Are we banning for gen control doc builds now?

Just a question. Was watching a streamer. I won't mention their name but they are in the top 5 of DBD content creators on Twitch and they are a fog whisperer. They were on "the game" map, which the killer put an offering for. It was your classic d-bag Doc build, overcharge, unnerving, all of it. He 3-gen'd them and wouldn't let them repair gens. Now here's the kicker - he also wouldn't chase or down anyone. He just kept walking around in treatment mode and kicking gens. It went on for over 30 minutes.
I suppose this is considered taking the game hostage, yeah?
Anyway, they apparently got in contact with someone from BHVR who told her she could disconnect and to submit an in game report and he'd be dealt with. They did this live.
What do you guys think?
Yes that's hostage taking as hes not progessing the game forcing DC so they can move onto a new game they cant even die to egc as it's not troggerd at that point
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That is not bannable, and if BHVR bans people for doing this strategy, I'm uninstalling the game right now.
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if u play like this you wont be missed
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The game is still winnable. None of the survivors are prevented from attempting gens. They shouldn't have 3 genned themselves
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That is not hostage taking because survivors still have the chance to repair gens. It is difficult, yes, but that is the thing. The killer build is completely oriented to a 3gen strat and it's a powerful strategy to defend generators. Survivors have to deal with that.
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If I get this type of doctor I just suicide on hook if I get bored but I'm not crying to get him banned as most of people like you do
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As @ba_tetsuo says, if you 3 genned yourself that is your fault. Just learn how to play against this type of doc.
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That guy can get ban for taking the game hostage and not doing hes objective and that its to kill all survivor putting the map game and not killing the survivor its just cancer and you said hes a streamer also a fog whisperer i dont really get why devs give that guy to be a fog whisperer hes toxic this needs to be done you should talk with not queen or other mods so that can look this issue
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Killer want's to waste his time I'm quite happy to go into super immersion stealth mode and keep him tied up in that one match for hours.
I'd do it ALL DAY if I had to.
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in this scenario 3 genning was not the fault of the survivors, a doctor who is gonna use this strategy picks his 3 gens at the start of the game and completely ignores the rest of them, and since you can't even work a gen while in tier 3 if the doc gets a "good" spawn and refuses to chase then there is nothing you can do about it
13 -
the people in this thread saying this isn't a hostage situation don't understand how hostage doc works
he picks the game map so 3 gens are within his treatment mode terror radius
he guards them all game
he stays in treatment mode and kicks them with overcharge
you cannot progress the game and you cannot prevent it
is this a design flaw? perhaps, but this doesn't happen unintentionally. the killer went into the game with this outcome in mind, so yes, i think action should be taken
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Cleaver use of game mechanic...
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I had this happen a while ago, but it was 2 hours instead of 30 minutes and the killer wouldn't sacrifice us. If you got us locked down in a 3-gen strategy, that's good, but if the game is lasting forever, then at least sacrifice us so we don't have to waste so much of our time trying to do the impossible.
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Please do so, noone needs players with such a mentality
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See, here comes my problem with "they shouldn't have 3 genned themselves" cuz the whole build is around 3 genning. The killer patrolled the closest gens since begging. Either do other gens or do nothing. This is not in the hand of the survivors.
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I know you don't want to give out their name but I really want to see this.
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I think it's an unfortunate situation... but if you play it right, you could flip it around and gen bait him. It sounds crazy I know, but you can pull it off with the right teammates.
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I use similar strategies with Freddy, relentlessly patrolling the last gens and biding my time for when the remaining survivors get desperate and much more reckless in their attempts, and profit accordingly.
this is not what OP is talking about, this post was about a doctor who's intention from before game start was to pick 3 gens that were very close together never chase anyone and just shock people until they disconnect since they cant work gens in tier 3 madness
only even leaving treatment mode if he walked up on a survivor currently on a gen and then not chasing them after the hit and no intention of sacrificing them, i imagine they were running overcharge, distressing, surveillance, and brutal strength
what you were doing i assume had the intention to actually kill the survivors
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you literally cannot do what the OP is describing with freddy. it can only be done with doctor, with the specified perks. it's called hostage doc for a reason
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Keeping a game going for 30 minutes with no intention of winning should be against the rules. If the killer was attempting to down the survivors and hook them that is something entirely different.
