I'm Tired of killers begging for a free hand out



  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    I'm still pretty new to the game so I can't say if the game is so much unbalanced in survivors favour, but I find a solo survivor without crutch perks to be somewhat challenging. At least for now. 
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    About the gens... I'm rank 11 atm. One thing that is really bothering me is people who are not doing gens at all. They are not chased nor even near a killer but they are just waitting for me to do it even if I did most of them. When it comes to the last 1 or 2 gens people just dissapear and expect me to work on gens while being chased and looked for by the killer. And don't get me started on people in really low ranks like fives blowing up gens like they are just starting. What's up with that? 
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    Urban Evasion isn't that strong neither is dead hard. Decisive strike has a hard countter called dropping them and picking them up, while bringing them to the nearest hook.

    All perks has a counter just saying
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @feffrey said:
    Urban Evasion isn't that strong neither is dead hard. Decisive strike has a hard countter called dropping them and picking them up, while bringing them to the nearest hook.

    All perks has a counter just saying

    Again an unreliable soft counter hard countered by a bodyblocker. You do know that the common "killer mains" (although they play both sides) know all of the game's mechanics right?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SovererignKing said:

    P3 Claudette’s always hide in the same dark corner every time. All you have to do is familiarize with those “spots”, and give them a glance now and then. You’ll usually find one hunkered down in her natrual habit as per usual. 

    I actually love getting P3, or the new green overcoat and dread locks Claudette in my Lobby. They always try and “hide” in the same spots over and over. 

    “Yeah dude, I saw you there. ALL Claudette’s try and hide in that spot...”

    This is the point I keep trying to make she's not that hard to find if you know where to look and the black outfit excuse is getting old. They already lightened up that outfit so it's not all black anymore the same for ehr other ones.

    If you're a killer since launch and you still can't find her then you need to play her extensively with full P3 and learn her hiding spots. P3 Nea and Quentin are a lot harder to find and Quentin mainly because you don't see him that often.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    troll or idiot... troll or idiot... troll or idiot?!?
    gosh that one is hard...

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    Mister_xD said:

    troll or idiot... troll or idiot... troll or idiot?!?
    gosh that one is hard...

    Not sure which post you're referring to, but I don't think those two options are mutually exclusive.
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    I have only seen one good argument from the killer side and the other killers entitlement is showing

    They don't want Claudette in the game
    They don't want pallets in the game
    They don't want any perk that helps the survivor .

    They want survivors highlighted for them

    Like can you get even more entitled?
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    @ZombieGenesis if you play survivor so rarely that you reset to rank 20 then your opinions on balance are pretty much irrelevant. how could you possibly understand balance if you don't regularly play both sides through out the various nerfs and buffs?
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    Survivors are being oppressed by the killers they have been handed every tool they need to catch any survivor .

    If you can't catch a survivor that is your own fault
  • krick
    krick Member Posts: 13

    I feel solo survivor is unbalanced, since survivors are pretty much at the weakest their ever been with all the nerfs that hit over time, however a 3 man or 4 man swf with good players is still stronger then killers if their play to win.

    the game could use some balance to Not make swf so superior compared to solo players,
    some of the things that gives swf huge boots are Hexes, the 2 minute hook timers with 2 possible saves of the hook, and location of generators to avoid the last generators to be to close to each other.
    even Decisive Strike is far better for swf where it becomes pretty broken, theirs also the info from teammates about perks the killers possible have.

    locations ironworks factory, cornfield barn, and even the gas station in autowreckers depending on the door and window spawns for the gas station are pretty broken loop spots. And some of the maps sometimes end up with too big of dead zones for survivors.

    totems need a change, someone else suggested making even active totems look like dull totems, decrease the amount down to 4, let the killers still see their active one and still have the notification for survivors after cleansing an active one.
    the advantage of swf seeing an active totem, or searching for them compared to solo is too huge, the mechanics need to change instead of just focusing on better hiding spots
    I would even suggest survivors having a active icon of how many totems are up or been cleansed

    the 2 minutes hook timers with 2 possible saves of hook, is also far better for swf.
    the moment someone goes down their can quickly figure out whose closet.
    is the killer hook patrolling to much so you need to send 2 teammates because of it, is it leatherface so you dont bother with it, or trapper or hag placing their traps rough estimates
    or in witch direction is the killer heading, and did the killer start chasing someone else...

