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Looking Back At Patch 6.1.0 ~ Was The "Massive Meta Shake-Up" A Disaster?



  • Member Posts: 5,877
    edited December 2024

    On the killer side i'd like to see the gen kick perks be buffed back up. With the 3-gen system in place those perks would be far less oppressive today than they were back then.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Game became a ######### bore after that patch, so yeah.

  • Member Posts: 290

    Some. Eruption shouldn't double dip the charges and Surge might need a numbers bump as it eats charges too.

    Otherwise regression is in a good place overall. DMS+PR might be a tiny bit too good still and Grim probably needs a rework as it's a snowball machine.

    Game was way worse before.

    Yes, we need more perk variety but it was so much worse before.

    Killer no longer felt like a sandbag for SWFs and survivor felt a bit less binary between 'we escaped with 2 hooks' and 'we got murdered by a Nurse at 5gens' which was very much what it was like before.

  • Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2024

    It's kind of hard for me to articulate exactly how I feel regarding this topic. I much prefer how the game currently works over pre 6.1 DBD, but the casual and more fun natured vibe people approached the game with was much more easygoing than it is now.

    I still have plenty of fun with the game, don't get me wrong, it just feels like some people act as if BHVR is forcing them to play 3 hours a day every day and then project that burnout they get from playing on others.

    Post edited by ArkInk on
  • Member Posts: 795

    Dead Hard "for distance" was finally obliterated so I personally think it's the best update ever until the recent Myers changes.

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    Yes, it was a disaster. Perks were nerfed to the point that they were no longer being used. That’s not good. It would’ve been healthier for the game to buff unpopular perks to the level of Meta perks. That would’ve created variety. Take Territorial Imperative for example, it’s probably the least used perk in the game let alone on killer. Instead of nerfing say a gen defense perk, buff TI to a level where Killers will want to play with it and get value from it. What bothered me most were changes to some of my favorite perks that weren’t even Meta, nor did players complain about (Dark Sense was one of them).

  • Member Posts: 290

    Eh, some of this is right, most of this is well off the mark.

    • IW is just a problem perk and needs a rework. It's the reason I just cannot play Spirit anymore.
    • Ruin was absolutely needed. It got overnerfed, sure - but this thing was a nightmare if it spawned in a weird spot.
    • DS was a dumb nerf, partially reverted. 5 seconds back then…are the exact same as now. What? Time doesn't work like that.
    • Self care was absolutely overnerfed.

    It took the game into a few weird spaces but I think we're now in a decent spot - mostly. Slugging is getting a look, I really hope the devs finally fix the tricks to avoid AFK crows and do something about hiders.

    On the other hand, the way they handled Skull Merchant may be one of the pettiest, most meanspirited things the devs have ever done and I'm still pretty annoyed about it, especially with Mandy basically gloating about it on a stream.

  • Member Posts: 16,598

    No, 5 seconds nowadays are not the same as back then. Back then Killers were weaker, maps were more survivor-sided. 5 seconds were more valuable a few years ago.

  • Member Posts: 290

    Wouldn't that make 5 seconds more valuable now for survivors?

    I know that I find DS creates a hell of a lot of space still. Very rarely do I get caught after using it unless I make a mistake or they're on Blight or Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    the cognitive bias where tinkerer, a non-gen defence perk that grants information+some stealth needs nerfs while ruin does not need nerf yet was one of they key slowdown perks in which your post ALSO complains about 3-4 slowdowns.

    tinkerer absolute did not need nerfs. if the goal is to move killer away from gen defence, virtually every non-gen defence perk needs to be buffed and killer need more base-kit gen defence buffs. 5% regression doesn't on gen-kicks doesn't cut it.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    It was more valuable before because hook spawn logic was worse so survivors had to be slugged else the killer risked them wriggling free. Paired with Unbreakable, as DS often was back then, it put killers in losing situations because when those survivors got up they also had better loops as maps were much more forgiving for survivors. Maps are worse for survivors now, more hooks spawn and they spawn closer together, and most killers aren’t really affected by a 2.5 second stun now as they have strong catch up mechanics—paired with the other features I’ve mentioned. DS itself is less valuable because so much that helped bring it value before has changed (maps, killer mobility, hook spawning, etc). That was Aven’s point.