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I don't think he should be banned. The survivors had a chance at doinggens, they had a chance at escape. A survivor getting into an unreachable area or killer bodyblocking basement (which, yes, i know, it's fixed) is a true hostage situation, but this guy played the game with a strategy, and a stupidly effective one. It needs to be fixed, but he shouldn't be banned for playing the game.
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Swf, at best. And if the doc sticks to his strategy even swf won't do #########
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Devs: Makes 3 gen strat possible
Also devs: Bans people for doing 3 gen strat
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If someone is exclusively preventing the gens being completed while making no attempt to end the game, then yeah I think that could be considered holding the game hostage. There's situations where it's difficult and there's situations where it's legitimately impossible.
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The doctor cannot force you to remain alive and off of gens. Have everyone get on one gen. THe doctor has to start bleeding people or watch you pop it.
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The doctor is like. The one character who CAN stop it by putting you in tier 3
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The doctoR cannot stop all 3 gens simultaneously this way. Worst case wax has survivor gets on a different gen.
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With 3 gens close, the right perks and range add-ons, yeah he CAN effectively lock down 3 gens indefinitely. Not always but it can happen.
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This is NOT bannable.
This is something that was discussed and settled over a year ago on the Steam forums.
This isn't taking the game hostage because the game is still winnable. The Killer's objective can be argued to delay as long as possible.
I tried to say it's killing Survivors, but even people on these forums say it's "delaying the game." Therefore, the Doc is doing his objective.
How do you know he wasn't TRYING to kill? Do you realize how intensive 3 gen needs to be to pull it off effectively, even with Doc? I've beaten 3 gen docs, it's hard but it isn't impossible.
Just because the Survivors are lacking the skill required to defeat it doesn't mean it is a hostage situation.
@Peanits please confirm this, but I'm fairly certain this conversation was settled over a year ago. If we seriously are back on this conversation, it needs to be handled posthaste. Last thing we need is people clamoring to get Doc nerfed and banned cause of 3 gens. AGAIN
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Aren't you the guy that complained he lost the ability to see people underneath him via grass movement?
And yet you're not ok with 3 gen? You're ok with a literal exploit, but not someone taking advantage of simply how the game works?
Yeah, you're obviously not actually a competitive player at all.
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I wouldn't ban for this. I don't mind being slugged for 4k either for an hour. If killer wants 4k that hard sometimes I give my all with the last survivor also. It can be a waste of time but unusually challenging and even fun experience. True horror.
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It's always the fault of the Survivors. For letting a 3 gen happen.
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I like how people are so firm in their... NOT and IS arguments.. which is funny.
The Devs stated long ago, eventually the killer has to commit to a chase, and if they don't and stick on the gens... well... A line has to be drawn. Is it fair or not?... If the survivors are giving the Killer a chance to commit and the killer won't take it?
I don't know about everyone else, but that seems like a complete waste of time. Why was the EGC put in place?... Ahhh yes.. to prevent players from stealthing all over the map for 20 plus minutes... However that survivor could be legitimately trying to escape....
A line has to be drawn... Blame the Devs for allow the situation.. sure.. but they too can also draw the line.
Fog Whispers should not be above the rules. They shouldn't be allowed to cross the lines that get drawn by the Developers on everyone else. They want to entertain but they shouldn't really be doing it at the expense of the other players in the match.
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I had similar situation yesterday.
We were SWF 3 + 1 random vs Billy on old swamp. This Billy checked his gens on start and from begining of game he was holding 3 gens near each other - one on small boat, one just next to it near killer shack and last one on second side of shack.
As you can see all 3 gens was very near, let say just 50 meters way from last to first.
Hilly´s playstyle was 3 gens strat and he showed that obliviously. Of course he should play it little diferent around it for more kills, as we were downed many times.
But we powered thought this playstyle and due to 1 party member mistake (he jumped not much safe window) Billy won 3 kills and 1 escape.