    their are just so many advantages for swf in saving teammates, compared to solo where you have no idea who the killer might be, is someone else going, or not even have the appropriate perks to bother with saves, depending on how the killer plays.
    and if 1 survivor has already been hooked twice while none of the others got hooked, swf are more likely to just start boodyblocking like crazy, not a huge loss for them to be hooked the first time compared to losing a teammate.
    its also easier to wait for the teammates exhaustion to go away.

    kindred for all survivors and exhaustion dispersing upon hook, would be some really nice changes, and bring swf and solo much closer balanced, even for swf as im sure its only a really few swf who tries really hard at winning.
    giving everyone kindred would be a strong buff so compensating the killers with making it 1 unhook per survivor, I consider better balance changes then taking away everything survivors can do to escape/waste the killers time once found.

    generators locations, I have no idea how to balance them more for solos compared to swf
    while the new Deja Vu is strong, theirs really no point in running it as solo compared to other more helpfull perks

    While some killers are weak, wraith and freedy, and others have more randomness in how a match will go, I can understand why their are getting buffs, its more fun to go against different killers anyway, then seeing the same ones all the time.
    but instead of nerfing survivors into the ground the game should be balanced more around swf not having so many advantages over solo

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @feffrey said:
    Survivors are being oppressed by the killers they have been handed every tool they need to catch any survivor .

    If you can't catch a survivor that is your own fault


  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    feffrey said:
    Survivors are being oppressed by the killers they have been handed every tool they need to catch any survivor .

    If you can't catch a survivor that is your own fault
    I’m so very sorry you feel victimized in a game where the literal point of Survivor is TO BE VICTIMIZED by the Killer. 
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 
    What kind of Excuse us that just admit the own killers fault and stop pointing fingers and maybe the Dev want take killers as a Joke. 

    Once killers come to a realistic agreement with survivors and Dev the game may become balanced.

    Tell me again how a killer can't counter survivors ?
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited August 2018
    feffrey said:

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 

    Tell me again how a killer can't counter survivors ?
    Im just gonna let you do the explaination.

    Like it or not.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    feffrey said:

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 
    What kind of Excuse us that just admit the own killers fault and stop pointing fingers and maybe the Dev want take killers as a Joke. 

    Once killers come to a realistic agreement with survivors and Dev the game may become balanced.

    Tell me again how a killer can't counter survivors ?
    Base game mechanics.

    Gens too quick and easy to complete. Hit box size differences that allows for Looping. Poor Map Design that gives Survivors massive Loops. Killer FoV being screwy, ever since they changed it so Killers couldn’t clip the camera to be ablue to check inside lockers without actually opening them. I could go on, but you get the point, I hope.

    Perks, items, add ons, all of that be damned. When the base game mechanics are flawed, the game is ######### up. There are a plethora of base game mechanics that are heavily in the Survivors favor that when you play Killer, you spend all your time fighting the game mechanics, not pitting your skill up against the Survivor players skill, they don’t need skill when the game mechanics carry them so hard.
  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    feffrey said:
    Honestly if killers want a free hand out like always.. They should spawn 1 survivor dead, 1 survivor on a hook another one down and the last one injured....
    Depends is the survivor in struggle phase?

    Also you mean to tell me I have to go and look for the downed survivor AND find the last one that’s injured ugh too much work!

    How about we meet halfway and have all survivors on hooks in the struggle phase?  :p
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    edited August 2018
    feffrey said:

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 
    What kind of Excuse us that just admit the own killers fault and stop pointing fingers and maybe the Dev want take killers as a Joke. 

    Once killers come to a realistic agreement with survivors and Dev the game may become balanced.

    Tell me again how a killer can't counter survivors ?
    Base game mechanics.

    Gens too quick and easy to complete. Hit box size differences that allows for Looping. Poor Map Design that gives Survivors massive Loops. Killer FoV being screwy, ever since they changed it so Killers couldn’t clip the camera to be ablue to check inside lockers without actually opening them. I could go on, but you get the point, I hope.

    Perks, items, add ons, all of that be damned. When the base game mechanics are flawed, the game is ######### up. There are a plethora of base game mechanics that are heavily in the Survivors favor that when you play Killer, you spend all your time fighting the game mechanics, not pitting your skill up against the Survivor players skill, they don’t need skill when the game mechanics carry them so hard.
    So survivors just playing the game equals toxic behaviour? So survivors shouldn't play and killers should play lobby simulators?
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    feffrey said:
    feffrey said:

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 
    What kind of Excuse us that just admit the own killers fault and stop pointing fingers and maybe the Dev want take killers as a Joke. 

