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  • Agreed, megs cosmetics suck. She got a toilet paper wrap for a top and her new lace top (its really pretty)comes with a fugly skirt to match with it tho. They always seem to fail one way or the other. I wish they just made a standard body for these characters that way we can mix and match cosmetics rather than be limited…
  • I totally understand and respect your opinion. However it's how girls dress, feminine. Crop-tops, tank tops, short-shorts, skirts, whatever it is. it's how people are dressed in this year. Doesn't matter how girls are dressed end of the day it's going to be horror and I don't see you complaining about Dwights (a man) elf…
  • I agree, they need better cosmetic Ideas overall. I was looking forward to the Feng Min Bunny hoodie outfit but it looks butched up.
  • I perfectly understand what butch is, I'm part of the LGBTQIA+ community. That's pretty offensive since you're pretty much saying I don't understand my community that I'm a part of and very active with. There IS tons of BUTCH options in DBD.
  • You already have a ton of butch options in dead by daylight since it's filled with it.There is nothing wrong with butch However it's only catering to ONE specific audience. I've seen few feminine option so far with SOME characters. However they always have a butch/tomboy edge to it. In my opinion it is selfish you think we…
  • I just imagine most of the team who design these cosmetics are men who love that roughhouse man looks for women. I would love to see some women in the DBD department have some stylish feminine choices as well. I get that Kate and Claudette got one party set. I loved Claudette's big hair and makeup but even then Kates top…
  • Attitudes like yours appropriate racism.
  • Try to understand what I've just repeated over time again. Follow up with this thread and all its comments.
  • As I said before various of times. It is blackface, mask itself has been use to be shown as blackface. I get the fact that you can report users for being racist and harassment however people are still just using Claudette face as a tool of racism
  • Umm.... Are you serious? it is black face.. he is wearing a face that is black.. How do you not comprehend that? Leather face itself doesn't do it as a mockery for himself is a character and I get the fact that he is a killer and does not discriminate however this is a game and people online use it as a tool as a mockery…
  • Survivors like doing Yellow face aka jake and claudette its pretty offensive. I just think leather face should just have his own face and that's it. take away all the cosmetics.
  • You're defending them you're never going to change sit down take a seat cause you're not going to change your prespective. I'm tired of constantly being attacked and trying to nicely tell my side and tell people my thought process however I continue to be attacked by people telling me I'm uneducated and throw insults to my…
  • You can say all you want. Who are you? no one knows. for all I know you're bathing in your own feces when you can say you're bathing in rose water. Unlike you you choose to be small minded and narrow minded defending black face is wrong and disgusting. You're just quoting some googled quote acting like you know everything…
  • No it isn't because you are just validating racism and that is wrong. The whole idea is wrong and a bunch of you are just standing there defending it because are all small minded.
  • Yeah, if you give up there is nothing you can do about it. I have played dbd since it was in beta. I've been a supporter since day 1 but I'm tired of seeing leather face's trolling using Claudette face because it is blackface and promoting that. I do not want to disconnect each game when I am playing survivor when playing…
  • She is beautiful however it is still offensive since he is doing blackface.
  • You are validating it by merely defending it, It is old but it is offensive still to this day. especially these past two years where there is more racism than ever before. Those old ways will never die because that is part of history and you are saying let history die out. People still use it as a degrading manner and as a…
  • Yeah like if it was just his standard lore masks sure. but the rest of the masks aren't necessary. especially Claudette.
  • How can you look beyond skin color when you are treated differently because of it? How can you look beyond it if we are different pigments. It can be set in your mind but not others. Unfortunately a MAJORITY of people use it as a troll prop and use it for offensive purposes. The developers gave a troll piece to people who…
  • Leather face isn't real, its a writer who wrote leather face inspired by real events with movie directors who chose wisely not to show people of color faces shown on a Caucasian person because it would be offensive. It roots back to racists events where people would paint their faces black. It is easy to look at it…
  • I get that you might think that, but he wears it. I'm angry because he the Caucasian leather face wears it and that the community abuses this cosmetic feature. I know that developers did not intend to make this offensive but "unfortunately" in your case and the developers it is.
  • You're still not getting the point, You're saying this isn't a real issue. Honey where are you? You are not sleeping are you? What are you typing on? where is that screen? is it real?....TO GO BACK TO MY POINT. It is a REAL issue. I do not play fortnight nor NFL or what not and if it is a real issue address it. You have a…
  • It's a movie so movie directors had control of what he did not do so the audience wouldn't be offended. However the game art director didn't overlook this
  • He isn't so there is no what if.
  • I get that it wasn't meant to be offensive but developers are in-charge of this game and should of overlooked this with their game art director. This is offensive. There is a reason why in the movies of leather face there wasn't a black face shown that he was wearing, because he would of gotten a back lash from critics. On…
  • It's responses like that appropriate racism things in the community.
  • Saying that This isn't a REAL social issue.. It's a online game, there is social interaction in the game. You just got contradicted yourself it does have a effect on people because Look at this discussion, people who got effected and your merely shrugging it off. I'm not sure who you are and where you come from where you…
  • notice the racist self loathing person who has nothing to do but troll. It's called discussing in a forum about a serious subject and participating in the discussion.
  • Well I am because you are defending blackface because there is YOU VS THEM if black people are being mocked your laying down and letting them trample you and your ancestors because there is being blackface being thrown at your face constantly and people using it as a troll cosmetic. You can be afraid all you want however I…
  • Yeah I get that LF is a serial killer and that he wears his victims face. DBD is a pretty cool game and I'm sure you'll agree! However this is still a game where people have control of it and decided to put a Black face on a Caucasian male. I'm grateful that we have representation in the community having Claudette as a…
  • Real issues... There is tons out there, it is VERY separatism because We are SEPERATED. I'm holding myself back because I'm very sensitive to this subject. But this is an issue we can change if we brought this up to the devs. I'm a gamer and you are too. So understand our side. Clearly you did not do your history or failed…
  • I'm glad this discussion is finally happening. There isn't a day that goes by where I look at my skin color and think of myself as someone who gets treated less than most people. Because this is the reality I live in day by day basis I'm used to it which is pretty said to say. I don't think it's asking too much to…