship just because both sides can do it. If you want to propose any changes for the issues you mentioned, do it. Don't just use issues the game has to justify keeping others.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited April 2

    And so they introduced finisher mori, the very thing that ACTUALLY stops ONE and ONLY situation where "unneeded" slugging happen.

    But for some reason people complained like madmen, as if they have no tomorrow, despite that system not having any, literally ANY logical reason to remove.

    Well I could be convinced to believe BHVR just couldn't make it look any better so they scrapped it, but if they seriously backed it because of "feedback" that was plain nonsense, it'd be most illogical decision ever.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,253

    I don't think it is comparable in remotely the same degree. First off, Bleeding Out takes 4 minutes, and if you open the gate yourself as Killer it takes 2 minutes max (or if you want to annoy yourself you can make it take double time, but that is self-imposed). Hypothetically you could run into someone who purposely brought Plot Twist+No Mither+Tenacity to troll by hiding in endgame, but then you had a No Mither enemy during the entire match, so I think it evens out.

    Secondly, Bleedouts have no (meaningful) agency. A Killer can force people out for t-bagging at gates, or even get a hook or Kill out of it. A slugged Survivor can't do anything other than prep a 95 for a pickup, or crawl under a pallet. If the Killer is purposely bleeding people out though, there is nothing they can do until they add a surrender feature like opening the gate for Killer.

    Third, too many Killers play like a $5 subway card is on the line, slugging for the 4k, often when they have 0 idea or way of finding out where the remaining Surv is. For anyone wanting to see the Killer's perks/Add-ons/Offering/their friend exit the match (whether they played together in that match or not), they also have to wait through this, even if they died first. This is something that was implemented to prevent SWFs from snitching perks, but then it has 0 reason to exist in soloq, and I would even argue if a Killer can't win a 3v1 with snitched perks they don't have enough skill to win regardless (so it wouldn't affect the outcome). So a Killer can hold a up to a maximum normal 4 people hostage in spirit (Dead Survs A/B who want to see the perks, Slugged Surv C, and Hiding Surv D).

    Finally even if its rare, its the prolonged suffering that makes it so annoying to deal with and forces complains to right this wrong. If a Sweaty Clock SWF rushes a win, they leave the match in ~3 minutes. The Killer can still engage that entire time. The slugged Surv (and waiting lobby Survs [for their casual SWF teammates or perks to be revealed]) has the minimum 4 minute timer, but the Killer could pick up and drop them in a hatch fight and force them to run around or AFK for even longer.

    So in summary

    1. Surrender exists for Killer and not Survivor
    2. Bleedouts deny the ability to do anything (meaningful)
    3. The frequency of slug for 4k is far too high, and may hold 2-4 Players hostage (in spirit) at any time.
    4. The 4 minutes can be artificially extended by picking up and dropping Survs, so you can't simply AFK if the Killer does this to you. (While the Killer can AFK in endgame collapse.)

    So bleeding out is no worse?

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,253

    Bleedouts for 4k: I'm not taking issue with a Killer doing this, I'm taking issue with the post-game screen not giving you post-game info when the game is over (for you). I'm also taking issue with the lack of a surrender feature, as giving up on hook and opening gates are surrender features.

    That "unneeded" bleeding out is the same type of bleeding out that occurs when slugging for the 4k (without intel on the final Surv). Personally I would rate this occurring in my Survivor matches at about 1 in 10, and that doesn't include matches where I died and left before perks were revealed, so the number is likely higher than that.

    Give post-game info in post-game, and give a surrender feature after 5-15 minutes for both sides to safely quit with their BP, and with a static 1m matchmaking block. That way people don't just surrender on sight of their most hated Killer for free, and there still is a reasonable penalty to prevent abuse. It could even be limited to 1/day with an extra prompt on quitting "do you want to use your free quit for the day, although if it were limited like that then I would remove the 1m matchmaking block and just use the normal escalating temp ban (skipping your freebie).

