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  • Actually no, I'm not. This is the one patch that finally made me quit. Yes, it was somewhat cathartic to finally be able to continuously slam survivors who months have had too many defensive tools at their disposal, except it didn't come because the devs intentionally or otherwise broke balance, but because the game is an…
  • The queues are long because almost no one wants to play killer. The fun the survivors have on a match is on expense of the killer; if you kill them all then you're called a bunch of slurs, if you don't kill anyone, then prepare for harassment in the match and outside the match too. And before you say "Not all survivors are…
  • I was playing Executioner against a team of red SFW people. I was chasing a Claudette, who was the worst out of the bunch, and by the time I hooked her, 3 gens were gone. The rest of the match were the four of them preventing me from hitting Claudette, flashlight clicking, teabagging, using emotes, healing in my face and…
  • The number of times slugging everyone works as a strategy at purple/red ranks is pretty much 50/50. It's a risky strategy with perks like Unbreakable being meta nowadays, it can make you lose more time than playing normally, and it can revert your snowball. Plus it's boring for both Killers and Survivors. The fact that…
  • Games do not end in 4 minutes because no one has DS...
  • Because at least in my region, night time is when the red rank SWF sweat squads prowl. I'm a low purple-green rank killer that more often than not gets paired with 1-2 rank coordinated squads with ttv on their names...
  • I know many people swear by Rotten Fields, but the Swamp and the Stranger Things map are absolutely the worst. The Swamp is a Blendette's paradise, and seeing how she's a very popular character in my region (Brazil) that just makes it even worse. Yeah, corn makes it hard to chase but at least the map is lit up as…
  • I honestly only AFK when it's evident I have absolutely 0 chance of winning. I'm a purple rank killer that sometimes has to face Rank 1 SWFs; it's not even a challenge, it's downright not fun when you have a team of 4 heavily coordinated, skilled people teabagging you, flashlight clicking and pulling out stunts. And before…
  • Honestly, I was expecting them to follow track record and completely wreck Undying when I read about a nerf incoming. But... I'm pleasantly surprised. It doesn't breaks the Ruin + Undying combo to an unusable degree, it makes the anti-genrush build still viable without making it outright unfun and frustrating for…
  • I'll just tell you this: the average killerr will go invisible on Spirit, won't be able to see #########, and lose the chase. She's a high-skill ceiling killer and she's only truly annoying when going against red rank killers that actually know how to mindgame and chase without visual aid. Now, you make her as "visible" as…
  • As a killer main, every time this happens, I get mixed feelings. On one hand, getting a hit is always satisfying. On the other hand, I really don't feel I deserve that hit, and specially, the survivor that was doing its best to avoid it.
  • You haven't seen the brazilian DbD survivor community. I'm a killer main and I've had to go days without playing just to rest from all the toxicity I face while playing. Worst part, most aren't even bad players, they're GOOD players who love to shove it in your face and then use all sort of slurs in the end game lobby.…
  • "n my opinion, this could 100% be done without compensating Killers in any way, shape or form, since many are already very well equipped to deal with premades." Out of the stuff I disagree with you, this has to be probably the one that deserves a quotation the most. There's a very small sample of the killer population with…
  • Stop using DS and toolboxes above brown rarity and we're even.
  • I started playing some weeks after launch, but I mostly played Survivor. Whenever I played Killer it was Wraith all the way to go and I used to have a blast, but NEVER made it past rank 17. Stopped playing when Legion released. I came back when Executioner came out because of the Silent Hill hype (he's one of those killers…
  • Well, I'm really having a horrible time playing anything else... I mean, I am constantly running into the following now: -It's not just a matter of getting rid of the weakest link on the team: usually the weakest link is way better than me anyways. I've been matched against ranks 1s CONSTANTLY. -Been running into a bunch…
  • Damn... I was reading the thread and decided to go for Wraith... XD I have to say, I find Billy quite hard to use when compared to Leatherface. I use his chainsaw to traverse the map but actually using it to get hits during chases is hard. I've read your comments and I thank you all for your advice :) Sadly I can't really…
  • To the people who recommended me Spirit: what makes her easier to learn? I just bought her and she seems to be Nurse levels of hard to use, games as her are over very quickly, never in my favor; chasing people I can't see isn't much good when I can barely end chases I can see XD :/ I've been doing quite good with Freddy…
  • Hmmm, I really like Nightmare, but I'm having problems using him right, usually I kill 1 person at most, and as mentioned, the rest are lucky strikes with NOED. I put Snares on loops, but I have the feeling I'm not doing it right, as I usually put them nearby Pallets and 100% of the time they drop it and I have to break…
  • Hey there again! I've been reading all your comments and I'm very grateful for your advice, and it's nice to see another clown main ;w; I'm at work so my reply will be short. I had a match today after reading your advice, never really tried slugging before. I picked Nightmare and went for the "slug, hook, chase" approach…
  • Wow, those are some helpful replies, much appreciated! Regarding what you guys have told me, I'm quite bad at mind games, it's one of the things I'm trying to improve. I get nervous when chasing a survivor and I think it's noticeable, as they have all the time in the world to taunt me. I play in Latin America South…
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