This next part might be a bit controversial but bear with me. The DS nerf was good. It wasn't good because the game was healthy in that state but it was good because it highlighted how much of an issue tunneling really is. It had always been a thing but it was never more rampant than in 6.1.0 and that was probably what…
I mean, this is a complete different topic, but I think that not many people really like Daytime-Coldwind. Maps got brighter and brighter over time and IMO Daytime-Maps really feel out of place in DBD. Coldwind was looking so good before the switch to Daytime.
Thats the issue with descriptions, they are not entirely accurate if things can change during the match or if a Killer has special abilities which influence the stats provided. Myers had and still has 6m Terror Radius in Tier 1 (although you dont hear it, since he is Undetectable in Tier 1), 16m in Tier 2 and 32m in Tier…
You know, you having no easy Killer Matches does not mean that Killer is hard. If Killer is hard FOR YOU, this might be a FOR YOU-problem. But you can objectively say that Coldwind is really bad ressource-wise and Rancid Abattoir is a prime example for that. They made a bunch of super-unsafe Tiles and replaced Jungle Gyms,…
Tinkerer did need a Nerf. Sorry, it removed any gamesense needed if you get a notification whenever a Gen is at high progress, just to go there and let it reset with Ruin. Tinkerer was the problem with Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer. And not Ruin itself. If you think otherwise, you are simply wrong.
No, 5 seconds nowadays are not the same as back then. Back then Killers were weaker, maps were more survivor-sided. 5 seconds were more valuable a few years ago.
Yeah, "disaster" is a fitting term. In general, the Shake Up was not really a Shake Up. I dont consider it a Shake Up if the Meta on Killer Side goes from 3-4 Slowdowns to 3-4 Slowdowns, just different ones. Then there were unneeded Nerfs on both sides, some of them at least partially reverted. Iron Will-Nerf was not…
I think there are a few things which can be done, but I dont think they will make the Perks good. Because even if Weaving Spiders in theory is a good effect, I dont think that the time investment is worth it. But on the other hand, I think that the time investment is the part that balances the Perk and making it less of a…
None of that can be an actual indicator. Ingame hours - sure,, those MIGHT be a sign, but having many hours does not mean that the person is actually helpful. I played with a Survivor who had 21k hours and they did not do a single Gen, which lost us the game. And even if someone only has a low amount of hours, they could…
As others have said, this would really promote tunneling. It is easy to keep 3 people healthy and have a 15% Debuff to repairing while only chasing one Survivor. It would really raise the question why even using this Perk and going for different Survivors. Or even, why not just tunneling (which is already the most…
While I would say it is bannable (working with the Killer), I am baffled that the solution of Survivors losing collision when they get AFK Crows was not implemented yet. It is the perfect solution for this and will not really impact regular gameplay at all.
Of Level 2? Go to a Snow Pile, hit whatever Button lets you charge an Instant Snowman and you got it. Maybe you need to collect Snowballs first, but afterwards you should have the option to create an Instant Snowman.
I am of the opposite opinion - mainly unsafe Pallets, but lots of them (and no Bloodlust, since this makes fair unsafe Pallets unfair). The problem is if you have effective pallets, but not many of those, one bad Survivor who throws them fast can basically kill the entire team. But if you have loads of unsafe Pallets, a…
Yeah, you said it right. They asked in the Survey what the Understanding was. And as I said, two times - one time they asked what a Rework, what an Update and what a Tweak was and then they did the opposite and gave definitions and asked if the definition/description belonged to a Rework, to an Update or to a Tweak.
This was in the survey, yes. They even asked it twice, probably as a test so if someone answered anything different, their answers afterwards would probably not be considered, since the person answering it did not understand what a Rework, what an Update and what a Tweak is.
I have not seen a Killer who was AFK the whole match in months. And this might not even have been intentional, sometimes people really forget that they queued up, especially if queue times are long. I have seen Killers who went AFK when the match did not go their way, but this is whatever I guess. But not that a Killer was…
Thing is that those people are actually as good as they think they are.
Nothing is stopping that last survivor from just conceding up rather than stalemating the game and wasting everyone's time further. At best, you have a slim chance at hatch, while the other survivors sit there and rot. You're just as responsible. Let's all just go next. That is a bad take IMO. Why should a Survivor concede…
I mean, it was clear that something will be done about it, Killers are just overdoing it and there is way too much slugging outside of getting a bit of pressure or avoiding something like DS (as if this is needed nowadays anyway). So good that they are starting to look into it. Even tho I dont understand what difference…
This has always been the case, those accusations that the others must be some high Tier SWF. Before Dedicated Servers existed, I played against tru3, with tru3 and against/with the same players he was facing and for some reason he either is wrong most of the time or when I face those players they are solo, while they were…
I mean, the link is in the big red message:
This comes up all the time. But you can even compare those - Killers have an option to end the teabagging at the Exit Gate faster. Survivors dont have an option to speed up the Bleedout. But in general, those two should not be compared, for the reasons already mentioned. @Topic: There will be either something which helps…
Yeah, they should do something about slugging for the 4K. In the end it is someone prolonging the game and wasting tome of someone else (the Survivor on the ground) for a game they already won. And especially if not all Gens are done, and even more so if it was already a stomp, there is 0 reason to not feel like it was a…
MMR is active during events, just that you dont gain or lose any MMR. But your MMR is used for general Matchmaking. That being said, DBD-MMR is really bad at Matchmaking.
Would also say, it is due to the Bone Chill-Event. My Ping yesterday was really not good while playing, it was fine before the event started. Maybe the moving Snowmen are too much for the Server, who knows.