  • PotatoPotahto
    PotatoPotahto Member Posts: 250

    Well, if that's what you want, sure thing. Something like "you're 1 minute on the ground, press X to die" could save a bit of time.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 733
    edited April 2

    Until we have actual data, I wouldn't make any brash assumptions as to which annoying playstyle is more frequent, and I certainly wouldn't use it as evidence as to why another issue should be ignored.

    To be brutally honest, this argument is coming across as less a good faith discussion and more "the devs should change the thing that annoys me more first" instead of discussing something substantiative related to the topic.

    Yes, it'd obviously be great if neither of these issues existed in the first place, but they do. We can discuss how to change them, or we can argue about which side is more entitled to changes first based on our one sided experiences, and quite frankly I don't think that's a very hard choice for me.

    Unbreakable countering bleeding out doesn't really solve the issue of bleeding out, the same way Blood Warden doesn't solve teabagging at exit gates.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    At least suiciding just for hatches shouldn't even be a thing for hooks, that IS stupid.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,802

    while bleeding out is very annoying and time wasting, slugging can be something the killer needs to do in certain situations and giving the survivors complete control over that situation is wrong.

    So some kind of conditional mechanic against unnecessary slugging would be nice (eg two slugged survivors can heal eachother up if they are already fully healing in dying state, or bleed out button but only after 2 minutes which is more reasonable than dying after 4 whole minutes and gives time for killer to use the slug for strategic purposes and have the chance to still hook and not be screwed out of a sacrifice)

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,306
    edited April 2

    All you have to do is make it ban worthy to bleed people out and it will stop in a hurry. It really isn't that hard to determine if someone is doing it for the sake of griefing other players. If all four players are being bled out at different points on the map then it's 100% the killer being toxic. In the case of an individual player you can sometimes tell as well. If someone submits a four minute video of themself being bled out with a clearly visible hook nearby then why is that not bannable? Provided the video also shows them going down. Is the killer humping them on the ground while they bleed out not proof enough?

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    I understand you're sideways advocating for yet another powerful basekit perk, but a faster bleed out option after being on the ground for a period of time is a far less abusable option.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,249

    HHow about this easy solution?

    If all remaining survivors are somehow incapacitated without means to get up, they instantly get entity sacrificed.

    (Escaped, dead, sacrificed, downed, hookstate2)

  • SimpleSage
    SimpleSage Member Posts: 96

    Wasn't the old finisher mori system scrapped because it actually caused slugging to become meta? People realized it was way easier to win if you just slugged everyone (because of the instant sacrifice) vs playing normally and hooking everyone.

    As for an anti-slug mechanic, I would absolutely be down for the ability to speed up the bleed out process. Scott Jund had a decent idea to give survivors tenacity crawl speeds at the cost of doubling the bleed out rate. Heck even if its like the 4% unhook but we can attempt to pick ourselves up.

    As someone who had 3 matches this week where it was a 4 man bleed out because that's how the killers came into the match wanting to play, I will take anything that just lets me go next.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    That's stupid logic because difficulty to slug them all isn't any different with or without finisher mori, that IS the "plain nonsense" and "most illogical reasoning ever".

    Whether it takes 4 more minutes or 0 minutes is irrelevant, win is a win still, but people seriously complained like "AAAAA WHY BUFF SLUGGING AAAAAA" without actually thinking the difference between having finisher mori and not.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,790

    The old finisher Mori system was scrapped, because a bunch of survivors brought stuff like Flip flop, breakdown (or power struggle), unbreakable, tenacity… and were purposely placing themselves in situations where they couldn’t be hooked.

    The main point is that when survivors got anti-slugging, they purposely weaponized it.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,478

    Its not someone eleses responsibility to fix what you do, nor can they be held responsible for your actions ect. - suggesting that is just toxic. - so please stop pushing that on to the killer, this is purely on the survivors.

    Bleedouts take longer, yea sure. But they are really rare, and if the survivors stand at the exit gate to tbag anyway for 80% of the games, who cares?