  • Member Posts: 2,025
    edited December 2024

    IMO the biggest failure of the 6.1.0 "meta shakeup" patch went beyond just the perks. This community tends to refer to "meta" as just the perks, items, and add-ons, which is fair enough. I think the patch had some good things (DH for distance removed, DS disabled in end game, "follow the notification" of tinkerer gone, as some examples).

    The 6.1.0 patch still has perk, item, and add-on issues, but the real failure imo was changing the way the game was played by the entire community.

    Killers largely stopped playing PVP and focused on generators. Gen kick meta for 8 months and 3 gen meta for a full year broke how people think and interact with the game entirely, even long after they were fixed. Before 6.1, the match focused on map pressure and chases. Survivors needed to (and had the time to) break all 5 totems on the map to "counter" noed.

    But that changed to territory control over generators entirely due to the 6.1.0 patch. Killers would drop chase to go make sure every gen had Eruption applied to it. Survivors learned that the only way to break these new strategies was to finish gens before the killer could lock down 3 together at the start.

    And this mentality over territory still persists today, even after numerous changes to maps, pallets, tile strength, nearly every survivor perk that has more than one post about it getting nerfed... The only thing some people still focus on is "just give back hostage level regression again". I've argued with people in the past week that somehow regression nerfs from 6-12 months ago are the "reason they're just slugging everyone now".

    And why not? Binding every key to "damage generator" and slamming your face on the keyboard is actually easier than chasing a player opponent.

    I think the 6.1.0 patch broke player mentality in an irreversible way. The players who want to play "gen kick simulator" want it back and don't actually want a PVP game (or, at least not a PVP game where the opponent has any autonomy over the outcome).

    That, imo, is the true "meta failure" of 6.1.0.

  • Member Posts: 290

    Yes and no. A big part involved a shift from Ruin to other perks.

    Kick meta revolved around Eruption. CoB and Overcharge were purely along for the ride.

    I saw a lot of PR back then too.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I mean, there are several reasons for this shift, sure. But almost every single one of them is in patch 6.1.

    Ruin nerf, tinkerer nerf, and BBQ BP changes all contributed to killers not applying as much map pressure.

    Pain res and pop were also hard meta before the patch and those were both adjusted in that patch as well.

    And, like you said, Eruption and overcharge were buffed. Eruption actually got triple buffed in short succession: increased chunk regression on down and increased incapacitation in 6.1, and then shortly later was buffed again to apply incapacitation before the regression, which really kicked off the gen kick meta.

    But, with the exception of the third Eruption buff, all of that, and the focus change to generators over chases, is entirely due to the 6.1 patch.

  • Member Posts: 1,539

    New player experience became more and more so worse, second chance meta the main solution to the games issues was targeted and the only thing put in its place was baseline borrowed time out of the 4 perks, gens got longer, chases got made shorter. killers kept getting buffed and buffed and buffed, Gen rushing perks got nerfed yet new problematic ones got made so the killer new player experience also got worse.

    6.1.0 is awful, the dedicated servers are awful (Looking at the Reddit AMA where the network engineer was like I DONT SEE AN ISSUE)

    Dead hard for distance is no different to dramaturgy for distance lmfao

  • Member Posts: 290

    Ruin and Tink were QQ'd about ENDLESSLY on the forums. So sure, but this is sort of a hell of survivors' own making.

    PR was still a monster of a perk. Pop, if I remember was really crap then it was buffed, then nerfed again.

    Eruption was the problem.

    OC wasn't even slightly OP and was thus a dumb nerf as it's now mostly worse than an empty slot.

    COB was another dumb nerf but it's merely crap now.

    Keep in mind that a lot of killers didn't use Ruin before the patch (I never did, it was too volatile) and instead ran PR+DMS. Post patch, I saw some kickers but still a lot of PR. I don't think it changed all that much, outside of Eruption being a horrible perk to go up against. Kicky meta also grew heavily out of NTH and the later PR nerfs, alongside Pop being good again.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    the whole reason why people were running tinkerer was hex:ruin. the nerf just killed a non-gen defence perk.

