The Twins Feedback

dance Member Posts: 75

With this update, we've made some quality of life improvements for The Twins. Please let us know below how it feels to play as and against The Twins.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153
    edited April 2024

    Thank you for taking away "survivors holding Victor hostage" problem.

    I do like this version of Twins way better than the PTB Twins. The whole concept of the PTB Twins was really bad, and I hope BHVR doesn't try to move around the numbers to make it work. It is ok that current Twins can slug, and I wish BHVR would stop this crusade where every killer strategy is demonized (i.e. slugging), and attempts are made to nerf them.

    I also don't know why killer strategies are demonized (i.e. camping, tunneling, 3-gen, slugging)…. but everything survivors do is fine? Why can't we work on survivors that are excessively hiding, or other things that are really unfun for killers? When do we get to the part where survivor strategies get nerfed because they are unfun for killers?

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512

    Okay so I was ready to play Twins today just being content with the few changes in the patchnotes, but there is actually quite a few things that went unmentioned or I didn't immediately realise.

    First off, recalling Victor at anytime. This is amazing already, as you will always have Victor ready to go when you find a survivor. But one thing that wasn't made obvious is that since you can always recall Victor after around 10 seconds, you will see his aura on survivors he latches to after 10 seconds. This is a massive change, as you can follow after the survivor and Victor will make sure they can't hide from you, then you can recall him to get a down with him again.

    I am not sure this is intended, since it was not mentioned in the patch notes, but Victor no longer has a 5 second cooldown after downing a survivor. It seems to be around 3 seconds. He does have a slight movement speed penalty, but it is not as severe as before. I really like this to be fair. It makes Victor feel smooth to down someone and then immediately attack another survivor, or swap back to Charlotte.

    However, I am a little concerned that it makes it a bit hard to kick Victor now. If you run forced hesitation I would say it is nearly impossible actually. I think that Victor shouldn't be able to move after downing an injured survivor. This simplifies the counterplay for survivors, while not making him feel clunky for the killer if they want to swap back to Charlotte.

    Victor can latch onto survivors who are injured with the endurance status affect. I am sure this is a bug, but to be fair I don't actually mind it.

    Addon changes; why were there no changes to baby teeth!? seriously, this is probably one of the worst addons in the entire game, especially because it is not likely that I will wait for survivors to crush Victor, I will probably be recalling him myself.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    I hope the “Victor latches on endurance hits” stays in the game. It’s really annoying when survivors dead hard Victor (or is aggressively body blocking with OTR), then Victor bounces off of endurance, then Twins has to wait for that survivor to kick Victor, then has to wait for Victor to switch back to Charlotte, then has to wait for Charlotte to be able to move. It’s better to just skip all those middle steps, and just switch back to Charlotte.

    Remember that we now have buffer DS, which can combo with current OTR and DH, so there will be more people running endurance perks.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    Very happy with this current Twins. More rewarding if you play well and more punishing if you play bad, that's good design. The faster recovery on downing a survivor and being able to recall Victor when attached sooner both feel amazing and remove two of the biggest clunkyness The Twins had and what prevented a lot of people from enjoying them. I'm assuming the Victor attaching to survivors that have Endurance is a bug, but honestly as others have mentioned as well, this feels fine. It seems kinda like a neutral change but I'm a bit more positive leaning towards it. Just leave it, no need to fix. Most people are liking it.

    Honestly the last issues with The Twins are just the walk to pick up a survivors and their addons. All the walking to pick up might not be much of an issue though with all the other QoL kinda offsetting it though. However, the addons are still terrible. The need a full addon pass. Now essentially all you're ever running is just Victor movespeed addons and a Spinning Top when you see lots of items, that's it. Very little diversity of options. I was disappointed to see that Weighted Rattle got reverted as well, I had been excited to use that and now it's bad again.

    Overall these changes make them feel so much better to play and I expect to see an uptick in usage of The Twins. Please don't nerf any of this, it's solid and being received generally positive by most people.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,372

    These were great changes! Thank you! :)

  • PogbertChamperson
    PogbertChamperson Member Posts: 141
    edited April 2024

    My only real problem when versing the twins is that Charlotte can recall victor immediately after hitting a healthy survivor. If she finds you then deploys victor she can hit you, recall, send victor right back out. Holding victor hostage was a problem, but I think even a 5-10 second window where she can't recall would feel better to verse without drastically bringing down her power level.

    edit: I guess it is 10 seconds before recall atm. It feels pretty quick considering how easy it is to hit someone with victor.

