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  • Why should I have to worry about a disconnect when I use the internet all day for work and it just drops out once randomly for a 5-10mins every 12-16?? That's not fair to me.
  • I had the provider come out yesterday and look at it. What else am I supposed to do?? It's like good for hours except when it gets past midnight than it gets all stupid.
  • That's #########. I'm not complaining because I dc'ed on purpose, it's because I didn't. Why should I have to be penalized for problems that aren't in my control?! Why doesn't anyone want to address those issues? All you people are just whining that the penalty system is good, but can't even admit IT HAS FLAWS.
  • It is a legit reason. The house sump decided to blow which blew the outlet with the electric surge it produced. LEGIT. And buy the best internet?? Like #########?? I already signed up for 1GB rates and its still crap. There is no better connection in this location. So don't talk crap when it is a legit concern. It's not…
  • how the heck can you get proof when you're in a game and didn't know the dumb killer is going to be a tunneler/camper!
  • The problem is the first, second, or whatever number dc you're on doesn't go away after a day or two. THATS why its bad! Even after playing for hours and not disconnecting the TIMER does not reduce which is sh*tty when you're trying to play everyday for this halloween event.
  • it's not fair. it needs to go! its such a bad system because it can't determine when you lose network connection and not a player truly disconnected issue. And why is it BAD to DC??? Seriously have you seen the level 1 killers lately? They're all just camping and tunneling anyways.
  • that's bs. you never know when you'll get network issues. I've played for hours and just once out of the whole day did i lose connection during a match.
  • network problems are not necessary the users fault! like i stated the outlet burnt out and killed the power to the cable box, how in the world was that the internet providers fault. The DC penalty needs to go. OR they need to improve their algorithm!
  • the developers should put in a penalty system for killers that are toxic! like make the game fair by giving tunnelled or camped players a boost. players shouldn't have to get -1 PIPS when killers are just tunneling and camping them THE ENTIRE GAME. What the heck is wrong with these killers lately? They are all just idiot…
  • i healed two survivors and nothing happened... i'm not sure how to finish this challenge...
  • I've been getting the rank update error all the time after escaping through the exit gate. I haven't been able to get any of my positive pips either. It's so unfair. I just get negative pips... really how is this fair?
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