    Once killers come to a realistic agreement with survivors and Dev the game may become balanced.

    Tell me again how a killer can't counter survivors ?
    Base game mechanics.

    Gens too quick and easy to complete. Hit box size differences that allows for Looping. Poor Map Design that gives Survivors massive Loops. Killer FoV being screwy, ever since they changed it so Killers couldn’t clip the camera to be ablue to check inside lockers without actually opening them. I could go on, but you get the point, I hope.

    Perks, items, add ons, all of that be damned. When the base game mechanics are flawed, the game is ######### up. There are a plethora of base game mechanics that are heavily in the Survivors favor that when you play Killer, you spend all your time fighting the game mechanics, not pitting your skill up against the Survivor players skill, they don’t need skill when the game mechanics carry them so hard.
    So survivors just playing the game ewuals toxic behaviour? So survivors shouldn't play and killers should play lobby simulators?
    He said the base mechanics are flawed not that playing survivor is toxic you idiot. Its sad you created a thread so dumb you have to resort to putting words in other peoples mouths while pretending that you have an actual argument.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    feffrey said:
    feffrey said:

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 
    What kind of Excuse us that just admit the own killers fault and stop pointing fingers and maybe the Dev want take killers as a Joke. 

    Once killers come to a realistic agreement with survivors and Dev the game may become balanced.

    Tell me again how a killer can't counter survivors ?
    Base game mechanics.

    Gens too quick and easy to complete. Hit box size differences that allows for Looping. Poor Map Design that gives Survivors massive Loops. Killer FoV being screwy, ever since they changed it so Killers couldn’t clip the camera to be ablue to check inside lockers without actually opening them. I could go on, but you get the point, I hope.

    Perks, items, add ons, all of that be damned. When the base game mechanics are flawed, the game is ######### up. There are a plethora of base game mechanics that are heavily in the Survivors favor that when you play Killer, you spend all your time fighting the game mechanics, not pitting your skill up against the Survivor players skill, they don’t need skill when the game mechanics carry them so hard.
    So survivors just playing the game ewuals toxic behaviour? So survivors shouldn't play and killers should play lobby simulators?
    Did I say toxic? No, I didn’t. Don’t put words in my mouth, thanks. It’s unbalanced. Not toxic, Survivors are just using the tool and mechanics that they are given, however those tools and mechanics are just too strong. 
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    edited August 2018
    feffrey said:
    feffrey said:

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 
    What kind of Excuse us that just admit the own killers fault and stop pointing fingers and maybe the Dev want take killers as a Joke. 

    Once killers come to a realistic agreement with survivors and Dev the game may become balanced.

    Tell me again how a killer can't counter survivors ?
    Base game mechanics.

    Gens too quick and easy to complete. Hit box size differences that allows for Looping. Poor Map Design that gives Survivors massive Loops. Killer FoV being screwy, ever since they changed it so Killers couldn’t clip the camera to be ablue to check inside lockers without actually opening them. I could go on, but you get the point, I hope.

    Perks, items, add ons, all of that be damned. When the base game mechanics are flawed, the game is ######### up. There are a plethora of base game mechanics that are heavily in the Survivors favor that when you play Killer, you spend all your time fighting the game mechanics, not pitting your skill up against the Survivor players skill, they don’t need skill when the game mechanics carry them so hard.
    So survivors just playing the game ewuals toxic behaviour? So survivors shouldn't play and killers should play lobby simulators?
    He said the base mechanics are flawed not that playing survivor is toxic you idiot. Its sad you created a thread so dumb you have to resort to putting words in other peoples mouths while pretending that you have an actual argument.
    Like I said playing a survivor and doing "Base game mechanics" equals toxic behaviour because you didn't spoon feed the killer the win. Basically you're saying if I do Gens I'm not playing the game as intended because you didn't win lol

      I know catching survivors can be hard but hey games are meant to be hard.

    If you're looking for easy wins and safe spaces go play fortnite

    😂😂 "Too strong" 
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    feffrey said:
    feffrey said:
    feffrey said:

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 
    What kind of Excuse us that just admit the own killers fault and stop pointing fingers and maybe the Dev want take killers as a Joke. 

    Once killers come to a realistic agreement with survivors and Dev the game may become balanced.

    Tell me again how a killer can't counter survivors ?
    Base game mechanics.

    Gens too quick and easy to complete. Hit box size differences that allows for Looping. Poor Map Design that gives Survivors massive Loops. Killer FoV being screwy, ever since they changed it so Killers couldn’t clip the camera to be ablue to check inside lockers without actually opening them. I could go on, but you get the point, I hope.

