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  • HA! no look the whole point of anti loop and powers like nurse and blight is to give the killers side a fighting chance as someone already pointed out and as ill add to that even players without dead hard can still win against these killers with a little tool that i also want nerfed the i cant loop for ######### and there…
  • Honestly I love this game and its play styles but gens are of the rails and I'm disgusted by its speed and over all amount so I have devised 2 ideas in order to balance it first every time a gen is popped ever other gen on the map is blocked for a minute straight or you must complete all 7 gens on the map in order to escape
  • I personally really like the changes honestly hud I find interesting I love the way you can now see the hooks left for killer and I am kinda upset about the undying nerf because swf and gen rush is a problem but I am a pop man so I dont find it affecting me the thing is I was hoping to see the key nerf but also a cheeky…
  • Btw not trying to look good with the whole r1 on both just trying to say that I know what I'm on about also the ds and unbreakable nerf dose seem fair but in a way that it can still be used as anti tunnel just not the whole come and get me because I'm invincible for a minute
  • I'm ok with all these changes I'm r1 and both killer and survivor main but the thing I'm looking to put a hammer to is dead hard and keys they save to many times but also keys are just to busted plus cruchy I would also like for cold wind and haddon field to have its rework but I'm super happy that the game and crotus…
  • And might I add it was okay to be a bit careless around loops now you have to be super careful because as I've already said his tantrum is like double what It use to be
  • Yeah but at the cost of waiting for charges I dont want to have to wait plus a bit more movement speed isn't gonna help when the charge time can no longer be shortened
  • Also I know his full name I've seen the Texas chainsaw massacre
  • Hmm I dont like it it seems kinda tacky no more infinent chainsaw and the tantrum is twice as long it just seems like a down right nerf
  • Bubba doesn't need a rework
  • Holy sht right there with you like I play oni I was doing amazing three hooks 1 gen done and it should have been an easy win all of a sudden gens begin to pop left right and we are down to one with 3 still alive I am rank one but this is fcking ridiculous like are you shting me I have never in my life had to ask myself how…
  • Also to add to that list gen rushing should get a nerf so the nerf for that should be a 3 min timer placed on gens to stop gen rushing there now its fair
  • If you want to fck with killers we will fck with survivor
  • Also I've said it before and I'll say it again if you want him nerfed how about we even some things out that are to op as well the following nerfs should be taken into consideration in exchange for ph nerf first half the pallets on every map removed second both windows to meat tree and killer shack blocked and finally a…
  • Oh good christ look just because you entitled dcks need cruchy perks and broken loops dose not mean to say that you should be allowed to have them ph was brought In to solve the problem and already you petulant little babys are whiny af about him being to broken to op well i ain't having it hes a balanced killer just GET…
  • I'm complaining because even the best killers get looped for a while it's not just skill dude it's the quality of the loop you have a loop and then there just those brain dead fckin loops that are literally impossible to mind game on so ph was brought in to solve that problem and now everyone is wanting nerfs so the point…
  • Also I'm not a ph tunneler I'll come to your cage place torment around you then leave but what I am saying is you have to stop with this nerf him bs because hes balanced and If he gets a nerf the I feel we should get to nerf some of your stuff to even the odds plus I'm rank one so if you think I'm lying about not tunneling…
  • How about we settle the score like someone said if you get your cruchy perks back then we get our hook perks to work as well plus the cages should spawn near ph and how about we take care of some issues that ph is doing for us and you want him nerfed because he stops loops ok then we want half the pallets on every map gone…
  • Now your talking sense look we have heard alot of nerf buff but in my opinion hes balanced and honestly just really fun to play because he makes people who heavily rely on loops and bt and ds to win look stupid plus hes one of the more unique killers the thing that makes him special is he eliminates the old formula of…
  • I'm complaining because in some stages even the best killers get looped for a while and that's what I'm on about there are loops and then there are just broken loops that are just ######### af so point being is pyramid head is brought in to stop the brain dead formula and to try make a new one and I'm sick of people…
  • Btw I'm a rank 1 so me getting looped for that long is usually impossible
  • Also bro you can use them like jesus christ it's not like he has every one on the map trapped all I'm saying is unlike with other killers you cant just be a cocky idiot you actually have to be careful not to mention that what I said earlier is fact the formula dose suck and though you can mind game them out of it it's not…
  • It's not me getting looped I ment the ones that are normally they dont make it to the loop when I'm playing killer but I'm saying the killers that do need to have something to balance it out are the ones getting looped for years
  • And to be honest I have already seen people stop playing him on ps4 I get one every 20 to 30 matches and that's ridiculous considering he only came out 4 days ago
  • Look look guys I'm not gonna lie there have been some dirty plays with him lately but has anyone address the fact that pyramid head is the only one who is able to do these miracles of anti loop and ds and saves but the fact in the matter is most people will only want to play him for so long before everyone returns to other…