    Post edited by PogbertChamperson on
  • Error_Social
    Error_Social Member Posts: 63

    Revert to PTB Twins please

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    Is Victor's cooldown supposed to be shorter after he downs someone? The 5 second cooldown was kinda needed for adequate counterplay if the killer player doesn't intend to switch back to Charlotte. If the goal is to let players switch back to Charlotte sooner (which I'd even say is a good thing), then allow switching back to Charlotte during Victor's hit cooldown. But if the player intends to stay controlling Victor then it should be a 5 second cooldown like it was before.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I mean 10 seconds to recall, then the cooldown, then to resummon and get back to that survivors location..if you even find them. That's quite a bit of time.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    One of the top few things that made Twins feel clunky and people not want to play them was that stun. Having to eat a 5 second DS stun on every successful down feels terrible. It's punishing you for playing well. Being able to swap during this, while feeling nice, doesn't fix the problem. Playing the Twins like this loses you games so you don't really want to be doing that. The chain hits is how she's good.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    These changes were very much needed. It feels so good to be able to utilise both Charlotte and Victor in a chase without feeling like Victor is the only way to get people quickly. While also being in full control of your power post hits with Victor too. Very smooth to play as Twins now.

    I'm still gonna slug the whole team though. Nothing about these buffs makes me ever want to pick someone up. Especially now DS has been buffed, madness.

    Hopefully in the future there's an update that increases Charlotte's action and movement speed for a good amount of time (30-45 seconds) if both her and Victor deal damage to the same Survivor to put them into the dying state. Give me a reason to pick them up and carry them to a hook, knowing that I'm making that Survivor stronger against my chases later in the match.

  • PogbertChamperson
    PogbertChamperson Member Posts: 141

    This is a more minor issue revolving around input binding but it's only an issue with this killer. I use scroll wheel down for vaulting and dropping pallets. The only issue that comes with this is when versing the twins and jumping into a locker to force victor to grab the locker. Normally the bind for locker is space bar on keyboard and i imagine that was what this has been tested with but there is a major issue using scroll wheel for this specific interaction. You cannot hold the scroll wheel down so you have to spam scroll wheel down which is similar to mashing space. This breaks you out of the locker MUCH slower. This is the only killer power interaction where you have to hold the vault/drop pallet bind. I would like the option to have a secondary key for certain actions or if they change that killer interaction to also use M1 like other killer power interactions.

  • redglyph
    redglyph Member Posts: 56

    It became a very boring killer because there was no countermeasure.
    4k is possible even with no skill player.

    ↓ Please revert this.

    Victor’s Pounce now latches onto Survivors when they are put into the dying state. While Victor is attached, the Survivor cannot return to the Injured state. Other Survivors can crush Victor during this time to help the dying Survivor. Victor automatically returns to Charlotte after 20 seconds. (NEW)

  • kaz543453
    kaz543453 Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2024
    Post edited by kaz543453 on
  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 479
    edited April 2024

    The Twins feel so so so so much better and smoother to play. These quality of life changes were much needed! Thanks for listening to feedback from the PTB and reverting the latch changes.

    I really like the ability to CHOOSE to recall Victor early from a latch, or allow him to remain latched onto a Survivor. These have many different use cases, such as keeping Victor up as a Killer Instinct detector or as info on the latched Survivor's whereabouts, or as guaranteed lockout from objectives on the latches survivor. The freedom of choice here makes them a lot more interesting to play!

    The only thing needed is for the ability to let Victor pick up and hook Survivors (and maybe self-destruct once he does); otherwise, until then, the Twins will continue to HAVE to slug no matter what changes are made to The Twins.

    However, with the qol tweaks Victor's full potential has been unleashed, and the Twins are incredibly strong in a way that does not feel healthy.

    Twins may feel better to play as, but certainly not against.

    Before, what kept Victor in check was:
    1) The fact that he latches on healthy hits locked them out of their power for a long time, so he can't snowball too hard
    2) The slower pounce charge was the only thing a Survivor could rely on to try to get behind cover
    3) The Twins were sluggish in general, so the mere time it took to play them balanced out how fast he could down Survivors

    Most of these safeguards have been removed, and Victor feels like he's going off the deep end.

    As much as I have always loved Twins, the Victor's Pounce's counterplay has always essentially been, "pray that the Killer is impatient and misses" (… which is not really a counterplay), or loop a really small object like a tire because Victor has trouble getting in position to Pounce. The second option has effectively been removed in this patch.

    New and impatient Twins players will pounce as soon as the charge is full, but experienced Twins players will charge a pounce and walk at a Survivor with full charge until they've out-positioned themselves with nowhere to go, and there's not really much one can do against this.

    Personally, I think Victor either moves or pounces way too fast for reasonable counterplay (and always has), especially now with faster pounce charge and the fact that he can be taken out and recalled nearly anywhere.

    The pounce cooldown/extra movement speed addons are always going to be the most-run addons because of how sheerly strong they are (I personally think they should be toned down a bit more or reworked to a different effect, especially since Toy Sword has been made base kit).

    I also recognize nerfing Victor's move speed or pounce flight speed could have dire consequences in how good they feel to play, or may make them too difficult to play. I fear this is a very tricky and dangerous balancing situation, and I don't know what a good solution would be, honestly.