    Perks, items, add ons, all of that be damned. When the base game mechanics are flawed, the game is ######### up. There are a plethora of base game mechanics that are heavily in the Survivors favor that when you play Killer, you spend all your time fighting the game mechanics, not pitting your skill up against the Survivor players skill, they don’t need skill when the game mechanics carry them so hard.
    So survivors just playing the game ewuals toxic behaviour? So survivors shouldn't play and killers should play lobby simulators?
    He said the base mechanics are flawed not that playing survivor is toxic you idiot. Its sad you created a thread so dumb you have to resort to putting words in other peoples mouths while pretending that you have an actual argument.
    Like I said playing a survivor and doing "Base game mechanics" equals toxic behaviour because you didn't spoon feed the killer the win. Basically you're saying if I do Gens I'm not playing the game as intended because you didn't win lol

      I know catching survivors can be hard but hey games are meant to be hard.

    If you're looking for easy wins and safe spaces go play fortnite
    Oh hey here you go again putting words in other peoples mouths.  
    I just hope you are atleast somewhat aware that you became the most recent lolcow of this community.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    feffrey said:
    feffrey said:
    feffrey said:

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 
    What kind of Excuse us that just admit the own killers fault and stop pointing fingers and maybe the Dev want take killers as a Joke. 

    Once killers come to a realistic agreement with survivors and Dev the game may become balanced.

    Tell me again how a killer can't counter survivors ?
    Base game mechanics.

    Gens too quick and easy to complete. Hit box size differences that allows for Looping. Poor Map Design that gives Survivors massive Loops. Killer FoV being screwy, ever since they changed it so Killers couldn’t clip the camera to be ablue to check inside lockers without actually opening them. I could go on, but you get the point, I hope.

    Perks, items, add ons, all of that be damned. When the base game mechanics are flawed, the game is ######### up. There are a plethora of base game mechanics that are heavily in the Survivors favor that when you play Killer, you spend all your time fighting the game mechanics, not pitting your skill up against the Survivor players skill, they don’t need skill when the game mechanics carry them so hard.
    So survivors just playing the game ewuals toxic behaviour? So survivors shouldn't play and killers should play lobby simulators?
    He said the base mechanics are flawed not that playing survivor is toxic you idiot. Its sad you created a thread so dumb you have to resort to putting words in other peoples mouths while pretending that you have an actual argument.
    Like I said playing a survivor and doing "Base game mechanics" equals toxic behaviour because you didn't spoon feed the killer the win. Basically you're saying if I do Gens I'm not playing the game as intended because you didn't win lol

      I know catching survivors can be hard but hey games are meant to be hard.

    If you're looking for easy wins and safe spaces go play fortnite
    Holy #########, your bias is off the charts. You just want to pick a fight and be ignorant. Yeah, it’s not supposed to be easy to catch Survivors, but it’s not supposed to be this level of insanity. It’s called balance, of which you have zero idea. You just want your easy wins spoon fed to you by game mechanics carrying your ass without  you having to think. 
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181
    edited August 2018

    @feffrey said:
    SovererignKing said:

    ShrimpTwiggs said:

    Come on, man. I'm not going to deny that there are some entitled killers out there. There's entitlement on both sides, but that doesn't mean that we should chalk up every complaint as "whining." Right now, the game is far too survivor-sided because the devs cave in to the survivors. One week after Freddy came out, he was nerfed. Meanwhile, it took the devs two years to fix the pallet vacuum. It's pretty clear what side gets their way the most. And finally, a patch comes out that nerfs the survivors and buffs two of the weaker killers and the survivors review bomb the game. Tell me which side is whining again?

    I’ve said this so many times... it’s not that Killers don’t have bullshit, they do, it’s just the reason you see Killers complain more often is because the Survivors have MORE bullshit than the Killers by far. 

    What kind of Excuse us that just admit the own killers fault and stop pointing fingers and maybe the Dev want take killers as a Joke. 

    Once killers come to a realistic agreement with survivors and Dev the game may become balanced.

    Tell me again how a killer can't counter survivors ?

