The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • bots this bots that... almost all of what you say here is nonsense. bots are simply here so that if a survivor DCs, the other survivors still have a change at winning that game. that can only be good. and they are also there so that stupid hatch plays or dc-ing to negate perks to the killer stop. is 100% something good for…
  • im ok with this change but would change the people that go to a different server, i would do it so that the people tha complain too many times about other players by pressing that button are the ones that go to their particular server, full of whiners like them, once there if you keep complaining by pushing the button you…
  • there is always a risk so i wouldnt show then until the match is over... but, i would add a "historic" function somewhere on the game so that you can go see data on previous games even after you leave. like i dont know, last 20 games get their endscreen recorded entirely and you can check them somewhere.
  • would agree with you on point 2 now that you mention it. if the gates are on, also having the hatch is too good for the survivors, they already have 2 doors, would be more interesting for the match if they have to use them instead of also having a random hatch. or at the very least the aura of the hatch should be visible…
  • i have seen other killers picking a 3 gen from the start with eruption and the like, even a 4 gen if haddonfield allows it with the ones that can appear near the main house. and i have been able to break it with randoms on solo queue. not always, is hard, but is not guaranteed that the killer can maintain a 3 gen even if…
  • thanks for answering, yes is true that the knight has a strong 3 gen setup. but that has the easy counter of survivors actually learning not to give knight a 3 gen, the same that you learn not do drink from fountains when facing plague or not to stay close when facing legion... is very countereable. plus, is not really the…
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