Anyway this game took 18:05 (mm:ss) as I know from my personal video recording.
I don´t count this as game hostaging, as this was very good strat due to gens spawn.
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It is still completely the Survivors fault.
If he was refusing to hit anyone or chase anyone, then just, keep repairing the gen? Like FORCE him to chase you. If people run away every time he comes close, of course he won't chase.
3 gen requires you to put nearly all your attention on the gens. The MOMENT you let yourself become distracted for longer then 10 seconds, it's already to late.
If he chases you off and just kicks the gen, stay right behind him and immediately repair when he kicks it and moves 5 inches away. He'll either ignore you, giving you progress, or turn around to hit you can chase you off, giving your team time to progress.
As far as madness, you need to be trading off with players out of Tier 3 and focus on gens and distraction. Even if it means taking a grab, doing ANYTHING to get him off of the gen will ensure your victory.
Once again, just because the Survivors lack the forethought and knowledge to defeat this doesnt mean it is OP.
Stop blaming the Killer for your shortcomings people.
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Funny how I got 16 vote downs because i said it is not bannable but, guess what, IT IS NOT BANNABLE. I'm just saying this to clarify: 3 gen strat with the intent of getting kills isn't bannable. 3 gen strat with the intent of holding the game hostage is. Do you people really think I was defending a game hostage intent? NO GUYS, if you are in front of the doctor and he refuses to hit you to keep the game hostage THAT is bannable, but if he tries to get kills then IT IS NOT.
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Not to mention, can we remember the """"exploit"""" of 2 killers in public match? I laugh everytime at this because for developers, it was intentional, meanwhile it's not. It's a bug, that could be replicate by players, but can happen by random events (yes it's still on in this patch , they never fixed it but atleast it's fun as hell).
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Not everyone is high skill level... not everyone understands what to do there.
If you have a killer who is normally playing at high ranks who gets a bunch of low ranked survivors cause of match making, that killer can keep them there forever. Why cause they can.
Sure... blame the survivor for not understanding how to deal with it.
You could also blame the killer for not seeing the difference in skill levels, and just deciding to commit to the chase and take some risk. If you can't see or determine skill levels on survivors as killer, then... they too are a low skilled player.
But of course... gotta protect the killers right to kill everyone in the match.. even if they decide to take 30 minutes in doing it. /s
It is easy to point the finger at one side or the other.. but really like what is mentioned above it is the Developers that allow it to happen. So should they not drawn the line?... I think they should.
The killer shouldn't be allowed to sit there and keep the survivors off the gens just cause they can.
Just like a sole survivor wasn't allowed to stay in the end of a match and play stealth against a killer for 20 plus minutes... cause they can. The exits were open.. the killer could still find and kill the survivor... but... now we have the EGC... a line was drawn.
Just cause people can do it... doesn't mean it should be allowed to continue forever.
The killer also has some responsibility to think and not be a mindless robot in the pursuit of their 4K.
2 -
Killer mains defending 30+ minute hostage doc matches while crying that survivors are sitting in exit gates too long to tbag, what an absolute joke.
As for the people saying it's "the survivors faults". Load up a hostage doc match, pick three gens and refuse to check any of the gens except for the three that you're protecting.
See how the survivors have no choice in this? They constantly get hit/shocked on these three gens so they do the others, even if they WANTED to do one of the other three gens he could just do the same as what he was now, the survivors progressed the match as much as they possibly could.
I swear half of you don't even play this game.
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Deja Vu is a perk that deals with this.
There's also the fact that there's 4 survivors and 1 killer. So unless the Survivor team is incredibly badly coordinated, even a 3gen shouldn't stop them forever.
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That is not comparable at all. Hiding when you can escape is holding the game hostage. Patroling gens to prevent escapes is doing objective.
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Patrolling gens and hitting survivors once, putting them into tier 3 and then running back to 1/2/3% gens to put overcharge on the gens with unnerving presence, yea, sure buddy.
hiding in the exit gate btw, totally stopping a killer from walking in there and forcing the survivor out.