  • Member Posts: 2,251

    So we got a question: The thing that annoyed us with tinkerer/ruin/undying was that tinkerer would keep alerting as soon as we'd get to a certain progress, which would then get killer to come straight away and drop progress via ruin enough to set it under the bar so it would trigger again unless the team found and broke both totems and hope the killer didn't have a tight 3 gen around it. If only ruin got changed what would have stopped killers from doing the same thing but with different regression perks?

    Currently it's a moot point but what would have changed back then?

  • Member Posts: 290

    Tink was a gen defense tool though. The notification and undetectable was incredible on a lot of killers.

    It synergized well with Ruin because you'd push them off the gen, Ruin would do its thing, then Tink would pop again - rinse and repeat.

    That said, I mostly ran PR back then due to how often Ruin would get cleansed stupidly early, Undying or no Undying.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    killer got new perk for similar play-style. it's unforeseen.

    it was information perk to optimize hex:ruin. Like i said, i do not understand why undetectable and information perks need nerfs

  • Member Posts: 2,251

    …So care to explain the thought process here cause we don't get what your trying to get at

  • Member Posts: 10,114

    I just kinda stopped reading after the exaggeration of Overcharge and the complaints about tunneling.

    The only way in which that patch was a failure is that it wasn't upheld. It brought amazing changes for the game. But basically every killer buff except for the very miniscule kick/attack cooldown speed buffs have been reverted. In essence, killers got crumbs, and survivors got crumbs taken away. Dead Hard, OTR, and all that still being meta kind of speaks for itself.

    Pretty much the only reason the patch gets hated so much is because killers got lots of buffs and survivors got lots of nerfs. But like I said, it's all been reversed pretty much. So it's very petty that, to this day, people call it the patch that killed the game/made it killer sided. Notice how the survivors who knew how to play were barely affected, and didn't complain.

    There's a certain kind of tension that two people create towards one another, where they misinterpreted one comment or multiple comments, or heard secondhand that the person said something about them, and that kind of sits in their minds, feeds confirmation bias, feeds paranoia, until finally they have an almost religious-level belief in the idea that this person hates them, or should be a target of reciprocal hate. I think a majority of players have done the same thing in this game, except instead of a person they've set their sights on the killer role, people who play the role effectively, and anything that makes that role/those players stronger. If you look at the facts, and the bigger picture, killers really aren't that powerful, and haven't had much in the way of buffs. The power difference between them and survivors, when both sides play effectively, and the difference in power between each's buffs as well, are worlds apart.

  • Member Posts: 10,114

    Because clearly 3-second DS wasn't still meta and wasn't still singlehandedly ruining killer matches. No, gens regressing slightly faster, because the survivors let them? That's the real overpowered thing. 🙄

  • Member Posts: 5,947

    I don't think it was a failure. It was one of the biggest, if not the biggest update we'd ever had and there were a lot of good changes in that patch.

    It is almost unanimously agreed that base kit BT was a great addition. No one perk should ever be necessary to ensure the game is actually playable. It didn't end tunneling but it definitely allowed for more perk variety, which is a win in my book.

    Whether you loved or hated DH, you can't deny that a perk with that high of a pick rate does cause issues. It's not fun to play against the same killer over and over again and DH made chases feel like they were always the same for killers. You did the first half of the chase, then waited for DH and then hopefully ended the chase. This immense overexposure really was what made so many people despise it.

    The old gen regression meta was also getting quite stale. It's easy to say now that we want it back and that it did have some great aspects (like Ruin being worthless when you camped instead of pushing survivors off of gens) but just like DH, it was too common for too long.

    The regression meta we got after that was terrible but the intention to shake up the meta was still good. I also disagree that all three of those perks were gutted. Eruption is still fine. Not super amazingly meta but definitely a very helpful perk. Overcharge is worse than it was before but let's be honest nobody used it then, so it's not really a loss in that sense. The only perk that was really lost is Call of Brine. It was fine before (it was no issue at all when it released and even then it had a pretty respectable pick rate) but now it's pretty much a dead perk. The regression aspect could be scratched entirely and I honestly wouldn't consider that much of a nerf, since it barely does anything to begin with and the info aspect isn't good either. It's ok for a secondary effect but not worth a perk slot.

