Please see initial discussion post title
What a lengthy response when your whole purpose was to do the exact same thing they did to you, to me on my post. I would be so glad if it was just 1 killer that was tunneling but it's impossible to play without a full swf so why would we? Maybe you should take your own advice here lol
Denial doesn't help yours.
Do you mean how we can build against aura reading but then they nerf Distortion? Survivors get NOTHING. They nerfed Decisive Strike :D
Why does my build have to surround the tunneling but they get to play however the want and use whatever perks they want AND they still nerf my general game play like smaller loops and closer hooks?
The fact that the maps are so much smaller and they get to see us at the beginning taking no time at all to get to someone for the first chase…
Again, you are completely ignoring the fact that they also nerfed the loops into the ground.
And the people that are pro nerfing survivor perks aren't taking into consideration the unreasonable amount of changes they are doing OUTSIDE of perks to help killers also. I can easily 360 a new killer. An experienced killer? No. A killer with bad ping? No. Guess what there isn't anymore of? Separation of servers to avoid…
While we are at it- Let's not take away from the million other ways that killers can see us (WITHOUT AURA) Think of the number of screaming perks. And the argument is that we will get to charge our distortion faster? TO 2 INSTEAD OF 3 NOW MIND YOU. Guess when I don't need a distortion token? In the middle of a chase. Guess…
Okay you're not even thinking about how those aura reading perks stack up though lol. Let's just type out a typical game. Everyone loads in. Survivors immediately (should) run to a generator. OOP KILLER HAS LETHAL- Killer is on someone and downs them. Killer has Pain Res and BBQ. (That's 3 perks) Killer gets gen block…
It could have been avoided. But they have not fixed the screams being a second before the hook.
Unknown is horrible for new players to go against. That's why he is OP. They will release these killers that are incredible strong to counter and just expect the survivor players to adapt. (Which we end up doing). Doesn't make them not OP at release, just means we learn to adapt to it.
Slightly annoy ≠ seeing where I am at all times during the game. Killer players be like..
Does this happen? I thought since we all agreed that matchmaking in this game has been broken for several years now that it's essentially random who you go against.
Also, yes. Because they'd still have to look around for us and allow us to be strategic instead of the game doing it for them.
This argument feels like such a reach. I don't DISLIKE the perks I mentioned. I just kept seeing them. There was a day I got the basement ritual perk 4 times when I played less than 10 games. Does your confirmation bias argument hold up against statistics?
With the way that the game is going, where loops are being shortened and spread out, and killers are getting more abilities instead of one major ability, chases don't last very long for the majority of players. Just now I had a player end themselves when they got hit with lethal. Immediately puts the other 3 at a major…
Oh my. I wish I could say I was shocked that you didn't pick up on the sarcasm. 3 is still a lot though. :)
Do you play survivor? A survivor player wouldn't type this LOL. I'm showing you THREE hooks in one area. Sorry that 2 hooks next to one another isn't enough for you. xoxo
Yeah let me just stop and grab an EMP in the middle of a chase.
That's fair. An anti-loop mechanic is much different than completely ignoring the loop though. It shows skill when you actually have to do the mechanic well versus all the killers they've been putting out when it comes to looping. Think of every single killer. Trapper puts a trap down in front of a loop… you're blocked.…
There are killers with anti-loop type mechanics that are still viable. Huntress is a good example of this. If you mess up when you're looping a pallet, she will get you. If she mind games you, she will get you. What is not good anti-loop mechanics, to name a few? Survivors forced to break the pallet by vaulting without a…
So the only way that killers can kill anyone is by ignoring the one thing survivors have to survive (Pallets)? Do you even play survivor?
Interesting :o I'll have to give it a try
This is fair- but you are not thinking of the longevity of a game where new players are likely playing with experienced friends. People do not want to be tunneled out after just starting a new game. It makes it not fun. I don't know why this is a hard concept to grasp?
Because a game I used to enjoy playing both solo and with friends is going downhill due to the number of nerfs happening to survivors to make the game less balanced. Did you read the initial post or…?
You're not the one having everything about your role in the game being nerfed constantly… it's not about you? lol
You must have mistaken me. I don't disconnect. I die on hook.
I don't want to play against them lol. I don't want to be forced to play sweaty because I have to deal with a camper or tunneler every game… and yes… it's getting to the point where it's every game.
Just to be clear- your answer is "play the game and hope it's fun even with the balancing issues" instead of them fixing it to make it more fun?
The point is not that there aren't balancing issues on the survivor's side. It's that they take every opportunity to nerf survivors and do nothing but buff killers, or not change the broken parts of killer at all.
It's not about your weird desire to tunnel and camp. It's about how the devs mitigate it so it's fair for both sides. :)
That's not true in a solo queue game with 3 other random players. But I think that makes my point exactly.
You will comment like that but then be the same person that cries when someone does a flashlight locker save LOL
That's how I've been playing too, but I have to imagine that it's not fun for the other solo queued individuals I'm playing with either. So it just becomes miserable for everyone lol.
Still think this is a good idea. Want to re-alive it for new suggestions.
This only makes sense for SWFs. This completely negates the possibility of running solo queue, because HARDLY will a solo queuer take a hit for someone or bodyblock.
That just means that the survivors were good runners, which should be rewarded. Not punished.
You know dead hard delays like literally one hit right? Can you not manage that?
Shop idea- Prestige look idea 1-100 *Taking this note for memory purposes
What does this have to do with the skin itself? There are a lot of different outfits within the Nutcracker...
Seems to be the consensus that most people voted for the Dredge. It makes me wish they did individual this or that votes
Fitting name.
It's wonderful that you don't care, but I do care. It's not my connection and I've shown that on a previous post where I showed my almost 800 Mbps internet connection. The issue is that I am being put on servers with killers I have no business being on because they extended the width of server reach.
I experience similar..
Have they mentioned any of the why? Like the guard was announced to be more a 4v4... feels like he just has free hits if we can't fight back at all.
I agree that it would take some testing, but it's definitely do-able. What bothers me is the complete lack of even acknowledging the way it is.
I agree completely :D
Yeah and they are missed.
Apparently there are no solutions to this because we're just suffering without hearing anything at all.