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  • Ich bin auch für "Der Schrei". Das wäre voll super. =D
  • Wobei das nicht zwingend gewollte DCs sind. Letzte Nacht wurde ich gegen Ende des Spiels von einer Jägerin für meinen dritten Haken erwischt. Sie hob mich auf - und dann wurde ich aus dem Spiel geworfen. Für mich sah es aus, als habe der Killer disconnected, für meine Freundin und die anderen als habe ich disconnected.…
  • I would love to buy some of them for my Kate.
  • Seems to be for every plattform. Killed all four survivors yesterday with the Cannibal and his three perks. No trophy.
  • Great. Wednesday is the day I have to stay in the university till evening. And have to be up early the next day. Too bad, no long night tonight with Jeff.
  • Soweit ich weiß hängt das damit zusammen, dass das Spiel an sich über die Verbindung des Killers läuft, er also den Server bietet. In dem Moment, in dem du in seine Lobby wechselst, verlässt du den Server der Person, die eingeladen hat - und im Anschluss bist du natürlich wieder auf keinem Server. In White Noise 2 wird das…
  • They do have bots. I had many matches against one. If they are not bots then it's awesome how a living human is able to press the attack button in a steady rhythm - even in the lobby before the game actually starts.
  • I really like to hide behind the big trees and the bushes. It's a fun map for stealth play.
  • I have Laurie because I have every DLC. But I'm not interested in DS (or any other perk of her). So I've never used her until now. And this won't change in the near future.
  • But I don't have 4 friends who I want to play with.
  • I'd have no problem with that. Most of the times my items and add-ons are single-use anyway because I use them up during the match or exchange it with other items I find in chests. Or I die. So more bloodpoints would be nice.
  • When I am on the hook, the gates are open and the killer is camping, I always want the others to escape. It's way better than dying for me.
  • Jeder Survivor, der sich beklagt, dass Killer overpowert sind, sollte mal einen Tag lang nur Killer spielen. Meine Perspektive hat das ziemlich gut zurechtgerückt, denn wenn man erstmal einem relativ guten Team gegenübersteht, kannst du als Killer froh sein, wenn du überhaupt mal einen Überlebenden siehst, geschweigedenn…
  • I almost never see Adam. That kinda makes me sad because I like him. My friend thinks it's because he is too big and can't hide properly behind small obstructions but I don't know. Since my Kate is now P3, I think I will main him for a while. Then comes Quentin. Anyone else is pretty balanced ... or is Claudette.…
  • We have voice comms in White Noise 2, and after round after round after round of russian players that talk non-stop, high-pitched 14 years old and some kind of background noises of playing kids or techno music, I can't stand another game with open voice comm. No, I don't want to mute them, I don't want to hear them in the…
  • I don't think it's a player with two accounts but rather some kind of bot. Or someone who just uses a turbo controller or something like that. Because whenever I am in a match with killers like that, at first no one knows what's up and doesn't dare to get near the killer. If it would be always someone with a second account…
  • Strange. Had a game last week where I played Shape and three survivors escaped. I also had games against Shape where I was able to escape. It's almost like it depends on the skills of the players. Huh, crazy.
  • Oh great, following this advice I would have been banned in my first week of playing. I think the only way this would help (already good) players is by don't have any games at all because everyone else is banned before they got the hang of it. Sounds fun.
  • Uhm, ich bezweifle irgendwie, dass die Entwickler Killer-Ideen von Randoms übernehmen. Du kannst die Idee ja aber hier im Forum vorstellen und erst einmal sehen, wie sie überhaupt ankommt und was vielleicht noch nicht ganz rund ist. Ansonsten solltest du vielleicht auf der Website schauen und das dortige Kontaktformular…
  • I would like for the survivors to wave, too. Had a great game with a hag last night. When she met me at the exit where I was about to leave, I would have liked to wave to her to show I really enjoyed the game.
  • Same here. I'm pretty bad in interactions with the killer, so I prefer to sneak around, save people, do gens and destroy totems. It would be nice if that would be rewarded more.
  • Überlebende kannst du mit Kreis wieder auf den Boden fallen lassen. So kann man als Überlebender auch Items ablegen. Das fehlt echt in den Erklärungen.
  • I get dailies for Ace and Wraith even though I rarely play them. So I don't think it does. And a friend of mine always gets killer dailies even though she never plays killer.
  • Give me Chris or Claire as a survivor then I'm all game for this. :)
  • I'm playing on PS4 too.
  • You lose your offering though. And you are not getting it back. And - at least on PS4 - it's a matter of luck if you earn BP for the disconnect or not. Sometimes the game tells you that you did but in fact you have no more BP than before that round started.
  • Welchen Rang hast du als Killer? Unter 15 kann es schwer, Überlebende zu bekommen, weil man nicht unter Rang 16 abgleiten kann.
  • I'm all for it. I think he should also sing just like in Outlast, and like the Huntress hums in DbD right now. That would be pretty amazing.
  • It still amazes and frustrates me when I meet Rank 3 survivors that dont know you have to crouch against the Hag. Jesus, I just got you carefully off the hook and now you summoned her because you had to run. What? Did you think I just crouch across the map because I like it? So I really don't think Hag needs a nerf.…
  • Da ich seltsamerweise immer in der Nähe des Killers spawne, ist das auch so ziemlich mein Problem. Manchmal hab ich dann noch Zeit, mich zu verstecken, manchmal nicht. Und wenn der Doktor oder der Clown unterwegs sind und ihre Fähigkeiten spammen, kann ich es fast immer vergessen. (Außer jemand anderes baut direkt nach dem…
  • Campen gehört zum Spiel. Man hat versucht, Maßnahmen dagegen zu ergreifen, aber die Überlebenden haben es ausgenutzt, deswegen wurde es nach der Beta nicht ins reguläre Spiel übernommen. Es gibt Strategien und Perks, die gegen Camper arbeiten, die muss man halt anwenden/ausrüsten. Ja, Camping find ich auch nicht cool, aber…
  • I see her at least 3 times a night when I play on PS4. You must be very unlucky.
  • You can't spectate the killer, just the remaining survivors. Even when using SWF.
  • Maybe the entity isn't one being but rather much like the demon Legion or a hivemind.
  • Bill is only available on PC.
    in Huntress Comment by Alona September 2018