Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Can we talk about how awful reworked coldwind is?

Member Posts: 603
edited December 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'd like to present my (crude) drawing of Rancid Abbatoir RNG that a twitch streamer got a few days ago. 8 pallets, 1 breakable wall, 9 windows.

Obstacles unrelated to loops were removed, and what you see here is every (yes, every) resource on the map. I even looked at spots where pallets could spawn to see if any had been dropped but broken, and this is all the map spawned. 4 terrible "jungle gym"s (3 of the somewhat stronger variety, and 1 of the laughably weak variety) and 2 filler pallets. What a laughably weak map.

With better RNG there could have been better jungle gyms here, but this is still pathetic. Genuinely, what resources do survivors have to work with here? Keep in mind that there are no Z wall spawns on rancid or edge map pallets like there were in 2v8. Once the laughable supply of pallets are gone, only shack window, harvester, meat tree, and the 4 L walls can realistically be played. Nothing here is chainable, in fact there are barely any resources for miles. I loaded this map several times against bots in customs to reference while making this image, and although I usually got at least one standard tile instead of these awful gyms, there were always nearly as many deadzones in my variations.

Do you think this map is too lacking in resources? If no, why not, and if so, what do you think should be done to fix it?

Twitch VOD for reference:

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 148

    Ngl i think coldwind is quite balanced now

    Rotten fields i think it's called with the killer shack in the middle is probably killer sided

    But the other ones are actually balanced in my eyes and survivors dont have the option of just dropping pallets willy nilly because theres always like 3 around you at all times

    You actually have to outskill the killer at most tiles because as i said before your resources are limited and you best make use of them wisely

    Also, rancid Ab was played in comp recently on pinhead and Dracula so it can't be that killer sided compared to something like coal tower and the other maps they use

  • Member Posts: 148

    I didn't know that about the maps, I assumed it was just handpicked like it is in regular matches

  • Member Posts: 290

    Not really. Cow tree is still one of the strongest loops in the entire game and some of those windows are vicious.

    That said - yes. Coldwind runs the gamut. Rancid is a bit killer sided. Cowshed is a bit survivor sided. It evens out.

  • Member Posts: 603

    I also prefer the look of nighttime Coldwind. It would be neat if that was at least included as a variant of the maps if the devs don't want to remove the daylight version, but I know I'm being way too optimistic.

  • Member Posts: 375
    edited December 2024

    rancid is such a bad map. Everytime I load into that map I expect to die. Too many dead zones and the pallet in that main building is a joke

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited December 2024

    As a Survivor, Rancid is bad.

    As anyone other than a high tier, LOS needing, mobile, or ranged Killer, Rancid is bad.

    As Ghostface Rancid has always sucked. They all sucked. How do I stealth in this?

  • Member Posts: 2,258

    Yep they absolutely should, making them middle of the day completely killed the horror ambience.

    I feel like a lot of it has to do with the reworked graphical style creating some extremely dark shadows at ultra in some areas. It can be hard to make out details on things, even gens lose definition without filters if you're an ultra settings no filters gamer like me.

  • Member Posts: 749
    edited December 2024

    Said before and ill say it again all cold wind and 90% of the maps is now killer sided, i mean its so clear as day when you have someone like huntress picking cold wind. Am about to just farm so much the game maps and spam it none stop.

  • Member Posts: 3,085
    edited December 2024

    I hope they never revert Coldwind back to that god awful night time variant old dbd had, especially with its crappy yellow piss filter.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • Member Posts: 7,009

    Imo the new coldwind works better than the old one since you could tell they were trying to go for that sort of Texas Chainsaw feel with the nastiness of everything, and I absolutely love it.

    All the guts and blood everywhere... you can almost smell that through the screen with how well they portray the horror that went on inside those buildings.

    I know its an unpopular opinion, but the Coldwind maps are the best maps aesthetically.

  • Member Posts: 3,085
    edited December 2024
    1. Because daylight can exist in horror while still being gritty and like Shroompy mentioned in their reply above, Daytime Coldwind very much gives off the same vibes TCM had in the original movie, something i much more prefer over the yellow night sky old Coldwind had, however i would generally prefer to have both night and daytime maps to exist in dbd rather than just having either a night or daytime map varient only, as having both would give better variety. (Although a night time varient of Coldwind in which the sky is pitch dark instead of yellow would be preferable imo.)
    2. As i mentioned in my initial comment, i hate the old coldwind's yellow filter with a passion, more so than what i do with all of the other color filters old dbd had and i'm incredibly glad they're all gone. I found Coldwind's especially ugly and generally unpleasant to look at whenever i played on it back in the days.
    3. It's just my contrarian opinion in a long list of other hot takes i have about this game.

    The bright coldwind feels like a weekend trip to your grandparents. Tbf, that can be horror for some I guess.

    Which is exactly why i usually take issue with sentiments such as this, because it's in the same vein as whenever people claim ''Horror can't take place during daylight'', which is objectively incorrect.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • Member Posts: 819

    Definitely agree with the sentiment that Coldwind at Night should return, maybe with a rework or new variant that changes the scene. The corn maps have never been a high point in map design for me, and it's kinda shocking they haven't gotten more adjustments.

    Kinda unrelated, but one thing I thought would be cool would be making a new cosmetic offering that adds some new aspect to each realm, like changing the time of day on something like Dead Dawg or making it rain on Autohaven. Could be a solid place for Night Coldwind, among other neat additions.

  • Member Posts: 290

    Dude. Even comp level players regard cow tree as a hell of a loop. If you're an M1, you've got a decent vault, a very tight angle and a great pallet.


  • Member Posts: 290

    I'll see if I can find you a clip from Otz's stream a bit back where he explained just how nasty it is as an m1.

  • Member Posts: 894

    I actually agree with this. Yes, it sucks for my Main - but horror is allowed to take place during the day too. In some cases it can be even darker than if it occurred at night.

    That said, I want day and nighttime variants of EVERY map. I wanna see dark Ormond outside of Lights Out once in a while, please.

  • Member Posts: 1,148
    edited December 2024

    I’ve personally never felt daytime maps have a place in a game called dead by daylight.

    I also think the devs took a look at cold wind and decided the corn was enough of a resource - except it provides no use whatsoever since it was thinned out.

  • Member Posts: 1,539

    They just want the game to be an unforgiving mess balanced around tryhards. I'm so tired of the current balancing.

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