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  • Just confirmed it completes when using it 3 times in chase as survivor as well.
  • I dont think it's considered a healing action by the game mechanics. It says something like "gain a health state" or something so it's not affected by healing buffs/nerfs (ie botany knowledge, sloppy butcher). I think the better option would be pregame lobby showing the load out to the team. I agree it should somehow be…
  • It takes a few trys but it is doable solo. As others have suggested, my build was windows, boil over, flip-flop, Unbreakable. Flip-flop and Unbreakable just wasnt cutting it. I also tried switching out Boil Over for tenacity, but I think that boil over hiding the hooks can catch an inattentive killer off guard.
  • This was such a dumb tome challenge. To get it "normally" you have to use both bottles in a loop where the survivor can reach the piss cloud, like playing around shack. The actual way is to do it at the gates when the survivors are t-bagging you for playing so poorly (at least the was my experience 😅)
  • Blind the killer 10 times. Better just keep lightborn on for the next few days 😆
  • I think game mechanics wise, DS and power struggle are considered stun saves, not the same as wiggling from the killers grasp. Were you only trying these two methods to complete the tome?
  • Sorry, my apologies for not being clear, I was checking if it mentioned the 'locker spamming mechanic' that I had assumed makes the locker fall. I am curious to know if this is actually a bug or not.
  • I dont think that's a bug, but rather an obscure mechanic that happens when the survivor spams a locker. I've only seen it happen a few times, and it seemed like that was the reason. Like, idle crows to draw me in then played shack to get a Head On play from the locker she was originally idle in. After that the locker…
  • Oh my god, yesterday I had the worst instance of a lag hit as survivor, it was one of the McMillan maps with a tower, I jump down head for a pallet, watch killer fall down, drop pallet, take two steps forward, and killer hits me from the opposite side of the pallet 😅. They had the red ping icon, and I was on yellow (80-90…
  • I can see that point. Stepping back a bit, we need to define 'ruining the game'. From the OP that's consistent DCs do to network, whereas I switched the conversation to wifi/switch specific where lag/latency/ping is the predominanting issue. Given those differences, do you consider the lag and latency to 'ruin' the match,…
  • Granted we are talking about one extreme end (the multiple DCs from connection issues) verses the less extreme (generally weaker connection with occasional issues), so I agree it's not exactly comparing apples to apples, but I do think the person I previously quoted might still consider the difference less than desirable.…
  • The comment is still accurate, at this point it's closer to gatekeeping. Let's change perspective. The dev's made a port of this game for Switch, Switch does not have an ethernet cable plug in, only a usb, meaning the only way to hardwire is with an ethernet to usb adapter, which does not provide the same quality…
  • Spoken from a place of privilege. If only everyone had equal access to the same internet quality.
  • Oh, and if I feel like I need to coordinate the solo team Irri map + purple and yellow beads Deja Vu, Detectives Huntch + either Bond or windows and an exhaustion perk
  • Windows, Bond, Alert, Sprint Burst Bond, lightweight, self-aware, sprint burst And if I'm feeling a bit cheeky: power struggle, tenacity, Unbreakable, flip flop But literally 95% of games other survivors f-up the power struggle plays so I dont do that much 😅
  • This has been happening a lot more as of late. I've had an instance where a hook placement prevented the killer (me) from looping a filler tile while a survivor was hooked, pretty much giving a free unhook. I reported it too, but I doubt any action has been taken 😅
  • I always thought (or assumed) that was done by the survivor 'lag switching' so they can work the gen and avoid the grab. I've had it happen on a few different killers and it's always under suspicious circumstances. Other than it happening a few times I never really looked into it.
  • I always felt that its conditionally killer sided. Main building - survivor sided, decent looping potential, line of sight blocks, moderately difficult for M1 killers , okay for anti-loop killers & trap killers, multiple exhaustion procs for survivors (head on, balanced, lithe), and a high priority gen with good line of…
  • Perhaps the whole ranking system needs to be reexamined.
  • Not sure then. It must have been some combination of survivor wiggle movement (no boil over) and possibly me swinging at the other survivor. Still weird since my pathing never should have brought me withing the pallets hitbox. Just DBD things I guess.
  • Negative, because the camera flick is so limited. I play on switch fyi. I have not yet managed to 360
  • I'm guessing that is the case, but we cant know for sure without more information.
  • Personally I really like playing against Scratched Mirror, I think it's a lot of fun so I'd be pretty sad to see it go. I also think it could use a slight buff, giving him slightly faster tier 1 movement speed, not as fast as tier 2, but just a lil bump in the numbers, but I also understand why they dont.
  • Unfortunately it's going to be hard to say without clips. Did the survivor get up immediately or just very fast? And was there another survivor around to help out? If they are getting up immediately with no help whatsoever, that sounds like a cheat. Occasionally there will be a lag spike and it could be the servers…
  • As long as the loud noise notification was within the bounds of the detection range you will be spotted. If you have a screenshot of the endgame screen we could at least see if there was some perk in play to produce said notification.
  • I'm just describing the mechanics as I understand them with the sources I have, no need to get heated. There are many mechanics to this game and not everyone is aware of every tiny detail. I'm still leaning towards this is not a bug given what I've listed, but you do you.