    Team A drags time from Team B (and have been doing that for a really long time). Now Team B is dragging tme from team A as a consequence of that. And now Team A dont think its fun anymore? - im not sure if i should laugh or cry.

    Also i have had killer games where my only option was to bleed survivors, because they abused game mechanics to make them unhookable.

    That is not considered hostage taking, so quit the over-dramatizations.

    Its kind of tireing that a lot of survivor mains think its ok, and even trying to downplay or even push the responsibility (as you do now) for the exit gate camping to the killer, and over-dramatizatize the bleedouts.

    As i already said, If this is such a big problem, then there is perks to counter it, and if you dont want to "waste" a perk slot for that, then the problem isnt really that big that you make it sound.

    And for the record, no im not a killer main anymore - check my post history if you think i am.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,563

    I don't think they want to make Bleeding Out impossible, just have an option for the Survivor to allow it to go faster.

    If anything that'd alleviate the issue slightly.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,253

    I'm not saying that it is the Killer's responsibility, I'm saying the Killer's max (normal case) victimization is 2 minutes, or shorter if they take the effort. Survivor is 4 minutes, and they NEED to take the effort to prevent it from taking longer (if the Killer shoulder Juggles them during the search). The difference is >2 vs <4. (Although if you want to expand to include Juggling and intentional Plot Twist delays, then it is >4 vs ~28).

    I am saying they aren't as rare as claimed, anecdotally my Surv matches have it happen 1/10 (full on bleedouts, or slug with 0 knowledge for the 4k), if not more. Everyone's experience is different though.

    Team A attacks Team B : This is the bad sort of tribalism we need to move away from. Team A attacks Team B, but then next match Team B takes it out on Team C, so then Team C takes it out on Team D, and continues the chain. If it were in a custom match with friends, and you know you are facing the exact same people every time, then I have no problem with this. The misplaced guilt is what I take issue with. I am for 'matching energy', but taking things out on a different team is just being a jerk, whether I bleedout a team after I faced a clock SWF or bully a baby Trapper after something.

    Only had the option to bleedout: This happens to me in less than 100 games, so anecdotally I'm not sure about this. Sabo plays are really bad right now as I've once sabo'd 3 hooks (the Killer was heading in the direction of) and still failed to prevent a hook/force a drop, although it was RPD to be fair. In a normal match I pick them up and if they wiggle, I drop, kinda point at the nearest broken hook, and they either understand and would rather die sooner, or choose to die in the corner from spite. Dieing in the corner from spite is NOT what people are complaining about, although to be fair, some main brained individuals think slugging for 3s is unacceptably long, just as other main brained individuals think the crouch button should be unbound.

    It is hostage taking in spirit, yes. Are they allowed to continue playing the game? No (or if they are waiting in the post-game lobby, no if they want the info they should be afforded when the match is over for them). Are they kept in for an indefinite period of time? Yes. Will it end? Technically anywhere from 4m to as high as ~28 minutes if they get shoulder juggled and the Surv fights back to die as soon as possible (longer if they run after getting unshouldered or the Killer waits to down them). Just as technically all matches end at 1hr. Does it reach the standards to report for a ban? No. That's why it is breaking the rule in spirit, but not the letter.

    I never said it was the Killer's responsibility to end the match for t-bag at gates, I said they have the agency to shorten the timer. Very different message. The Survivor doesn't have agency to shorten the timer below 4 minutes, the Killer can wait 2 mins or shorten it. (To be fair if you were saying I was downplaying that spot, then fair, but I wasn't shifting responsibility.) That all falls apart even further when I suggested a surrender feature for anyone to fully quit with their BP though.

    Perks shouldn't be fixes for bad game design. I shouldn't be forced to run No Mither (the only infinite self-pickup perk that the Killer can't cancel [other than the circumstantial Soul Guard]) because I want to avoid bleedouts, or Plot Twist if I want to tray and evade and bleedout myself to prevent the Killer from Juggling.

    I don't care what side you play, as long as we can get loadouts shown when you die, and a surrender feature implemented (for both sides and to keep BP/not accrue a DC stack for bans).

