Closing this thread due to increasing toxicity with the recent comments.
Closing this thread due to the increase in toxicity with some comments.
Closing this thread due to the increased in toxicity with the recent comments.
Hello! I'm closing this thread up to here due to the recent comments becoming toxic and out of topic.
Hi there! We highly suggest reporting this on the Bug Report Section of the Official Forum. Thank you!
Closing the thread as discussions have gone way off topic. A reminder that if you happen to run into suspected bugs with the game, please report it here:
Closing thread as conversations have evolved beyond the initial topic at hand.
This looks like an account issue, if you still require assistance please ask other forum users in the Ask the Community sub section as we do not offer technical support on this forum. Please contact our Support Team here:
Hi there! Reminder to keep all comments civil and respectful. Thank you!
Hello! This looks like a technical issue, if you still require assistance, we suggest that you contact our support here:
Hi there! This Official Forum is for the base game of Dead by Daylight. For the mobile game, you can find it here: Thank you for your understanding!
Locking this discussion to avoid any escalations.
Hi, I'm closing this thread due to increasing tensions with some comments.
Hello! A reminder to keep comments civil, respectful and about the topic at hand. Thank you!
Hi, guys. A friendly reminder to keep your comments civil and respectful. Thank you!
Hi there! Please note that we only support the Console and PC version of Dead by Daylight here on the Official Forums. Thank you for your understanding!
Hi there! Please be reminded that this is a Discussion Platform. Content is needed to start a discussion. We'll be closing this thread. Thank you!
Hello! A reminder to please keep comments civil and respectful. Thank you!
Hi, guys. Stepping in to say that to keep your comments civil and respectful. Disagreements can happen, but let's be civil with our replies. Thank you!
Hey, guys. Just a reminder to keep comments civil and respectful. Thank you!
Hi there! For any suspected bugs, please post them on the correct category here:
A reminder to please keep your comments civil and respectful. Thank you!
Hi there! Please do note that we don't discuss bans on the Official Forums as this goes against the Forum Rules.
Hi there! For account related concerns, we suggest that you contact our Support Team here:
Hello! A reminder to please keep comments civil and respectful. Thank you!
Hi there! If you suspect a bug in-game. Please submit a report here:
Please refer to this post regarding Blast Mine: Thank you!
Hi there! For these kinds of post, please submit them in the Bug Report section of the Forum. Thank you!
Hello, everyone! Reminder to keep comments civil and about the topic at hand. Thank you!
Reminder to keep comments civil, respectful and about the topic at hand. Thank you!
Closing this thread as the conversations are escalation beyond the topic at hand.
We're locking this thread as the conversations are going in circles. The Pride Flag is not political as it is a symbol of inclusivity, diversity, and the celebration of the LGBTQ+ community.
Closing this thread as it it clear that the topic has caused some tension between some users. Reminder to please keep your comments and/or responses civil and respectful.
This thread is escalating, as such I will be closing it up to here.
I'm closing this thread to prevent escalation.
Okay, things are escalating. As such, I will be closing this thread. For any reports regarding other players, you visit this link for info:
It's clear that this thread is escalating. To prevent that, this thread will be closed.
Okay, I am closing this thread as this is escalating beyond the topic. As per forum rules, be respectful to other members.
This discussion is not about the game. As such, I'm closing the thread.
As per forum rules, Please do not encourage negative behavior (e.g. encouraging DCs and griefing, etc.). As such, I will be closing this thread up to here.
To prevent escalations, I'm closing this thread up to here.
Praying for a speedy recovery!
There's already another thread with the same topic. This thread will be closed.
Get well soon!
Alright, It seems that the comments here are escalating. As such, we will close the thread up to this point.
Okay, in light of some comments, I am going to go ahead and close this discussion up to here.
Hello, for bug reporting, please check the bug report section ( to see if it has been reported already and upvote it, otherwise you can submit a support ticket here: and simply select "Bug Report" from the form.