  • Yes but that's a great thing because the formula sucks it always has you think we like to take sht from your loops fck no it good that he exists because all the incredibly strong loops can now be nerf to a balanced state plus there have been to many times where the killer has been looped for 5 mins straight and pyramid…
  • Now I'm gonna be honest here I am one of those guys who charges to the cage the second it appears but unlike the campers I'm only there to put a trench around it so they dont lose the torment then I'm of again I also enjoy just trenching of every pallet on the map pretty good stuff but what I want to say is if you dont…
  • Bro you cant just use the range attack right in front of a survivors eyes ok he isn't huntress with her broken hatchet hit box it requires skill and focus to pull of also dont just go for it to look awesome that's 99% gonna add up to a miss you need to use it when they are in a thin area or lock in an animation it's the…
  • And to be honest why is it that the game cant just function the way it is to many want nerfs to many want buffs but at the end of the day it's the devs decision so that's it not to mention if it was killer bias ds Noor op loops and body blocking would be a thing allowing killers to just go on huge murder games with no way…
  • Yeah there was First of no need to flex your rank 1 because I am always rank 1 aswell even though its pointless second if what your saying about the devs being killer bias then how come body blocking is a thing how come strong loops exist how is it that dribbling is no longer possible with ds now how come the killer shack…
  • Bro do you realise what your saying is stupid as fck like it's so survivor bias all of you just complain and constantly whinge about how you cant get easy killers to face plus we needed a killer that stops op perks like ds and looping needed to be addressed beside all the good survivors are easily beating him so the…
  • Plus the only people I get scared of is the ones that actually don't care about getting tormented now those are the people I'm terrified of going up against I met a heather yesterday that was just fine with it and though I made quick work of her she still managed to loop me on some pallets which annoyed the ######### out…
  • Not to mention I hate people saying he needs torment on the ranged attack because that's ridiculous like I much prefer the trench is cool and give you way more control over the maps pallets
  • His range attack can be easily dodged but I use it when a survivor is locked In an animation giving me an easy free hit that's probably the best moments to use the attack because hes no huntress
  • To many nerfs to many buffs just let him be poor guy hasn't even had a day and hes already being judged himself
  • Sure didn't well its mainly the entitled ones
  • Look everyone wants something changed from him but as far as I can see he is about as balanced as demo so go do your hissy fit else where
  • Also most of the loops removed huh? Well bro I still see plenty of meat trees and there are still a ton of long pallet loops and t walls so hush your mouth and dont speak to soon
  • And might I point out that typos exist do yeah
  • Get better at countering him and maby you might actually make something of yourself
  • Yeah well dont be a whiny btch then ok and second your the ######### talking sht
  • Just leave him ok the poor guy has only had a day and already hes being judged himself I think hes perfect the way he is ok no nerfs because your to sht and need a ds a swf team and a brain dead loop up your as 24/7 because thats what a little pussy you are but at the same time no buffs because his range attack atleast…
  • Personally I love him the way he is he is just so balanced in my opinion I have a play style for him that works so well and he just feels so satisfying to play with and against so I think neither he dosent need nerfs because he is perfectly balanced and just because you cant get to a brain dead loop or use your cruchy ds…
  • Holy sht just enough look he is balanced plus the people tunneling with him are just crap but at the same time those who aren't should not have to suffer these complaints looks he fine and need no nerfs I have wrecked r1 ph and r1 survivors so he is equally balanced enough already ok hes fine plus if he needs nerfing then…
  • Bros good to see a chat that's not about ph op like I swear to god If they get him nerfed then I'm getting every loop removed on the map ha then it's fair but yeah its balanced I've easily beaten r1 ph and as him beaten r1 survivors so he is super balanced plus we needed a killer that stops ds brain dead loops and body…
  • Also might I suggest get GOOD like jesus christ just stop complaining oh I cant use cruchy ds oh I cant use broken loop that should be removed from existance oh I'm to bad at surviving and need a medkit up my as 24/7 look I have played him and got plenty of 4ks at r1 but once people start to figure him out no way will I…
  • Who said that I swear I'm gonna fckin kill him look look guys he has only just come out and already you want nerfs dont ruin killers because your sht at the game ok I have gone against tons of r1 ph and easily escaped so you are just bad plus we needed a killer that says no to ds and brain dead loops that you entitled…
  • This will be my last comment before I leave because I think I have proven my point about him being balanced but most of you who are complaining about him are the ones who use ds when the exit gate is open just so you can go and tbag at it thinking you are skilled and I would just like to say that those days are over and…
  • Another thing about him that's great is hes anti bodyblock which is amazing because that has been my biggest issue when playing killer and now I can finally reach the injured person without having to try squeeze past 3 little douch bags that seem to like clinging to my legs