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Having anti-slugging and finisher mori tied together was the most stupidest decision ever imo, like god killer gains literally no advantages with finisher mori beside just faster game ends, why devs thought survivor needs something at all?

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 733
    edited April 3

    I'd say this is moreso a flaw of the proposed system than it is the concept. Perhaps extending the time it takes to pick up could've been increased depending on how close a survivor is to to a hook, meaning that survs can't Sabo a hook and comp corner for an easy escape.

    That isn't really an issue with finisher Mori either, but the devs got rid of it anyway so ig there's precedent for that line of thinking.

    Post edited by ArkInk on
  • Callahan9116
    Callahan9116 Member Posts: 127

    I think the people who get bled out more are the ones who annoy the killer. I've seen lots of ds and flashlighters get bled out, I think its revenge.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,253

    I thought it was scrapped because Killers started to refuse to hook and were speedrunning 4 downs. That's at least what happened in my Survivor games during that PTB. I wanted the basekit 45s UB (or even better 60s UB, with 30s to 95%, and 30s more to self-pickup), but I didn't want the auto-Mori as it didn't even give me a choice (and was going to delete Devour Hope). BHVR was tying the 2 separate ideas together for whatever bizarre reason.

    I think Moris should be basekit if you reach 8 hooks no kills, that way Killers can show their skill by the number of Mori vs normal kills. " A:'I got 2 Mori Kills and 1 hook kill last match', B:'Oh yeah, I got 3 Mori kills!' A:'Awesome!' C:'I got a 4k last match!' A:'Wait how many Moris?' C:'Uh, none' B:'Oh, uh you do you man' ".

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,790

    The precedent is that survivors will weaponize anything that can be weaponized.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 733
    edited April 3

    I don't think you understood my post because my whole point was that the proposed system made it far too easy for survivors to weaponize anti-slug with its proposed version. You just restated a point we agree on.

    The change I proposed would mean only survivors slugged near a hook, ie in places killers *could* hook them, would get the anti-slug. This in theory should solve your issue of survivor's knowingly going down in places they can't get hooked so they get up for free, and therefore letting the killer control when the mechanic activates.

    Post edited by ArkInk on
  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,790

    I did understand your post. It doesn't matter what restrictions you place, survivors will still try to weaponize it….

    1. Will anti-slug happen if a slugged survivor is under an un-dropped pallet that's near a hook? Because survivors will flip-flop + power struggle that.
    2. If a slugged survivor is near a sabo'd/breakdown'd hook, will the anti-slug start when the hook comes back? Because that means if the killer leaves the hook because it's broken, then the survivor can anti-slug after the hook is back.
    3. If a survivor is slugged away from a hook, waits for the killer to leave, then crawls near a hook, will the anti-slug kick in?

    That took me all of 5 minutes to think of, and there's probably more ways survivors could still weaponize the anti-slug.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 733
    edited April 3
    1. There are killer perks that disable bloodlust, anti-slug could be removed from certain perks if they're often used for poor playing. Slug crawling under a pallet could also disable or slow the recovery timer to prevent this, a restriction I'd even extend to if other survivors around the slug, like Anti-camp.
    2. It can simply not activate at all during the slug if the survivor crawls in range of hook or if a broken/saboed hook regens, as it's not like the killer had those options available to them when they had to make that decision. This would also stop 3. from occuring.

    It took you five minutes to think of those strats and it took me thirty seconds to think of those solutions, both of which are already restrictions other mechanics have that limit killer playstyles.

    Yes, survivors will try and weaponize anything you give them, that doesn't mean they'll always be successful.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,790

    "Slow the recovery" is unacceptable, because it still places the killer in a situation where they weren't able to hook a survivor, but will get hit with the anti-slug mechanic anyway. And what happens if a survivor is under a pallet, waits for the killer to leave, then crawls away from the pallet?

    What happens if a killer picks up a survivor, is forced to drop the survivor, and now the survivor has enough wiggle progress to prevent the killer from getting them to a hook?

