The feedback on Xenomorph changes.

The new heat mechanic is pretty atrocious, don't let it come into the main game. The best way - revert it as it was.
The Tail attack (M2) changes can stay, I think it's more fair for survivors, and it's giving the wider time to react, and it's demanding additional skill-cap from the killer player to land a successful hit.
Again: The new heat mechanic needs to be reverted - it is very frustrating to play and manage it.
Imo - the turrets and heat were fine, you don't need to change any of that.
- The Emergency Helmet add-on now increases resistance to Remote Flame Turrets by 15% (was 35%) - this also needs to be reverted.
But Xeno is allready one of the least played killers.
Why make him less fun and less powerfull? Tail attack nerf is bad. He works like this for almost 2 years so why suddenly make it worse?
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The tail attack nerf is awful and this is not making it "more fair" for survivors IMO - it's just catering to them. The tail attack is made "fair" by the fact that they can literally take the attack away from you with flame turrets. That alone makes it justifiable to have the attack be actually strong.
The Xenomorph can have its power taken away by survivors. Therefore it stands to reason that the power should be exceptionally strong so that the killer is still worth using. If this patch goes through as-is I see no reason why I should play Xenomorph over Nemesis, whose M2 has more range, comes out faster, and can't be taken away from me by survivors.
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The tail attack is literally "Get used to" ability. Once you get a hang of it - you will land most of your hits.
The issue there - many survivor players just can't physically react to the tail attack due to 2 main reasons:
- High ping (killer or survivor).
- General reaction.
The changes makes it, so it gives survivors more fair time to react, and they will hear the wind up more clearly. Players who play this killer will get used to the new slower windup.
But the new heat mechanic is a general NO. People will not get used to it - it feels stupid, unfair, frustrating to manage and cheap.
The new heat mechanic should NOT leave the PTB into the main game, it should be reverted 100%, it doesn't need to be changed.
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Well, Xeno is going to join Deathslinger, Chucky and Skully club (nerfed just because survivors didn't like them).
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So according to this we take away the burn changes and just nerf the tail and thats it, xeno gets nerfed and there is just another reason to play nemesis instead.
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In all fairness I can hardly say it's a nerf.
Increased the Tail Attack charge time to 0.35 seconds (was 0.2 seconds) (slight nerf)
Decreased the missed Tail Attack cooldown to 2.5 seconds (was 3 seconds) (buff)
Decreased the time it takes to exit a tunnel to 1.5 seconds (was 2.25 seconds) (buff)
Increased Killer Instinct range when exiting a tunnel to 16 meters (was 12 meters) (buff)
(Not linking the changes about heat and turrets - they should be reverted).
Ask me - I will say: - "Xeno got buffed".
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You cna buff all his kit, if it takes xeno more time to get a down the faster mobility and cooldown is meaningless to the time you waste on a chase. Also since turrets are no longer needed as the tail can be easily dodged you also remove the passive slowdown xeno had.
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I’m just sick of killers getting gutted and Zenomorph is a low pick rated killer. If anything Zenomorph is one of the most fun killers to go against. Killers just can’t have anything.
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You really should try playing xeno and tell me that basically never being able to remove the heat is a good thing.
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What? I'm literally saying the new burn mechanic in PTB should be reverted.
I've said: - "The Tail attack changes are fine".
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I am a Xeno main and I am in agreement with you mostly. The tail attack changes feel a bit weird at first, but it didn't take me long to get used to them. I also thought that the tail attack didn't have enough counterplay, .25 seconds is literally the average human reaction time, which combined with latency and the fact that survivor movement has momentum and cannot juke on a dime means that dodging it is more of a prediction than a reaction.
This also often lead to the tail feeling bad to use, since if you went against a really good survivor who was good at predicting or at least knowing when the xeno is most likely to try to tail attack, you didn't have much time to react and adjust your shot. Effectively, you need to predict that they will try to dodge. I got a bunch of hits because of this which would have been misses on live because I had more of an opportunity to adjust to the survivor trying to dodge the attack.
The flamer turrets changes need to go. But I think that they should roll the Emergency Helmet and Lambert's Starmap addons partially into the Xenomorph's basekit.
Keep the Emergency Helmet at 15% but make the Xenomorph 20% more resistant to fire than it is on live. Then reduce the range of the turret by 1 meter and nerf Lambert's Starmap to be 1 meter.
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who at bhvr faced xeno and couldn’t hack it so they suggested these changes - because wow. already a barely b tier killer that takes much dedicated time to be good with. the nerf makes ZERO sense to me.
the nerfs also make xeno feel not like a unique killer anymore and i’m personally sick of bhvr nerfing down every killer to the point that they don’t require specific skills to be able to play well and just feel the same to play as other killers. why are we afraid of uniqueness in this game?