    This next part might be a bit controversial but bear with me. The DS nerf was good. It wasn't good because the game was healthy in that state but it was good because it highlighted how much of an issue tunneling really is. It had always been a thing but it was never more rampant than in 6.1.0 and that was probably what caused the devs to design more anti tunnel perks and buff some options that were weak before. I'm glad it got buffed again but I doubt many of us really saw the extend of the issue that is tunneling before that.

    The base changes in power dynamics are fine in my opinion. But we've had this discussion a million times, so I don't feel like going into it again.

    Overall, I think 6.1.0 had some incredibly bad short-term consequences but it was a good patch in the long run. The regression meta is much less annoying than it ever was and the game revolves more around chases than just stalling (on both sides). I think we strayed a bit too far from that balance between those two because now games feel rushed but sometimes you have to break something before you can fix it.

  • Member Posts: 16,598

    This next part might be a bit controversial but bear with me. The DS nerf was good. It wasn't good because the game was healthy in that state but it was good because it highlighted how much of an issue tunneling really is. It had always been a thing but it was never more rampant than in 6.1.0 and that was probably what caused the devs to design more anti tunnel perks and buff some options that were weak before. I'm glad it got buffed again but I doubt many of us really saw the extend of the issue that is tunneling before that.

    This would be true if they would have actually done something to help with tunneling. So far, they did not do anything meaningful. Almost every Anti-Tunnel measurement resolves around Endurance and can be removed within one second after the Unhook.

    And the oh so problematic Perk Shoulder the Burden does also next to nothing.

  • “If you look at the facts, and the bigger picture, killers really aren't that powerful”

    Or your just not that good

  • Member Posts: 21,146

    Wasn't the overall KR 60%, even at high MMR?

    I really do question if you play the same game as the rest of the community because the game you describe sounds miserable constantly for you.

  • Member Posts: 5,947

    We got a lot more anti tunnel perks by now. Even Babysitter is actually quite good. Shoulder The Burden needs a bit more fine tuning but I definitely do not consider it a bad perk. It does help with tunneling albeit less than it could / should because it makes the user too vulnerable, which the killer can use to tunnel that survivor instead. So then you'd need multiple survivors to have it equipped, which creates an issue similar to with old BT.

    The endurance problem could be solved rather easily, if they did what I have suggested for years. Make base kit BT make that survivor lose collision with the killer, so they can neither be hit nor bodyblock. That survivor would always get somewhere before they are hit, their endurance effect from anti tunneling perks couldn't be removed immediately and they also couldn't abuse that added protection to be a meatshield for the other survivor. They could also increase DS's duration and add a clause that it deactivates, if the killer chases and downs someone after you were already unhooked (otherwise we risk multiple survivors running around with DS protection, which goes against it's purpose) to reward you more for actually lasting in chase.

  • Member Posts: 4,657

    Because clearly 3-second DS wasn't still meta and wasn't still singlehandedly ruining killer matches.

    Not beating the 'lacks the self-control to just not press spacebar' allegations, I see.

  • Member Posts: 435

    They didn't shake up the meta for killers at all I see eruption, pain res and pop goes the weasel still in almost every single round

  • Member Posts: 7,204

    300% regression speed was not just "slightly" faster, it was ridiculously overpowered for how free it was and it was one of the worst metas in DBD history.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    i do not agree. 300% regression was not overpowered. 3 gen was with said perks was overpowered and regression wasn't free. you spend valuable time kicking gens over immediately entering chases when attempting to walk around the map.

    with latest changes to gen-kick nerfs and regression restriction, 3 gen is least viable it has ever been which in turn makes gen-kicking, the least viable it has ever been because gen-kicking outside 3 gen is not rewarding. corresponding perks that supposedly boost gen-kicking are in weakest state they have ever been. as result, when you factor kicking outside of 3 gens, it is also in the worst state it has ever been.

  • Member Posts: 158


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