    How about how they can? Gens get done so fast, most killers can't apply pressure, looping is easy and crushes a lot of killers, and survivors have far stronger perks. SB is still a get-out-of-jail free card when your positioning is garbage. And it crushes the Wraith, Pig, Hag and Myers especially hard since it can nullify an ambush. Self Care gives you the ability to infinitely heal yourself, which means you don't have to distract the others from doing gens. Not to mention that it makes Freddy a joke. It pretty much removes any risk of body-blocking since you all can take turns getting whacked without distracting anyone to heal you. You can say that it's countered by Nurses Calling, but that only works if the survivors are healing in your terror radius. And paired with Iron Will, they can easily stealth out of it. How about DS? You can run Enduring, but the most that will do is help shorten the next chase. The fact still remains that you have to recatch the survivor again. In a game where the killer is on a time crunch, that can make the difference between a win and a loss. Not to mention that you could easily end up putting up with multiple instances of these perks in one game. No killer perk compares to these. Ruin can be powered through or destroyed, NOED can be destroyed before it even activates, BBQ has quite a few counterplays to pick from. Then there is the fact that items make all these problems worse. Flashlights are still very strong. You can say to run Lightborne, but against a purple flashlight with good add-ons, it won't fix anything. You can say to run Brutal Strength to shorten the window, but that means you're running two perks to counter one item. Then there's toolboxes, which make the genrush even worse. As someone who plays far more survivor then killer, the killer role needs to be buffed.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    But it isn't even hard to catch survivors... 100% of the time the killer spawns next to one survivor basically already 1 free kill . Remember it is more likely SWF so they will not let him die eventually they'll come for him...

    I still fail to see the insanity .. Are all killers affriad to just stop chasing a Survivor that's going to loop them?
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @feffrey said:
    But it isn't even hard to catch survivors... 100% of the time the killer spawns next to one survivor basically already 1 free kill . Remember it is more likely SWF so they will not let him die eventually they'll come for him...

    I still fail to see the insanity .. Are all killers affriad to just stop chasing a Survivor that's going to loop them?

    1.) Even if you spawn close to a survivor, you would still have to go in one specific direction to find them. Not to mention that you would still have to catch them. And if the survivor is good, then it won't be easy to take them down.

    2.) The problem with your SWF point is that it relies on the survivors to make mistakes. What if the guy on the hook tells them to let him hang?

    3.) If you leave one survivor and chase another, they will most likely loop you as well.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Mister_xD said:
    troll or idiot... troll or idiot... troll or idiot?!?
    gosh that one is hard...

    easy its both.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @feffrey said:
    But it isn't even hard to catch survivors... 100% of the time the killer spawns next to one survivor basically already 1 free kill . Remember it is more likely SWF so they will not let him die eventually they'll come for him...

    I still fail to see the insanity .. Are all killers affriad to just stop chasing a Survivor that's going to loop them?

    Il say this now. You are free to listen and see or to be blind . Its your choice.

    ALL of the stuff you can think about to counter Survivors and more was Extensively Tested by hundreds of rank 1 killers and survivors ( or skilled players because rank does not equal skill).

    These were proven that against semi DECENT ( not even good or above) survivors would nullify if the killer was not billy, nurse or huntress and even then only the nurse can challange good and above survivors( jesus forbid they have voice comms).

    Thats why all of the players that you are talking to ridicule your assersions as they are stuff that them and i have tried and it works versus bad survivors and the good ones largely ignore.

    Lets be honest: you are fishing arent you? and you know what i mean by this.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    feffrey said:
    But it isn't even hard to catch survivors... 100% of the time the killer spawns next to one survivor basically already 1 free kill . Remember it is more likely SWF so they will not let him die eventually they'll come for him...

    I still fail to see the insanity .. Are all killers affriad to just stop chasing a Survivor that's going to loop them?
    Have you ever left rank 20?
    Because on rank 1, there's a high possibility that every survivor in a match knows how to loop you. You break chase, find someone else and reboot the loop with someone else.

    Only certain killers are effective on high ranks. 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    Have you ever left rank 20?
    Because on rank 1, there's a high possibility that every survivor in a match knows how to loop you. You break chase, find someone else and reboot the loop with someone else.

    Only certain killers are effective on high ranks. 

    Mostly you see Nurse, Billy, Hag is really popular right now, Trapper P3, and lots of really good Freddy's. IO'm not sure about rank 1 right now since not back up there yet. I've been playing lots of new survivors to learn them better and how they work to kill them better lol.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Have you ever left rank 20?
    Because on rank 1, there's a high possibility that every survivor in a match knows how to loop you. You break chase, find someone else and reboot the loop with someone else.

    Only certain killers are effective on high ranks. 

