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  • Imagine for a second if every match you get into doesn't have a weak link, if every single match you get into every survivor knows EXACTLY where to run to the next resource Windows only gives information. It does not tell survivors how to mindgame or optimize their pathing. Nor does it tell them how to chain loops…
  • Instead of adding this feature to DS just make it a Nurse feature. Make it so: If Nurse gets stunned by any means her blink charges are set to zero and only begin recovering after the stun is over.
  • Imagine how busted Champion of Light would be with insta blinds. 20% hinder on demand.
  • So you think we should rule by majority then? If you're building a plane should we listen to the majority that knows nothing about building planes or the few that do? If we where to "rule" based on the best players i could just point you to Lyinxi who wins with Twins even against coordinated teams. Even before the buffs…
  • Incorrect. I do care about the experience of the other side. I play survivor regularly and enjoy that experience, even against Twins, and even with slugging. Me not thinking slugging is an issue, is not me not caring about the other sides experience. Those aren't the same thing. Considering the amount of people that…
  • It would just seem selfish to only care about the experience of one side. There is nothing inherently wrong with slugging and the hate of it is irrational. Twins also has tons of counter play You complain about it being selfish to only care about the experience of one side them proceed to dismiss the experience and…
  • They could simply say something is bad but agree it would need to come with something on the other side That should only be the case when both sides are in a similar level to each other. I do care about the experience of both sides as i don't main either role but Twins are not being neglected right now. They already got…
  • Solo queue does have issues. Your frustration is understandable but Adrenaline is still a top tier perk despite the nerfs. And Terminus only partially counters it. Even if it was a good counter this game has no draft system. Its fine to have counters available in the game but being encouraged to take a sub optimal perk on…
  • Its a shame that the rework missed the mark and that it needed to be reverted. However most of those changes are not quality of life improvements. They are buffs to an A tier killer. With no compensation nerfs. (unlike the much weaker Pig) I'm sure Twins players are happy but these changes do not Improve the gameplay flow…
  • Adrenaline is still a top tier perk. People are being way too dramatic about these nerfs. The sort of Adrenaline plays that made the perk S tier are still possible. You can still go for the last gens while ignoring healing and erase all the killer's pressure. It still counters slugging and can still save a survivor being…
  • I don't think healing is op right now due to the limit of uses you get from medkits but you don't need a dedicated build for it either. Surgical Suture + either the green or iri addon for charges and you can consistently get 2 fast self-heals per match. This requires no perks. If you are not confident with skill checks you…
  • Bite the Bullet could use a buff but i would rather have it be something else. We already strong anti aura read perks. I also don't like how this buff would trivialize A Nurse's Calling while being ineffective against Ultimate Weapon. Maybe stopping screaming would be better. Counters a meta perk that is currently only…
  • Like i was saying in the other reply: got a chance to test the killer better and the slow after teleporting is not that strong. You can catch up to the survivor if you make the right read before the teleport. I did fine without the brown addon. He can feel weak if you make mistakes tough. I can see why he feels bad to a…
  • He's A tier on paper but in practice the moment you start going up against good survivors who know how to counter his power he falls apart quickly. Hens and Otz already made an experiment with this killer and he did pretty well. And that was before the buffs he got on live. There where comp style restrictions. But he still…
  • Too early to tell but to me he seems to be like Singularity. Really good in the hands of a dedicated player. But average for most. Ranged attack (that damages over walls) + quick teleport with no stagger gives him map pressure and strong anti loop while also being good at playing in a territorial manner. His projectile is…
  • Unhealthy? The timer for the bombs is very generous. It takes effort from the Pig player or survivor misplays for them to result in a kill. Its rarely down to Rng. The arguably unhealthy aspect of this killer are the scream builds. Basekit bombs are not a problem. I dont care if the timer is 3 minutes or 2,5 minutes, it…
    in OINK Comment by Cypherius March 7
  • Depends on who i am playing with. I don't know my mmr but In Solo Queue i usually get decent team mates. If no one gives up early in the match then the game ends up being quite balanced and fun. Unless its a sweaty Nurse/Blight. These matches are not fun or fair. When Swfing with experienced players and we are not memeing…
  • How often does this happen to you when playing Billy? Just because these survivors gave up does not mean a significant amount of people dislike Billy now. It could also be the Wesker effect. They don't necessarily dislike the killer but are just fed up with how common they are. The question is. Did you like going against…
  • No. The easiest would be in a different meta when survivors in general where stronger. While there are issues and possible improvements (a ping system would be nice) with the role i do think its in a mostly decent state. Most of my matches feel balanced unless someone gives up early. The sentiment that solo queue is awful…
  • I don't see tunneling very often in my mmr range either. And when it does happen its because a survivor made a mistake. Killers dropping chase is more common in fact for me. But i do see it often when swfing with less experienced players. Killers quickly identify the newer player and try to focus on them. Now imagine that…
  • Myers is likely not a high priority for them. Besides, Tombstone Piece elevates him to B tier at best. And his other builds are pretty bad. Ideally any TP nerf should come with some heavy basekit buffs. But he will likely get the Pig treatment instead.