Are we really bringing up the strength of a Killer again, when it is just another Lose/Lose-situation and everyone should know by now that those are bad?
This, 3 Chapters per year and thats it. 4 Chapters with Side-Paragraphs just does not work. The Winter Chapter is usually one of the buggiest patches they release and it is usually the one chapter which is not really good received. I think this is a clear sign that 4 Chapters are just too much.
If you usually play Survivor and have fast queue times, then switching to Killer during the same time of day will result in longer queue times. Most of the time there are times during the day where Survivor is quick or even instant and then there are times where Killer is quick or instant. E.g. for me over the whole day…
The thing is, I dont really see that an incentive is needed. Because the best Perks for Killer are Slowdown-Perks and those mostly require hooking someone. So there is already an incentive to hook people, the issue here is that slugging is just too powerful currently, ESPECIALLY on strong Killers with good mobility. Even…
This is most likely the reason and I agree, those Killers should also have 40m Terror Radius. I thought they would give Billy the 40m Terror Radius, since especially in Overdrive, there is a VERY short time to react from first hearing the Terror Radius and then Billy being on you. At least it would make sense to be more…
Exactly, some players are pushing it. And it basically playing the game wrong. The game is designed around Survivors having 3 Hook Stages, not them dying on their first hook after being slugged. And even less that they are slugged until bleedout (which is also the reason why bleeding out almost gives no points at all). In…
Because they decided to add new, super-unsafe Tiles to the game. And they changed the Jungle Gyms, Longwalls and T/L-Walls on Coldwind with those new Tiles. And the problem is that they did it 1:1. While in reality, they would have needed to add some filler pallets between those. Nowdays Coldwind is completely…
This would not work. We know from the past that incentives alone dont work to change any behavior. @Topic: At this point it is inevitable that there will be something about slugging in the future. Slugging goes rampant, especially slugging for no reason. Nobody really has something against slugging when the Killer needs…
The problem with Nurse is not that she is on top. The problem is that she is on top while not being the most difficult Killer to play. I think it is totally fine that some Killers are weaker than others, because some are also easier to play. E.g. Wraith is an example, even tho I think he is a bit too strong for how simple…
If people talk about Nurse-Nerfs, they mean significant Nerfs. And this did not happen. Sorry, when for 8 years now, every Tier List starts with "Nurse is the best Killer"; then something is wrong. There is not even any thought if another S-Tier Killer could be better, there is just no other opinion possible except that…
Oh sure, I did not mean that they dont listen to PTB-Feedback. Just that it will not be changed from PTB to Live, since one point from OP was that PC-players get to test things which Console-players will not experience when it is on Live.´ Most of the time the feedback they gained from the PTB-Feedback is implemented in a…
True, but I would say that the Corrective Action-thing was simply an Oversight.
The PTB rarely has impact when it comes to balancing. I think the only time in recent years where it had a significant impact was with the Twins-Buff which did not come live (or was changed, to be more precise, since they got buffed). But here it is baffling already that it made it to the PTB. But in general, the Devs only…
lol. Not even close. Being in a 4 man SWF means exactly nothing. 99% of SWFs Killer players encounter are just chill people who want to play with their friends. The big issue is that most Killers think that SWF = comp, and it cannot be more far away from true at all. It really isnt. The times I encountered it were rare and…
Same here, had a Nurse a few days ago who did this. Was no TTV, but an Instagram-Account as a name, so I would assume that this person wanted to frame someone or something like that. First Cheater in a long time, so I dont mind it too much, but the DC-Penalty was not cool.
I think that it is an 18+ game should not matter at all. After all, you can still hurt adults with your words, especially when using racial or sexual slurs. And it is good that people are protected from it, that they are 18 or older should not change it or remove the protection. However, I agree that the Chatfilter is…
^ this. There was never a point where it was needed that Hexes keep their progress. This was a non-issue when Thrill of the Hunt got buffed. So the logical step is to revert the Buff of Thrill of the Hunt and not try to change other things. (And they will do something about TotH in the next Hotfix)
A personal opinion is that the Fiat Multipla is a good-looking car. Really wrong would it be to call it an airplane. And this is what you basically did. Your Tierlist is so wrong on so many levels, you cannot just say "personal opinion", this is just a giant bait.
Can you tell me how 47 seconds of M1-pressing on top of 90 seconds of M1-pressing are actually another objective? People would be happy for another objective, however, it should a) not be more M1-pressing and b) not be ON TOP of the existing Generators. E.g. if they ever decide to bring a second objective, it should be…
I almost never experience this. Like, really almost never. I even want to say "never", but I have in my head that it happend once. @Topic: Yeah, I agree. I think it even got worse with the most recent Patch, I get hit far more often on Windows than before. And it cannot be solely a Ping-thing - if I have 30 Ping to the…
It is even worse than the time investment you had to do for Undying. With Undying, if I cleanse 3,5 Totems in that time, the Totems are at least gone and there is the possibility that I hit Undying earlier. With Thrill of the Hunt you will have to spend those seconds guaranteed to get rid of one Hex-Totem, which might not…
Yes, very good News. And I think it is justified, they just slapped it onto the Live Servers without any testing at all, because I am very sure not even the consultants have tested this before, considering that one of them immediatly made a video pointing out how miserable Thrill of the Hunt became to go against. I am all…
Dont you think it is a bit more complex to fix Houndmaster compared to a simple number change for Thrill of the Hunt? Come on.
Yeah, exactly. Counterforce is doing a really bad job at countering Thrill of the Hunt. I have seen people suggest to buff Counterforce, but this would make it harder for players who just use regular Hex-Builds, e.g. someone who just uses Ruin/Undying, which is totally fine to use. Can you please link me to the post where…