    Mostly you see Nurse, Billy, Hag is really popular right now, Trapper P3, and lots of really good Freddy's. IO'm not sure about rank 1 right now since not back up there yet. I've been playing lots of new survivors to learn them better and how they work to kill them better lol.

    It’s the same, except for the Freddy’s. There are still Freddy’s that are up there, just not lots anymore. Myers seems more popular. Sparse Huntress here and there. 
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Have you ever left rank 20?
    Because on rank 1, there's a high possibility that every survivor in a match knows how to loop you. You break chase, find someone else and reboot the loop with someone else.

    Only certain killers are effective on high ranks. 

    Mostly you see Nurse, Billy, Hag is really popular right now, Trapper P3, and lots of really good Freddy's. IO'm not sure about rank 1 right now since not back up there yet. I've been playing lots of new survivors to learn them better and how they work to kill them better lol.

    It’s the same, except for the Freddy’s. There are still Freddy’s that are up there, just not lots anymore. Myers seems more popular. Sparse Huntress here and there. 
    Around Rank 1 you'll find Freddy's,Hag and Nurse lately.... They manage to get a few kills but still lose

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @feffrey said:

    Around Rank 1 you'll find Freddy's,Hag and Nurse lately.... They manage to get a few kills but still lose

    pre rank reset Freddy's, Hag, Nurse, Trappers were pretty consistent in getting 2-4k every game. There were even Wraiths doing it but usually P3 or legacy ones.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    review bombed the game...who did that again exactly?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @feffrey said:
    Survivors are being oppressed by the killers they have been handed every tool they need to catch any survivor .

    If you can't catch a survivor that is your own fault

    Yes but the problem is that the game only gives you enough time to catch and kill 1 if survivors play efficient enough

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @feffrey said:
    But it isn't even hard to catch survivors... 100% of the time the killer spawns next to one survivor basically already 1 free kill . Remember it is more likely SWF so they will not let him die eventually they'll come for him...

    I still fail to see the insanity .. Are all killers affriad to just stop chasing a Survivor that's going to loop them?

    Do you ever play killer?

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    Master said:

    @feffrey said:
    But it isn't even hard to catch survivors... 100% of the time the killer spawns next to one survivor basically already 1 free kill . Remember it is more likely SWF so they will not let him die eventually they'll come for him...

    I still fail to see the insanity .. Are all killers affriad to just stop chasing a Survivor that's going to loop them?

    Do you ever play killer?

    I play the Nurse
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @feffrey said:
    Master said:

    @feffrey said:

    But it isn't even hard to catch survivors... 100% of the time the killer spawns next to one survivor basically already 1 free kill . Remember it is more likely SWF so they will not let him die eventually they'll come for him...

    I still fail to see the insanity .. Are all killers affriad to just stop chasing a Survivor that's going to loop them?

    Do you ever play killer?

    I play the Nurse

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    Why is anyone still responding to feffrey?  But hiw own admission he has never played killer and every post a salt-laden rant or pur3 bait.  Stop feeding the troll.
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    Baphomett said:
    Why is anyone still responding to feffrey?  But hiw own admission he has never played killer and every post a salt-laden rant or pur3 bait.  Stop feeding the troll.
    Oh? I didnt know you played the game for me?
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Master said:

    @feffrey said:
    Survivors are being oppressed by the killers they have been handed every tool they need to catch any survivor .

    If you can't catch a survivor that is your own fault

    Yes but the problem is that the game only gives you enough time to catch and kill 1 if survivors play efficient enough


  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    If you're a killer and can't catch a already heavily nerfed and disadvantaged survivor that is only your fault. Survivors shouldn't take the blame for your inability and lack of skill beat them. They've simply out played you

    Survivors arent even remotely good until at least P2 and that's only if you get multiple to P2 

    So I don't see the complaint other than begging for a free win
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    edited August 2018
    Does P stands for prestige? Isn't prestige just for cosmetics? You can get purple perks to 3 without it, so why bother? 
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Why is this still on the front page. Ugh I'm tired of looking at it. 
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    isnt @feffrey just another alt account of @EpicFailTryHard ?

    just report em :)
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Lowbei said:
    isnt @feffrey just another alt account of @EpicFailTryHard ?

    just report em :)
    Well I thought so at first but this account seems more aggressive and just doesn't have Epics "tone" of hipster superiority. 
  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Lowbei said:
    isnt @feffrey just another alt account of @EpicFailTryHard ?

    just report em :)

    Nawww, Epic's rantings were at least amusing. This person is just insane.

This discussion has been closed.