    There is a problem with "in range of a hook", because that doesn't mean the killer has a 100% chance to get the survivor to a hook. There are many scenarios where the killer is forced to slug a survivor, even if there is a nearby hook. Also, this game is terrible at measuring hook distances, and might consider a hook "in range" even if there's walls and ceilings in the way, and the actual path to the hook is way too long.

    Your solution still allows survivors to weaponize the anti-slug.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Add slugging for 4k part on this too please. That is why I dislike bots are in the game now, I cant stand the being slug as third survivor for killers to look for fourth to deny hatch its sad. I do not want to be wasting 4 mins(which may not seem much to people but it is to me) I do not dc often but when it happens I rather just take a 30 second time out but now that bots are in the game its a waste to do that though sometimes if am real annoyed am like nah whatever have a slug bot and gl on fourth.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 733
    edited April 3

    Disable the recovery entirely under pallet for the first bit. A blanket change that would seemingly solve most of these proposed strategies is not letting the mechanic activate if it doesn't initially proc on down. There should not be an interaction wherein the survivor is able to proc anti-slug in a situation where a killer cannot hook, and if the survivors wiggle meter gets to a certain point, it could also disable anti-slug as clearly something went weird if the killer had to drop after presumably carrying the survivor for a while.

    I do agree the parameters would need to be fine tuned, as it shouldn't proc through floors unless there's an entrance nearby, which is rather hard to auto detect in the DBD engine I imagine. As for slugging being necessary, again remember that without perks it would take 45 seconds before the survivor gets up (a timeframe that could be changed depending on feedback) and the timer slows/disables if there are other survivors in the area. A killer can absolutely go kick a gen, try out a chase, or whatever they need and then still come back for the hook without a survivor picking themself up in that timeframe.

    This still feels like rather simple restrictions all things considered.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    The idea on paper was solid, it was to prevent killers from slugging people for 4 minutes. However, in execution, this only encouraged killers to tunnel and slug for the 4K because it means if they were playing someone like say Oni, Blight or Nurse who could down survivors quickly would essentially end the game in under or just over 10 minutes. Because once the last survivor was down, the game would just cut to a finisher mori.

    The idea to counter this was basekit unbreakable for survivors, which is an alright idea, however, this continued the killer down loop with people getting up only to be downed again

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited April 3

    Honestly, the fact they just "bleed out" is already an annoyance too.

    Not like they've done anything bad or good, sometime it's just impossible to find them, like, they can always just go afk and let killers know the location, but no, somehow they must wander around for absolutely no reason and waste four minutes of killers, even when hatch is closed.

    Each players with each own objective I guess?

    Winning in 14minutes or 10 minutes is irrelevant, with or without finisher mori lethality of oni/blight/nurse doesn't change, at all.

    Just think about it, currently, once everyone is downed, there is no come back so it's just a matter of finding dead body, or more like, matter of "not wasting survivor time by actually finishing the game faster".

    With finisher mori, there is no comeback too, absolutely no difference, it's just that "survivors don't have to waste time staying on ground 4 minutes", just as OP or literally any survivor mains want.

    But no, BHVR lost their sanity and somehow they must "counter" QOL change for both survivors and killers, there was literally NO DIFFERENCE in power level of killers with or without finisher mori, but somehow they thought survivors deserve BASEKIT UNBREAKABLE.

    I seriously don't get how those people or even developer got the idea of "encouraging slugging" when you have absolutely no advantage in trying to slug.

    Finisher mori was just beneficial for both survivors and killers, but thanks to tying it together with absolutely unwanted basekit buffs for survivors we lost the chance to actually have very nice QoL change, I wish both developers and players were lot more reasonable when it comes to this.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,790
    edited April 3

    That means if a survivor is being chased, runs towards a pallet, and gets knocked the ground under a pallet before the survivor could throw that pallet, that the anti-slug mechanic would auto remove itself.