  • its true that Huntress's killrate is bellow the devs intended 60%. And pig is slightly above it. So you are probably right. But stats don't tell the whole story, and the devs know this. Huntress is very strong in the hands of a skilled player. I'll gladly take the changes. This'll move power from tunneling ppl at boxes to…
  • Why is Huntress being buffed again? She is an A tier Killer. Even on her "bad" maps she is still strong. Adding more lockers to these maps would be better while also helping Dredge. On the other hand Pig gets small buffs to her Dash/Crouch at the cost of her traps being nerfed. That is just not fair.
  • Assumptive? I am simply reading between the lines. Not the first time i see something like this happen. You are not the first to complain about something overpowered being nerfed. Not in general and not in this game either. Good for you if Blight is fun for you but your experience is not the only one that matters and…
  • "We are leaving the game because a massively overpowered and oppressive killer got a set of minor nerfs" The entitlement is palpable.
  • Something minor that is used more for fun than to get an advantage. Like slightly altering the level of fog. The snowballs you could pick and throw in the last winter event would make for a fun offering as well.
  • No. This would be horribly unbalanced. Offerings should be for bloodpoints and gimmicks not strong modifiers to the match.
  • Without Adrenaline? Depends on how much pressure the killer has but i am willing to heal. My usual builds are good for healing anyway. But if am using a stay injured build then not healing early game is strong (and very safe against killers with bad map pressure or weak chase). Its even better with skilled team mates that…
  • Another laughable issue is that Sadako got nerfed while Blight was made easier to play but remains overpowered. You would think that a killer with such a powerful base kit should not have strong game changing addons. At this pace i am genuinely concerned they will make Pig worse once her turn comes.
  • Adrenaline is a top tier perk (unlike the unfairly nerfed STBFL) in high level play and one of the biggest pillars in "don't heal" builds. Its only "fine" at average levels of play. S tier perk in the hands of a decent team that has gen efficiency and knows how to set up Adren plays . Its wild to me that so many people…
  • Self-Healing with infinite uses to the entire team at the cost of 1 perk slot is overpowered. The other boons are not strong enough to be an issue under these circumstances. Hot take: Current CoH is perfectly fine and viable. I still use it in some of my builds and get good value from it.
  • Champion of Light looks like a pretty decent perk. Deadline looks like a fun perk too. Lowering the dependency on rng for skillcheck builds is a very welcome effect. Will be using this perk a lot. The boon looks very underwhelming. But i am glad this mechanic has not been abandoned.
    in Alan Wake Comment by Cypherius January 9
  • Nurse is too high. Her skill floor is higher than the others but the ceiling is not that high. I would not call her easy to master but definitely not one of the hardest either. I would drop her at least 2 tiers. Wesker has the opposite situation. He is very easy to play at a basic level but it takes a lot of skill and…
  • Deadzones don't really matter when the survivors can see the killer coming from a mile away. They have plenty of time to pre run. The visibility of the map helps the survivors more than the killer. Especially if its a stealth killer. And a map being so big that you are encouraged to ignore huge parts of it is not balanced.…
  • STBFL is a bad perk on these killers (aside from Trapper and Pig) All 4 of these M2 killers are better off using their power as often as possible. Farming STBFL stacks is going to slow down your pressure and chase so much that its not worth the benefit. Simply using their power is stronger. Using STBFL instead of another…
  • Only change this perk needs is a notification to show up and reveal the perk after 3 stacks or so to help Solo teams. That way the obsession knows about it and can counter the perk. STBFL is a bad perk on these killers. Relying on this perk when playing M2 killers can teach you some bad habits. Its better in the long run…
  • Exhaustion perks are fine. And they create fun gameplay. No changes are needed. Except Smash hit. It is still terrible.
  • I think people are misunderstanding the stay injured strat. There are times when staying injured can be powerful/the best play. Like when you are about to finish an important gen and want to avoid Pop or Pain res hitting it. Or its the last gen and you want to setup an Adrenaline play. But the crowd that refuses to heal no…
  • The stay injured strategy can be very strong when done correctly and at the right time. Its especially strong against weaker killers. But survivors who are literally never healing are misplaying. Very risky against stealth or if the killer is proxy camping. And you can't do much to help a tunneled team mate if you are…
  • I can see why you would be burned out from the game. Being farmed and tunneled does suck. Hopefully it gets better but in the meantime i recommend running Lucky Break + Overcome. This combo lets you escape chase pretty consistently so long as you have a los blocker. Making you less likely to be tunneled. The killer gets…
  • There are some potentially fun modes there. Like random perks, Disgustingly scary fog or the 2v8 and 5v5 modes. But what concerns me are the questions that came before. They asked about separate queue times. I fear that separating the pool of players like this is going to make the already bad matchmaker even worse.
  • Perks that modify your terror radius or give undetectable are great against people that refuse to heal. And they don't have MFT to bail them out anymore (a survivor perk that got nerfed recently). There are balancing issues in this game but Lithe and SB are fine. This is just confirmation bias. One random person…
  • Bad killer players giving up against good survivors after inflating their mmr by tunneling inexperienced players is hilarious to me. On a more serious note i don't think the mmr system will be changed for them. It is working as intended after all.
  • Wesker's M2 is really strong, but also difficult to use beyond the basic level. Getting more practice with his power should get you quick chases even when they pre run. You can also try and reach them from directions they do not expect. But that is not always an option Something that helps me a lot with this killer is the…