  • Jacknalls_Paw
    Jacknalls_Paw Member Posts: 239

    Completely overbuffed, Twins were already a top tier killer and now they are stronger with the slugging problem even more present

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited April 2024

    after playing a dozen games of twins, the only thing that i wish they would change is revert regrow time from 10→6 and reduce the time it takes to recall victor to 5 seconds. Other than that, Twin is perfect as is. dead weight time is somewhat annoying.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    The time with no power does feel bad but I’m more worried they’re gonna nerf them.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    Idk I just feel like Victor isn’t restrained enough now and that was the only thing really keeping them balanced. We’ll see.

    Almost all the other QoL changes are excellent though.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,372

    I miss the haste effect. It takes a hot minute to catch back up.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    It’s a tough fix. The core problem is that there’s zero fun on charlotte, she does nothing. She’s an m1 with no power. So the more you limit Victor chain hitting the more the player is forced to walk around as an m1 with no power, boring, plus weak, but more importantly boring. People want to limit Victor and I get it, but the more we do that the more we need to give some additional fun factor to charlotte. Maybe charlotte needs an ability of her own as well.

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    Yeah, I agree. The main reason I never play Twins is bc I hated then I was forced to play Charlotte whenever I latched Victor on a survivor. She is just boring to play and the feeling of the true fun of your power being held for 30 seconds by a survivor. I wanted to play this version of Twins because you call recall Victor off a survivor but Mandy says that a bug so I really don't want to play them now.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    Wait wait, did Mandy actually confirm that being able to recall Victor early is a bug? If that’s actually confirmed then Twins is back in the boring dumpster. That was the main thing actually making people enjoy playing her now as taking Victor hostage makes them ultra boring.

    That actually kills any interest I had in Twins now if that is actually a bug and being reverted.

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    On the last page, she confirms that recalling Victor after 10s from latching onto a survivor is a bug and will be fixed in the next hotfix patch. This means it will go back to being a 30sec if the survivor decides to hold him hostage.

    I agree the whole reason I wanted to try this version of twins was bc I could recall victor after a hit on a healthy survivor. I never liked being powerless for 30 seconds just bc the survivor refused to crush him off their back. So now I wouldn't touch this killer ever.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Twins definitely feel a lot better to play after this update. If Victor's collision were better I would have no issues with this killer anymore.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Dang yeah, back to having their power taken hostage. I was giving good praise on the Twins changes too. I guess I take that all back. Twins are still going to be just as unpopular to play as they were before now.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    I just want to reiterate what I just said in another thread….

    If Twins goes back to 30 second Victor hostages, then I’ll stop playing Twins again, and I’ll consider this entire Twins rework to be a complete failure.

    It’s literally the only thing I cared about, and wanted fixed.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Literal same. That was the number one issue they had. Everything else is irrelevant if that’s not fixed.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Yeah, same, KEKW. Literally played 2 matches, was kinda glad to play them now, because i used to hate play Twins, but now they are fun. Then read Mandy's reply and was thinking "

    I probably won't even with 20 sec. Unless they won't come up with something completely new, what will make Charlotte fun in these 20-30 seconds.

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    I haven't even got to play them. After I saw a few ppl play them it actually made me excited to try them but now I don't even want to touch them after I found out about all this. Just another boring unfun killer on my list. I kinda wish I never got them a few years ago. Welp back to Wesker, Sadoko, Legion and Xeno I guess.

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 86

    Survivors need a better window to kick Victor after a missed or successful pounce, it's truly way too short.

    To recall Victor after only 10 seconds is pretty insane. I think 20 seconds would be a nice middle ground.

  • redglyph
    redglyph Member Posts: 56

    In the first place, there is no point in talking about whether the current Twins are strong or weak.

    The boringness of Dying States occurring in large numbers was reason for the Twins rework.
    Nothing will change until you fix it

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited April 2024

    what do you mean that recalling victor is a bug? the entire rework is a bug? the summary of the entire rework is the ability to recall victor. On surface level, it is one line sentence but it massively improves twin's as a killer. I have no interesting play twins if that get removed.

    The time with no power does feel bad but I’m more worried they’re gonna nerf them.

    my current gameplay with twins is like downing two survivors as victor, picking one survivor up, the other person get picked up and doing that 3-4 times per game. I am not joking when i say that I am downing survivors 10-15 times per game.

    every game is like 15 minutes long because I don't get rewarded for slugging. the survivor just gets free second chances and get ups because time efficiency to hook takes too long. it is same problem that i described for twins for long time and slugging general. slugging for bleed out is impractical for the killer but hooking is also impractical for twins. The result is extremely long matches even though killer is outplaying the survivor left right and center.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Twins becoming unpopular is probably a very good thing for the game as a whole though, considering how insufferable they are to verse for most people. But a killer being fun to go against is sadly not something BHVR always takes into consideration.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 385

    BHVR could just make it so that when another survivor is currently slugged, Victor latches onto a survivor when they down them like in the PTB, instead of being able to continue the slugging spree. Would solve the slugging issue without that awful rework.