    It also means if a killer wanted to slug, they could purposely pick up the survivor, wait for the wiggle meter to reach the correct amount, then drop the survivor. Or if the survivor didn't want to wiggle, then the killer could pick up, drop, pick up, drop, the survivor, until the correct amount of wiggle meter has happened, to deactivate anti-slug.

    And again, this whole "the anti slug will pause or slow" idea is unacceptable. Do you expect killers to walk around, and repeatedly check back on a slugged survivor, to see if they are still unable to be hooked? How is that fair?

    And yes, I do remember it would take many seconds before the survivor gets up. I was there, in that PTB, facing multiple bully squads, of survivors weaponizing the anti-slug mechanic. It doesn't matter how many seconds the mechanic needs to happen, as survivors will still weaponize it.

    And the hook distance detection problem isn't limited to different floors. It can apply to hooks on the same floor as the killer, but beyond walls that the killer can't carry the survivor through. Unless you want to allow the killer to be able to carry survivors through walls, then DBD isn't going to calculate hook distance well.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,478

    1.Yes, - but no. Bleeding takes 4 minutes, exit gate camping takes 2, but exit gate camping is much more common. When i was a killer main, it was more a rule that if survivors won they would camp the exit gate, than not. in 80-90% of the games at least 1 person stood and dragged time, and tbagged the killer. - i still play a little killer and this is still the case. On the other hand, when i dont even remember the last time i was bled out by a killer when play survivor (and i do play about 85% survivor now). Lets make an example here, lets say that in 2 of 10 games all survivors leave the game with out dragging time (and i even think this is an unrealistic high number) thats 16 minutes the survivors waste of killer time. And again, ill give you an unrealistic high number that 2 our of 10 killers slug (as i said, i dont remember last time i was slugged just for the sake of slugging) thats 8 minuts wasted for the survivors.

    2. So does hooking, would you prefer that survivors were invulnerable? Also if you bring the right perks, this can give survivors the edge to win the game, depending on the circumstances.

    3. I dont remember last time i saw this tbh. i dont deny it is happening, but its rare (see 1 for a more in depth explanation)

    4. why cant you afk? you can just tab out and watch youtube. - This is not just bleeding out, you are moving the subject into greefing. We (my swf and me) had a survivor doing something like that, first he worked with the killer, he used bond to find us, then he repetedtly jumped in and out of lockers to give away our location, then when i was hooked he repeatedtly grabbed me on the hook, and let go again, denying and hook progress or suicide, while leaving me on the hook, the killer stood next to him and watched it all. Would the argument be that hooks, lockers and Bond should be removed too??

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,478

    That is completley legit reasons, im talking about where they all are safe, i have had cases where they even split in 3, so they are at both exit gates and the hatch.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    How often would you say you experience these matches where the entire team is 4 man slugged and y’all are left to bleed out with him refusing to hook? I’m assuming that’s the scenario you’re talking about anyway, not just slugged while he’s after other people.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,849

    It would still be abusable. We are talking about a game in which people use a rng based mechanic to instantly kill themselves at the start of the match. Do you honestly think people wouldn't give up any time the killer even attempts to slug?

    I agree with @PotatoPotahto. We should fix the actual problems instead of bothering with a band aid fix that will only create more issues. Meaning, perks that encourage slugging should be changed (i.e. make Knockout apply blindness and exhaustion for 20 seconds after a M1 hit), hook dead zones fixed, hook breaks on sacrifices removed and perks that can recreate this issue monitored.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,478

    I'm not saying that it is the Killer's responsibility, I'm saying the Killer's max (normal case) victimization is 2 minutes, or shorter if they take the effort. Survivor is 4 minutes, and they NEED to take the effort to prevent it from taking longer (if the Killer shoulder Juggles them during the search). The difference is >2 vs <4. (Although if you want to expand to include Juggling and intentional Plot Twist delays, then it is >4 vs ~28).

    I am saying they aren't as rare as claimed, anecdotally my Surv matches have it happen 1/10 (full on bleedouts, or slug with 0 knowledge for the 4k), if not more. Everyone's experience is different though.