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So let me paraphrase it:
A doc, who plays a specific build, even put on an offering, outplayed your favorite stream by successfully pulling of a 3 gen strat.
The survivors mindlessly let themselves cornered by not spreading the gens and don't know how to play against it.
There are 3 gens and at least 2 survivors, otherwise there would be the EGC.
So, all they needed to do is picking each the farthest gen and start working on it, the doc lacks of mobility so eventually you would get the gens done.
So there is no hostage taking the game, but simply a lack in game knowledge and skill.
6 -
this entire thread is full of about 90% pepega killer mains and 10% og players that know this game more than the rest combined. shits sad when you see the community that used to be so knowledgeable with dbd turn to ######### so quickly. hOstaGe dOc dOEsNt eXisT. you guys sound like some ######### clowns and its sad. Also the people saying bhvr wont ban for it are the same kids that got banned for 2+ killer glitch. i want to see 1 person with a decent amount of hours try and convince me how hostage doc shouldnt be bannable. if i can get a genuine response i might change my mind but until then i wont. ######### is unplayable and it doesnt take anything but some perks and addons to just stand in the middle going back and forth until the survivors give up. but even then you probably still wouldnt down them because they might actually get a gen done while you hook them (: this community fell off hard in 2018. feelsbadman
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You're seriously telling people to "just do the three gens that he wont leave".
If the doctor chooses three gens to protect and ignores the rest, how could they possibly have prevented 3-gen?
he chose to ignore every other gen except the three closest to each other.
"just do the gens" shake my head.
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If they are making no attempt to down anyone and purely stalling the game by keeping everyone in madness 3, only downing and slugging them if they refuse to move, that would be considered holding the game hostage. We would need to see that they are doing this for a long time, though, not just a couple minutes. The 3 gen strat on its own is not bannable, it only become an issue when it's being used to grief instead of win.
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i have a bit of an issue with what you say cause...
In the olden days before EGC... 4 gens done... hatch is open.. one survivor who is very good... and newish killer player... So the argument of that good survivor hiding around the map for 20+ minutes.... That survivor could use the argument that...
"Hey I was lookin for the hatch that whole time.. the killer kept patrolling near it... and the remaining gens.. it was bad RNG.. so it took me over 20 minutes to get out..."
But that killer player would be upset feeling they were being held hostage. How do you know that survivor is lying or not?
Thus EGC is born.
Now you have another situation where a triangle of gens is formed at the end on a the Doc who can stand in the middle of the triangle and prevent survivors from working on any gen for any considerable length of time... Doesn't bother to chase... No commitment to killing the remaining survivors... Maybe there is only 2 survivors left...
Doc keeps that up for 20 + minutes...
But yes.. that is ALL the survivors fault for maneuvering the match into that direction.
Just like how the previous example of the killer maneuvering the end of the match to one skilled survivor who slinks around the map for 20+ minutes. The killer was supposed to let them go right?.. to prevent the "holding hostage" of the end game.
They do it sometimes... Cause they can.
So at what point do you draw the line on that #########?
We call all tout the "use this strategy against this situation"... and cause you didn't, you failed.. and it is your fault.
They are comparable... because it is a situation of taking things too far. That is the issue at hand.
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I have also seen this from the survivors side that they will tend to play hide-and-seek once they realize they have lost to a 3-gen. At this point I do believe in many cases you are wrong. Why chase someone across the map away from what as killer you are suppose to protect? It is illogical yes I am gonna chase you all the way across azarovs and leave the gens unprotected to try and get your kill. However, I have beaten and have been beaten over how a 3-gen was played or positioned as both survivor and killer. This is a design flaw and a survivor flaw. If a killer is protecting three specific gens and your team is alive even if you lose a few hooks to get one of those gens done you save yourself late game. That or rush the other gens into a corner and blame the killer for not leaving. Remember the killer doesn't place nor work on gens they protect them from being done. Which in no way should be bannable. If the survivors wanted the match to end and know they have lost suicide on a hook give an attempt at hatch and end the game.
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And what do you do in that scenario to show the killer you want to be sacrificed? Do you run away when the killer comes, or do you stand still?