  • In the description of the knights power it notes it goes through floors and ceilings (does not specify walls but my assumption is it would) once the survivor is detected. In addition the wiki notes the following: *Guards react to Loud Noise Notifications created by Survivors, akin to The Nemesis' Zombies. The following…
  • Still runs better than on the Switch 😅😆
  • I was thinking base kit sponge and sutures giving the increased great skill check area and a mild bonus to healing progression with said skill checks. Nothing too major, but something to differentiate the med kits. At this point I don't see any reason to bring anything other than the brown med kit.
    in Medkits Comment by Cyn0_0 May 2023
  • I dont think this is a bug. The knights respond to noise notifications and when they start the hunt they will move to where the survivor was first detected to plant the standard even if its through an obstacle. Perhaps the killer was using something to generate noise notifications when you were on a gen?
  • Just to confirm, distortion did not proc at all? Not just that you were not out of tokens and couldn't replenish them because the killer had no terror radius?
  • I've come across this same thing but it hasn't been acknowledged yet. From what I've figured out from personal observation is that when part of the challenge is to escape, and you do, the thing will light up in match but because the second part of the challenge wasnt met (no totems remain) it doesnt count for the tome. I…
  • I think with some combo of current pop, pain res, Eruption, jolt and some good RNG its possible, although I definitely agree it is no longer as easy for the killer to pull off.
    in About "3 gen" Comment by Cyn0_0 May 2023
  • Countering 3 gen in solo is hard, no doubt about that. I'd say the 'best' (or at least viable) strategy for solo is to be the survivor that works to break the 3 gen. Running something like visionary or deja vu can help visualize the potential 3 gens and work from there. Also using an irri map with purple thing to show…
    in About "3 gen" Comment by Cyn0_0 May 2023
  • I think Hens posted a video on YouTube highlighting the issues with the knight and 3 genning from the start on Dead Dawg. This is from 5 months back so it's slightly outdated but I think it still has the "current meta" you were asking for.
    in About "3 gen" Comment by Cyn0_0 May 2023
  • Pretty sure map repeat prevention is a myth 😅 I get repeats all the time. I also agree with the statement of some realms being more common. I rarely get Midwhich unless an offering is in play. That one really stands out to me.
  • I disagree with this statement. That, by my own 'testing' does not work and typically makes things feel even worse. At least with camping you are at least (sort of) pressuring 2 survivors. If you leave and they get insta unhooked there is a very good possibility you will not be able to hook a survivor again, especially…
  • Are we sure the drone wasnt activated manually by drone merchant to keep an eye on the hex? Not sure if that can be determined from survivors perspective, but that would be my first guess before thinking it's a hitbox bug. I guess seeing if a huntress can hit you with a hatchet from the same position could determine hitbox…
  • At this point I'm pretty sure the devs dont really care to put effort into their smallest customer base.
  • My thought is that with the numerous interactions between 4 sets of survivor perks, 1 set of killer perks, and the killers power + addons is too much for the systems hardware (as well as BHVRs servers) to handle. Are there other multi player games on switch like this one? I have a very limited awareness of other games.
  • So you are saying stacking progression bonuses as well as toolboxes, brand new parts, and built to last should also receive the same treatment? 🤔
  • I think the problem is that it cant be optimized on Switch. Hardware limitations or something. Its extremely frustrating playing on the Switch. Very hard time with any ranged killer, or even non-M1 killers in general. the joystick controls and aiming just feel so bad.
  • Whelp, that's cool. Just another reason this game should never have been released on Switch.
  • I might have been one of those survivors 😅 Same thing happened in my game, Wesker has gone who knows where, finish the last gen and me and other Nea just stop. Wesker is out passed the exit gate and gives is this frustrated 'Aaarrrgggghhh' head wiggle 😆
  • Did you get last second saved from your first hook state? Once or twice I've seen the HUD miss marking the hook stages when the rescue comes as the absolute last possible moment. So yes, looks like a bug, just curious as to the potential circumstances that were not in the clip.
  • To be fair there are a ton of mechanics to this game that are not outright explained and not always intuitive. I cant really blame OP on this one. To me the 'intuitive' interaction would be the stun is effective throughout the animation.
  • I would like to point out that this idea is giving the totem prop a blessing limit. That still leaves 15 potential chances to set up a boon (5 totems, 3 boon applications each). I still have the mindset that this would be of little impact to solo, nerf to SWF, and ok for the killer. I still haven't seen any reasonable…
  • It's been worse than usual as of late. Part of me wonders if their servers just cant handle the mass of perk and power interactions happening throughout a match. Some being server sided, some being player sided and stuff like that. Idk how realistic of an explanation that is though.
  • Both comments so far are saying boons are just not worth it as is. So then by that logic this change wouldnt matter. Another note from first comment was that boons are especially effective in SWFs, yes, exactly where this mechanic would come into play. Given that, this mechanic would still be worth it, barely impacting…
  • Thank you, i'll look into that. Today it's fine, no icon, so we will see what happens. 😐👉👉
    in Packet Loss Comment by Cyn0_0 May 2023
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