    Im not sure i understand this exactly, but the exit gate time dragging surely exeeds the bleedouts, i cant remember the last time i was bled for the sake of letting me bleed, but the last time someone dragged time at the exit gates, im pretty sure that was the last time i lost a killer game, so overall the avarage killer looses more time on this than the avarage survivor does.. I have played a lot killer in the past, still do a little, but mostly survivor now. - so i have seen both sides.

    Team A attacks Team B : This is the bad sort of tribalism we need to move away from. Team A attacks Team B, but then next match Team B takes it out on Team C, so then Team C takes it out on Team D, and continues the chain. If it were in a custom match with friends, and you know you are facing the exact same people every time, then I have no problem with this. The misplaced guilt is what I take issue with. I am for 'matching energy', but taking things out on a different team is just being a jerk, whether I bleedout a team after I faced a clock SWF or bully a baby Trapper after something.

    I hear you, but i dont think its as simple as that. Lets say a kid is getting bombarded with rocks every day when he walks home from school. At some point that kid will start throwing rocks back, and he will probaby also throw the first rock and even hit someone who never threw a rock at him.

    People adapt to the situations they are in, this goes for killers aswell, i think some of them had enough and are paying back, and there are about 85% chance they are slugging someone who dragged time for them or some other killer. - that is pretty good odds.

    Only had the option to bleedout: This happens to me in less than 100 games, so anecdotally I'm not sure about this. Sabo plays are really bad right now as I've once sabo'd 3 hooks (the Killer was heading in the direction of) and still failed to prevent a hook/force a drop, although it was RPD to be fair. In a normal match I pick them up and if they wiggle, I drop, kinda point at the nearest broken hook, and they either understand and would rather die sooner, or choose to die in the corner from spite. Dieing in the corner from spite is NOT what people are complaining about, although to be fair, some main brained individuals think slugging for 3s is unacceptably long, just as other main brained individuals think the crouch button should be unbound.

    If it were just for the sabos, i have had games where people swfs put on Crotus Prenn Asylum, everyone had Boil Over and when wounded they ran to a "safe" spot in the main building close to the hole in the floor, There is no chance to get them to a hook from there if they have boil over, and they just stopped the chase there, waited for me to down them or give up and go away. - If i picked them up they would get free and run straight back. I turned to the next survivor and the exact same happened. Same thing with the Springwood map, if the killer basement is not in the basement of the main building, then that basement is completley safe as long as survivors have boil over - the killer cant get you to a hook, no matter what. Eyrie of Crows do also have a location in the tower where this is true. - the only counter is to bleed people to death.

    It is hostage taking in spirit, yes. Are they allowed to continue playing the game? No (or if they are waiting in the post-game lobby, no if they want the info they should be afforded when the match is over for them). Are they kept in for an indefinite period of time? Yes. Will it end? Technically anywhere from 4m to as high as ~28 minutes if they get shoulder juggled and the Surv fights back to die as soon as possible (longer if they run after getting unshouldered or the Killer waits to down them). Just as technically all matches end at 1hr. Does it reach the standards to report for a ban? No. That's why it is breaking the rule in spirit, but not the letter.

    The game will end efter 4 minutes, so its not hostage taking - end of story.

    When i played killer I have had survivors holding me in a game for more than 25 minutes many times, refusing to do gens, just locker switching all the time, or walking in circles at the edges of the swamp map, or waling in circles in the basement. - Thats closer to taking the game hostage, as the game have no function to detect that survivors are not progressing on the objective, and the killer cant just go and open the gate. - if the killer goes AFK is situations like that, they will be DCed and get a penalty. Bleeding takes 4 minutes and you are on, not enough time to get DCed so you can tab out and watch youtube.

    I never said it was the Killer's responsibility to end the match for t-bag at gates, I said they have the agency to shorten the timer. Very different message. The Survivor doesn't have agency to shorten the timer below 4 minutes, the Killer can wait 2 mins or shorten it. (To be fair if you were saying I was downplaying that spot, then fair, but I wasn't shifting responsibility.) That all falls apart even further when I suggested a surrender feature for anyone to fully quit with their BP though.

