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  • Exactly like stop saying they camped because you ran in before the hook animation even finished like let the survivor sit on hook for a minute! Ironically ditting on a hook won't kill them but insta running in could! And wastes game time to do a gen depending on its progress level. I think some do it because they don't…
  • Or they do try but don't think things through at all like the amount of matches against Legion I've had where they CLEARLY have discordant but then survivors try to sit on gens together? Or they try to speed unhook because "Legion will be in their ability" ok but that still a problem! Like good kegions are hard enough…
  • I've seen a few people say its patronising but I've never thought of it that way I always see it as a gamer being like "hey you've had a shut time I've seen that so here" and I've always thought it's nice when so much of the community can be toxic like "IF YOU DONT ALL GET OUT OR GET ALL KILLS YOUR NOOB GIT GUD" weird…
  • For survivor I would definitely say like hiding mechanics have pretty much stopped like don't get me wrong I'm not saying crouch walk everywhere ALL THE TIME and try to avoid the killer but I see it a lot where survivors jump straight onto looping when they could have potentially crouched somewhere q couple seconds not get…
  • Thats completely unrealistic. Survivors can't fight so the only option is perk/ stuns etc so if you remove them it's gonna just be no chance that's like saying remove all killer perks. Plus why does everyone announce its Survivor sided like its some conspiracy? Its a 4v1 asymmetrical it's not SUPPOSED to be equal it's…
  • It is necessary though because so many of the community has already left or wanted to leave because it got stale. Its not like they've kept all perks same and removed "good ones" they have made changes to actually try to benefit the game like most games do! So if your friends only wanted to stick yo one build set and never…
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