    I ment no offence, but saying that the killer can just go and push them out - is to put the responsibility on the killer, for the actions of the survivors. And im against the surrender option, it will be abused to circumvent the DC penalty.

    Perks shouldn't be fixes for bad game design. I shouldn't be forced to run No Mither (the only infinite self-pickup perk that the Killer can't cancel [other than the circumstantial Soul Guard]) because I want to avoid bleedouts, or Plot Twist if I want to tray and evade and bleedout myself to prevent the Killer from Juggling.

    A lot of killers feel forced to run 2 or more gen slowdowns to have a chance (depending on the killer they play). No Mither are probably the worst of the counter perks you can choose, that being said - you should run what you need to survive, what good is 3 gen rush perks if you die? If you need those perks to survive, sure you should run them.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 733
    edited April 3

    A killer has to pick someone up for fifteen seconds and actively let them deactivate anti-camp by reaching the wiggle threshold, and you really don't see how that's a far worse way to slug than current version? "A killer can just waste half a minute to get what they used to have for free." This both wastes a ton of a killer's time (which is literally countering what makes slugging useful), AND provides a crystal clear tell the killer is trying to slug.

    As for a killer knowing if it's alright to pick up, if anti-slug is in effect they presumably had the chance to hook in the first place, and if they are slugging while another survivor is around (maybe they caught a flashy save), then anti-slug is either slowed drastically until the killer can return for the hook, or it doesn't proc at all.

    Yes, if it deactivated on pallet there'd be instances where a killer could knowingly slug, I feel like this is such a clear minority of cases that although annoying, doesn't stop the majority of instances coming out fine, especially since that survivor is still under a pallet, an advantageous position.

    You complained about facing bully squads in the PTB, which really makes me feel like you really aren't even trying to follow my viewpoint since I've been saying the PTB test was a flawed design since our first interaction, it's why literally all of my comments are about proposed changes to make the system more bearable and less abusable.

    Hook distances, though an issue, are already centered around multiple other mechanics, be it killer perks or anti-camp. I do not believe that it's fine in all other incarnations and somehow blows up the moment it touches the concept of anti-slug.

    I've been playing this game since launch mate, I was there too.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    With the unbreakable case it would be fine, I am not sure why they was considering this thing about finisher mori. That is what ruined the whole idea. Just do not do anything to the moris, if killers want moris there is devour hope and add ons for that and you got triangle head, myers/onyru who can do that, cept the crazy part is triangle head one is more acceptable because he still needs 2 hook state whilst onryu/myers can mori anytime once they reach the point t.t

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,790

    I refuse to follow your viewpoint, because you refuse to understand just how badly survivors try to weaponize things.

    The PTB test was only flawed because it allowed the anti-slug to be weaponized, and none of your solutions addressed that problem. It doesn’t matter if your ideas make anti-slug less weapon-usable because survivors will still weaponize it.

    Killers should not be forced to pick up survivors, and forced to attempt carrying them to hooks, when there are many scenarios where those actions are too risky to attempt. You can’t just say “the killer COULD have picked up the survivor”, when a survivor purposely gets knocked down in an open corn field, and teammates are nearby with flashlights and toolboxes.

    If a killer slugs a survivor because a teammate is running nearby with a flashlight, then the killer should be allowed to chase that survivor without getting punished. But you’re suggestion is that the killer should be punished if they don’t pick up the slugged survivor, because if the killer chases the flashlight user, then the slugged survivor might be alone near a hook, and therefore the anti-slug mechanic should happen.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,583

    They’re not gate keeping Feedback. They also made a suggestion. There’s nothing wrong with that and you shouldn’t be calling out people who do so. A little hypocritical.

    As for the topic, this has been talked about time and time again.

    I think the best suggestion would be if all survivors are slugged on the ground for more than two minutes a button will appear that you can click forfeit so you can move onto the next lobby.